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Wing 'clap' solves mystery of butterfly flight 蝴蝶展翅飞行之谜破解

Episode 210201 / 01 Feb 2021


The fluttering flight patterns of butterflies have long inspired poets, but baffled scientists. The delicate creatures have unusually large wings, which are aerodynamically inefficient. But now using high-speed cameras and a wind tunnel, researchers say they have solved the puzzle.


When taking off, the leading edges of the butterfly's wings come together to form an air pocket. This improves the efficiency of the wing clap, pushing the butterfly forward at speed. The researchers say that this flying trick has helped the slow-moving creatures escape predators and thrive.


The authors believe the discovery could prove useful in other spheres. Some drone devices and underwater vehicles already use propulsion systems based on a wing clapping motion, but with limited success. The researchers say that the natural approach developed by butterflies could dramatically improve the performance.



fluttering 拍打、颤动(翅膀)
delicate 小巧脆弱的
aerodynamically 空气动力学方面,空气动力学地
high-speed cameras 高速摄像机
solved the puzzle 解决了谜题
leading edges 前缘
air pocket 气穴
clap 拍动
flying trick 飞行技巧
slow-moving 行动缓慢的
drone 无人机
underwater 水下的
propulsion 推进,推动力


1. True or false? Scientists have always been able to explain how butterflies can fly with large, inefficient wings.

2. What did researchers use to solve the mystery of butterfly flight?

3. When taking off, which parts of the butterfly come together to form an air pocket?

4. In which area, according to the authors, could the discovery prove useful?


1. True or false? Scientists have always been able to explain how butterflies can fly with large, inefficient wings.
False. The fluttering flight patterns of butterflies have long baffled scientists.

2. What did researchers use to solve the mystery of butterfly flight?
Researchers used high-speed cameras and a wind tunnel to solve the puzzle.

3. When taking off, which parts of the butterfly come together to form an air pocket?
The leading edges of the butterfly's wings.

4. In which area, according to the authors, could the discovery prove useful?
According to the authors, it could dramatically improve the performance of propulsion systems used in drone devices and underwater vehicles.

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    Episode 230717 / 17 Jul 2023

    An astronomical detector provides new view of our galaxy

  • Developing decaffeinated coffee beans 巴西研究人员培育天然低咖啡因咖啡豆

    Developing decaffeinated coffee beans 巴西研究人员培育天然低咖啡因咖啡豆

    Episode 230710 / 10 Jul 2023

    Decaf coffee bean project

  • Spacecraft to map UK's heat inefficient buildings 英国发射能绘制建筑物热量特征图的航天器

    Spacecraft to map UK's heat inefficient buildings 英国发射能绘制建筑物热量特征图的航天器

    Episode 230703 / 03 Jul 2023

    Mapping heat inefficiencies in British homes

  • First case of 'virgin birth' has been found  in crocodile 科学家发现首例孤雌生殖美洲鳄

    First case of 'virgin birth' has been found in crocodile 科学家发现首例孤雌生殖美洲鳄

    Episode 230626 / 26 Jun 2023

    Crocodile's virgin birth

  • Rare orchid flowers in London 稀有兰花品种在伦敦邱园开花

    Rare orchid flowers in London 稀有兰花品种在伦敦邱园开花

    Episode 230619 / 19 Jun 2023

    Why is this flower so rare?

  • Brain implants help paralysed patient to walk 植入式大脑信号传导装置帮助瘫痪者重新行走

    Brain implants help paralysed patient to walk 植入式大脑信号传导装置帮助瘫痪者重新行走

    Episode 230612 / 12 Jun 2023

    Life-changing technology helps paralysed patient to walk

  • First ever full-sized scan of the Titanic 泰坦尼克号首次全尺寸扫描揭示沉船全貌

    First ever full-sized scan of the Titanic 泰坦尼克号首次全尺寸扫描揭示沉船全貌

    Episode 230605 / 05 Jun 2023

    Have you seen what the Titanic looks like these days?

  • Exhibition of sculptures by Picasso opens in Spain 毕加索雕塑展在西班牙开幕

    Exhibition of sculptures by Picasso opens in Spain 毕加索雕塑展在西班牙开幕

    Episode 230529 / 29 May 2023

    Picasso sculpture exhibition

  • 'Very rare' 460-million-year-old fossils discovered 研究人员在威尔士发现距今4.6亿年的 “极罕见” 化石

    'Very rare' 460-million-year-old fossils discovered 研究人员在威尔士发现距今4.6亿年的 “极罕见” 化石

    Episode 230522 / 22 May 2023

    Amazing fossil find

  • Cost of homemade sandwiches soars 英国人在家自制三明治的食材成本飙升

    Cost of homemade sandwiches soars 英国人在家自制三明治的食材成本飙升

    Episode 230515 / 15 May 2023

    Homemade sandwiches costing more

  • Accelerating melt of ice sheets now 'unmistakable' 极地冰盖加速融化现在 “不容置疑”

    Accelerating melt of ice sheets now 'unmistakable' 极地冰盖加速融化现在 “不容置疑”

    Episode 230508 / 08 May 2023

    The melting of the ice sheets

  • What we know about King Charles's coronation 英国王查尔斯三世加冕典礼亮点前瞻

    What we know about King Charles's coronation 英国王查尔斯三世加冕典礼亮点前瞻

    Episode 230501 / 01 May 2023

    King Charles's coronation plans

  • Unesco world heritage status: Seven sites win UK backing 英政府批准七处景点申报联合国教科文组织世界遗产

    Unesco world heritage status: Seven sites win UK backing 英政府批准七处景点申报联合国教科文组织世界遗产

    Episode 230424 / 24 Apr 2023

    Here are the British candidates to become World Heritage sites

  • Woolly mammoth meatballs: Food of the future? 猛犸象肉丸会是未来的肉类替代品吗?

    Woolly mammoth meatballs: Food of the future? 猛犸象肉丸会是未来的肉类替代品吗?

    Episode 230417 / 17 Apr 2023

    Lab-grown mammoth meatballs for future meals?

  • New UN climate report published 联合国发布新气候报告

    New UN climate report published 联合国发布新气候报告

    Episode 230410 / 10 Apr 2023

    What does the latest UN climate report say?

  • New spacesuit for return to the Moon unveiled 美国国家航空航天局发布新一代登月航天服

    New spacesuit for return to the Moon unveiled 美国国家航空航天局发布新一代登月航天服

    Episode 230403 / 03 Apr 2023

    New improved spacesuit

  • 2,400-year-old toilet found in China? 考古学家在中国发现距今2400年的马桶?

    2,400-year-old toilet found in China? 考古学家在中国发现距今2400年的马桶?

    Episode 230327 / 27 Mar 2023

    How old is the oldest flushing toilet?

  • ChatGPT: Is using AI to help with your school work cheating? ChatGPT:用人工智能帮你做作业算作弊吗?

    ChatGPT: Is using AI to help with your school work cheating? ChatGPT:用人工智能帮你做作业算作弊吗?

    Episode 230320 / 20 Mar 2023

    Should chatbots help with schoolwork?

  • Bad dreams 'help to control fear when awake' 不愉快的梦 “有助于控制醒来时的恐惧”

    Bad dreams 'help to control fear when awake' 不愉快的梦 “有助于控制醒来时的恐惧”

    Episode 230313 / 13 Mar 2023

    Bad dreams may help you in your waking hours, research suggests

  • Weight loss injection to be sold by UK chemists 英国商业街药店将出售减肥注射剂

    Weight loss injection to be sold by UK chemists 英国商业街药店将出售减肥注射剂

    Episode 230306 / 06 Mar 2023

    New injection for weight loss

  • Killer whale mothers look after sons for life 虎鲸母亲为照顾儿子付出一生

    Killer whale mothers look after sons for life 虎鲸母亲为照顾儿子付出一生

    Episode 230227 / 27 Feb 2023

    How long do orcas stay at home?

  • Horses and dogs sailed with Vikings to Britain, say scientists 科学家证实维京人将动物带到英国

    Horses and dogs sailed with Vikings to Britain, say scientists 科学家证实维京人将动物带到英国

    Episode 230220 / 20 Feb 2023

    The Vikings' special relationship with animals

  • Could ants help to detect cancer? 蚂蚁能帮助 “嗅出” 癌症?

    Could ants help to detect cancer? 蚂蚁能帮助 “嗅出” 癌症?

    Episode 230213 / 13 Feb 2023

    Could ants detect cancer in people?

  • Ship restoration: Medieval vessel is 'world's largest 3D puzzle' 考古学家将拼装中世纪沉船 —— “世界最大三维拼图”

    Ship restoration: Medieval vessel is 'world's largest 3D puzzle' 考古学家将拼装中世纪沉船 —— “世界最大三维拼图”

    Episode 230206 / 06 Feb 2023

    15th Century ship restoration begins

  • Single-use plastic plates and food utensils to be banned in England 英格兰地区将禁用一次性塑料餐盘和餐具

    Single-use plastic plates and food utensils to be banned in England 英格兰地区将禁用一次性塑料餐盘和餐具

    Episode 230130 / 30 Jan 2023

    Time to stop using single-use plastic cutlery

  • Man solves 20,000-year Ice Age drawings mystery 英国男子解开两万年前冰河时期洞穴壁画之谜

    Man solves 20,000-year Ice Age drawings mystery 英国男子解开两万年前冰河时期洞穴壁画之谜

    Episode 230123 / 23 Jan 2023

    Ice Age drawings mystery solved

  • The amount of carbon stored by UK forests underestimated 研究显示:英国森林碳储量被低估

    The amount of carbon stored by UK forests underestimated 研究显示:英国森林碳储量被低估

    Episode 230116 / 16 Jan 2023

    Old trees are good for fighting climate change

  • Europe's new weather satellite goes into orbit 欧洲新气象卫星进入轨道

    Europe's new weather satellite goes into orbit 欧洲新气象卫星进入轨道

    Episode 230109 / 09 Jan 2023

    New satellite to improve weather forecasting

  • Working in extreme heat puts strain on foetus 孕期在极端高温下工作会对胎儿造成压力

    Working in extreme heat puts strain on foetus 孕期在极端高温下工作会对胎儿造成压力

    Episode 230102 / 02 Jan 2023

    The effect of heat on unborn babies

  • Alzheimer's drug breakthrough 阿尔茨海默病治疗药物获重大突破

    Alzheimer's drug breakthrough 阿尔茨海默病治疗药物获重大突破

    Episode 221226 / 26 Dec 2022

    New drug to slow down Alzheimer's

  • Patagotitan: Colossal dinosaur heading for UK display 巴塔哥巨龙骨架模型将在英国展出

    Patagotitan: Colossal dinosaur heading for UK display 巴塔哥巨龙骨架模型将在英国展出

    Episode 221219 / 19 Dec 2022

    A cast of Patagotitan will go on show in London

  • Boots made for men an injury risk to women footballers 女球员穿为男性设计的球靴更易受伤

    Boots made for men an injury risk to women footballers 女球员穿为男性设计的球靴更易受伤

    Episode 221212 / 12 Dec 2022

    Better football boots for women?

  • Lab-grown brain cells learn to play video game 实验室培养出的脑细胞可玩电子游戏

    Lab-grown brain cells learn to play video game 实验室培养出的脑细胞可玩电子游戏

    Episode 221205 / 05 Dec 2022

    Can mini-brain cells grown in a lab be smart?

  • English National Opera to leave London as arts funding gets levelled up 英国为城镇升级计划调整艺术经费 英国国家歌剧院总部搬离伦敦

    English National Opera to leave London as arts funding gets levelled up 英国为城镇升级计划调整艺术经费 英国国家歌剧院总部搬离伦敦

    Episode 221128 / 28 Nov 2022

    More arts funding will be given to organisations outside the capital

  • Overall prices of budget food in UK supermarkets soar 英国超市廉价食品价格总体上涨

    Overall prices of budget food in UK supermarkets soar 英国超市廉价食品价格总体上涨

    Episode 221121 / 21 Nov 2022

    New ONS report shows UK budget food prices have risen in general

  • Five hours' sleep is tipping point for bad health 五小时睡眠是健康身体的最低要求

    Five hours' sleep is tipping point for bad health 五小时睡眠是健康身体的最低要求

    Episode 221114 / 14 Nov 2022

    What is enough sleep for good health?

  • Coronation date for King Charles III announced 英国国王查尔斯三世加冕仪式日期公布

    Coronation date for King Charles III announced 英国国王查尔斯三世加冕仪式日期公布

    Episode 221107 / 07 Nov 2022

    A date for King Charles III's coronation

  • Baby names: Oliver knocked off top spot by Noah “诺亚” 取代 “奥利弗” 成为英国最受欢迎男孩名字

    Baby names: Oliver knocked off top spot by Noah “诺亚” 取代 “奥利弗” 成为英国最受欢迎男孩名字

    Episode 221031 / 31 Oct 2022

    Which baby names were the most popular in 2021?

  • New malaria vaccine is world-changing, say scientists 英国科学家研发出有望 “改变世界” 的新疟疾疫苗

    New malaria vaccine is world-changing, say scientists 英国科学家研发出有望 “改变世界” 的新疟疾疫苗

    Episode 221024 / 24 Oct 2022

    New life-saving vaccine

  • King Charles: New royal cypher revealed 英国国王查尔斯三世新皇家标志揭晓

    King Charles: New royal cypher revealed 英国国王查尔斯三世新皇家标志揭晓

    Episode 221017 / 17 Oct 2022

    King Charles III cypher revealed

  • New method of extracting silver 科学家找到提取金属银的新方法

    New method of extracting silver 科学家找到提取金属银的新方法

    Episode 221010 / 10 Oct 2022

    New way to extract silver

  • Baby sticky tape skin test can predict eczema risk 用胶带做皮肤测试有助预测婴儿湿疹

    Baby sticky tape skin test can predict eczema risk 用胶带做皮肤测试有助预测婴儿湿疹

    Episode 221003 / 03 Oct 2022

    New eczema risk test for babies

  • Brain stimulation boosts memory 研究发现脑电刺激可改善记忆力

    Brain stimulation boosts memory 研究发现脑电刺激可改善记忆力

    Episode 220926 / 26 Sep 2022

    There might be a way to boost people’s memory, experts found

  • Unseen Charles Dickens letters go on display 英作家狄更斯未公开书信被展出

    Unseen Charles Dickens letters go on display 英作家狄更斯未公开书信被展出

    Episode 220919 / 19 Sep 2022

    Dicken’s letters revealed

  • Forest fires and the destruction of trees 森林大火导致树木被烧毁

    Forest fires and the destruction of trees 森林大火导致树木被烧毁

    Episode 220912 / 12 Sep 2022

    Have you seen a forest fire?

  • Eco-labels for supermarket food 英国超市食品有望被贴上环保标签

    Eco-labels for supermarket food 英国超市食品有望被贴上环保标签

    Episode 220905 / 05 Sep 2022

    The environmental impact of food

  • Reviving dead pig organs 猪死亡后脏器恢复生机

    Reviving dead pig organs 猪死亡后脏器恢复生机

    Episode 220829 / 29 Aug 2022

    How could revived pig organs help people?

  • Paper-saving 'de-printer' invented 新发明:省纸节能的 “去墨打印机”

    Paper-saving 'de-printer' invented 新发明:省纸节能的 “去墨打印机”

    Episode 220822 / 22 Aug 2022

    Paper-saving invention

  • Skin cancer and different types of skin 皮肤癌与不同肤色间的联系

    Skin cancer and different types of skin 皮肤癌与不同肤色间的联系

    Episode 220815 / 15 Aug 2022

    Are all skin types at risk of skin cancer?

  • Cat saved from fire using an animal oxygen mask 用动物氧气面罩从大火中救出猫咪

    Cat saved from fire using an animal oxygen mask 用动物氧气面罩从大火中救出猫咪

    Episode 220808 / 08 Aug 2022

    Fire safety for pets

  • Are holograms the future of medicine? 全息影像是医学教学的未来吗?

    Are holograms the future of medicine? 全息影像是医学教学的未来吗?

    Episode 220801 / 01 Aug 2022

    Is this the future for training doctors?

  • Earliest evidence of wildfire discovered 科学家在英威尔士发现最早野火证据

    Earliest evidence of wildfire discovered 科学家在英威尔士发现最早野火证据

    Episode 220725 / 25 Jul 2022

    Origin of oldest wildfires discovered

  • Peeing in the sea at Spanish resort to be banned 西班牙港口城市将禁止游客在海洋中小便

    Peeing in the sea at Spanish resort to be banned 西班牙港口城市将禁止游客在海洋中小便

    Episode 220718 / 18 Jul 2022

    Clean sea plans

  • Huge plan to map the DNA of all life in British Isles 科学家为不列颠群岛所有生命进行基因组测序

    Huge plan to map the DNA of all life in British Isles 科学家为不列颠群岛所有生命进行基因组测序

    Episode 220711 / 11 Jul 2022

    Ambitious DNA mapping project

  • EU sets date for common phone charge cable 欧盟将统一手机等电子设备充电端口

    EU sets date for common phone charge cable 欧盟将统一手机等电子设备充电端口

    Episode 220704 / 04 Jul 2022

    Standardisation for charging ports

  • Some butterfly species disappearing in the UK 英国24种蝴蝶被列为濒危物种

    Some butterfly species disappearing in the UK 英国24种蝴蝶被列为濒危物种

    Episode 220627 / 27 Jun 2022

    Disappearing butterflies

  • Was there life on Mars? 火星上曾有生命存在吗?

    Was there life on Mars? 火星上曾有生命存在吗?

    Episode 220620 / 20 Jun 2022

    A rover on Mars is looking for proof there was once life

  • Still hope for an endangered porpoise species 濒危物种加湾鼠海豚仍有望免于灭绝

    Still hope for an endangered porpoise species 濒危物种加湾鼠海豚仍有望免于灭绝

    Episode 220613 / 13 Jun 2022

    Can these porpoises be saved?

  • Independent regulator for English football 英国政府考虑设立足球监管机构

    Independent regulator for English football 英国政府考虑设立足球监管机构

    Episode 220606 / 06 Jun 2022

    English football review

  • Orchards vanishing from the landscape, says National Trust 英国国家信托基金会:果园正从景观中消失

    Orchards vanishing from the landscape, says National Trust 英国国家信托基金会:果园正从景观中消失

    Episode 220530 / 30 May 2022

    Are orchards disappearing?

  • Detecting aggressive prostate cancer 尿液细菌或是恶性前列腺肿瘤先兆

    Detecting aggressive prostate cancer 尿液细菌或是恶性前列腺肿瘤先兆

    Episode 220523 / 23 May 2022

    Prostate cancer research

  • Britain’s loudest bird makes ‘booming’ recovery 英国叫声最响亮的鸟类数量迅速恢复

    Britain’s loudest bird makes ‘booming’ recovery 英国叫声最响亮的鸟类数量迅速恢复

    Episode 220516 / 16 May 2022

    UK’s loudest bird recovery

  • Hedgehog populations in countryside falling 英国乡村地区刺猬数量下降

    Hedgehog populations in countryside falling 英国乡村地区刺猬数量下降

    Episode 220509 / 09 May 2022

    Rural hedgehogs declining

  • Wildfires may slow ozone layer recovery 野火可能会减缓臭氧层恢复

    Wildfires may slow ozone layer recovery 野火可能会减缓臭氧层恢复

    Episode 220502 / 02 May 2022

    Bushfires may slow ozone recovery

  • Nasa's giant new SLS Moon rocket makes its debut 美国航空航天局新月球火箭首次亮相

    Nasa's giant new SLS Moon rocket makes its debut 美国航空航天局新月球火箭首次亮相

    Episode 220425 / 25 Apr 2022

    Nasa's new rocket

  • Plastic pollution: Green light for 'historic' treaty “历史性” 协商应对塑料污染

    Plastic pollution: Green light for 'historic' treaty “历史性” 协商应对塑料污染

    Episode 220418 / 18 Apr 2022

    Plastic pollution agreement

  • Vaccine could mean fewer smear tests needed 适龄接种 HPV 疫苗可大幅减少患宫颈癌风险

    Vaccine could mean fewer smear tests needed 适龄接种 HPV 疫苗可大幅减少患宫颈癌风险

    Episode 220411 / 11 Apr 2022

    HPV vaccination

  • Kennel hit by meteorite gets auctioned 被陨石砸中的狗屋被拍卖

    Kennel hit by meteorite gets auctioned 被陨石砸中的狗屋被拍卖

    Episode 220404 / 04 Apr 2022

    Meteorite auction

  • Medicine in rivers 药物排入河流威胁全球卫生

    Medicine in rivers 药物排入河流威胁全球卫生

    Episode 220328 / 28 Mar 2022

    Which waters are most contaminated by drugs?

  • Earth has more tree species than we thought 地球树木种类高出已知数量

    Earth has more tree species than we thought 地球树木种类高出已知数量

    Episode 220321 / 21 Mar 2022

    Tree species discovery

  • Hit word puzzle game has been acquired 人气猜词小游戏被收购

    Hit word puzzle game has been acquired 人气猜词小游戏被收购

    Episode 220314 / 14 Mar 2022

    Would you play Wordle?

  • Hippos can recognise their friends’ voices 河马也能闻声识友

    Hippos can recognise their friends’ voices 河马也能闻声识友

    Episode 220307 / 07 Mar 2022

    Who are hippos talking to?

  • Tahitian coral reef discovered 塔希提岛附近发现 “原始” 珊瑚礁

    Tahitian coral reef discovered 塔希提岛附近发现 “原始” 珊瑚礁

    Episode 220228 / 28 Feb 2022

    New coral reef discovery

  • Queen's Platinum Jubilee: Celebration plans unveiled 英国女王登基70周年庆祝安排公布

    Queen's Platinum Jubilee: Celebration plans unveiled 英国女王登基70周年庆祝安排公布

    Episode 220221 / 21 Feb 2022

    Royal baking celebration

  • Superbug that came from hedgehogs 源自刺猬皮肤的超级细菌

    Superbug that came from hedgehogs 源自刺猬皮肤的超级细菌

    Episode 220214 / 14 Feb 2022

    Superbug from hedgehogs

  • Largest-ever millipede fossil found 考古学家发现有史以来最大千足虫化石

    Largest-ever millipede fossil found 考古学家发现有史以来最大千足虫化石

    Episode 220207 / 07 Feb 2022

    Amazing fossil find

  • UK TV production rebounds 英国电视制作业投资回升

    UK TV production rebounds 英国电视制作业投资回升

    Episode 220131 / 31 Jan 2022

    UK TV drama production rebounds

  • Plastic pollution in the ocean creates new habitat 塑料垃圾成为海洋生物的新栖息地

    Plastic pollution in the ocean creates new habitat 塑料垃圾成为海洋生物的新栖息地

    Episode 220124 / 24 Jan 2022

    Have you heard of the so-called ‘Great Pacific Garbage Patch’?

  • Stonehenge builders' diets 建造巨石阵的古人也吃甜食?

    Stonehenge builders' diets 建造巨石阵的古人也吃甜食?

    Episode 220117 / 17 Jan 2022

    What did the builders of Stonehenge eat?

  • Human activity makes forests emit carbon 人类活动使森林成为净碳排放源

    Human activity makes forests emit carbon 人类活动使森林成为净碳排放源

    Episode 220110 / 10 Jan 2022

    Forests releasing carbon

  • Transit Survey seeks armchair astronomers “凌日搜索计划” 招募志愿者在家中参与太空观测

    Transit Survey seeks armchair astronomers “凌日搜索计划” 招募志愿者在家中参与太空观测

    Episode 220103 / 03 Jan 2022

    Call for armchair astronomers

  • Thousands of UK’s red phone boxes to be saved from closure 英国数千座红色电话亭将得以保存

    Thousands of UK’s red phone boxes to be saved from closure 英国数千座红色电话亭将得以保存

    Episode 211227 / 27 Dec 2021

    Protection for UK’s phone boxes

  • 'Father of tiramisu' dies “提拉米苏之父” 逝世

    'Father of tiramisu' dies “提拉米苏之父” 逝世

    Episode 211220 / 20 Dec 2021

    'Father of tiramisu' dies

  • Gender gap in ADHD diagnosis 多动症诊断中的性别差异

    Gender gap in ADHD diagnosis 多动症诊断中的性别差异

    Episode 211213 / 13 Dec 2021

    ADHD diagnoses

  • Nasa mission to smash into asteroid launches 美国国家航空航天局开展小行星防御任务

    Nasa mission to smash into asteroid launches 美国国家航空航天局开展小行星防御任务

    Episode 211206 / 06 Dec 2021

    Asteroid mission

  • ‘Archie’ enters the top 10 of most popular boys’ names “阿奇” 入围最热门男孩名榜单前十

    ‘Archie’ enters the top 10 of most popular boys’ names “阿奇” 入围最热门男孩名榜单前十

    Episode 211129 / 29 Nov 2021

    Popular baby names revealed

  • Gene silencing medicine transforms crippling pain 基因沉寂药物有望改善卟啉病患者生活

    Gene silencing medicine transforms crippling pain 基因沉寂药物有望改善卟啉病患者生活

    Episode 211122 / 22 Nov 2021

    What does gene silencing do?

  • Stink bug discovered in the UK 英国萨里郡发现害虫 “臭屁虫”

    Stink bug discovered in the UK 英国萨里郡发现害虫 “臭屁虫”

    Episode 211115 / 15 Nov 2021

    How did stink bugs come to the UK?

  • Early baby therapy could reduce autism diagnoses 早期婴儿治疗可减少自闭症确诊人数

    Early baby therapy could reduce autism diagnoses 早期婴儿治疗可减少自闭症确诊人数

    Episode 211108 / 08 Nov 2021

    Reducing autism diagnoses

  • Biodiversity loss risks 'ecological meltdown' – scientists 生物多样性丧失可能造成 “生态崩溃”

    Biodiversity loss risks 'ecological meltdown' – scientists 生物多样性丧失可能造成 “生态崩溃”

    Episode 211101 / 01 Nov 2021

    What risks does biodiversity loss pose?

  • Rare birds are returning to Wales 稀有鸟类回归威尔士

    Rare birds are returning to Wales 稀有鸟类回归威尔士

    Episode 211025 / 25 Oct 2021

    Do you know which birds are returning to Wales?

  • Folic acid to be added to UK flour to help prevent birth defects 英国面粉将加入叶酸以预防婴儿先天缺陷

    Folic acid to be added to UK flour to help prevent birth defects 英国面粉将加入叶酸以预防婴儿先天缺陷

    Episode 211018 / 18 Oct 2021

    Preventing birth defects

  • Two new dinosaur species discovered on the Isle of Wight 英国怀特岛发现两个新的恐龙物种

    Two new dinosaur species discovered on the Isle of Wight 英国怀特岛发现两个新的恐龙物种

    Episode 211011 / 11 Oct 2021

    Do you like dinosaurs?

  • Tuna species on the rise but sharks and rays on the decline 自然报告:金枪鱼部分品种数量回升,鲨鱼和鳐数量下降

    Tuna species on the rise but sharks and rays on the decline 自然报告:金枪鱼部分品种数量回升,鲨鱼和鳐数量下降

    Episode 211004 / 04 Oct 2021

    Marine life report

  • Streetlights linked to insect decline 昆虫数量的减少与路灯有关

    Streetlights linked to insect decline 昆虫数量的减少与路灯有关

    Episode 210927 / 27 Sep 2021

    Learn more about how streetlights are affecting insects

  • The sound of rattlesnakes 响尾蛇为迷惑接近者切换响动频率

    The sound of rattlesnakes 响尾蛇为迷惑接近者切换响动频率

    Episode 210920 / 20 Sep 2021

    The sound that rattlesnakes make may be more intriguing than you think

  • Study finds aspirin could help in treating some breast cancers 阿司匹林可能有助对抗部分乳腺癌类型

    Study finds aspirin could help in treating some breast cancers 阿司匹林可能有助对抗部分乳腺癌类型

    Episode 210913 / 13 Sep 2021

    Could aspirin help fight some breast cancers?

  • Galaxies seen in ultra-high definition 天文学家捕捉到宇宙星系超清图像

    Galaxies seen in ultra-high definition 天文学家捕捉到宇宙星系超清图像

    Episode 210906 / 06 Sep 2021

    How have scientists captured galaxies in UHD?

  • Artificial Intelligence may diagnose dementia in a day 人工智能或能在一日内诊断出失智症

    Artificial Intelligence may diagnose dementia in a day 人工智能或能在一日内诊断出失智症

    Episode 210830 / 30 Aug 2021

    Can AI help spot dementia?

  • Study finds farm chemicals killing more bees 混合杀虫剂增加蜜蜂死亡数量

    Study finds farm chemicals killing more bees 混合杀虫剂增加蜜蜂死亡数量

    Episode 210823 / 23 Aug 2021

    Do you want to save the bees?

  • Are middle-aged people more unhealthy than ever? 英国中年人健康状况是否不如以往?

    Are middle-aged people more unhealthy than ever? 英国中年人健康状况是否不如以往?

    Episode 210816 / 16 Aug 2021

    Health in mid-life

  • Discussion on banning boiling lobsters alive in the UK 英国考虑禁止活煮龙虾等海洋生物

    Discussion on banning boiling lobsters alive in the UK 英国考虑禁止活煮龙虾等海洋生物

    Episode 210809 / 09 Aug 2021

    Do you think lobsters feel pain?

  • New app counts bug splats on your car 新应用程序统计被车撞扁的飞虫数量

    New app counts bug splats on your car 新应用程序统计被车撞扁的飞虫数量

    Episode 210802 / 02 Aug 2021

    Counting squashed bugs with an app!

  • Clues to how birds migrate using Earth’s magnetic field 鸟类如何利用地球磁场帮助导航迁徙?

    Clues to how birds migrate using Earth’s magnetic field 鸟类如何利用地球磁场帮助导航迁徙?

    Episode 210726 / 26 Jul 2021

    How do birds migrate?

  • Clouds of Venus too dry to support life, study finds 研究发现金星云层太干无法维持生命

    Clouds of Venus too dry to support life, study finds 研究发现金星云层太干无法维持生命

    Episode 210719 / 19 Jul 2021

    Do you think there’s life on Venus?

  • Amazon-dwellers lived sustainably for 5,000 years 亚马逊雨林原住民五千年来对生态环境损害极小

    Amazon-dwellers lived sustainably for 5,000 years 亚马逊雨林原住民五千年来对生态环境损害极小

    Episode 210712 / 12 Jul 2021

    Amazon study

  • Water shrews – the tiny diving mammals 水鼩:体型小巧的潜水哺乳动物

    Water shrews – the tiny diving mammals 水鼩:体型小巧的潜水哺乳动物

    Episode 210705 / 05 Jul 2021

    Have you heard of water shrews?

  • Underwater avalanche continued for two days 非洲西侧海底沉积物崩塌持续两日

    Underwater avalanche continued for two days 非洲西侧海底沉积物崩塌持续两日

    Episode 210628 / 28 Jun 2021

    Underwater avalanche

  • Dog paddling pools boost retail sales 狗狗游泳池带动宠物用品销售增长

    Dog paddling pools boost retail sales 狗狗游泳池带动宠物用品销售增长

    Episode 210621 / 21 Jun 2021

    Does your dog need a paddling pool?

  • Algae proteins partially restore man’s sight 藻类蛋白帮助男子恢复部分视力

    Algae proteins partially restore man’s sight 藻类蛋白帮助男子恢复部分视力

    Episode 210614 / 14 Jun 2021

    Man sees again

  • More than 50 billion wild birds in the world 世界野生鸟类总数超过500亿只

    More than 50 billion wild birds in the world 世界野生鸟类总数超过500亿只

    Episode 210607 / 07 Jun 2021

    Do you know how many wild birds there are on the planet?

  • Indonesia coral reef partially restored 印度尼西亚部分珊瑚礁重现生机

    Indonesia coral reef partially restored 印度尼西亚部分珊瑚礁重现生机

    Episode 210531 / 31 May 2021

    Coral reef restoration

  • Extinction: Freshwater fish in 'catastrophic' decline 淡水鱼物种数量将 “灾难性” 减少

    Extinction: Freshwater fish in 'catastrophic' decline 淡水鱼物种数量将 “灾难性” 减少

    Episode 210524 / 24 May 2021

    Nearly a third of freshwater fish are threatened by extinction

  • Future-proofing coffee in a warming world 经得住气候变暖考验的咖啡品种

    Future-proofing coffee in a warming world 经得住气候变暖考验的咖啡品种

    Episode 210517 / 17 May 2021

    Can this coffee plant tolerate climate change?

  • Self-driving cars to be allowed on UK roads this year 英国或将在2021年底前允许自动驾驶汽车上路

    Self-driving cars to be allowed on UK roads this year 英国或将在2021年底前允许自动驾驶汽车上路

    Episode 210510 / 10 May 2021

    Are we going to be able to drive hands-free in the UK?

  • Did the Tyrannosaurus Rex hunt in a pack like wolves? 霸王龙曾像狼群一样成群捕食?

    Did the Tyrannosaurus Rex hunt in a pack like wolves? 霸王龙曾像狼群一样成群捕食?

    Episode 210503 / 03 May 2021

    Did T-Rex dinosaurs prey on animals alone or in packs?

  • UK woodlands 'at crisis point' amid wildlife decline 英国林地野生动物数量下降 树木状况 “危在旦夕”

    UK woodlands 'at crisis point' amid wildlife decline 英国林地野生动物数量下降 树木状况 “危在旦夕”

    Episode 210426 / 26 Apr 2021

    What needs to be done to protect the woodlands?

  • Deaf sheepdog learns how to herd using 'sign language' 失聪牧羊犬通过识别手势指令放羊

    Deaf sheepdog learns how to herd using 'sign language' 失聪牧羊犬通过识别手势指令放羊

    Episode 210419 / 19 Apr 2021

    What has made it possible for Peggy to get back to work?

  • Early cherry blossom in Japan likely to be result of climate change 日本樱花盛花期提前或因气候变化所致

    Early cherry blossom in Japan likely to be result of climate change 日本樱花盛花期提前或因气候变化所致

    Episode 210412 / 12 Apr 2021

    Why did Japan’s cherry blossom bloom earlier this year?

  • Climate change: Jet fuel from waste 'dramatically lowers' emissions 食物垃圾变航空煤油?研究人员发现减排新招

    Climate change: Jet fuel from waste 'dramatically lowers' emissions 食物垃圾变航空煤油?研究人员发现减排新招

    Episode 210405 / 05 Apr 2021

    A greener form of jet fuel

  • The Gruffalo: Scent kit brings story to life for visually impaired readers 为视障读者带来能 “闻” 的儿童故事

    The Gruffalo: Scent kit brings story to life for visually impaired readers 为视障读者带来能 “闻” 的儿童故事

    Episode 210329 / 29 Mar 2021

    A storybook you can smell

  • Parkinson's skin-swab test 'in sight' 皮肤拭子检查 “有望” 用于诊断帕金森病

    Parkinson's skin-swab test 'in sight' 皮肤拭子检查 “有望” 用于诊断帕金森病

    Episode 210322 / 22 Mar 2021

    What could a skin-swab test do to help people with this disease?

  • Ocean pollutants 'have negative effect on male fertility' 海洋污染物 “对雄性鼠海豚生殖能力有负面影响”

    Ocean pollutants 'have negative effect on male fertility' 海洋污染物 “对雄性鼠海豚生殖能力有负面影响”

    Episode 210315 / 15 Mar 2021

    Long-lasting chemicals might reduce both female and male fertility

  • Pompeii: Archaeologists unveil ceremonial chariot discovery 庞贝古城附近出土古罗马礼仪马车

    Pompeii: Archaeologists unveil ceremonial chariot discovery 庞贝古城附近出土古罗马礼仪马车

    Episode 210308 / 08 Mar 2021

    What was the chariot used for in ancient Rome?

  • Whale threats from fishing gear 'underestimated' 捕鱼工具对鲸鱼的威胁 “被低估”

    Whale threats from fishing gear 'underestimated' 捕鱼工具对鲸鱼的威胁 “被低估”

    Episode 210301 / 01 Mar 2021

    Fishing nets can also pose threats to large whales

  • Elephants counted from space for conservation 科学家利用卫星图像统计非洲大象的数量

    Elephants counted from space for conservation 科学家利用卫星图像统计非洲大象的数量

    Episode 210222 / 22 Feb 2021

    Counting elephants from space

  • Traffic noise impairs songbirds' abilities 交通噪音损害鸣禽解决问题的能力

    Traffic noise impairs songbirds' abilities 交通噪音损害鸣禽解决问题的能力

    Episode 210215 / 15 Feb 2021

    What’s affecting songbirds’ abilities to find food?

  • Extinction: 'Time is running out' to save sharks and rays 拯救濒危物种鲨鱼和鳐鱼 “时不我待”

    Extinction: 'Time is running out' to save sharks and rays 拯救濒危物种鲨鱼和鳐鱼 “时不我待”

    Episode 210208 / 08 Feb 2021

    Extraordinary marine animals facing extinction

  • Wing 'clap' solves mystery of butterfly flight 蝴蝶展翅飞行之谜破解

    Wing 'clap' solves mystery of butterfly flight 蝴蝶展翅飞行之谜破解

    Episode 210201 / 01 Feb 2021

    What is the mystery of this beautiful creature’s flying patterns?

  • New study re-explores mystery behind zebra stripes 新研究重新探索斑马条纹背后的奥秘

    New study re-explores mystery behind zebra stripes 新研究重新探索斑马条纹背后的奥秘

    Episode 210125 / 25 Jan 2021

    Scientists use a game to test the 'motion dazzle' theory

  • Covid-19: The challenges of home-schooling 英国学生肺炎疫情期间居家上学的挑战

    Covid-19: The challenges of home-schooling 英国学生肺炎疫情期间居家上学的挑战

    Episode 210118 / 18 Jan 2021

    What are the issues children face learning from home during lockdown?

  • A68a iceberg: Science mission to investigate frozen giant 英国科学家将赴南极洲考察巨型冰山 “A68a”

    A68a iceberg: Science mission to investigate frozen giant 英国科学家将赴南极洲考察巨型冰山 “A68a”

    Episode 210111 / 11 Jan 2021

    An expedition to Antarctica’s giant iceberg

  • Climate change: Covid pandemic has little impact on rise in CO2 新冠疫情未能阻止大气中二氧化碳浓度的上升

    Climate change: Covid pandemic has little impact on rise in CO2 新冠疫情未能阻止大气中二氧化碳浓度的上升

    Episode 210104 / 04 Jan 2021

    The impact of the global lockdown on carbon emissions

  • 'Ditch high definition to fight climate change' 为了应对气候变化 看视频不选 “高清模式”

    'Ditch high definition to fight climate change' 为了应对气候变化 看视频不选 “高清模式”

    Episode 201228 / 28 Dec 2020

    How does digital technology affect climate change?

  • Human-made objects to outweigh living things 研究称全球人造物重量将超过所有活生物重量

    Human-made objects to outweigh living things 研究称全球人造物重量将超过所有活生物重量

    Episode 201221 / 21 Dec 2020

    How much do things human-made weigh?

  • This Swiss winter tradition might not be safe this year 瑞士人今冬能放心吃奶酪火锅吗?

    This Swiss winter tradition might not be safe this year 瑞士人今冬能放心吃奶酪火锅吗?

    Episode 201214 / 14 Dec 2020

    Do people have to change their cheese fondue ritual this winter?

  • GCSE and A-levels in Wales cancelled for 2021 英国威尔士取消2021年 GCSE 及 A-level 考试

    GCSE and A-levels in Wales cancelled for 2021 英国威尔士取消2021年 GCSE 及 A-level 考试

    Episode 201207 / 07 Dec 2020

    How will students be assessed in Wales next year?

  • Study measures urban light pollution with satellite 一项研究用卫星测量城市光污染源

    Study measures urban light pollution with satellite 一项研究用卫星测量城市光污染源

    Episode 201130 / 30 Nov 2020

    What are the main sources of light pollution in this city seen in space?

  • Water on the Moon could sustain a lunar base 月球表面的水分子可能有利于建立人类基地

    Water on the Moon could sustain a lunar base 月球表面的水分子可能有利于建立人类基地

    Episode 201123 / 23 Nov 2020

    Why is this new discovery so exciting?

  • Could cold water help in the search for a cure to dementia? 剑桥大学研究用冷水治疗失智症的可能性

    Could cold water help in the search for a cure to dementia? 剑桥大学研究用冷水治疗失智症的可能性

    Episode 201116 / 16 Nov 2020

    Dementia research

  • Machines to ‘do half of all work tasks by 2025’ 世界经济论坛预测到2025年半数工作将由机器完成

    Machines to ‘do half of all work tasks by 2025’ 世界经济论坛预测到2025年半数工作将由机器完成

    Episode 201109 / 09 Nov 2020

    What is likely to be the future of our work?

  • Great Barrier Reef has lost half of its corals since 1995 过去25年中大堡礁珊瑚数量下降超50%

    Great Barrier Reef has lost half of its corals since 1995 过去25年中大堡礁珊瑚数量下降超50%

    Episode 201102 / 02 Nov 2020

    There is no time to lose

  • Plants reduce stress, study finds 研究发现植物能为人减压

    Plants reduce stress, study finds 研究发现植物能为人减压

    Episode 201026 / 26 Oct 2020

    Plants for happiness!

  • Buried lakes of liquid water discovered on Mars 火星上发现埋藏的液态水湖泊

    Buried lakes of liquid water discovered on Mars 火星上发现埋藏的液态水湖泊

    Episode 201019 / 19 Oct 2020

    Mars lakes discovered

  • Two-fifths of plants at risk of extinction, says report 英国皇家植物园报告:全球五分之二的植物面临灭绝

    Two-fifths of plants at risk of extinction, says report 英国皇家植物园报告:全球五分之二的植物面临灭绝

    Episode 201012 / 12 Oct 2020

    New estimates suggest that two-fifths of the world’s plants are facing extinction

  • Botswana: Mystery elephant deaths caused by cyanobacteria 博茨瓦纳数百头大象离奇死亡 原因为水中蓝藻细菌

    Botswana: Mystery elephant deaths caused by cyanobacteria 博茨瓦纳数百头大象离奇死亡 原因为水中蓝藻细菌

    Episode 201005 / 05 Oct 2020

    The cause of deaths of a large number of elephants in Botswana

  • How much synthetic ‘fluff’ is lost from washed clothing? 洗衣服产生的人造微纤维可导致环境污染

    How much synthetic ‘fluff’ is lost from washed clothing? 洗衣服产生的人造微纤维可导致环境污染

    Episode 200928 / 28 Sep 2020

    As we wash our clothes, synthetic microfibres drain away into our environment

  • Wildlife in catastrophic decline due to human destruction 人类活动导致野生动物数量锐减

    Wildlife in catastrophic decline due to human destruction 人类活动导致野生动物数量锐减

    Episode 200921 / 21 Sep 2020

    Protecting wildlife might not be that easy

  • Microplastic in Atlantic Ocean 'could weigh 21 million tonnes' 大西洋上的微塑料可能重达2100万吨

    Microplastic in Atlantic Ocean 'could weigh 21 million tonnes' 大西洋上的微塑料可能重达2100万吨

    Episode 200914 / 14 Sep 2020

    Plastic pollution in the Atlantic Ocean

  • Lockdown may have lasting effects on friendships 新冠肺炎封锁可能对人类友谊产生持久影响

    Lockdown may have lasting effects on friendships 新冠肺炎封锁可能对人类友谊产生持久影响

    Episode 200907 / 07 Sep 2020

    How may the lockdown affect our social bonds?

  • Walkies could become the law for German dog owners 德国拟立法规定养狗人士每天遛狗两次

    Walkies could become the law for German dog owners 德国拟立法规定养狗人士每天遛狗两次

    Episode 200831 / 31 Aug 2020

    More exercises might be expected for pooches in Germany

  • UK sees hottest August day for 17 years 英国遇17年来最热八月天

    UK sees hottest August day for 17 years 英国遇17年来最热八月天

    Episode 200824 / 24 Aug 2020

    What are some of the strange things that have been happening with the British weather recently?

  • Other mammals lose out in panda conservation drive 大熊猫保护区内大型捕食动物数量下降

    Other mammals lose out in panda conservation drive 大熊猫保护区内大型捕食动物数量下降

    Episode 200817 / 17 Aug 2020

    Have all of the iconic mammal’s animal neighbours benefited?

  • Nordic couple gets married in border ceremony 北欧一对新人在边境举行婚礼

    Nordic couple gets married in border ceremony 北欧一对新人在边境举行婚礼

    Episode 200810 / 10 Aug 2020

    An unusual wedding idea

  • Red Lion: Archaeologists find London's earliest theatre 红狮剧院:考古学家发现伦敦最早建成的剧院

    Red Lion: Archaeologists find London's earliest theatre 红狮剧院:考古学家发现伦敦最早建成的剧院

    Episode 200803 / 03 Aug 2020

    Learn more about what could be the remains of the earliest playhouse in London

  • How was the Moon’s crust formed? 科学家提出月球外壳形成的新观点

    How was the Moon’s crust formed? 科学家提出月球外壳形成的新观点

    Episode 200727 / 27 Jul 2020

    Learn more about the formation of the Moon’s outer layer

  • Koalas face extinction in New South Wales by 2050, report finds 一项报告发现到2050年考拉将在新南威尔士州灭绝

    Koalas face extinction in New South Wales by 2050, report finds 一项报告发现到2050年考拉将在新南威尔士州灭绝

    Episode 200720 / 20 Jul 2020

    How have koalas in Australia been affected?

  • Coronavirus: Wildlife scientists examine the great 'human pause' 新冠肺炎疫情导致 “人类活动暂停” 野生动物学家一探究竟

    Coronavirus: Wildlife scientists examine the great 'human pause' 新冠肺炎疫情导致 “人类活动暂停” 野生动物学家一探究竟

    Episode 200713 / 13 Jul 2020

    How has the lockdown affected wildlife?

  • Blowing bubbles: Soapy spheres pop pollen on fruit trees 科学家吹泡泡受启发:肥皂泡可为果树授粉

    Blowing bubbles: Soapy spheres pop pollen on fruit trees 科学家吹泡泡受启发:肥皂泡可为果树授粉

    Episode 200706 / 06 Jul 2020

    How does a soap bubble help the process of fertilising fruit trees?

  • Loss of older trees continues around the world 古树在世界各地持续消亡

    Loss of older trees continues around the world 古树在世界各地持续消亡

    Episode 200629 / 29 Jun 2020

    Why is the loss of primary forests a blow to our planet?

  • Zoom sees sales boom amid pandemic 新冠肺炎疫情期间 Zoom 视频通讯软件销售额飙升

    Zoom sees sales boom amid pandemic 新冠肺炎疫情期间 Zoom 视频通讯软件销售额飙升

    Episode 200622 / 22 Jun 2020

    An app that connects us during this pandemic

  • Longer overlap for modern humans and Neanderthals 研究显示现代人类与尼安德特人曾长期共存

    Longer overlap for modern humans and Neanderthals 研究显示现代人类与尼安德特人曾长期共存

    Episode 200615 / 15 Jun 2020

    Our ancestors may have co-existed with our ancient relatives longer than we thought

  • Climate change: Top tips to reduce carbon footprint revealed 应对气候变化 普通人可以采纳的减碳方法

    Climate change: Top tips to reduce carbon footprint revealed 应对气候变化 普通人可以采纳的减碳方法

    Episode 200608 / 08 Jun 2020

    Top tips to cut your carbon footprint

  • Nature crisis: Moths have 'secret role' as crucial pollinators 飞蛾作为传粉者 扮演着重要的 “秘密角色”

    Nature crisis: Moths have 'secret role' as crucial pollinators 飞蛾作为传粉者 扮演着重要的 “秘密角色”

    Episode 200601 / 01 Jun 2020

    Have we wronged the humble moth?

  • Scientists explain magnetic pole's wanderings 地球的北磁极移动了?科学家解释这一现象

    Scientists explain magnetic pole's wanderings 地球的北磁极移动了?科学家解释这一现象

    Episode 200525 / 25 May 2020

    What’s caused our planet’s magnetic pole to move?

  • Coronavirus 'will hasten the decline of cash' 新冠疫情加速推进 “无现金” 社会

    Coronavirus 'will hasten the decline of cash' 新冠疫情加速推进 “无现金” 社会

    Episode 200518 / 18 May 2020

    What does the decline of cash mean to traders and shoppers?

  • Will anyone ever find Shackleton's lost ship? 英国探险家沙克尔顿的南极沉船能否 “失而复得”?

    Will anyone ever find Shackleton's lost ship? 英国探险家沙克尔顿的南极沉船能否 “失而复得”?

    Episode 200511 / 11 May 2020

    Will we ever find the remains of the lost ship?

  • Deadly olive tree disease across Europe 'could cost billions' “橄榄树麻风病” 蔓延欧洲 可造成重大经济损失

    Deadly olive tree disease across Europe 'could cost billions' “橄榄树麻风病” 蔓延欧洲 可造成重大经济损失

    Episode 200504 / 04 May 2020

    A dangerous disease for plants anywhere in the world

  • Whale sharks: Atomic tests solve age puzzle of world's largest fish 鲸鲨:原子能试验解开世界上最大鱼类的年龄之谜

    Whale sharks: Atomic tests solve age puzzle of world's largest fish 鲸鲨:原子能试验解开世界上最大鱼类的年龄之谜

    Episode 200427 / 27 Apr 2020

    How long can these massive sea creatures live?

  • Blood test 'can check for more than 50 types of cancer' 验血 “可以检测50多种癌症”

    Blood test 'can check for more than 50 types of cancer' 验血 “可以检测50多种癌症”

    Episode 200420 / 20 Apr 2020

    Could this be a universal blood test for cancer?

  • Red squirrels sniff out danger better than greys 红松鼠比灰松鼠更能嗅出危险

    Red squirrels sniff out danger better than greys 红松鼠比灰松鼠更能嗅出危险

    Episode 200413 / 13 Apr 2020

    Which species is more vulnerable? Reds or greys?

  • New star discovered 研究人员发现2000光年以外的巨型新恒星

    New star discovered 研究人员发现2000光年以外的巨型新恒星

    Episode 200406 / 06 Apr 2020

    You’re a star!

  • Climate anxiety: children losing sleep over the environment 气候引起的焦虑:儿童因担心气候变化和环境而失眠

    Climate anxiety: children losing sleep over the environment 气候引起的焦虑:儿童因担心气候变化和环境而失眠

    Episode 200330 / 30 Mar 2020

    What do children feel about the future of our planet?

  • Coronavirus: Supermarkets ask shoppers to stop stockpiling 新冠病毒:英国超市呼吁顾客理智购物

    Coronavirus: Supermarkets ask shoppers to stop stockpiling 新冠病毒:英国超市呼吁顾客理智购物

    Episode 200323 / 23 Mar 2020

    What is the possible consequence of panic buying?

  • Blue whale numbers increase 南乔治亚岛蓝鲸数量有所增长

    Blue whale numbers increase 南乔治亚岛蓝鲸数量有所增长

    Episode 200316 / 16 Mar 2020

    More blue whales

  • Plug pulled on 5,000 post-GCSE qualifications 英教育部停止资助5000门 GCSE 考试后学习的资质课程

    Plug pulled on 5,000 post-GCSE qualifications 英教育部停止资助5000门 GCSE 考试后学习的资质课程

    Episode 200309 / 09 Mar 2020

    Why are ministers pulling funding from qualifications with few or no students?

  • Harry and Meghan's royal duties ending soon 哈里和梅根即将停止履行王室职责

    Harry and Meghan's royal duties ending soon 哈里和梅根即将停止履行王室职责

    Episode 200302 / 02 Mar 2020

    Harry and Meghan duties to end soon

  • Half of UK 10-year-olds own a smartphone 英国十岁儿童中半数拥有智能手机

    Half of UK 10-year-olds own a smartphone 英国十岁儿童中半数拥有智能手机

    Episode 200224 / 24 Feb 2020

    More children own smartphones

  • UK top universities to give more places to disadvantaged 英格兰顶尖大学为贫困生提供更多入学名额

    UK top universities to give more places to disadvantaged 英格兰顶尖大学为贫困生提供更多入学名额

    Episode 200217 / 17 Feb 2020

    University for all

  • Period poverty: School girls offered free menstrual products 经期贫困:给在校生免费提供经期用品

    Period poverty: School girls offered free menstrual products 经期贫困:给在校生免费提供经期用品

    Episode 200210 / 10 Feb 2020

    Help for period poverty

  • Fatty tongues could be main cause of sleeping disorder 舌头脂肪量高可能是导致睡眠障碍的主要原因

    Fatty tongues could be main cause of sleeping disorder 舌头脂肪量高可能是导致睡眠障碍的主要原因

    Episode 200203 / 03 Feb 2020

    Sleeping disorder findings

  • Food 'made from air' could compete with soya 用空气做成的食物价格可与大豆价格竞争

    Food 'made from air' could compete with soya 用空气做成的食物价格可与大豆价格竞争

    Episode 200127 / 27 Jan 2020

    Creating food ‘from thin air’

  • Europe's Cheops telescope launched to study far-off worlds 欧空局发射太空望远镜以探测系外行星

    Europe's Cheops telescope launched to study far-off worlds 欧空局发射太空望远镜以探测系外行星

    Episode 200120 / 20 Jan 2020

    New space telescope launched

  • 'Four hours to walk off pizza calories' warning works, experts say 专家提议食品包装需注明运动量:“走四小时消耗掉一个比萨的热量”

    'Four hours to walk off pizza calories' warning works, experts say 专家提议食品包装需注明运动量:“走四小时消耗掉一个比萨的热量”

    Episode 200113 / 13 Jan 2020

    Better calorie information

  • Apostrophe campaign ends due to 'ignorance and laziness' “无知和懒惰” 使 “撇号保护协会” 关门

    Apostrophe campaign ends due to 'ignorance and laziness' “无知和懒惰” 使 “撇号保护协会” 关门

    Episode 200106 / 06 Jan 2020

    Apostrophe misuse

  • More 'long-life' plastic carrier bags being used  可重复使用的塑料袋销量增加

    More 'long-life' plastic carrier bags being used 可重复使用的塑料袋销量增加

    Episode 191230 / 30 Dec 2019

    Claim that UK supermarkets using more plastic

  • Climate change: Speed limits for ships can have 'massive' benefits 应对气候变化:船舶限速益处 “巨大”

    Climate change: Speed limits for ships can have 'massive' benefits 应对气候变化:船舶限速益处 “巨大”

    Episode 191223 / 23 Dec 2019

    Will slowing down ships help reduce emissions?

  • Australia’s ‘catastrophic’ fires continue 澳大利亚 “灾难级” 林火仍在燃烧

    Australia’s ‘catastrophic’ fires continue 澳大利亚 “灾难级” 林火仍在燃烧

    Episode 191216 / 16 Dec 2019

    Australia burning

  • Musician Stephen Morris reunited with £250,000 Tecchler violin 英音乐家失而复得价值25万镑小提琴

    Musician Stephen Morris reunited with £250,000 Tecchler violin 英音乐家失而复得价值25万镑小提琴

    Episode 191209 / 09 Dec 2019

    A musician gets his expensive instrument back

  • Spiders inspire double-sided sticky tape to heal wounds 以蜘蛛网为灵感的双面胶带可粘合伤口

    Spiders inspire double-sided sticky tape to heal wounds 以蜘蛛网为灵感的双面胶带可粘合伤口

    Episode 191202 / 02 Dec 2019

    Spiders healing wounds

  • People 'more likely to feel pain on humid days' 人们 “在潮湿天更容易感觉疼痛”

    People 'more likely to feel pain on humid days' 人们 “在潮湿天更容易感觉疼痛”

    Episode 191125 / 25 Nov 2019

    Effects of humidity on chronic pain

  • New slang words added to Oxford English Dictionary 2019年《牛津英语词典》新收录的俚语词汇

    New slang words added to Oxford English Dictionary 2019年《牛津英语词典》新收录的俚语词汇

    Episode 191118 / 18 Nov 2019

    New dictionary words

  • Greater protection for Emperor penguins called for 专家呼吁加强对南极帝企鹅的保护

    Greater protection for Emperor penguins called for 专家呼吁加强对南极帝企鹅的保护

    Episode 191111 / 11 Nov 2019

    Penguin protection

  • Skin cancer: Half of people surviving advanced melanoma 皮肤癌:黑色素瘤晚期存活率过半

    Skin cancer: Half of people surviving advanced melanoma 皮肤癌:黑色素瘤晚期存活率过半

    Episode 191104 / 04 Nov 2019

    Good news for melanoma patients

  • Bird populations in Asia and the US are

    Bird populations in Asia and the US are "in crisis" 亚洲及美国的鸟类数量 “陷入危机”

    Episode 191028 / 28 Oct 2019

    Bird population ‘crisis’

  • Common cold cure experiment 科学家试验治疗普通感冒的新方法

    Common cold cure experiment 科学家试验治疗普通感冒的新方法

    Episode 191021 / 21 Oct 2019

    Common cold experiment

  • Banning watches from exams to prevent cheating 英国学校禁止学生戴手表考试以防作弊

    Banning watches from exams to prevent cheating 英国学校禁止学生戴手表考试以防作弊

    Episode 191014 / 14 Oct 2019

    Exam watch ban in England

  • Left-handed DNA found 科学家发现 “左撇子基因”

    Left-handed DNA found 科学家发现 “左撇子基因”

    Episode 191007 / 07 Oct 2019

    How is our DNA related to which hand we use dominantly?

  • Stress in pregnancy 'makes child personality disorder more likely' 孕期压力使 “孩子更容易出现人格障碍”

    Stress in pregnancy 'makes child personality disorder more likely' 孕期压力使 “孩子更容易出现人格障碍”

    Episode 190930 / 30 Sep 2019

    Stress in pregnancy and the effect on children

  • 73-year-old woman from India gives birth to twin girls 73 岁印度妇女生下双胞胎女孩

    73-year-old woman from India gives birth to twin girls 73 岁印度妇女生下双胞胎女孩

    Episode 190923 / 23 Sep 2019

    A new lease of life at the age of 73

  • Millions of old gadgets 'stockpiled in  drawers' 上千万件电子产品 “被堆放在抽屉里”

    Millions of old gadgets 'stockpiled in drawers' 上千万件电子产品 “被堆放在抽屉里”

    Episode 190916 / 16 Sep 2019

    Do you recycle your old devices?

  • Most popular baby names revealed 英国最受欢迎的婴儿名字揭晓

    Most popular baby names revealed 英国最受欢迎的婴儿名字揭晓

    Episode 190909 / 09 Sep 2019

    Top British baby names revealed

  • Titanic sub dive reveals parts are being lost to sea 深海探险队发现泰坦尼克号残骸腐蚀严重

    Titanic sub dive reveals parts are being lost to sea 深海探险队发现泰坦尼克号残骸腐蚀严重

    Episode 190902 / 02 Sep 2019

    What have divers discovered about the wreck under the sea?

  • University bans hamburgers 'to tackle climate change' 英国一所大学禁止售卖牛肉汉堡以“应对气候变化”

    University bans hamburgers 'to tackle climate change' 英国一所大学禁止售卖牛肉汉堡以“应对气候变化”

    Episode 190826 / 26 Aug 2019

    How does banning burgers help the environment?

  • Scientists develop artificial tongue for whisky tasting 科学家研发人造“舌头”辨假酒

    Scientists develop artificial tongue for whisky tasting 科学家研发人造“舌头”辨假酒

    Episode 190819 / 19 Aug 2019

    Artificial tongue

  • Birth rate in England and Wales hits record low 英格兰和威尔士的人口出生率创历史新低

    Birth rate in England and Wales hits record low 英格兰和威尔士的人口出生率创历史新低

    Episode 190812 / 12 Aug 2019

    Record low birth rate

  • Climate change: Current warming 'unparalleled' in 2,000 years 气候变化:目前的气候变暖是 2000 年来 “前所未有” 的

    Climate change: Current warming 'unparalleled' in 2,000 years 气候变化:目前的气候变暖是 2000 年来 “前所未有” 的

    Episode 190805 / 05 Aug 2019

    Climate change latest

  • Study finds anorexia stems from body as well as mind 研究发现:厌食症源于 “身体” 和 “心里”

    Study finds anorexia stems from body as well as mind 研究发现:厌食症源于 “身体” 和 “心里”

    Episode 190729 / 29 Jul 2019

    Anorexia study

  • Boost for wireless electric car charging 英国推动发展电动车无线充电技术

    Boost for wireless electric car charging 英国推动发展电动车无线充电技术

    Episode 190722 / 22 Jul 2019

    Wireless car charging

  • UK’s Museum of the Year 2019年英国 “年度博物馆奖”

    UK’s Museum of the Year 2019年英国 “年度博物馆奖”

    Episode 190715 / 15 Jul 2019

    Museum winner

  • The cost of Harry and Meghan's home renovations 哈里和梅根的房屋翻修花费

    The cost of Harry and Meghan's home renovations 哈里和梅根的房屋翻修花费

    Episode 190708 / 08 Jul 2019

    Royal renovations

  • Dogs' eyes evolve to appeal to humans 研究发现:狗眼进化为吸引人的注意力

    Dogs' eyes evolve to appeal to humans 研究发现:狗眼进化为吸引人的注意力

    Episode 190701 / 01 Jul 2019

    How dogs make you love them

  • Sleep study: Simple sleep tweaks boost wellbeing  睡眠研究:调整睡眠可以提升幸福感

    Sleep study: Simple sleep tweaks boost wellbeing 睡眠研究:调整睡眠可以提升幸福感

    Episode 190624 / 24 Jun 2019

    Bedtime study

  • D-Day veterans return to commemorate 75th anniversary 老兵重返诺曼底 纪念 “D日” 75 周年

    D-Day veterans return to commemorate 75th anniversary 老兵重返诺曼底 纪念 “D日” 75 周年

    Episode 190617 / 17 Jun 2019

    They return after 75 years

  • UK 'needs more overseas vets and  architects' 英国 “需要更多来自海外的兽医和建筑师”

    UK 'needs more overseas vets and architects' 英国 “需要更多来自海外的兽医和建筑师”

    Episode 190610 / 10 Jun 2019

    Two dogs smiling up at a vet

  • British postal system to launch parcel postboxes 英国将推出可收包裹的红色邮筒

    British postal system to launch parcel postboxes 英国将推出可收包裹的红色邮筒

    Episode 190603 / 03 Jun 2019

    Bigger postboxes

  • Measles cases on the rise 英国麻疹病例数量增加

    Measles cases on the rise 英国麻疹病例数量增加

    Episode 190527 / 27 May 2019

    Deadly disease returns

  • Decline in UK's modern language teaching 现代语言教学在英国走下坡路

    Decline in UK's modern language teaching 现代语言教学在英国走下坡路

    Episode 190520 / 20 May 2019

    Modern language decline

  • Link found between obesity and depression in children 科学家发现儿童肥胖与抑郁之间存在联系

    Link found between obesity and depression in children 科学家发现儿童肥胖与抑郁之间存在联系

    Episode 190513 / 13 May 2019

    Obesity link

  • Turtle navigation discovery 新发现:绿海龟辨别方向的方法

    Turtle navigation discovery 新发现:绿海龟辨别方向的方法

    Episode 190506 / 06 May 2019

    Turtle navigation

  • First ever black hole image released 科学家公布首张黑洞照片

    First ever black hole image released 科学家公布首张黑洞照片

    Episode 190429 / 29 Apr 2019

    Space and beyond

  • Plans for new register for home-educated children 英政府提议对在家接受教育的儿童进行注册

    Plans for new register for home-educated children 英政府提议对在家接受教育的儿童进行注册

    Episode 190422 / 22 Apr 2019

    Home education register

  • Rise in 'extreme' waves “极端” 海浪变得愈发猛烈

    Rise in 'extreme' waves “极端” 海浪变得愈发猛烈

    Episode 190415 / 15 Apr 2019

    Rough seas

  • Rain melting Greenland ice sheet  'even in winter' 冬日雨水融化格陵兰冰盖

    Rain melting Greenland ice sheet 'even in winter' 冬日雨水融化格陵兰冰盖

    Episode 190408 / 08 Apr 2019

    Greenland’s melting ice sheet

  • Uber's lost property survey 优步发布失物招领调查报告

    Uber's lost property survey 优步发布失物招领调查报告

    Episode 190401 / 01 Apr 2019

    Uber's lost and found

  • Radical Parkinson's treatment tested in patients 帕金森病: 颠覆性疗法在患者身上测试

    Radical Parkinson's treatment tested in patients 帕金森病: 颠覆性疗法在患者身上测试

    Episode 190325 / 25 Mar 2019

    Parkinson's breakthrough

  • Beavers to become protected species  in Scotland 河狸将成为苏格兰保护动物

    Beavers to become protected species in Scotland 河狸将成为苏格兰保护动物

    Episode 190318 / 18 Mar 2019

    Why is the move on making beavers protected species controversial?

  • Breakdancing proposed for inclusion in Paris 2024 Olympics 霹雳舞被提议成为 2024 巴黎奥运会正式项目

    Breakdancing proposed for inclusion in Paris 2024 Olympics 霹雳舞被提议成为 2024 巴黎奥运会正式项目

    Episode 190311 / 11 Mar 2019

    Keeping modern Olympics current

  • 'Know your cholesterol like you know  your Pin code' 像熟记银行密码一样记住自己的胆固醇值

    'Know your cholesterol like you know your Pin code' 像熟记银行密码一样记住自己的胆固醇值

    Episode 190304 / 04 Mar 2019

    Do you know your cholesterol levels?

  • Global insects undergoing ‘dramatic rates of decline’ 全球昆虫总数 “急剧下降”

    Global insects undergoing ‘dramatic rates of decline’ 全球昆虫总数 “急剧下降”

    Episode 190225 / 25 Feb 2019

    What is causing the global decline of the most abundant form of animal life?

  • Warming threatens Himalayan glaciers 气候变暖给喜马拉雅冰川带来威胁

    Warming threatens Himalayan glaciers 气候变暖给喜马拉雅冰川带来威胁

    Episode 190218 / 18 Feb 2019

    What threat does warming pose to these ice fields?

  • The one about Friends still being most popular 电视剧《老友记》仍深受欢迎

    The one about Friends still being most popular 电视剧《老友记》仍深受欢迎

    Episode 190211 / 11 Feb 2019

    Does this sitcom make you feel a little bit nostalgic?

  • Is Orkney the best place to live in the UK? 了解英国 “最宜居的地方”:奥克尼群岛

    Is Orkney the best place to live in the UK? 了解英国 “最宜居的地方”:奥克尼群岛

    Episode 190204 / 04 Feb 2019

    What is it like to live on this Scottish archipelago?

  • Mysterious radio signals from deep space detected 来自遥远深空的神秘信号

    Mysterious radio signals from deep space detected 来自遥远深空的神秘信号

    Episode 190128 / 28 Jan 2019

    Mysterious radio pulses from outer space

  • Fibre: 90% aren’t eating enough of this lifesaving food 90%的人膳食纤维摄入量不足

    Fibre: 90% aren’t eating enough of this lifesaving food 90%的人膳食纤维摄入量不足

    Episode 190121 / 21 Jan 2019

    How does fibre help us become healthier?

  • Climate change: Will insect-eating dogs help? 应对气候变化:让宠物狗改吃虫子

    Climate change: Will insect-eating dogs help? 应对气候变化:让宠物狗改吃虫子

    Episode 190114 / 14 Jan 2019

    Will dogs help the climate by eating insects?

  • Warning against 'volcano tourism' risks 专家提醒人们重视火山旅游风险

    Warning against 'volcano tourism' risks 专家提醒人们重视火山旅游风险

    Episode 190107 / 07 Jan 2019

    What are the risks of ‘volcano tourism’?

  • Warming made UK heatwave 30 times more likely 气候变暖使英国出现热浪的几率增加三十倍

    Warming made UK heatwave 30 times more likely 气候变暖使英国出现热浪的几率增加三十倍

    Episode 181231 / 31 Dec 2018

    What does the summer of 2018 tell us?

  • Climate change: Arctic reindeer numbers  crash by half 气候变化:北极驯鹿数量跌半

    Climate change: Arctic reindeer numbers crash by half 气候变化:北极驯鹿数量跌半

    Episode 181224 / 24 Dec 2018

    What might have affected the decrease of wild reindeer in the Arctic?

  • New £50 note scientist nominations released  新版50英镑纸币科学家头像提名公布

    New £50 note scientist nominations released 新版50英镑纸币科学家头像提名公布

    Episode 181217 / 17 Dec 2018

    Which scientists have been nominated to be the new face of the £50 note?

  • Two-year degree plan to cut cost of  tuition fees 英拟推行两年制本科学位 降低学生求学成本

    Two-year degree plan to cut cost of tuition fees 英拟推行两年制本科学位 降低学生求学成本

    Episode 181210 / 10 Dec 2018

    Would these shorter courses save you money?

  • Fat-clogged cells explain why obesity can cause cancer 被脂肪阻塞的细胞可解释为何肥胖能致癌

    Fat-clogged cells explain why obesity can cause cancer 被脂肪阻塞的细胞可解释为何肥胖能致癌

    Episode 181203 / 03 Dec 2018

    What could explain the link between obesity and cancer?

  • Llama blood clue to beating all flu 大羊驼血液中藏有战胜所有流感病毒的线索

    Llama blood clue to beating all flu 大羊驼血液中藏有战胜所有流感病毒的线索

    Episode 181126 / 26 Nov 2018

    What secret could llama blood hold?

  • Study: Poorer children receive more education funding 调查发现英国较贫困家庭儿童获得更多教育资助

    Study: Poorer children receive more education funding 调查发现英国较贫困家庭儿童获得更多教育资助

    Episode 181119 / 19 Nov 2018

    Poorer children get more government money

  • Novel antibiotic effectively kills bacteria 新型抗生素能有效杀灭细菌

    Novel antibiotic effectively kills bacteria 新型抗生素能有效杀灭细菌

    Episode 181112 / 12 Nov 2018

    This antibiotic kills bacteria in a new way

  • Financial support for NHS blood victims? 英政府为查明血液感染事件展开公众调查

    Financial support for NHS blood victims? 英政府为查明血液感染事件展开公众调查

    Episode 181105 / 05 Nov 2018

    Contaminated blood victims seek financial aid

  • Bloomberg HQ in London wins RIBA architecture prize 彭博欧洲总部大楼获英国皇家建筑师协会年度大奖

    Bloomberg HQ in London wins RIBA architecture prize 彭博欧洲总部大楼获英国皇家建筑师协会年度大奖

    Episode 181029 / 29 Oct 2018

    Architecture prize

  • Pre-schoolers are watching more online video, says study 研究显示英国学龄前儿童上网看视频时间增加

    Pre-schoolers are watching more online video, says study 研究显示英国学龄前儿童上网看视频时间增加

    Episode 181022 / 22 Oct 2018

    The media habits of under-fives

  • Taller plants moving into warmer Arctic 长得较高的植物向更温暖的北极地区移动

    Taller plants moving into warmer Arctic 长得较高的植物向更温暖的北极地区移动

    Episode 181015 / 15 Oct 2018

    Arctic plant growth

  • Cane toad DNA breakthrough 'may help  stop' toxic pest DNA 研究突破 “可能帮助防治” 有毒害动物海蟾蜍

    Cane toad DNA breakthrough 'may help stop' toxic pest DNA 研究突破 “可能帮助防治” 有毒害动物海蟾蜍

    Episode 181008 / 08 Oct 2018

    Cane toad discovery

  • Assessing the world's fungi 对世界真菌生存现状的评估调查

    Assessing the world's fungi 对世界真菌生存现状的评估调查

    Episode 181001 / 01 Oct 2018

    Fungi for life

  • Ageism in the workplace 工作场所的年龄歧视问题

    Ageism in the workplace 工作场所的年龄歧视问题

    Episode 180924 / 24 Sep 2018

    Missed job opportunities

  • Should smartphones be banned at school? 学校应该禁止孩子带智能手机吗?

    Should smartphones be banned at school? 学校应该禁止孩子带智能手机吗?

    Episode 180917 / 17 Sep 2018

    School v smartphones

  • Emails while commuting 'should count  as work' 通勤时间查邮件应算入上班时间

    Emails while commuting 'should count as work' 通勤时间查邮件应算入上班时间

    Episode 180910 / 10 Sep 2018

    Working longer

  • Liquid water 'lake' revealed on Mars 科学家在火星上发现液态水体

    Liquid water 'lake' revealed on Mars 科学家在火星上发现液态水体

    Episode 180903 / 03 Sep 2018

    Is there life on Mars?

  • Why stealthy viruses are making you ill 为什么隐性病毒会致病?

    Why stealthy viruses are making you ill 为什么隐性病毒会致病?

    Episode 180827 / 27 Aug 2018

    What's making us ill?

  • New blue wine unveiled 新款蓝色葡萄酒在法国问世

    New blue wine unveiled 新款蓝色葡萄酒在法国问世

    Episode 180820 / 20 Aug 2018

    Would you drink this?

  • Unsafe slime toys claim 流行儿童玩物 “鬼口水” 安全吗?

    Unsafe slime toys claim 流行儿童玩物 “鬼口水” 安全吗?

    Episode 180813 / 13 Aug 2018

    A sticky situation!

  • Killing rats could save coral reefs 消灭老鼠可以保护珊瑚礁

    Killing rats could save coral reefs 消灭老鼠可以保护珊瑚礁

    Episode 180806 / 06 Aug 2018

    Rat problem solution

  • Social media apps are 'deliberately' addictive to users 社交小程序“故意”让用户上瘾

    Social media apps are 'deliberately' addictive to users 社交小程序“故意”让用户上瘾

    Episode 180730 / 30 Jul 2018

    Addictive smartphone apps

  • Are British people the politest in the world? 英国人最有礼貌吗?

    Are British people the politest in the world? 英国人最有礼貌吗?

    Episode 180723 / 23 Jul 2018

    The politest people?

  • Call to end predicted grades at UK universities 英大学应停用“高考”预测成绩录取新生

    Call to end predicted grades at UK universities 英大学应停用“高考”预测成绩录取新生

    Episode 180716 / 16 Jul 2018

    Predicted grades problem

  • Is education making you blind? 学习真的会伤害视力吗?

    Is education making you blind? 学习真的会伤害视力吗?

    Episode 180709 / 09 Jul 2018

    Education and your eyesight

  • Queen's taxpayer-funded costs up 13% in 2017-18 由纳税人买单的英女王花销去年增长13%

    Queen's taxpayer-funded costs up 13% in 2017-18 由纳税人买单的英女王花销去年增长13%

    Episode 180702 / 02 Jul 2018

    Royal funding

  • T-levels: a new vocational qualification for English teenagers 英教育部为青少年增设职业资质课程

    T-levels: a new vocational qualification for English teenagers 英教育部为青少年增设职业资质课程

    Episode 180625 / 25 Jun 2018

    New English qualification

  • Are chimpanzee beds cleaner  than human ones? 黑猩猩的“床”比人类的床还干净?

    Are chimpanzee beds cleaner than human ones? 黑猩猩的“床”比人类的床还干净?

    Episode 180618 / 18 Jun 2018

    Dirty beds

  • Call for new Oxbridge colleges for disadvantaged students 专家呼吁牛剑为扩招弱势群体学生新建学院

    Call for new Oxbridge colleges for disadvantaged students 专家呼吁牛剑为扩招弱势群体学生新建学院

    Episode 180611 / 11 Jun 2018

    Oxbridge spaces

  • New fossil discoveries help explain bird evolution 化石新发现有助于解释鸟类进化过程

    New fossil discoveries help explain bird evolution 化石新发现有助于解释鸟类进化过程

    Episode 180604 / 04 Jun 2018

    How did birds evolve their beaks?

  • Companies commit to cutting plastic  pollution 英国塑料协定:多家公司共同承诺减少污染

    Companies commit to cutting plastic pollution 英国塑料协定:多家公司共同承诺减少污染

    Episode 180528 / 28 May 2018

    A plastic pledge

  • Malaria experts fear disease's resurgence 研究人员担忧疟疾疫情再起

    Malaria experts fear disease's resurgence 研究人员担忧疟疾疫情再起

    Episode 180521 / 21 May 2018

    Malaria on the up?

  • Royal wedding: Who's been invited? 哈里王子大婚:嘉宾名单上都有谁?

    Royal wedding: Who's been invited? 哈里王子大婚:嘉宾名单上都有谁?

    Episode 180514 / 14 May 2018

    Wedding guest list

  • The dangers that lurk in your bathroom 可爱的橡皮鸭可能危害健康

    The dangers that lurk in your bathroom 可爱的橡皮鸭可能危害健康

    Episode 180507 / 07 May 2018

    Unhealthy rubber ducks!

  • Mount Etna is 'sliding towards the sea' 西西里岛埃特纳火山“正滑向大海”

    Mount Etna is 'sliding towards the sea' 西西里岛埃特纳火山“正滑向大海”

    Episode 180430 / 30 Apr 2018

    Find out what’s happened to Europe’s premier volcano

  • 'One-stop shops' set to speed up cancer diagnosis 英国设立“一站式”体检中心 加快癌症诊断速度

    'One-stop shops' set to speed up cancer diagnosis 英国设立“一站式”体检中心 加快癌症诊断速度

    Episode 180423 / 23 Apr 2018

    A ‘step change’ in cancer diagnosis

  • Rise in cancers 'caused by weight' in UK 研究称英国因肥胖致癌病例数上升

    Rise in cancers 'caused by weight' in UK 研究称英国因肥胖致癌病例数上升

    Episode 180416 / 16 Apr 2018

    What are the most common causes of cancer in the UK?

  • A drinks bottle 'tax' to boost recycling 英格兰将征饮料瓶“税”以促进回收利用

    A drinks bottle 'tax' to boost recycling 英格兰将征饮料瓶“税”以促进回收利用

    Episode 180409 / 09 Apr 2018

    Bottle 'tax'

  • Manchester United: Song sheets and  'cheerleader' ideas discussed by club 曼联主场太安静?俱乐部考虑活跃现场的方案

    Manchester United: Song sheets and 'cheerleader' ideas discussed by club 曼联主场太安静?俱乐部考虑活跃现场的方案

    Episode 180402 / 02 Apr 2018

    Man Utd fans: make some noise!

  • What future for a humble British coin? 小面值英镑硬币 未来是去是留?

    What future for a humble British coin? 小面值英镑硬币 未来是去是留?

    Episode 180326 / 26 Mar 2018

    Penny pinching

  • UK proposes coffee cup ‘latte levy’ 英国议员提议对外带咖啡杯征收“拿铁税”

    UK proposes coffee cup ‘latte levy’ 英国议员提议对外带咖啡杯征收“拿铁税”

    Episode 180319 / 19 Mar 2018

    ‘Late levy’ for disposable coffee cups

  • Healthy life expectancy in the UK depends  on where you live: Report says 英国人的健康预期寿命取决于其居住地

    Healthy life expectancy in the UK depends on where you live: Report says 英国人的健康预期寿命取决于其居住地

    Episode 180312 / 12 Mar 2018

    Where to live longer in the UK

  • Royal 'Fab Four' appear at charity event 英国“王室四人组”出席慈善活动

    Royal 'Fab Four' appear at charity event 英国“王室四人组”出席慈善活动

    Episode 180305 / 05 Mar 2018

    Royal 'Fab Four'

  • Black Death 'spread by humans not rats' 黑死病“由人类而非老鼠传播”

    Black Death 'spread by humans not rats' 黑死病“由人类而非老鼠传播”

    Episode 180226 / 26 Feb 2018

    Dirty humans

  • Campaign to stop boiling live lobsters 动物保护人士呼吁停止活煮龙虾

    Campaign to stop boiling live lobsters 动物保护人士呼吁停止活煮龙虾

    Episode 180212 / 12 Feb 2018

    Lobster welfare

  • Plastic threatens coral reefs 海洋塑料垃圾威胁珊瑚礁的生存

    Plastic threatens coral reefs 海洋塑料垃圾威胁珊瑚礁的生存

    Episode 180205 / 05 Feb 2018

    Plastic killing coral

  • Free water refill points opened to cut waste 英国推行“免费续水点”以减少塑料垃圾

    Free water refill points opened to cut waste 英国推行“免费续水点”以减少塑料垃圾

    Episode 180129 / 29 Jan 2018

    Free water to cut waste

  • 'World's longest cave' discovered 墨西哥潜水团队发现“世界最长”水下洞穴

    'World's longest cave' discovered 墨西哥潜水团队发现“世界最长”水下洞穴

    Episode 180122 / 22 Jan 2018

    A dark discovery

  • Overseas students 'add £20bn' to UK  economy 海外学生每年为英国经济注入200亿英镑

    Overseas students 'add £20bn' to UK economy 海外学生每年为英国经济注入200亿英镑

    Episode 180115 / 15 Jan 2018

    Students boost UK economy

  • France's cheek-kissing controversy 法国女市长拒行贴面礼引来争议

    France's cheek-kissing controversy 法国女市长拒行贴面礼引来争议

    Episode 180108 / 08 Jan 2018

    A cheeky kiss?

  • Born in the wrong place for good schools? 在英国想上好学校 要生对地方?

    Born in the wrong place for good schools? 在英国想上好学校 要生对地方?

    Episode 180101 / 01 Jan 2018

    Right school, wrong place

  • Britain's historic landmarks to be protected 英格兰新增一批“受保护历史建筑”

    Britain's historic landmarks to be protected 英格兰新增一批“受保护历史建筑”

    Episode 171225 / 25 Dec 2017

    Protecting England's historic sites

  • New island may tell us about life on Mars 火山生成的新岛可能提供火星生命的证据

    New island may tell us about life on Mars 火山生成的新岛可能提供火星生命的证据

    Episode 171218 / 18 Dec 2017

    'Baby island' used to study Mars

  • Farthest monster black hole found 天文学家发现距地球最远的巨型黑洞

    Farthest monster black hole found 天文学家发现距地球最远的巨型黑洞

    Episode 171211 / 11 Dec 2017

    New space discovery

  • AI becomes more alien 人工智能自我挑战  再创新高

    AI becomes more alien 人工智能自我挑战 再创新高

    Episode 171204 / 04 Dec 2017

    The new GO master

  • Shipwreck finds earliest astrolabe 沉船中发现世上最早航海星盘

    Shipwreck finds earliest astrolabe 沉船中发现世上最早航海星盘

    Episode 171127 / 27 Nov 2017

    The earliest astrolabe - a type of navigational tool - has been found

  • Acidic oceans will affect sea life 酸化海洋将威胁海洋生物

    Acidic oceans will affect sea life 酸化海洋将威胁海洋生物

    Episode 171120 / 20 Nov 2017

    All sea life will be affected by CO2 emissions, a major new report says

  • Alarm over decline in flying insects 飞虫数量锐减值得警惕

    Alarm over decline in flying insects 飞虫数量锐减值得警惕

    Episode 171113 / 13 Nov 2017

    Scientists have been monitoring flying insect populations across German

  • UK's inflation rate hit its highest  for more than five years 英国通货膨胀率达到五年来最高

    UK's inflation rate hit its highest for more than five years 英国通货膨胀率达到五年来最高

    Episode 171106 / 06 Nov 2017

    What are the causes of inflation?

  • Child and teen obesity spreading across the globe 儿童和青少年肥胖已成全球问题

    Child and teen obesity spreading across the globe 儿童和青少年肥胖已成全球问题

    Episode 171030 / 30 Oct 2017

    What does the WHO think we should do to help tackle child obesity problem?

  • The secret behind body clock 人体生物钟之谜

    The secret behind body clock 人体生物钟之谜

    Episode 171023 / 23 Oct 2017

    Find out what controls our body's internal time and how it works here

  • Paris climate aim 'still achievable' 巴黎气候协定目标仍然可行

    Paris climate aim 'still achievable' 巴黎气候协定目标仍然可行

    Episode 171016 / 16 Oct 2017

    Targets of 2015 Paris agreement is still feasible

  • Size matters when it comes to extinction risk 动物的体型可能是决定其灭绝的关键因素

    Size matters when it comes to extinction risk 动物的体型可能是决定其灭绝的关键因素

    Episode 171009 / 09 Oct 2017

    What are the most endangered animals?

  • UK scientists edit DNA of human embryos 英国研究团队编辑人类胚胎中的 DNA

    UK scientists edit DNA of human embryos 英国研究团队编辑人类胚胎中的 DNA

    Episode 170925 / 25 Sep 2017

    Discover the latest scientific development of gene editing

  • Latest 'endangered species' list published 最新“濒危物种”名单公布于众

    Latest 'endangered species' list published 最新“濒危物种”名单公布于众

    Episode 170918 / 18 Sep 2017

    A list of animals in danger

  • Apple reveals ‘leap forward’ iPhone X 苹果公司称 iPhone X 是“一次技术性飞跃”

    Apple reveals ‘leap forward’ iPhone X 苹果公司称 iPhone X 是“一次技术性飞跃”

    Episode 170915 / 15 Sep 2017

    What’s new about Apple’s latest products?

  • Bats 'tricked' into flying into buildings 蝙蝠“上当”撞上建筑物

    Bats 'tricked' into flying into buildings 蝙蝠“上当”撞上建筑物

    Episode 170908 / 08 Sep 2017

    Bats’ blind spots in our modern cities

  • 'Sea dragon' fossil is 'largest on record' “史上最大”鱼龙化石体积

    'Sea dragon' fossil is 'largest on record' “史上最大”鱼龙化石体积

    Episode 170901 / 01 Sep 2017

    Marine reptile from dinosaur age is discovered

  • How does the new GCSE system work? 英国“会考”:GSCE 新体系有何变化?

    How does the new GCSE system work? 英国“会考”:GSCE 新体系有何变化?

    Episode 170825 / 25 Aug 2017

    What are the major changes to the GCSE system in England and Wales?

  • Cutting calories in popular foods to fight obesity 削减受欢迎食物中的卡路里含量以对抗肥胖

    Cutting calories in popular foods to fight obesity 削减受欢迎食物中的卡路里含量以对抗肥胖

    Episode 170818 / 18 Aug 2017

    Food pack sizes may shrink

  • Pioneering type 1 diabetes therapy safe 1型糖尿病开创性疗法初试结果显示安全

    Pioneering type 1 diabetes therapy safe 1型糖尿病开创性疗法初试结果显示安全

    Episode 170811 / 11 Aug 2017

    What could the immunotherapy mean to patients?

  • Ancestor of all flowers revealed by scientists 科学家揭示花卉“祖先”的样貌

    Ancestor of all flowers revealed by scientists 科学家揭示花卉“祖先”的样貌

    Episode 170804 / 04 Aug 2017

    Have you wondered what the first ever flower looked like?

  • New diesel and petrol vehicles to be  banned from 2040 in UK 英国将于2040年起禁止销售柴油和汽油汽车

    New diesel and petrol vehicles to be banned from 2040 in UK 英国将于2040年起禁止销售柴油和汽油汽车

    Episode 170728 / 28 Jul 2017

    Will petrol and diesel vehicles become a thing of the past in the UK?

  • Earth is becoming 'Planet Plastic' 地球正在变成“塑料星球”

    Earth is becoming 'Planet Plastic' 地球正在变成“塑料星球”

    Episode 170721 / 21 Jul 2017

    How severe is our plastic waste problem?

  • Waste products key to boosting UK biofuels 废物残渣是增加英国生物燃料产量的关键

    Waste products key to boosting UK biofuels 废物残渣是增加英国生物燃料产量的关键

    Episode 170714 / 14 Jul 2017

    Waste can be a great source of fuel

  • New discovery about Alzheimer's may help target drugs 新发现可帮助研发对抗阿兹海默症的新药

    New discovery about Alzheimer's may help target drugs 新发现可帮助研发对抗阿兹海默症的新药

    Episode 170707 / 07 Jul 2017

    Find out how the new findings about Alzheimer’s could help design new drugs

  • Large-scale study 'shows neonic pesticides harm bees' 大型研究结果显示烟碱类杀虫剂对蜜蜂有害

    Large-scale study 'shows neonic pesticides harm bees' 大型研究结果显示烟碱类杀虫剂对蜜蜂有害

    Episode 170630 / 30 Jun 2017

    Bees are under threat while we try to protect crops

  • Why suitcases rock and fall over – puzzle  solved 科学家解开拉杆箱摇摇欲倒的物理谜题

    Why suitcases rock and fall over – puzzle solved 科学家解开拉杆箱摇摇欲倒的物理谜题

    Episode 170623 / 23 Jun 2017

    Find out how to become an experienced suitcase puller!

  • Drug that creates a 'real suntan' could  prevent cancer 新药让你无需担忧皮肤癌就“晒出”小麦色

    Drug that creates a 'real suntan' could prevent cancer 新药让你无需担忧皮肤癌就“晒出”小麦色

    Episode 170616 / 16 Jun 2017

    If you want a tan without damaging your skin, you’re in for a wait

  • Being married 'protects your health' 婚姻生活能“保护你的身体健康”

    Being married 'protects your health' 婚姻生活能“保护你的身体健康”

    Episode 170609 / 09 Jun 2017

    How will your loved ones help you protect your health?

  • Nasa's Sun skimming mission 美国国家航空航天局启动太阳探测计划

    Nasa's Sun skimming mission 美国国家航空航天局启动太阳探测计划

    Episode 170602 / 02 Jun 2017

    Will the daring mission unravel some of the mysteries about the Sun?

  • 'Car boot sale' diamond set to fetch  £350,000 at auction 旧货市场淘来的钻石拍卖价可能达35万英镑

    'Car boot sale' diamond set to fetch £350,000 at auction 旧货市场淘来的钻石拍卖价可能达35万英镑

    Episode 170526 / 26 May 2017

    A piece of everyday jewellery has turned out to be a real diamond

  • London City first in UK to get remote air traffic control 英国首个远程空中交通管制系统

    London City first in UK to get remote air traffic control 英国首个远程空中交通管制系统

    Episode 170519 / 19 May 2017

    How will the digital system help controllers work remotely?

  • HIV life expectancy 'near normal' thanks  to new drugs 研究发现新药物可使艾滋病毒携带者预期寿命“接近正常”

    HIV life expectancy 'near normal' thanks to new drugs 研究发现新药物可使艾滋病毒携带者预期寿命“接近正常”

    Episode 170512 / 12 May 2017

    Can the latest HIV drugs bring a longer and healthier life?

  • Prince Philip to stop royal duties 英王室菲利普亲王将不再履行王室公务

    Prince Philip to stop royal duties 英王室菲利普亲王将不再履行王室公务

    Episode 170505 / 05 May 2017

    Time to take a break

  • Book sales hit a record as children's fiction  gains in popularity 儿童小说帮助英国图书销量创下新高

    Book sales hit a record as children's fiction gains in popularity 儿童小说帮助英国图书销量创下新高

    Episode 170428 / 28 Apr 2017

    Children books boost book sales in the UK

  • Experts excited by new brain disease drug 治脑疾病的新药令专家兴奋不已

    Experts excited by new brain disease drug 治脑疾病的新药令专家兴奋不已

    Episode 170421 / 21 Apr 2017

    New hopes for brain diseases

  • Two-thirds of Great Barrier Reef damaged in 'unprecedented' bleaching 三分之二的大堡礁珊瑚群遭受“史无前例”的白化危机

    Two-thirds of Great Barrier Reef damaged in 'unprecedented' bleaching 三分之二的大堡礁珊瑚群遭受“史无前例”的白化危机

    Episode 170414 / 14 Apr 2017

    Urgent call to save the world’s largest living structure

  • Egypt finds remains of 3,700-year-old pyramid 考古人员在埃及发现3700年前的金字塔

    Egypt finds remains of 3,700-year-old pyramid 考古人员在埃及发现3700年前的金字塔

    Episode 170407 / 07 Apr 2017

    What have been revealed during the excavation?

  • 'New' wave-like cloud finally wins official recognition “新”型波浪状云首次被列入官方图集

    'New' wave-like cloud finally wins official recognition “新”型波浪状云首次被列入官方图集

    Episode 170331 / 31 Mar 2017

    Have you ever seen these wave-like clouds?

  • Sea otters ahead of dolphins in using tools 海獭学会使用工具的时间早于海豚

    Sea otters ahead of dolphins in using tools 海獭学会使用工具的时间早于海豚

    Episode 170324 / 24 Mar 2017

    Do sea otters have a natural ability to use tools?

  • Spiders top the global predator charts 研究称蜘蛛食量居全球捕食性动物之首

    Spiders top the global predator charts 研究称蜘蛛食量居全球捕食性动物之首

    Episode 170317 / 17 Mar 2017

    What does these arachnids’ appetite for prey mean?

  • Prize for cracking brain's 'feel good' system 三位科学家因破解大脑“奖赏系统”获奖

    Prize for cracking brain's 'feel good' system 三位科学家因破解大脑“奖赏系统”获奖

    Episode 170310 / 10 Mar 2017

    What is the chemical in the brain that motivates us and helps us make decisions?

  • Mysteries of elephant sleep revealed 科学家揭开大象的睡眠模式之谜

    Mysteries of elephant sleep revealed 科学家揭开大象的睡眠模式之谜

    Episode 170303 / 03 Mar 2017

    A study that aims to find out more about the animals’ natural sleeping habits

  • Fruit and veg: for a longer life eat 10-a-day 水果蔬菜:每天吃800克可延长寿命

    Fruit and veg: for a longer life eat 10-a-day 水果蔬菜:每天吃800克可延长寿命

    Episode 170224 / 24 Feb 2017

    How much fruit and vegetable should you eat?

  • Virtual telescope ready to image black hole 虚拟望远镜准备拍摄宇宙黑洞

    Virtual telescope ready to image black hole 虚拟望远镜准备拍摄宇宙黑洞

    Episode 170217 / 17 Feb 2017

    How are we going to take a photo of a place where no light can escape?

  • Orangutan squeaks reveal language evolution, says study 科学家称红毛猩猩叫声揭示人类早期语言进化过程

    Orangutan squeaks reveal language evolution, says study 科学家称红毛猩猩叫声揭示人类早期语言进化过程

    Episode 170210 / 10 Feb 2017

    What do orangutan ‘kiss squeaks’ tell us about language evolution?

  • Hunt for Antarctica's 'missing meteorites' 英国科学家将赴南极寻找“失踪的陨石”

    Hunt for Antarctica's 'missing meteorites' 英国科学家将赴南极寻找“失踪的陨石”

    Episode 170203 / 03 Feb 2017

    British scientists plan to test if their theory about missing meteorites is true

  • Gap in children's health levels in the UK  raises concern 英国儿童健康水平差距引起担忧

    Gap in children's health levels in the UK raises concern 英国儿童健康水平差距引起担忧

    Episode 170127 / 27 Jan 2017

    What could be the root of children's health issues in the UK?

  • Artificial intelligence predicts when heart will fail 人工智能程序可预测心脏衰竭

    Artificial intelligence predicts when heart will fail 人工智能程序可预测心脏衰竭

    Episode 170120 / 20 Jan 2017

    Artificial intelligence predicting heart failure

  • Brain activity and heart disease 大脑活动与心脏疾病之间的联系

    Brain activity and heart disease 大脑活动与心脏疾病之间的联系

    Episode 170113 / 13 Jan 2017

    Stress kills

  • Scientists discover rare ancient fossil fruit 科学家发现罕见果实植物化石

    Scientists discover rare ancient fossil fruit 科学家发现罕见果实植物化石

    Episode 170106 / 06 Jan 2017

    The origin of plants

  • Art may reveal early signs of dementia 艺术作品可显示失智症前兆

    Art may reveal early signs of dementia 艺术作品可显示失智症前兆

    Episode 161230 / 30 Dec 2016

    What can art tell us about brain disease?

  • Pregnancy alters woman's brain 'for at  least two years' 初次怀孕对女性大脑的影响“至少持续两年”

    Pregnancy alters woman's brain 'for at least two years' 初次怀孕对女性大脑的影响“至少持续两年”

    Episode 161223 / 23 Dec 2016

    Scientists discover change in first-time mothers’ brains

  • Light pollution dampens urban robins' song 城市光污染抑制知更鸟的鸣唱

    Light pollution dampens urban robins' song 城市光污染抑制知更鸟的鸣唱

    Episode 161216 / 16 Dec 2016

    How does light pollution affect UK’s favourite bird?

  • Giraffes added to ‘vulnerable’ list 长颈鹿被列入“易危”物种名单

    Giraffes added to ‘vulnerable’ list 长颈鹿被列入“易危”物种名单

    Episode 161209 / 09 Dec 2016

    Giraffes face alarming drop in numbers

  • Parkinson's disease 'may start in gut' 帕金森病可能源于肠胃系统

    Parkinson's disease 'may start in gut' 帕金森病可能源于肠胃系统

    Episode 161202 / 02 Dec 2016

    New scientific research on Parkinson’s disease

  • Dodo skeleton sells for £350,000 at auction 罕见渡渡鸟骨架以35万英镑成交

    Dodo skeleton sells for £350,000 at auction 罕见渡渡鸟骨架以35万英镑成交

    Episode 161125 / 25 Nov 2016

    Putting together a bird skeleton takes more than just patience

  • Dementia game 'shows lifelong navigational decline' 游戏助失智症研究—“方向感随年龄增长而减弱”

    Dementia game 'shows lifelong navigational decline' 游戏助失智症研究—“方向感随年龄增长而减弱”

    Episode 161118 / 18 Nov 2016

    How does a video game help scientists to study dementia?

  • Will Prince Harry's appeal to the media  fall on deaf ears? 英哈里王子呼吁媒体尊重女友隐私

    Will Prince Harry's appeal to the media fall on deaf ears? 英哈里王子呼吁媒体尊重女友隐私

    Episode 161111 / 11 Nov 2016

    Will the press listen to Prince Harry’s appeal?

  • Smoking causes DNA changes in our body 吸烟会导致人体内基因变异

    Smoking causes DNA changes in our body 吸烟会导致人体内基因变异

    Episode 161104 / 04 Nov 2016

    What is the link between DNA and lung cancer?

  • World wildlife 'falls by 58% in 40 years' 全球野生动物总数“四十年内下降58%”

    World wildlife 'falls by 58% in 40 years' 全球野生动物总数“四十年内下降58%”

    Episode 161028 / 28 Oct 2016

    Who is to blame for the fall of wildlife populations in the last 40 years?

  • Tasmanian devil milk fights superbugs 袋獾乳汁可对抗“超级细菌”

    Tasmanian devil milk fights superbugs 袋獾乳汁可对抗“超级细菌”

    Episode 161021 / 21 Oct 2016

    What could milk from Tasmanian devils offer?

  • Butterfly numbers drop a mystery, say experts 英国蝴蝶数量下降现象令专家费解

    Butterfly numbers drop a mystery, say experts 英国蝴蝶数量下降现象令专家费解

    Episode 161014 / 14 Oct 2016

    The decrease in butterfly numbers has baffled experts

  • Is breast cancer linked to night shifts? 乳腺癌与上夜班有关系吗?

    Is breast cancer linked to night shifts? 乳腺癌与上夜班有关系吗?

    Episode 161007 / 07 Oct 2016

    Night shifts and breast cancer are not linked

  • Europa moon 'spewing water jets' 木卫二表面“喷射出水汽”

    Europa moon 'spewing water jets' 木卫二表面“喷射出水汽”

    Episode 160930 / 30 Sep 2016

    Jupiter's moon Europa spews jets of water into space

  • Smoking rates in England fall to lowest  on record 英格兰吸烟率降至史上最低

    Smoking rates in England fall to lowest on record 英格兰吸烟率降至史上最低

    Episode 160923 / 23 Sep 2016

    The number of smokers in England have fallen to the lowest on record

  • Gaia space telescope plots a billion stars 盖亚太空望远镜拍出十亿颗星星

    Gaia space telescope plots a billion stars 盖亚太空望远镜拍出十亿颗星星

    Episode 160916 / 16 Sep 2016

    A giant star map is in the making

  • British dormice risk extinction 英国睡鼠面临绝种危机

    British dormice risk extinction 英国睡鼠面临绝种危机

    Episode 160909 / 09 Sep 2016

    Native dormice in the UK are under threat

  • Proxima Centauri has Earth-sized planet 比邻星附近发现类似地球的行星

    Proxima Centauri has Earth-sized planet 比邻星附近发现类似地球的行星

    Episode 160902 / 02 Sep 2016

    Investigations show that the planet orbiting Proxima Centauri might be habitable

  • Microbeads controversy 塑胶微粒引起的争议

    Microbeads controversy 塑胶微粒引起的争议

    Episode 160826 / 26 Aug 2016

    Small but dangerous

  • Zebra finch 'heat song' changes hatchling development “珍珠鸟”高温时的鸣叫有助于雏鸟生长

    Zebra finch 'heat song' changes hatchling development “珍珠鸟”高温时的鸣叫有助于雏鸟生长

    Episode 160819 / 19 Aug 2016

    A study has found that zebra finches sing songs to their eggs to prepare them for hot weather

  • 400-year-old Greenland Shark 400岁的格陵兰鲨鱼

    400-year-old Greenland Shark 400岁的格陵兰鲨鱼

    Episode 160812 / 12 Aug 2016

    Sharks can live for a very long time

  • Cancer patients surviving longer in the UK 英国癌症患者存活时间延长

    Cancer patients surviving longer in the UK 英国癌症患者存活时间延长

    Episode 160805 / 05 Aug 2016

    Cancer survivors are living longer

  • English Bulldog in need of 'new blood' 英国斗牛犬需通过杂交改善健康

    English Bulldog in need of 'new blood' 英国斗牛犬需通过杂交改善健康

    Episode 160729 / 29 Jul 2016

    English Bulldog needs ‘new blood’ to improve its health issues

  • Cuckoo migration 'now more perilous' 布谷鸟迁徙路线更加艰险

    Cuckoo migration 'now more perilous' 布谷鸟迁徙路线更加艰险

    Episode 160722 / 22 Jul 2016

    A study shows that the birds’ migration route is more perilous

  • 'Britain's Pompeii' was 'Bronze Age new build' site 英青铜时代遗址似“庞贝古城”

    'Britain's Pompeii' was 'Bronze Age new build' site 英青铜时代遗址似“庞贝古城”

    Episode 160715 / 15 Jul 2016

    Bronze Age objects reveal prehistoric Britain

  • Cybercrime is worse than expected 国际网络犯罪较预期严重

    Cybercrime is worse than expected 国际网络犯罪较预期严重

    Episode 160708 / 08 Jul 2016

    Cyber arms race

  • Humans make rainforest more flammable 人类活动使热带雨林更易燃

    Humans make rainforest more flammable 人类活动使热带雨林更易燃

    Episode 160701 / 01 Jul 2016

    Two-year study shows that human activity increases risk of fire in the Amazon rainforest

  • Ambitious plan to re-home elephants 500头野生大象迁徙计划

    Ambitious plan to re-home elephants 500头野生大象迁徙计划

    Episode 160624 / 24 Jun 2016

    Experts are attempting to move up to 500 African elephants from Malawi park

  • Cancer risk from coffee downgraded 专家降低因喝咖啡而患癌症风险级别

    Cancer risk from coffee downgraded 专家降低因喝咖啡而患癌症风险级别

    Episode 160617 / 17 Jun 2016

    Drinking coffee is no longer all bad, experts say

  • Hands-free phone use by drivers 'distracting' 研究称使用免提电话同样会使驾驶员分心

    Hands-free phone use by drivers 'distracting' 研究称使用免提电话同样会使驾驶员分心

    Episode 160610 / 10 Jun 2016

    Research in the UK suggests that the use of any phone while driving should be banned

  • UK's 'oldest' hand-written document 考古学家发现英国“最古老”手写文献

    UK's 'oldest' hand-written document 考古学家发现英国“最古老”手写文献

    Episode 160603 / 03 Jun 2016

    Roman tablet found in London is from AD 50

  • US nuclear force 'still uses floppy disks' 美国核部队“仍使用软盘”

    US nuclear force 'still uses floppy disks' 美国核部队“仍使用软盘”

    Episode 160527 / 27 May 2016

    US government reveals 1970s technology is used in the Department of Defence

  • Superbugs warning  警告:对抗“超级细菌”刻不容缓

    Superbugs warning 警告:对抗“超级细菌”刻不容缓

    Episode 160520 / 20 May 2016

    Report recommends campaign to stop misuse of antibiotics

  • High heels at work controversy 办公室强制穿高跟鞋引风波

    High heels at work controversy 办公室强制穿高跟鞋引风波

    Episode 160513 / 13 May 2016

    British receptionist starts petition to make demand illegal

  • Breast cancer genetic discovery hailed 乳腺癌基因研究新发现

    Breast cancer genetic discovery hailed 乳腺癌基因研究新发现

    Episode 160506 / 06 May 2016

    Celebrating a genetic discovery

  • Doctors support switch to e-cigarettes 英国医生支持吸烟者使用电子烟

    Doctors support switch to e-cigarettes 英国医生支持吸烟者使用电子烟

    Episode 160429 / 29 Apr 2016

    Report shows e-cigs are 'much safer' than tobacco

  • India drought: '330 million people  affected' 印度严重干旱:3.3亿国民受影响

    India drought: '330 million people affected' 印度严重干旱:3.3亿国民受影响

    Episode 160422 / 21 Apr 2016

    330 million people affected by Indian drought

  • Exercise labels on food proposed 英国健康专家提议食品包装需注明“运动量”

    Exercise labels on food proposed 英国健康专家提议食品包装需注明“运动量”

    Episode 160415 / 15 Apr 2016

    Eat a bowl of cereal and run for 16 minutes!

  • Big increase in diabetes 糖尿病患者人数剧增

    Big increase in diabetes 糖尿病患者人数剧增

    Episode 160408 / 08 Apr 2016

    Disease is associated with poor eating habits

  • Great Barrier Reef 'severely damaged' 大堡礁“严重受损”

    Great Barrier Reef 'severely damaged' 大堡礁“严重受损”

    Episode 160401 / 01 Apr 2016

    How badly is the Great Barrier Reef damaged?

  • German football legend investigated 德国“足球传奇”贝肯鲍尔成调查对象

    German football legend investigated 德国“足球传奇”贝肯鲍尔成调查对象

    Episode 160325 / 25 Mar 2016

    Did Germany buy the World Cup?

  • Should children run a mile each day? 儿童应该每天都跑一英里吗?

    Should children run a mile each day? 儿童应该每天都跑一英里吗?

    Episode 160318 / 18 Mar 2016

    Improving children's health

  • Sharapova's failed drug test 网球运动员莎拉波娃未通过药检

    Sharapova's failed drug test 网球运动员莎拉波娃未通过药检

    Episode 160311 / 11 Mar 2016

    Drug test shock for Sharapova

  • Memory research wins 'Brain Prize' 欧洲大脑奖颁给脑记忆研究项目

    Memory research wins 'Brain Prize' 欧洲大脑奖颁给脑记忆研究项目

    Episode 160304 / 04 Mar 2016

    How does the brain form memories?

  • 'Most famous train' returns to tracks “苏格兰飞人”蒸汽火车重返铁轨

    'Most famous train' returns to tracks “苏格兰飞人”蒸汽火车重返铁轨

    Episode 160226 / 26 Feb 2016

    Steam train which broke speed record makes popular return

  • Humans and Neanderthals: An ancient love story 现代人和尼安德特人:远古爱情故事

    Humans and Neanderthals: An ancient love story 现代人和尼安德特人:远古爱情故事

    Episode 160219 / 19 Feb 2016

    Neanderthals and humans 'interbred about 40,000 years earlier than previously thought'

  • Climate change 'to make flights longer' 气候变化“导致飞行时间加长”

    Climate change 'to make flights longer' 气候变化“导致飞行时间加长”

    Episode 160212 / 12 Feb 2016

    Flying to the US could be bumpier and more expensive as airlines seek to recoup their costs through higher ticket prices

  • Deforestation attracts black rats 森林砍伐吸引黑鼠

    Deforestation attracts black rats 森林砍伐吸引黑鼠

    Episode 160205 / 05 Feb 2016

    Black rats rainforest invasion 'speeded by deforestation'

  • The spread of the Zika virus 寨卡病毒正在迅速扩散

    The spread of the Zika virus 寨卡病毒正在迅速扩散

    Episode 160129 / 29 Jan 2016

    Disease which affects babies' development has been reported across Latin America

  • Solar System's ninth planet? 太阳系的第九颗行星?

    Solar System's ninth planet? 太阳系的第九颗行星?

    Episode 160122 / 22 Jan 2016

    American astronomers say they have strong evidence that there is another planet in our Solar System

  • Huge canyon under the Antarctica? 南极冰层下可能发现巨大峡谷

    Huge canyon under the Antarctica? 南极冰层下可能发现巨大峡谷

    Episode 160115 / 15 Jan 2016

    Scientists have found evidence of what could be a massive canyon, hidden under the white continent's surface

  • Parents have trouble taking kids off screens 父母很难让孩子离开电子屏幕

    Parents have trouble taking kids off screens 父母很难让孩子离开电子屏幕

    Episode 160108 / 08 Jan 2016

    Children don't leave their phones, laptops and TVs easily

  • Oldest message in bottle found 最古老的瓶中信

    Oldest message in bottle found 最古老的瓶中信

    Episode 160101 / 01 Jan 2016

    What might be the world's oldest message in a bottle has been found after over a century in the waves. What does it say?

  • Dogs 'can read canine emotions' 狗可以读懂犬类同胞的情感

    Dogs 'can read canine emotions' 狗可以读懂犬类同胞的情感

    Episode 151225 / 25 Dec 2015

    Dogs can copy each other's expressions quickly just like humans

  • Cancer – not 'down to chance' 癌症 - 不“取决于运气”

    Cancer – not 'down to chance' 癌症 - 不“取决于运气”

    Episode 151218 / 18 Dec 2015

    Cancer is caused by lifestyle and environmental factors, says research

  • COP21: The economics behind climate change 巴黎气候大会:气候变化背后的经济变化

    COP21: The economics behind climate change 巴黎气候大会:气候变化背后的经济变化

    Episode 151211 / 10 Dec 2015

    Climate change negotiations have led the world to look at itself in a new way

  • Banking with apps 手机银行应用普及

    Banking with apps 手机银行应用普及

    Episode 151204 / 04 Dec 2015

    Are the days of big high street banks in the UK coming to an end? Learn about the new UK banks of the smartphone age

  • 2015 likely to be warmest on record 2015年可能成为史上最热年

    2015 likely to be warmest on record 2015年可能成为史上最热年

    Episode 151127 / 27 Nov 2015

    Temperatures across the globe are likely to break records in 2015 with readings running 'well above' any previous year, say scientists

  • Antibiotics resistance warning  专家警告称后抗生素时代即将到来

    Antibiotics resistance warning 专家警告称后抗生素时代即将到来

    Episode 151120 / 19 Nov 2015

    Scientists have warned that we are about to start a "post-antibiotic era", after finding bacteria resistant to drugs used when all other treatments have failed

  • Breach the brain barrier  打破人类血脑屏障治疗疾病

    Breach the brain barrier 打破人类血脑屏障治疗疾病

    Episode 151113 / 13 Nov 2015

    New technique which breaches the protective barrier of the brain is used to treat cancer patient

  • Pet dogs 'may help children avoid asthma' 宠物狗“可能有助儿童避免患哮喘”

    Pet dogs 'may help children avoid asthma' 宠物狗“可能有助儿童避免患哮喘”

    Episode 151106 / 06 Nov 2015

    Children like dogs, but now there could be an extra reason to keep them as pets. They might prevent the development of asthma

  • Processed meat 'causes cancer' - WHO 世卫组织:常吃加工肉制品增加患癌几率

    Processed meat 'causes cancer' - WHO 世卫组织:常吃加工肉制品增加患癌几率

    Episode 151030 / 30 Oct 2015

    Does red meat cause cancer? A new report by the WHO says that certain kinds of meat can increase the risk of cancer

  • Ancestors 'had less sleep' than we do  现代人睡眠时间超过祖先

    Ancestors 'had less sleep' than we do 现代人睡眠时间超过祖先

    Episode 151023 / 23 Oct 2015

    Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient world slept only 6.5 hours a night.

  • Australia defends cat killing 澳大利亚为宰杀野猫辩解

    Australia defends cat killing 澳大利亚为宰杀野猫辩解

    Episode 151016 / 16 Oct 2015

    The Australian government explains its decision to kill stray cats after it came under criticism by international celebrities who defend animals. The government says the cats threaten native species

  • Computers damage our memory,  says study 过度依赖电脑会使记忆力减退

    Computers damage our memory, says study 过度依赖电脑会使记忆力减退

    Episode 151009 / 09 Oct 2015

    Computers and search engines make it much easier to find information, but do they also make it easier to forget? That's what one study suggests

  • Nepal considers Everest restrictions 尼泊尔考虑对登山者年龄设限

    Nepal considers Everest restrictions 尼泊尔考虑对登山者年龄设限

    Episode 151002 / 02 Oct 2015

    Under 18 or over 75? Then you won't be able to climb Everest, if the Nepalese government introduces new laws on the mountain

  • Happy Birthday ruled out of copyright “祝你生日快乐”歌词没有版权

    Happy Birthday ruled out of copyright “祝你生日快乐”歌词没有版权

    Episode 150925 / 25 Sep 2015

    The copyright to the popular song Happy Birthday To You is ruled invalid by a US judge, meaning an end to royalties for public performances of the song

  • Will a robot take your job? 机器人会抢了你的饭碗吗?

    Will a robot take your job? 机器人会抢了你的饭碗吗?

    Episode 150918 / 18 Sep 2015

    Computers are likely to replace about 35% of British jobs over the next 20 years. Find out which types of jobs are at risk

  • Public to name UK and Irish storms 英国公众可以给风暴起名

    Public to name UK and Irish storms 英国公众可以给风暴起名

    Episode 150911 / 11 Sep 2015

    Members of the public are to be given the opportunity to name storms affecting the region. The idea is to raise awareness of dangerous weather

  • Selfie ban at festival in India  印度禁止民众在节日庆典活动自拍

    Selfie ban at festival in India 印度禁止民众在节日庆典活动自拍

    Episode 150904 / 04 Sep 2015

    Taking selfies has been banned at a massive Hindu festival in India. It's to prevent stampedes

  • House dust full of bacteria 家中的灰尘里藏有九千种细菌

    House dust full of bacteria 家中的灰尘里藏有九千种细菌

    Episode 150828 / 28 Aug 2015

    Think your house is clean? Researchers say thousands of species of bacteria live in our homes

  • Special book makes water drinkable 巧用书本过滤饮用水

    Special book makes water drinkable 巧用书本过滤饮用水

    Episode 150821 / 21 Aug 2015

    Researchers in the US have designed a book which can be used to make water safe to drink. It might benefit millions of people without access to drinkable water

  • Astronauts eat space-grown food 宇航员享用自种太空蔬菜

    Astronauts eat space-grown food 宇航员享用自种太空蔬菜

    Episode 150814 / 14 Aug 2015

    Astronauts eat space-grown lettuce for the first time. Veg grown in the ISS takes humans closer to Mars flight

  • Bonobos' clue to speech evolution 倭黑猩猩的叫声为语言进化提供线索

    Bonobos' clue to speech evolution 倭黑猩猩的叫声为语言进化提供线索

    Episode 150807 / 07 Aug 2015

    A study finds that wild bonobos use a single call in a variety of contexts, showing complex communication similar to that of human babies

  • Whale song plan for old military base 改建之后的“鲸鱼之歌”旅游景点

    Whale song plan for old military base 改建之后的“鲸鱼之歌”旅游景点

    Episode 150731 / 31 Jul 2015

    Scottish community wants tourists to listen to whale song at former Cold War base

  • Hawking's search for alien life 霍金发起寻找外星人计划

    Hawking's search for alien life 霍金发起寻找外星人计划

    Episode 150724 / 24 Jul 2015

    Are we alone? Professor Stephen Hawking launches the biggest search for aliens yet

  • Nasa spacecraft speeds past Pluto 美国宇航局“新视野号”飞掠冥王星

    Nasa spacecraft speeds past Pluto 美国宇航局“新视野号”飞掠冥王星

    Episode 150717 / 17 Jul 2015

    An encounter with a remote planet. How will new images of Pluto help scientists?

  • Free internet for Mount Fuji climbers  日本富士山向游客提供免费无线网

    Free internet for Mount Fuji climbers 日本富士山向游客提供免费无线网

    Episode 150710 / 10 Jul 2015

    Selfies from Mount Fuji? Japan's highest mountain will soon have free wi-fi to attract tourists

  • Report backs third runway for Heathrow 伦敦希思罗机场第三条跑道

    Report backs third runway for Heathrow 伦敦希思罗机场第三条跑道

    Episode 150703 / 03 Jul 2015

    A new runway for Heathrow? Find out what airport expansion would mean for the UK

  • Skinny jeans 'bad for your health' 窄腿紧身牛仔裤有碍健康

    Skinny jeans 'bad for your health' 窄腿紧身牛仔裤有碍健康

    Episode 150626 / 26 Jun 2015

    Doctors say skinny jeans can be harmful, after an Australian woman needed hospital treatment

  • Old drivers kept off the road 众多老年司机面临驾照被撤销

    Old drivers kept off the road 众多老年司机面临驾照被撤销

    Episode 150227 / 27 Feb 2015

    An increasing number of older drivers are being stopped from driving

  • Penguins lost ability to taste fish 企鹅失去对鱼的味觉

    Penguins lost ability to taste fish 企鹅失去对鱼的味觉

    Episode 150220 / 20 Feb 2015

    Scientists have discovered that penguins have lost the ability to taste fish

  • A fourth dimension to film 4D影院引领看片新潮流

    A fourth dimension to film 4D影院引领看片新潮流

    Episode 150206 / 06 Feb 2015

    Are blockbuster films in 4D the future of cinema?

  • UK economic growth slows 最新公布数据显示英国经济增长速度缓步

    UK economic growth slows 最新公布数据显示英国经济增长速度缓步

    Episode 150130 / 30 Jan 2015

    The UK's economic growth may be slowing down. Listen to the report and learn some business vocabulary

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