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Commission vs. Committee — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on November 5, 2023
A commission is a group with a specific task and authority granted by a higher body, while a committee is a group of people appointed for a specific function.
Commission vs. Committee — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Commission and Committee

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Key Differences

A commission is typically established with a specific mandate and authority to carry out a particular task or investigation, often by a government or other official body. A committee, however, is usually a group of persons appointed from a larger organization or assembly to deliberate on or address specific matters or issues within the purview of that larger group. Both are structured groups, but a commission often has broader powers, like making decisions or enforcing laws, whereas a committee tends to advise or manage tasks without the same level of authority.
Commissions are often created to perform a task that has a high level of importance or requires a specialized skill set. Committees, by contrast, are usually involved in the process of governance, such as within a legislative body, a corporation, or other organizations, focusing more on oversight, advisement, and coordination. For example, a government may form a commission to investigate a public concern, while a committee might be formed within a legislative body to review proposed legislation related to that concern.
The authority of a commission usually extends to performing official actions as representatives of the appointing body, such as issuing regulations or enforcing laws. Committees, conversely, generally act in an advisory capacity, providing recommendations or reports to a larger group. A commission might be granted the power to enact change based on its findings, while a committee would present findings to a decision-making body.
Commissions are often temporary, ceasing to exist upon completion of their designated function, though some may be permanent. Committees might be standing, continuing to operate indefinitely, or temporary, such as those set up for a specific event or purpose. For example, a commission may disband after presenting its findings on a policy issue, whereas a committee, like an audit committee in a corporation, might exist as a permanent fixture to oversee financial reporting.

Comparison Chart


A group with a specific task and authority from a higher body.
A group appointed for a specific function within an organization.


Often has decision-making or enforcement power.
Typically advisory, without executive power.


Can be temporary or permanent, often dissolves after task completion.
Can be standing (permanent) or ad hoc (temporary).


Investigative, regulatory, or executive tasks.
Deliberation, advisement, or governance within a body.

Example of Establishment

By government order, law, or official directive.
By a larger organization or assembly's decision or rules.

Compare with Definitions


A group authorized to perform certain functions.
The city established a commission to oversee the new public works project.


A group tasked with a specific project or activity within an organization.
The event committee has planned a fantastic year-end gala.


An act of granting certain powers or authority to carry out a specific task.
The artist received a commission to create a mural for the library.


A group of members appointed from a larger assembly.
She was elected to serve on the steering committee.


A fee paid to an agent for services rendered.
She earns a 5% commission on every sale she makes.


A group established to do preparatory work for a larger body.
The committee will outline the agenda for next month’s conference.


A group of people officially charged with a particular function.
The commission on environmental standards will report their findings today.


A committee or commission is a body of one or more persons subordinate to an assembly. A committee is not itself considered to be a form of assembly.


An instruction, command, or role given to a person or group
One of his first commissions was to redesign the Great Exhibition building
He received a commission to act as an informer


A group of people appointed for a specific function by a larger group and typically consisting of members of that group
A committee meeting
The housing committee


A group of people entrusted by a government or other official body with authority to do something
A commission was appointed to investigate allegations of police violence


A person entrusted with the charge of another person or another person's property.


A sum, typically a set percentage of the value involved, paid to an agent in a commercial transaction
He sold cosmetics on commission
Foreign banks may charge a commission


A group of people officially delegated to perform a function, such as investigating, considering, reporting, or acting on a matter. See Usage Note at collective noun.


A warrant conferring the rank of officer in an army, navy, or air force
He has resigned his commission
She intended to apply for a commission in the army


(Archaic) A person to whom a trust or charge is committed.


The action of committing a crime or offence
The commission of an arrestable offence
The errors are of omission rather than commission


A body of one or more persons convened for the accomplishment of some specific purpose, typically with formal protocols.


Order or authorize the production of (something)
The portrait was commissioned by his widow in 1792


(archaic) A guardian; someone in charge of another person deemed to be unable to look after themself.


Bring (something newly produced) into working condition
The aircraft carrier was commissioned in 1945
We had a few hiccups getting the heating equipment commissioned


One or more persons elected or appointed, to whom any matter or business is referred, either by a legislative body, or by a court, or by any collective body of men acting together.


Appoint (someone) to the rank of officer in an army, navy, or air force
He was commissioned into the Royal Fusiliers


One to whom the charge of the person or estate of another, as of a lunatic, is committed by suitable authority; a guardian.


The act of granting certain powers or the authority to carry out a particular task or duty.


A special group delegated to consider some matter;
A committee is a group that keeps minutes and loses hours


The authority so granted.


A self-constituted organization to promote something


The matter or task so authorized
Investigation of fraud was their commission.


A group of people delegated to consider, investigate, and report on or deal with certain matters.
The finance committee is reviewing the annual budget.


A document conferring such authorization.


A body that manages the affairs of an organization.
The executive committee meets quarterly to discuss company policy.


A public board or administrative body
The Federal Trade Commission investigates false advertising.


Often Commission A ruling council within the Mafia that adjudicates family disputes and regulates family activities.


The act of committing or perpetrating
The commission of a crime.


A fee or percentage allowed to a sales representative or an agent for services rendered.


An official document issued by a government, conferring on the recipient the rank of a commissioned officer in the armed forces.


The rank and powers so conferred.


To grant a military commission to.


To grant authority for (something to be made or done); place an order for
Commission a new symphony for the festival.


To authorize or engage (someone to do something)
Commission an architect to design a building.


To put (a ship) into active service.


A sending or mission (to do or accomplish something).


An official charge or authority to do something, often used of military officers.
David received his commission after graduating from West Point.


The thing to be done as agent for another.
I have three commissions for the city.


A body or group of people, officially tasked with carrying out a particular function.
The European Commission
The Electoral Commission
The Federal Communications Commission
The company's sexual harassment commission made sure that every employee completed the on-line course.


A fee charged by an agent or broker for carrying out a transaction.
A reseller's commission
The real-estate broker charged a four percent commission for their knowledge on bidding for commercial properties; for their intellectual perspective on making a formal offer and the strategy to obtain a mutually satisfying deal with the seller in favour of the buyer.


The act of committing (e.g. a crime or error).
The commission, preparation or instigation of an act of terrorism


(transitive) To send or officially charge someone or some group to do something.
James Bond was commissioned with recovering the secret documents.


(transitive) To place an order for (often a piece of art).
He commissioned a replica of the Mona Lisa for his living room, but the painter gave up after six months.


To put into active service.
The aircraft carrier was commissioned in 1944, during WWII.


The act of committing, doing, or performing; the act of perpetrating.
Every commission of sin introduces into the soul a certain degree of hardness.


The act of intrusting; a charge; instructions as to how a trust shall be executed.


The duty or employment intrusted to any person or persons; a trust; a charge.


A formal written warrant or authority, granting certain powers or privileges and authorizing or commanding the performance of certain duties.
Let him see our commission.


A certificate conferring military or naval rank and authority; as, a colonel's commission.


A company of persons joined in the performance of some duty or the execution of some trust; as, the interstate commerce commission.
A commission was at once appointed to examine into the matter.


The acting under authority of, or on account of, another.


To give a commission to; to furnish with a commission; to empower or authorize; as, to commission persons to perform certain acts; to commission an officer.


To send out with a charge or commission.
A chosen bandHe first commissions to the Latian land.


A special group delegated to consider some matter;
A committee is a group that keeps minutes and loses hours


A fee for services rendered based on a percentage of an amount received or collected or agreed to be paid (as distinguished from a salary);
He works on commission


The act of granting authority to undertake certain functions


The state of being in good working order and ready for operation;
Put the ships into commission
The motor was out of commission


A group of representatives or delegates


A formal statement of a command or injunction to do something;
The judge's charge to the jury


An official document issued by a government and conferring on the recipient the rank of an officer in the armed forces


The act of committing a crime


A special assignment that is given to a person or group;
A confidential mission to London
His charge was deliver a message


Put into commission; equip for service; of ships


Place an order for


Charge with a task


An instruction, command, or duty given to a person or group.
The soldiers were on a commission to deliver the message safely.

Common Curiosities

How does a committee function?

A committee functions as a deliberating body to discuss, manage, or advise on specific organizational matters.

Can a commission make decisions?

Yes, commissions often have the authority to make decisions related to their task.

What is a commission?

A commission is a group with designated authority to perform a specific task, often by a government.

What is the role of a committee?

Committees generally advise, govern, or manage specific aspects within an organization.

Are commissions permanent?

Commissions can be either temporary or permanent, depending on their established purpose.

Can an individual be a commission?

In some contexts, an individual can be given a commission, such as an art commission.

Are committees made up of experts?

Committees can be made up of experts or organizational members, depending on their purpose.

How does a commission differ from a board?

A commission typically has a more focused task, while a board has a broader governance role.

Do committees have legal authority?

Committees typically do not have legal authority; they operate in an advisory capacity.

Who can form a commission?

Commissions are often formed by governments, organizations, or executive orders.

What is a standing committee?

A standing committee is a permanent committee that operates continuously.

Is a commission paid?

In the context of sales, a commission is a fee earned; otherwise, it refers to a group or task.

How are committee members selected?

Committee members are usually appointed by the parent organization or elected by its members.

Can a committee implement policies?

A committee typically advises on policies; implementation is usually done by an executive body.

Do commissions report their findings?

Yes, commissions often report findings or recommendations to an appointing authority or the public.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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