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To be in a (bit of a) pickle 碰到小麻烦

Episode 160414 / 14 Apr 2016


泡菜 pickles 有时候真的是特别的酸, 也不是一个人人都能接受的口味。这个词出现在短语 to be in a pickle 中的时候,意思是碰到了麻烦。不过一般用来形容不方便的情况,而不是指真正很严重的问题。


I’m in a bit of a pickle. I invited two women to be my plus one at the wedding and they both said yes. What am I going to do?

We’re in a financial pickle at the moment. Our bills are more than our income. We’re going to have to make some savings.

It was only a parking ticket, but when I forget to pay it, twice, I ended up in a bit of a legal pickle and now I have to go to court.


Pickle 也可以作为动词,如果有人说 You are pickled,意思是你喝得酩酊大醉。


He was completely pickled when he came back from the party.

I won’t let you drive, you’re pickled.

最新 今日短语

  • The finishing touch 点睛之笔

    The finishing touch 点睛之笔

    Episode 221229 / 29 Dec 2022

    Learn a useful phrase to say you're adding the final detail to something

  • Have it in you 有一手

    Have it in you 有一手

    Episode 221227 / 27 Dec 2022

    Learn a useful phrase to talk about someone’s particular quality or ability

  • Shine a light 阐明,揭示

    Shine a light 阐明,揭示

    Episode 221222 / 22 Dec 2022

    A phrase that needs close examination

  • A turn-up for the books 意料之外的事情

    A turn-up for the books 意料之外的事情

    Episode 221220 / 20 Dec 2022

    A surprising phrase

  • Money down the drain 白花钱

    Money down the drain 白花钱

    Episode 221215 / 15 Dec 2022

    A phrase about wasting money

  • Live hand to mouth 勉强糊口

    Live hand to mouth 勉强糊口

    Episode 221213 / 13 Dec 2022

    A phrase about survival

  • Come down with something 生病

    Come down with something 生病

    Episode 221208 / 08 Dec 2022

    A phrase that means 'to get ill'

  • Catch a bug 生小病

    Catch a bug 生小病

    Episode 221206 / 06 Dec 2022

    A phrase to describe becoming ill

  • Be at your wits' end 一筹莫展,束手无策

    Be at your wits' end 一筹莫展,束手无策

    Episode 221201 / 01 Dec 2022

    A phrase about despair

  • A slip of the pen 笔误

    A slip of the pen 笔误

    Episode 221129 / 29 Nov 2022

    A phrase about mistakes

  • Put pen to paper 动笔,下笔

    Put pen to paper 动笔,下笔

    Episode 221124 / 24 Nov 2022

    Write this phrase down

  • Put your money where your mouth is 说到做到

    Put your money where your mouth is 说到做到

    Episode 221122 / 22 Nov 2022

    A phrase about taking action

  • Made of money 腰缠万贯,极为富有

    Made of money 腰缠万贯,极为富有

    Episode 221117 / 17 Nov 2022

    An 'expensive' phrase

  • Go to the ends of the earth 走遍天涯海角

    Go to the ends of the earth 走遍天涯海角

    Episode 221115 / 15 Nov 2022

    A phrase that requires lots of effort

  • Break one's silence 打破沉默

    Break one's silence 打破沉默

    Episode 221110 / 10 Nov 2022

    A ‘spoken’ phrase

  • Make or break 成败在此一举

    Make or break 成败在此一举

    Episode 221108 / 08 Nov 2022

    A crucial phrase

  • Break one's routine 打破常规

    Break one's routine 打破常规

    Episode 221103 / 03 Nov 2022

    A 'changing' phrase

  • Muddy the waters 把水搅浑

    Muddy the waters 把水搅浑

    Episode 221101 / 01 Nov 2022

    A phrase about confusion

  • Break the news to someone 把坏消息告诉某人

    Break the news to someone 把坏消息告诉某人

    Episode 221027 / 27 Oct 2022

    An informative phrase

  • Break down barriers 扫除障碍,消除隔阂

    Break down barriers 扫除障碍,消除隔阂

    Episode 221025 / 25 Oct 2022

    An ‘unstoppable’ phrase

  • Be dead in the water 无望成功

    Be dead in the water 无望成功

    Episode 221020 / 20 Oct 2022

    A phrase about failure

  • Build something on sand 没打好基础;毫无根据

    Build something on sand 没打好基础;毫无根据

    Episode 221018 / 18 Oct 2022

    A phrase to describe weak foundations

  • Joking aside 言归正传

    Joking aside 言归正传

    Episode 221013 / 13 Oct 2022

    This phrase is no joke!

  • Get into hot water 陷入困境,遇到麻烦

    Get into hot water 陷入困境,遇到麻烦

    Episode 221011 / 11 Oct 2022

    This phrase might get you into trouble!

  • Build up a head of steam 蓄势待发,初见成效

    Build up a head of steam 蓄势待发,初见成效

    Episode 221006 / 06 Oct 2022

    An energetic phrase

  • As busy as a beaver 忙得不可开交

    As busy as a beaver 忙得不可开交

    Episode 221004 / 04 Oct 2022

    A hardworking phrase

  • Make a joke of something 付之一笑

    Make a joke of something 付之一笑

    Episode 220929 / 29 Sep 2022

    Do you see the funny side of something serious?

  • The joke is on you 玩笑反而开到自己头上

    The joke is on you 玩笑反而开到自己头上

    Episode 220927 / 27 Sep 2022

    A phrase for jokers

  • Build someone or something up 赞扬,吹捧

    Build someone or something up 赞扬,吹捧

    Episode 220922 / 22 Sep 2022

    An influential phrase

  • Build (one’s) hopes on someone or something 寄希望于某人或某物

    Build (one’s) hopes on someone or something 寄希望于某人或某物

    Episode 220920 / 20 Sep 2022

    A hopeful phrase

  • Break into a market 打入市场

    Break into a market 打入市场

    Episode 220915 / 15 Sep 2022

    A business-related phrase

  • Build something from the ground up 从头开始创建某物

    Build something from the ground up 从头开始创建某物

    Episode 220913 / 13 Sep 2022

    A starting phrase

  • Be the luck of the draw 全靠运气

    Be the luck of the draw 全靠运气

    Episode 220908 / 08 Sep 2022

    An ‘unpredictable’ phrase

  • A run of luck 一连串好运或厄运

    A run of luck 一连串好运或厄运

    Episode 220906 / 06 Sep 2022

    A phrase describes being continuously lucky or unlucky

  • Lucky streak 好运连连

    Lucky streak 好运连连

    Episode 220901 / 01 Sep 2022

    A phrase about 'repeated luck'

  • Trust to luck 听天由命,靠运气行事

    Trust to luck 听天由命,靠运气行事

    Episode 220830 / 30 Aug 2022

    A 'trusting' phrase

  • Thank your lucky stars 庆幸运气好

    Thank your lucky stars 庆幸运气好

    Episode 220825 / 25 Aug 2022

    How to express thanks for your good luck?

  • A stroke of luck 交好运

    A stroke of luck 交好运

    Episode 220823 / 23 Aug 2022

    Want a lucky phrase?

  • Put someone in the picture 向某人介绍最新情况

    Put someone in the picture 向某人介绍最新情况

    Episode 220818 / 18 Aug 2022

    An informative phrase

  • As pretty as a picture 美丽如画

    As pretty as a picture 美丽如画

    Episode 220816 / 16 Aug 2022

    A beautiful phrase

  • Be able to picture something 想象得到

    Be able to picture something 想象得到

    Episode 220811 / 11 Aug 2022

    An 'imaginative' phrase

  • The picture of 非常,完美典范

    The picture of 非常,完美典范

    Episode 220809 / 09 Aug 2022

    A 'perfect' phrase

  • Paint a picture 构想,描绘

    Paint a picture 构想,描绘

    Episode 220804 / 04 Aug 2022

    A descriptive phrase

  • The bigger picture 大局,整体情况

    The bigger picture 大局,整体情况

    Episode 220802 / 02 Aug 2022

    A big phrase

  • Not a cloud in the sky 万里无云;万事大吉

    Not a cloud in the sky 万里无云;万事大吉

    Episode 220728 / 28 Jul 2022

    A blue-sky phrase

  • Rise and shine! 快起床!

    Rise and shine! 快起床!

    Episode 220726 / 26 Jul 2022

    Wake up with this phrase

  • Shine through 大放异彩

    Shine through 大放异彩

    Episode 220721 / 21 Jul 2022

    A phrase that shines

  • Take a shine to someone 立刻喜欢上某人

    Take a shine to someone 立刻喜欢上某人

    Episode 220719 / 19 Jul 2022

    A likeable phrase

  • A sight for sore eyes 乐于看到的人,喜闻乐见的事

    A sight for sore eyes 乐于看到的人,喜闻乐见的事

    Episode 220714 / 14 Jul 2022

    A new phrase – that's nice to see!

  • Out of sight, out of mind 眼不见,心不念

    Out of sight, out of mind 眼不见,心不念

    Episode 220712 / 12 Jul 2022

    A phrase about forgetting something

  • Watch like a hawk 密切观察,盯着

    Watch like a hawk 密切观察,盯着

    Episode 220707 / 07 Jul 2022

    Keep a close eye on this phrase

  • In/with hindsight 事后看来

    In/with hindsight 事后看来

    Episode 220705 / 05 Jul 2022

    A phrase about looking back

  • A sight more 更多

    A sight more 更多

    Episode 220630 / 30 Jun 2022

    A phrase about needing more

  • A sorry sight 悲惨的景象,惨相

    A sorry sight 悲惨的景象,惨相

    Episode 220628 / 28 Jun 2022

    A phrase about unpleasant appearance

  • Eyes like saucers 瞪圆双眼

    Eyes like saucers 瞪圆双眼

    Episode 220623 / 23 Jun 2022

    A 'big-eyed' phrase

  • Only have eyes for someone 眼里只有某人

    Only have eyes for someone 眼里只有某人

    Episode 220621 / 21 Jun 2022

    A romantic phrase

  • Take the long view 着眼长远

    Take the long view 着眼长远

    Episode 220616 / 16 Jun 2022

    A phrase about looking far

  • Sneak peek 先睹为快

    Sneak peek 先睹为快

    Episode 220614 / 14 Jun 2022

    Have a glimpse of this phrase

  • As far as the eye can see 眼到之处,一望无际

    As far as the eye can see 眼到之处,一望无际

    Episode 220609 / 09 Jun 2022

    Take the long view

  • Can’t stand the sight of 见不得,受不了

    Can’t stand the sight of 见不得,受不了

    Episode 220607 / 07 Jun 2022

    A 'hateful' phrase

  • Lose sight of something 忽视,遗忘

    Lose sight of something 忽视,遗忘

    Episode 220602 / 02 Jun 2022

    A phrase about forgetting

  • Know someone by sight 只是面熟,似曾相识

    Know someone by sight 只是面熟,似曾相识

    Episode 220531 / 31 May 2022

    Do you recognise this phrase?

  • Have an eye for something 眼光独到,独具慧眼

    Have an eye for something 眼光独到,独具慧眼

    Episode 220526 / 26 May 2022

    A phrase about being able to notice something

  • Keep an eye out for something 留意,特别注意

    Keep an eye out for something 留意,特别注意

    Episode 220524 / 24 May 2022

    Look out for this phrase

  • Cry someone’s eyes out 嚎啕大哭

    Cry someone’s eyes out 嚎啕大哭

    Episode 220519 / 19 May 2022

    A phrase to cry about

  • A feast for the eyes 大饱眼福

    A feast for the eyes 大饱眼福

    Episode 220517 / 17 May 2022

    A pleasing phrase

  • Eagle eye 眼尖,目光锐利

    Eagle eye 眼尖,目光锐利

    Episode 220512 / 12 May 2022

    Don’t miss this phrase

  • Seeing is believing 眼见为实

    Seeing is believing 眼见为实

    Episode 220510 / 10 May 2022

    An idiom worth seeing

  • Tip-top 顶呱呱

    Tip-top 顶呱呱

    Episode 220505 / 05 May 2022

    An extremely good word!

  • Up to date 最新的

    Up to date 最新的

    Episode 220503 / 03 May 2022

    The latest phrase

  • State of the art 最先进,最顶尖

    State of the art 最先进,最顶尖

    Episode 220428 / 28 Apr 2022

    A phrase for the most modern things

  • High-end 高端,高档

    High-end 高端,高档

    Episode 220426 / 26 Apr 2022

    A top-quality word

  • Top-drawer 顶级,一流

    Top-drawer 顶级,一流

    Episode 220421 / 21 Apr 2022

    A high-quality expression

  • The cutting edge 发展前沿

    The cutting edge 发展前沿

    Episode 220419 / 19 Apr 2022

    A very advanced phrase!

  • A devil of a job 大费周折,费劲的事

    A devil of a job 大费周折,费劲的事

    Episode 220414 / 14 Apr 2022

    Such a difficult task!

  • Bring to the table 提供建议,带来价值

    Bring to the table 提供建议,带来价值

    Episode 220412 / 12 Apr 2022

    A beneficial phrase

  • Close of play 下班时;比赛结束

    Close of play 下班时;比赛结束

    Episode 220407 / 07 Apr 2022

    A phrase about a deadline

  • Off the cuff 未加思索,即兴

    Off the cuff 未加思索,即兴

    Episode 220405 / 05 Apr 2022

    A phrase about speaking without preparation

  • Take something offline 私下再谈

    Take something offline 私下再谈

    Episode 220331 / 31 Mar 2022

    A silencing phrase

  • Helicopter view 概述

    Helicopter view 概述

    Episode 220329 / 29 Mar 2022

    A business term about an overview

  • In the pipeline 筹划中,进行中

    In the pipeline 筹划中,进行中

    Episode 220324 / 24 Mar 2022

    A phrase about planning

  • Deep dive 深入探讨,仔细分析

    Deep dive 深入探讨,仔细分析

    Episode 220322 / 22 Mar 2022

    Ready to take a deep dive?

  • Win-win 双赢,各方受益

    Win-win 双赢,各方受益

    Episode 220317 / 17 Mar 2022

    Not just one win!

  • Career move 职业选择

    Career move 职业选择

    Episode 220315 / 15 Mar 2022

    Changes made on career path

  • Back to the drawing board 从头再来

    Back to the drawing board 从头再来

    Episode 220310 / 10 Mar 2022

    An expression to start again

  • Call the shots 做主

    Call the shots 做主

    Episode 220308 / 08 Mar 2022

    You’re in control of this phrase

  • The ball is in someone’s court 就看此人的决定

    The ball is in someone’s court 就看此人的决定

    Episode 220303 / 03 Mar 2022

    Learn an expression about responsibility

  • Think outside the box 打破常规地思考

    Think outside the box 打破常规地思考

    Episode 220301 / 01 Mar 2022

    A creative expression

  • On the back burner 暂时搁置

    On the back burner 暂时搁置

    Episode 220224 / 24 Feb 2022

    Something for later

  • Blue-sky thinking 奇思妙想

    Blue-sky thinking 奇思妙想

    Episode 220222 / 22 Feb 2022

    A thoughtful expression

  • Desk jockey 坐办公室的人

    Desk jockey 坐办公室的人

    Episode 220217 / 17 Feb 2022

    An informal name for an office worker

  • Gently does it! 别着急,悠着点!

    Gently does it! 别着急,悠着点!

    Episode 220215 / 15 Feb 2022

    A careful expression

  • Get a move on 赶紧的,快点

    Get a move on 赶紧的,快点

    Episode 220210 / 10 Feb 2022

    An alternative to ‘hurry up’

  • Long-drawn-out 冗长拖沓

    Long-drawn-out 冗长拖沓

    Episode 220208 / 08 Feb 2022

    Unnecessarily long?

  • In dribs and drabs 三三两两,零零碎碎

    In dribs and drabs 三三两两,零零碎碎

    Episode 220203 / 03 Feb 2022

    Not all at once

  • Slow burner 逐渐有趣,缓步成功

    Slow burner 逐渐有趣,缓步成功

    Episode 220201 / 01 Feb 2022

    What is a slow burner?

  • Slowly but surely 稳扎稳打

    Slowly but surely 稳扎稳打

    Episode 220127 / 27 Jan 2022

    A phrase that doesn’t need rushing

  • Take your time 慢慢来,不着急

    Take your time 慢慢来,不着急

    Episode 220125 / 25 Jan 2022

    A slow phrase

  • At a snail’s pace 慢如蜗牛

    At a snail’s pace 慢如蜗牛

    Episode 220120 / 20 Jan 2022

    How slow could one be?

  • Make good time 一路顺利,提前抵达

    Make good time 一路顺利,提前抵达

    Episode 220118 / 18 Jan 2022

    Learn a phrase quickly

  • Fast and furious 迅猛刺激,扣人心弦

    Fast and furious 迅猛刺激,扣人心弦

    Episode 220113 / 13 Jan 2022

    A fast-paced expression

  • Speed demon 雷厉风行,风驰电掣

    Speed demon 雷厉风行,风驰电掣

    Episode 220111 / 11 Jan 2022

    A fast phrase

  • In two shakes (of a lamb’s tail) 马上,一晃

    In two shakes (of a lamb’s tail) 马上,一晃

    Episode 220106 / 06 Jan 2022

    Learn a quick phrase

  • More haste, less speed 欲速则不达

    More haste, less speed 欲速则不达

    Episode 220104 / 04 Jan 2022

    Don’t rush this saying

  • No sooner said than done 说干就干

    No sooner said than done 说干就干

    Episode 211230 / 30 Dec 2021

    A phrase to use right now!

  • Beat the clock 争分夺秒,赶着点完成任务

    Beat the clock 争分夺秒,赶着点完成任务

    Episode 211228 / 28 Dec 2021

    A phrase about speed

  • By leaps and bounds 突飞猛进

    By leaps and bounds 突飞猛进

    Episode 211223 / 23 Dec 2021

    A phrase about quick progression

  • Before the ink is dry 协议好的事很快生变;尘埃未定

    Before the ink is dry 协议好的事很快生变;尘埃未定

    Episode 211221 / 21 Dec 2021

    The ink is still wet in this expression

  • A shrinking violet 羞怯腼腆的人

    A shrinking violet 羞怯腼腆的人

    Episode 211216 / 16 Dec 2021

    A shy phrase

  • Creature of habit 习惯性动物,一成不变的人

    Creature of habit 习惯性动物,一成不变的人

    Episode 211214 / 14 Dec 2021

    What kind of creature are you?

  • Happy camper 心满意足的人,乐天派

    Happy camper 心满意足的人,乐天派

    Episode 211209 / 09 Dec 2021

    Are you a happy camper?

  • Be in a class of one’s own 无与伦比,出类拔萃

    Be in a class of one’s own 无与伦比,出类拔萃

    Episode 211207 / 07 Dec 2021

    Who do you know who is in a class of their own?

  • Larger than life 非同凡响,耀眼夺目

    Larger than life 非同凡响,耀眼夺目

    Episode 211202 / 02 Dec 2021

    Who do you know who is larger than life?

  • Generous to a fault 非常慷慨大方

    Generous to a fault 非常慷慨大方

    Episode 211130 / 30 Nov 2021

    A generous expression

  • Live wire 精力充沛的人

    Live wire 精力充沛的人

    Episode 211125 / 25 Nov 2021

    A lively phrase

  • Goody-goody 道貌岸然、讨好卖乖的人

    Goody-goody 道貌岸然、讨好卖乖的人

    Episode 211123 / 23 Nov 2021

    What kind of person is a goody-goody?

  • Wet blanket 扫兴的人

    Wet blanket 扫兴的人

    Episode 211118 / 18 Nov 2021

    Who is a wet blanket?

  • Give the shirt off one's back 倾囊相助,尽力帮忙

    Give the shirt off one's back 倾囊相助,尽力帮忙

    Episode 211116 / 16 Nov 2021

    A phrase about giving

  • Mover and shaker 举足轻重、有号召力的人

    Mover and shaker 举足轻重、有号召力的人

    Episode 211111 / 11 Nov 2021

    An influential phrase

  • Lone wolf 独来独往、不合群的人

    Lone wolf 独来独往、不合群的人

    Episode 211109 / 09 Nov 2021

    Are you a lone wolf?

  • Not have a bad bone in one’s body 一点坏心眼都没有,心地善良

    Not have a bad bone in one’s body 一点坏心眼都没有,心地善良

    Episode 211104 / 04 Nov 2021

    An expression for someone good

  • Eager beaver 工作卖力的人

    Eager beaver 工作卖力的人

    Episode 211102 / 02 Nov 2021

    An enthusiastic phrase

  • Not a hair out of place 衣冠整洁,一丝不乱

    Not a hair out of place 衣冠整洁,一丝不乱

    Episode 211028 / 28 Oct 2021

    A neat expression!

  • Know-it-all 自以为无所不知的人

    Know-it-all 自以为无所不知的人

    Episode 211026 / 26 Oct 2021

    A word for show-offs!

  • Blind you with science 用专业术语唬人

    Blind you with science 用专业术语唬人

    Episode 211021 / 21 Oct 2021

    What does ‘blind you with science’ mean?

  • Chalk something up to experience 当是经验教训

    Chalk something up to experience 当是经验教训

    Episode 211019 / 19 Oct 2021

    What have you chalked up to experience?

  • Make a mental note 记在心里

    Make a mental note 记在心里

    Episode 211014 / 14 Oct 2021

    How good is your memory?

  • Pick someone’s brains 请教某人

    Pick someone’s brains 请教某人

    Episode 211012 / 12 Oct 2021

    Whose brains do you pick?

  • It’s all Greek to me 我完全不懂

    It’s all Greek to me 我完全不懂

    Episode 211007 / 07 Oct 2021

    Is it all Greek to you?

  • Walk before one can run 循序渐进

    Walk before one can run 循序渐进

    Episode 211005 / 05 Oct 2021

    Do you think it’s good to walk before you can run?

  • Quick/slow on the uptake 领悟很快/慢

    Quick/slow on the uptake 领悟很快/慢

    Episode 210930 / 30 Sep 2021

    Are you quick or slow on the uptake?

  • Cover a lot of ground 涉及面广

    Cover a lot of ground 涉及面广

    Episode 210928 / 28 Sep 2021

    Who do you know who covers a lot of ground?

  • Knowledge is power 知识就是力量

    Knowledge is power 知识就是力量

    Episode 210923 / 23 Sep 2021

    Do you think knowledge is power?

  • Take a leaf out of someone’s book 以某人为榜样

    Take a leaf out of someone’s book 以某人为榜样

    Episode 210921 / 21 Sep 2021

    A bookish phrase

  • Low-hanging fruit 容易实现的目标

    Low-hanging fruit 容易实现的目标

    Episode 210916 / 16 Sep 2021

    Pick this phrase!

  • Can’t make head nor tail of something 一头雾水

    Can’t make head nor tail of something 一头雾水

    Episode 210914 / 14 Sep 2021

    What can’t you understand?

  • Know something back to front 了如指掌

    Know something back to front 了如指掌

    Episode 210909 / 09 Sep 2021

    What do you know back to front?

  • Might-have-been 本来可能发生的事情

    Might-have-been 本来可能发生的事情

    Episode 210907 / 07 Sep 2021

    What might-have-been do you always think about?

  • Not know where to put oneself 非常尴尬;局促不安

    Not know where to put oneself 非常尴尬;局促不安

    Episode 210902 / 02 Sep 2021

    Do you get really embarrassed?

  • Get the hang of something 学会做某事,掌握窍门

    Get the hang of something 学会做某事,掌握窍门

    Episode 210831 / 31 Aug 2021

    Getting the hang of this?

  • Once bitten, twice shy 一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳

    Once bitten, twice shy 一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳

    Episode 210826 / 26 Aug 2021

    A saying about learning a lesson

  • Sadder but wiser 经一事,长一智

    Sadder but wiser 经一事,长一智

    Episode 210824 / 24 Aug 2021

    What left you sadder but wiser?

  • Rue the day 后悔莫及

    Rue the day 后悔莫及

    Episode 210819 / 19 Aug 2021

    When did you last rue the day?

  • Have second thoughts 重新考虑

    Have second thoughts 重新考虑

    Episode 210817 / 17 Aug 2021

    A phrase to make you think

  • Close the stable door after the horse has bolted 为时已晚

    Close the stable door after the horse has bolted 为时已晚

    Episode 210812 / 12 Aug 2021

    An expression about being too late!

  • Get in on the ground floor 抢占先机,先下手为强

    Get in on the ground floor 抢占先机,先下手为强

    Episode 210810 / 10 Aug 2021

    Do you like to get in on the ground floor?

  • Off the wall 荒诞离奇

    Off the wall 荒诞离奇

    Episode 210805 / 05 Aug 2021

    Do you like strange things?

  • Wipe the floor with someone 让某人一败涂地

    Wipe the floor with someone 让某人一败涂地

    Episode 210803 / 03 Aug 2021

    When did you last wipe the floor with someone?

  • A roof over one’s head 栖身之所,住处

    A roof over one’s head 栖身之所,住处

    Episode 210729 / 29 Jul 2021

    When did you last need a roof over your head?

  • Go through the mill 饱受磨炼,饱尝辛酸

    Go through the mill 饱受磨炼,饱尝辛酸

    Episode 210727 / 27 Jul 2021

    Describing a difficult time

  • Hit a/the wall 达到极限

    Hit a/the wall 达到极限

    Episode 210722 / 22 Jul 2021

    A phrase that’s run out of energy!

  • Face up to one’s fears 克服恐惧

    Face up to one’s fears 克服恐惧

    Episode 210720 / 20 Jul 2021

    When did you have to face your fears?

  • Lose one’s nerve 惊慌失措

    Lose one’s nerve 惊慌失措

    Episode 210715 / 15 Jul 2021

    When did you have to be brave?

  • Brave something out 勇敢面对,坚持到底

    Brave something out 勇敢面对,坚持到底

    Episode 210713 / 13 Jul 2021

    A phrase with courage

  • True grit 坚韧不拔

    True grit 坚韧不拔

    Episode 210708 / 08 Jul 2021

    A gritty phrase!

  • Like ships that pass in the night 一面之缘,擦肩而过

    Like ships that pass in the night 一面之缘,擦肩而过

    Episode 210706 / 06 Jul 2021

    Are you like ships that pass in the night with someone?

  • Get the show on the road 开始行动

    Get the show on the road 开始行动

    Episode 210701 / 01 Jul 2021

    Start learning a new phrase

  • Beach bum 海滩客

    Beach bum 海滩客

    Episode 210629 / 29 Jun 2021

    A seaside phrase

  • A home from home 像家一样令人自在的地方

    A home from home 像家一样令人自在的地方

    Episode 210624 / 24 Jun 2021

    Where is your home from home?

  • A country mile 距离遥远;差远了

    A country mile 距离遥远;差远了

    Episode 210622 / 22 Jun 2021

    What is far away from you?

  • At the crack of dawn 破晓时分,一大早

    At the crack of dawn 破晓时分,一大早

    Episode 210617 / 17 Jun 2021

    What time do you get up?

  • Hit the road 出发,上路

    Hit the road 出发,上路

    Episode 210615 / 15 Jun 2021

    What time are you leaving?

  • Recharge one’s batteries 养精蓄锐

    Recharge one’s batteries 养精蓄锐

    Episode 210610 / 10 Jun 2021

    Do you need to relax?

  • Off the beaten track 人迹罕至的,偏远的

    Off the beaten track 人迹罕至的,偏远的

    Episode 210608 / 08 Jun 2021

    Do you like going off the beaten track?

  • Get away from it all 抛开烦恼去度假

    Get away from it all 抛开烦恼去度假

    Episode 210603 / 03 Jun 2021

    Do you need a holiday?

  • Grin from ear to ear 笑开了花,咧嘴大笑

    Grin from ear to ear 笑开了花,咧嘴大笑

    Episode 210601 / 01 Jun 2021

    A phrase to smile about

  • Split one’s sides 笑破肚皮

    Split one’s sides 笑破肚皮

    Episode 210527 / 27 May 2021

    What do you find funny?

  • Sink one’s teeth into something 全身心投入

    Sink one’s teeth into something 全身心投入

    Episode 210525 / 25 May 2021

    What would you like to sink your teeth into?

  • Burst out laughing 放声大笑

    Burst out laughing 放声大笑

    Episode 210520 / 20 May 2021

    A funny phrase

  • A happy place 快乐之地,乐园

    A happy place 快乐之地,乐园

    Episode 210518 / 18 May 2021

    A happy phrase

  • Beyond a joke 不可理喻,非常过分

    Beyond a joke 不可理喻,非常过分

    Episode 210513 / 13 May 2021

    An unfunny phrase

  • Go into overdrive 加倍努力,加紧工作

    Go into overdrive 加倍努力,加紧工作

    Episode 210511 / 11 May 2021

    Do you need to work hard?

  • Like a cat on a hot tin roof 像热锅上的蚂蚁一般,坐立不安

    Like a cat on a hot tin roof 像热锅上的蚂蚁一般,坐立不安

    Episode 210506 / 06 May 2021

    What makes you anxious?

  • Dig deep 倾力出资;倾尽全力

    Dig deep 倾力出资;倾尽全力

    Episode 210504 / 04 May 2021

    Learn a phrase that involves effort

  • Like pulling teeth 非常困难

    Like pulling teeth 非常困难

    Episode 210429 / 29 Apr 2021

    A painful phrase

  • A shot in the arm 一剂强心针

    A shot in the arm 一剂强心针

    Episode 210427 / 27 Apr 2021

    What can give you a boost?

  • Throw caution to the wind 不顾风险

    Throw caution to the wind 不顾风险

    Episode 210422 / 22 Apr 2021

    A risky English phrase

  • Drop a clanger 说错话,做蠢事

    Drop a clanger 说错话,做蠢事

    Episode 210420 / 20 Apr 2021

    Have you ever made an embarrassing mistake?

  • April showers bring May flowers 苦尽甘来

    April showers bring May flowers 苦尽甘来

    Episode 210415 / 15 Apr 2021

    Learn an interesting English proverb

  • One swallow doesn’t make a summer 孤燕不成夏

    One swallow doesn’t make a summer 孤燕不成夏

    Episode 210413 / 13 Apr 2021

    Learn an interesting English saying

  • Make headway 取得进展

    Make headway 取得进展

    Episode 210408 / 08 Apr 2021

    Do you like making headway?

  • Get your head down 集中全部精力;躺下睡觉

    Get your head down 集中全部精力;躺下睡觉

    Episode 210406 / 06 Apr 2021

    Learn a hard-working phrase

  • Garden-variety 非常普通

    Garden-variety 非常普通

    Episode 210401 / 01 Apr 2021

    How do you say that something is nothing out of the ordinary?

  • Head in the clouds 心不在焉,胡思乱想

    Head in the clouds 心不在焉,胡思乱想

    Episode 210330 / 30 Mar 2021

    Do you feel unfocused?

  • March to the beat of a different drum 独树一帜,标新立异

    March to the beat of a different drum 独树一帜,标新立异

    Episode 210325 / 25 Mar 2021

    Do you do things in a different way to other people?

  • Beware the ides of March 谨防危险,千万小心

    Beware the ides of March 谨防危险,千万小心

    Episode 210323 / 23 Mar 2021

    When did something go wrong for you?

  • Spring something on someone 冷不防地问某人

    Spring something on someone 冷不防地问某人

    Episode 210318 / 18 Mar 2021

    When did someone last spring something on you?

  • Steal a march on someone 先发制人

    Steal a march on someone 先发制人

    Episode 210316 / 16 Mar 2021

    Have you ever gained the advantage over someone?

  • Mother Nature 大自然,自然界

    Mother Nature 大自然,自然界

    Episode 210311 / 11 Mar 2021

    A personified phrase for nature

  • Have the last laugh 笑到最后

    Have the last laugh 笑到最后

    Episode 210309 / 09 Mar 2021

    Is this a funny phrase?

  • Watch the clock 看时间等下班

    Watch the clock 看时间等下班

    Episode 210304 / 04 Mar 2021

    It’s time to learn a new phrase

  • Can’t see the wood for the trees 见木不见林

    Can’t see the wood for the trees 见木不见林

    Episode 210302 / 02 Mar 2021

    A hazy phrase

  • As awkward as a cow on roller skates 笨手笨脚

    As awkward as a cow on roller skates 笨手笨脚

    Episode 210225 / 25 Feb 2021

    Are you clumsy?

  • Hit the bullseye 一针见血,一语中的

    Hit the bullseye 一针见血,一语中的

    Episode 210223 / 23 Feb 2021

    Have you ever hit the bullseye?

  • Like watching grass grow 非常无聊

    Like watching grass grow 非常无聊

    Episode 210218 / 18 Feb 2021

    What do you think is really dull?

  • To be bullheaded 固执己见

    To be bullheaded 固执己见

    Episode 210216 / 16 Feb 2021

    Who do you know who’s stubborn?

  • My one and only 我的唯一

    My one and only 我的唯一

    Episode 210211 / 11 Feb 2021

    Who is your one and only?

  • Have ice in one’s veins 镇定自若

    Have ice in one’s veins 镇定自若

    Episode 210209 / 09 Feb 2021

    Do you have ice in your veins?

  • Throw cold water on something 泼冷水

    Throw cold water on something 泼冷水

    Episode 210204 / 04 Feb 2021

    Have your ideas been dismissed?

  • Leave someone in the cold 冷落某人

    Leave someone in the cold 冷落某人

    Episode 210202 / 02 Feb 2021

    Have you ever been left out in the cold?

  • Cold hands, warm heart 外表冷漠心肠热

    Cold hands, warm heart 外表冷漠心肠热

    Episode 210128 / 28 Jan 2021

    Do you have cold hands and a warm heart?

  • Cold comfort 于事无补

    Cold comfort 于事无补

    Episode 210126 / 26 Jan 2021

    What is cold comfort?

  • Come in from the cold 不再受冷落

    Come in from the cold 不再受冷落

    Episode 210121 / 21 Jan 2021

    Have you come in from the cold?

  • Frozen to the core 冻得透心凉

    Frozen to the core 冻得透心凉

    Episode 210119 / 19 Jan 2021

    Learn to describe feeling extremely cold

  • Dead of winter 寒冬腊月

    Dead of winter 寒冬腊月

    Episode 210114 / 14 Jan 2021

    Learn to describe the coldest time of year

  • A cold snap 寒流

    A cold snap 寒流

    Episode 210112 / 12 Jan 2021

    It suddenly got cold

  • A snowball's chance in hell 机会渺茫

    A snowball's chance in hell 机会渺茫

    Episode 210107 / 07 Jan 2021

    There is no chance you'll forget this

  • As snug as a bug in a rug 非常舒适

    As snug as a bug in a rug 非常舒适

    Episode 210105 / 05 Jan 2021

    If the weather is cold where you are, it might be a good idea to wrap up

  • Snowball effect 滚雪球效应

    Snowball effect 滚雪球效应

    Episode 201231 / 31 Dec 2020

    How can you describe a situation which is increasing in importance?

  • Put something on ice 搁置,推迟

    Put something on ice 搁置,推迟

    Episode 201229 / 29 Dec 2020

    How can you talk about postponing a plan or deal?

  • Light up like a Christmas tree 喜上眉梢;灯光夺目

    Light up like a Christmas tree 喜上眉梢;灯光夺目

    Episode 201224 / 24 Dec 2020

    A useful expression to describe someone who is very happy

  • Christmas came early 突如其来的好事情

    Christmas came early 突如其来的好事情

    Episode 201222 / 22 Dec 2020

    Learn an expression to help you express your delight at an unexpected gift or situation

  • Come up trumps 意外地大获成功

    Come up trumps 意外地大获成功

    Episode 201217 / 17 Dec 2020

    Learn a phrase to describe someone who completes an activity successfully, even when it didn’t seem possible

  • Ace a test 考试得高分

    Ace a test 考试得高分

    Episode 201215 / 15 Dec 2020

    Learn a phrase to describe when someone gets a very high score in a test

  • Draw a blank 一无所获,毫无回应

    Draw a blank 一无所获,毫无回应

    Episode 201210 / 10 Dec 2020

    Learn a phrase to describe when someone doesn’t get the answer or result they are looking for

  • As clear as a bell 声音清晰洪亮

    As clear as a bell 声音清晰洪亮

    Episode 201208 / 08 Dec 2020

    Learn a phrase to describe when something is very easy to hear

  • In unison 共同,一齐

    In unison 共同,一齐

    Episode 201203 / 03 Dec 2020

    Learn a phrase to describe when people do things together at the same time

  • A slow/fast/romantic number 一首慢歌/快歌/情歌

    A slow/fast/romantic number 一首慢歌/快歌/情歌

    Episode 201201 / 01 Dec 2020

    Learn a phrase to describe a song

  • Hit the right note 言行得体,恰到好处

    Hit the right note 言行得体,恰到好处

    Episode 201126 / 26 Nov 2020

    Learn a phrase to describe when someone gets something exactly right

  • A jam session 一场即兴演奏会

    A jam session 一场即兴演奏会

    Episode 201124 / 24 Nov 2020

    Learn a phrase to talk about musicians playing together

  • Have a face like thunder 火冒三丈

    Have a face like thunder 火冒三丈

    Episode 201119 / 19 Nov 2020

    Learn a useful phrase to say that someone looks very angry

  • The calm before the storm 暴风雨前的平静

    The calm before the storm 暴风雨前的平静

    Episode 201117 / 17 Nov 2020

    Learn how to describe the period of calm before something turbulent happens

  • Elevator music 公共场所连续播放的背景音乐

    Elevator music 公共场所连续播放的背景音乐

    Episode 201112 / 12 Nov 2020

    Learn a phrase to describe pre-recorded music played in the background in public places

  • It’s not over until it’s over 不到最后,不见分晓

    It’s not over until it’s over 不到最后,不见分晓

    Episode 201110 / 10 Nov 2020

    Learn a phrase to describe situations with inconclusive outcomes

  • Come rain or shine 风雨无阻

    Come rain or shine 风雨无阻

    Episode 201105 / 05 Nov 2020

    Learn a phrase to say something will happen no matter what

  • Hope for the best 尽量往好处想

    Hope for the best 尽量往好处想

    Episode 201103 / 03 Nov 2020

    Learn a phrase to express optimism in an uncertain situation

  • Hope springs eternal 希望之泉永不尽

    Hope springs eternal 希望之泉永不尽

    Episode 201029 / 29 Oct 2020

    Learn a saying to talk about hoping for something unlikely

  • A fighting chance 成功的一线可能

    A fighting chance 成功的一线可能

    Episode 201027 / 27 Oct 2020

    Learn a phrase to talk about possibility

  • Pin your hopes on something 寄希望于某事

    Pin your hopes on something 寄希望于某事

    Episode 201022 / 22 Oct 2020

    Learn a phrase to describe something that your hopes depend on

  • A blessing in disguise 因祸得福

    A blessing in disguise 因祸得福

    Episode 201020 / 20 Oct 2020

    Learn a phrase to describe something that turns out to be good

  • Hope against hope 抱一线希望

    Hope against hope 抱一线希望

    Episode 201015 / 15 Oct 2020

    Learn a phrase to talk about hoping for something that seems impossible

  • The sky’s the limit 一切皆有可能

    The sky’s the limit 一切皆有可能

    Episode 201013 / 13 Oct 2020

    Learn an expression to say that anything is possible

  • When one door closes, another one opens 天无绝人之路

    When one door closes, another one opens 天无绝人之路

    Episode 201008 / 08 Oct 2020

    Learn a phrase to talk about new opportunities

  • Look on the bright side 往好处想,看到好的一面

    Look on the bright side 往好处想,看到好的一面

    Episode 201006 / 06 Oct 2020

    Learn a phrase to talk about being an optimist

  • Everything’s coming up roses 一切进展顺利

    Everything’s coming up roses 一切进展顺利

    Episode 201001 / 01 Oct 2020

    Learn an expression to say you are experiencing success

  • The future looks bright 前途一片光明

    The future looks bright 前途一片光明

    Episode 200929 / 29 Sep 2020

    Learn an expression to talk about optimism for the future

  • When life gives you lemons, make lemonade 随遇而安,苦中作乐

    When life gives you lemons, make lemonade 随遇而安,苦中作乐

    Episode 200924 / 24 Sep 2020

    Learn a saying to talk about making the best of a bad situation

  • Bone up 苦学,突击钻研

    Bone up 苦学,突击钻研

    Episode 200922 / 22 Sep 2020

    Learn a phrase to describe a way of studying hard

  • Go the extra mile 加倍努力

    Go the extra mile 加倍努力

    Episode 200917 / 17 Sep 2020

    Learn a phrase to describe when someone makes an extra special effort to succeed at something

  • Do something with your eyes closed 闭着眼睛都能做某事

    Do something with your eyes closed 闭着眼睛都能做某事

    Episode 200915 / 15 Sep 2020

    Learn a useful expression to say that you know how to do something very well

  • Go through something with a fine-tooth comb 仔细检查,彻底搜查

    Go through something with a fine-tooth comb 仔细检查,彻底搜查

    Episode 200910 / 10 Sep 2020

    Learn a useful expression to talk about examining something closely

  • Know something inside out 对某事了如指掌

    Know something inside out 对某事了如指掌

    Episode 200908 / 08 Sep 2020

    Learn a useful expression to say that you know everything about a subject

  • Work like a Trojan 辛勤工作

    Work like a Trojan 辛勤工作

    Episode 200903 / 03 Sep 2020

    Learn a useful phrase to say that someone works very hard

  • Put your thinking cap on 认真思考,开动脑筋

    Put your thinking cap on 认真思考,开动脑筋

    Episode 200901 / 01 Sep 2020

    Learn a phrase to describe the act of thinking hard

  • Mind your own business 少管闲事

    Mind your own business 少管闲事

    Episode 200827 / 27 Aug 2020

    Learn a useful phrase to tell someone to stop being nosy

  • Mind your manners 注意你的行为举止

    Mind your manners 注意你的行为举止

    Episode 200825 / 25 Aug 2020

    Learn a useful expression to tell someone to be polite

  • Mind your language 注意你的言谈

    Mind your language 注意你的言谈

    Episode 200820 / 20 Aug 2020

    Learn a useful expression to tell someone to be careful about what they say

  • Bow and scrape 点头哈腰

    Bow and scrape 点头哈腰

    Episode 200818 / 18 Aug 2020

    Learn a useful expression to say that someone is being over-polite or showing someone too much attention

  • Have a shared history (with someone) 和某人有共同的经历

    Have a shared history (with someone) 和某人有共同的经历

    Episode 200813 / 13 Aug 2020

    Learn a useful expression to talk about a strong connection you have with another person based on shared experiences.

  • She/He just gets me 她/他真懂我

    She/He just gets me 她/他真懂我

    Episode 200811 / 11 Aug 2020

    Learn a phrase to say that someone understands you well

  • Be joined at the hip 密不可分,形影不离

    Be joined at the hip 密不可分,形影不离

    Episode 200806 / 06 Aug 2020

    Learn a useful phrase to talk about a friend who you are always seen with

  • Be a law unto themselves 我行我素

    Be a law unto themselves 我行我素

    Episode 200804 / 04 Aug 2020

    Learn a phrase to describe someone who does just what they want

  • Build bridges with someone 搭建友谊的桥梁

    Build bridges with someone 搭建友谊的桥梁

    Episode 200730 / 30 Jul 2020

    Learn a phrase to talking about establishing a relationship

  • To be able to read each other’s minds 心有灵犀

    To be able to read each other’s minds 心有灵犀

    Episode 200728 / 28 Jul 2020

    Learn two useful phrases to say that you are very close friends with someone

  • Get your own way 随心所欲,为所欲为

    Get your own way 随心所欲,为所欲为

    Episode 200723 / 23 Jul 2020

    Learn a phrase to describe being able to do what you want

  • A sympathetic ear 有同情心的倾听者

    A sympathetic ear 有同情心的倾听者

    Episode 200721 / 21 Jul 2020

    Learn a phrase to describe the act of listening to a friend

  • Someone to lean on 可依靠的人

    Someone to lean on 可依靠的人

    Episode 200716 / 16 Jul 2020

    Learn a useful phrase to talk about someone you can trust to support you in a difficult situation

  • Be (as) thick as thieves 亲密无间

    Be (as) thick as thieves 亲密无间

    Episode 200714 / 14 Jul 2020

    Learn a useful expression to talk about people who are close friend and seem to share a lot of secrets

  • Drive someone to distraction 让某人心烦意乱

    Drive someone to distraction 让某人心烦意乱

    Episode 200709 / 09 Jul 2020

    Learn a phrase to describe someone who makes you very annoyed

  • Get on like a house on fire 一见如故

    Get on like a house on fire 一见如故

    Episode 200707 / 07 Jul 2020

    Learn a useful phrasal verb to say that you get on very well with someone, particularly when you meet for the first time

  • Two peas in a pod 一模一样

    Two peas in a pod 一模一样

    Episode 200702 / 02 Jul 2020

    Learn a useful phrase to say that two people are very similar

  • Be at the end of your tether 耐心全无

    Be at the end of your tether 耐心全无

    Episode 200630 / 30 Jun 2020

    Learn an expression to describe being very annoyed

  • Be a hard act to follow 很难超越,无法媲美

    Be a hard act to follow 很难超越,无法媲美

    Episode 200625 / 25 Jun 2020

    Learn a phrase to describe someone who is very good at something

  • Be sick and tired of someone/something 对人或事物十分厌倦

    Be sick and tired of someone/something 对人或事物十分厌倦

    Episode 200623 / 23 Jun 2020

    Learn a useful phrase to say that you are very frustrated with a person or situation

  • Besties 最好的朋友,闺蜜

    Besties 最好的朋友,闺蜜

    Episode 200618 / 18 Jun 2020

    Learn a useful word to talk about your closest friends

  • Speak the same language 有共同语言

    Speak the same language 有共同语言

    Episode 200616 / 16 Jun 2020

    Learn a useful phrase to talk about how you understand someone very well

  • Trust someone with your life 能够让你生死相托的人

    Trust someone with your life 能够让你生死相托的人

    Episode 200611 / 11 Jun 2020

    Learn a useful expression to talk about a person that you believe you could trust completely in any situation

  • BFF 最好的朋友

    BFF 最好的朋友

    Episode 200609 / 09 Jun 2020

    Learn a useful phrase to refer to your best friend

  • If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all 如果你没有好话要说,就什么也别说

    If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all 如果你没有好话要说,就什么也别说

    Episode 200604 / 04 Jun 2020

    Learn a useful phrase to tell someone not to say anything unkind

  • To be well-turned-out 衣着光鲜,穿戴讲究

    To be well-turned-out 衣着光鲜,穿戴讲究

    Episode 200602 / 02 Jun 2020

    Learn a phrase to describe someone who looks smart

  • Stick your nose in where it’s not wanted 打探不相干的事

    Stick your nose in where it’s not wanted 打探不相干的事

    Episode 200528 / 28 May 2020

    Learn a useful phrase to talk about someone who is inquisitive

  • Overstep the mark 行为出格、越界

    Overstep the mark 行为出格、越界

    Episode 200526 / 26 May 2020

    Learn a phrase to describe someone doing something beyond what is acceptable

  • Not put a foot wrong 不犯任何错误

    Not put a foot wrong 不犯任何错误

    Episode 200521 / 21 May 2020

    Learn a phrase to describe someone not making mistakes

  • To be seen and not heard 乖乖听话,少出声

    To be seen and not heard 乖乖听话,少出声

    Episode 200519 / 19 May 2020

    Learn a useful phrase to say that children should be quiet and well-behaved

  • Mend fences with someone 重归于好

    Mend fences with someone 重归于好

    Episode 200514 / 14 May 2020

    Learn a phrase to describe reconciling with someone

  • Go way back with someone 与某人相识已久

    Go way back with someone 与某人相识已久

    Episode 200512 / 12 May 2020

    Learn a useful phrase to say that you have known someone for a long time

  • Have a falling out 大吵一架

    Have a falling out 大吵一架

    Episode 200507 / 07 May 2020

    Learn a useful expression to talk about when you are no longer on friendly terms with someone because you had a disagreement or an argument

  • Rule the roost 当家作主

    Rule the roost 当家作主

    Episode 200505 / 05 May 2020

    Learn a useful expression to talk about the most powerful person in a group who makes all the decisions

  • Be left holding the baby 替别人做苦差事

    Be left holding the baby 替别人做苦差事

    Episode 200430 / 30 Apr 2020

    Learn a useful phrase to talk about family and responsibility

  • Breadwinner 养家糊口的人

    Breadwinner 养家糊口的人

    Episode 200428 / 28 Apr 2020

    Learn a useful expression to talk about the main person who earns money to support their family

  • In one’s blood 天生的

    In one’s blood 天生的

    Episode 200423 / 23 Apr 2020

    Learn a useful phrasal verb to say that a skill, quality or talent you have is inherited from your family

  • Run in the family 世代相传,家族遗传

    Run in the family 世代相传,家族遗传

    Episode 200421 / 21 Apr 2020

    Learn a useful expression to say that a characteristic is common in one family

  • Follow in someone’s footsteps 追随长辈的脚步

    Follow in someone’s footsteps 追随长辈的脚步

    Episode 200416 / 16 Apr 2020

    Learn a useful expression which means that you have made similar life decisions as an older family member

  • A difficult middle child 夹在中间难管教的老二

    A difficult middle child 夹在中间难管教的老二

    Episode 200414 / 14 Apr 2020

    Learn a useful expression to talk about a child who has an older and younger sibling and is always getting into trouble

  • Take after someone 外貌和性格与年长的家庭成员相像

    Take after someone 外貌和性格与年长的家庭成员相像

    Episode 200409 / 09 Apr 2020

    Learn a useful phrasal verb to say that you are similar to an older member of your family

  • The apple of someone’s eye 某人的掌上明珠

    The apple of someone’s eye 某人的掌上明珠

    Episode 200407 / 07 Apr 2020

    A person who is very important to you who you have a lot of affection for

  • The black sheep of the family 败家子,害群之马

    The black sheep of the family 败家子,害群之马

    Episode 200402 / 02 Apr 2020

    Learn a useful expression which means a member of the family makes bad decisions or has a bad reputation amongst family members

  • A helicopter parent 大小事情都要管的 “直升机家长”

    A helicopter parent 大小事情都要管的 “直升机家长”

    Episode 200331 / 31 Mar 2020

    Learn a useful expression to describe an overprotective parent

  • Look up to someone 敬仰、敬重某人

    Look up to someone 敬仰、敬重某人

    Episode 200326 / 26 Mar 2020

    Learn a useful multi-word verb to say that you admire someone

  • One big happy family 一个欢乐的大家庭

    One big happy family 一个欢乐的大家庭

    Episode 200324 / 24 Mar 2020

    Learn a useful phrasal verb to say that a group of people get on well together

  • Like mother/father, like son/daughter 有其母/父必有其子/女

    Like mother/father, like son/daughter 有其母/父必有其子/女

    Episode 200319 / 19 Mar 2020

    Learn a useful phrasal verb to say that a parent and child have similar behaviour

  • To take stock of 全面盘点,整体评估

    To take stock of 全面盘点,整体评估

    Episode 200317 / 17 Mar 2020

    Learn a useful phrase to talk about summaries and appraisals

  • To set expectations 设立期望值

    To set expectations 设立期望值

    Episode 200312 / 12 Mar 2020

    Learn a useful phrase to talk about setting expectations for others at work

  • Personal goals for professional development 个人职业发展目标

    Personal goals for professional development 个人职业发展目标

    Episode 200310 / 10 Mar 2020

    Learn a useful phrase to talk about setting goals at work

  • YTD 年初至今

    YTD 年初至今

    Episode 200305 / 05 Mar 2020

    Learn a useful financial abbreviation to talk about the length of time from the beginning of the year to now

  • EOD 在一日结束时

    EOD 在一日结束时

    Episode 200303 / 03 Mar 2020

    Learn a useful abbreviation used to talk about the end of the working day

  • FYI 供你参考

    FYI 供你参考

    Episode 200227 / 27 Feb 2020

    Learn a useful abbreviation to give someone information or new details

  • N/A 表格中的 “不适用项”

    N/A 表格中的 “不适用项”

    Episode 200225 / 25 Feb 2020

    Learn a useful abbreviation to show that something is irrelevant

  • BTW 顺便说一句

    BTW 顺便说一句

    Episode 200220 / 20 Feb 2020

    Learn a useful abbreviation to add new, incidental information to a conversation

  • ATTN 关涉人,经办人

    ATTN 关涉人,经办人

    Episode 200218 / 18 Feb 2020

    Learn a useful abbreviation used to show who needs to read something

  • Typo 打错字

    Typo 打错字

    Episode 200213 / 13 Feb 2020

    Learn a useful word used to describe spelling mistakes made when typing

  • TBC 有待确认

    TBC 有待确认

    Episode 200211 / 11 Feb 2020

    Learn a useful acronym to show that something is yet to be decided

  • PS 信件结尾的 “又及,附言”

    PS 信件结尾的 “又及,附言”

    Episode 200206 / 06 Feb 2020

    Learn a useful abbreviation used to add information at the end of an email

  • ETA 预计到达时间

    ETA 预计到达时间

    Episode 200204 / 04 Feb 2020

    Learn a useful acronym to tell someone the scheduled arrival time

  • ASAP 尽快

    ASAP 尽快

    Episode 200130 / 30 Jan 2020

    Learn a useful acronym to show that something needs to be done quickly

  • A/the biting wind 刺骨的寒风

    A/the biting wind 刺骨的寒风

    Episode 200128 / 28 Jan 2020

    Learn a useful expression to say the wind is so cold it is painful!

  • Can’t feel my toes/fingers/nose 脚趾/手指/鼻子冻麻了

    Can’t feel my toes/fingers/nose 脚趾/手指/鼻子冻麻了

    Episode 200123 / 23 Jan 2020

    Learn a useful expression to say you can’t feel your extremities due to the cold in English

  • Chilled to the bone “冷到骨头里”,冻僵了

    Chilled to the bone “冷到骨头里”,冻僵了

    Episode 200121 / 21 Jan 2020

    Learn a useful expression to say your whole body, including your bones, feels extremely cold

  • It’s like the North Pole 冷得像北极一样

    It’s like the North Pole 冷得像北极一样

    Episode 200116 / 16 Jan 2020

    How do we compare the cold and snowy weather to a place? Learn how in Today’s Phrase

  • There’s a nip in the air 寒气袭人

    There’s a nip in the air 寒气袭人

    Episode 200114 / 14 Jan 2020

    Learn an informal expression for ‘it’s cold’ in English

  • My teeth are chattering 牙齿打战

    My teeth are chattering 牙齿打战

    Episode 200109 / 09 Jan 2020

    Learn an expression to say your teeth are knocking together again and again

  • To feel off 感觉不舒服

    To feel off 感觉不舒服

    Episode 200107 / 07 Jan 2020

    Learn an informal English phrase that means someone is not feeling well

  • As sick as a dog 病得很严重

    As sick as a dog 病得很严重

    Episode 200102 / 02 Jan 2020

    Learn how to say that someone is as temporarily very ill in English

  • Bunged up 鼻子不通气,鼻塞

    Bunged up 鼻子不通气,鼻塞

    Episode 191231 / 31 Dec 2019

    Learn how to say that someone has a blocked nose in English

  • To sound hoarse 声音嘶哑

    To sound hoarse 声音嘶哑

    Episode 191226 / 26 Dec 2019

    Learn how to say that someone’s voice sounds different because of a sore throat

  • Feel numb 身体局部感到麻木

    Feel numb 身体局部感到麻木

    Episode 191224 / 24 Dec 2019

    Learn how to say you have temporarily lost feeling

  • Have a dead leg/arm  腿/手臂暂时失去知觉

    Have a dead leg/arm 腿/手臂暂时失去知觉

    Episode 191219 / 19 Dec 2019

    Learn how to say that you have temporarily lost feeling in your arm or leg

  • Have a burning sensation 有火烧火燎的不适感

    Have a burning sensation 有火烧火燎的不适感

    Episode 191217 / 17 Dec 2019

    Learn how to say you have a pain that feels hot

  • Be/feel out of sorts 身体不舒服 心情不太好

    Be/feel out of sorts 身体不舒服 心情不太好

    Episode 191212 / 12 Dec 2019

    Learn a useful expression to say you’re not feeling too bad but not very well in English

  • Have a chesty cough 肺部感染引起的咳嗽

    Have a chesty cough 肺部感染引起的咳嗽

    Episode 191210 / 10 Dec 2019

    Learn a useful English expression to explain you have a specific type of cough with lots of phlegm

  • Have a migraine 偏头痛

    Have a migraine 偏头痛

    Episode 191205 / 05 Dec 2019

    Learn how to say that someone has a bad headache in English

  • Have a raging temperature 发高烧

    Have a raging temperature 发高烧

    Episode 191203 / 03 Dec 2019

    Learn how to say you have a high temperature

  • To be my time of the month/on my monthly 来月经,来例假

    To be my time of the month/on my monthly 来月经,来例假

    Episode 191128 / 28 Nov 2019

    Learn two useful English expressions to explain that someone has got their menstrual cycle

  • Have period pain 痛经

    Have period pain 痛经

    Episode 191126 / 26 Nov 2019

    Learn how to say that someone has menstrual cramps in English

  • Have the sniffles 感冒流鼻涕

    Have the sniffles 感冒流鼻涕

    Episode 191121 / 21 Nov 2019

    Have you ever had the sniffles? Find out what this expression means in English

  • Have pins and needles 身体局部发麻

    Have pins and needles 身体局部发麻

    Episode 191119 / 19 Nov 2019

    Have you ever had pins and needles? Find out what this expression means in English

  • Have a frog in your throat 嗓音嘶哑,说话困难

    Have a frog in your throat 嗓音嘶哑,说话困难

    Episode 191114 / 14 Nov 2019

    Have you ever had a frog in your throat? Find out what this expression means in English

  • Feel peaky 面容憔悴,身体虚弱

    Feel peaky 面容憔悴,身体虚弱

    Episode 191112 / 12 Nov 2019

    Feeling peaky? Find out what it means

  • Do numbers 社交媒体内容 “大受欢迎”

    Do numbers 社交媒体内容 “大受欢迎”

    Episode 191107 / 07 Nov 2019

    Learn a useful phrase to talk about a very successful social media post

  • Leave an Easter egg 在游戏或影片中埋下 “彩蛋”

    Leave an Easter egg 在游戏或影片中埋下 “彩蛋”

    Episode 191105 / 05 Nov 2019

    Learn a useful phrase to talk about hidden jokes and secrets in video games and videos

  • Yours sincerely vs Yours faithfully 正式邮件结尾的 “谨启”

    Yours sincerely vs Yours faithfully 正式邮件结尾的 “谨启”

    Episode 191031 / 31 Oct 2019

    Learn two different useful English expressions to close a formal email

  • Re 正式信函中的 “有关、兹就”

    Re 正式信函中的 “有关、兹就”

    Episode 191029 / 29 Oct 2019

    Learn a useful preposition to introduce a reference in a formal email in English

  • Copied (here), cc’d (here), copied in (here) 已抄送此人

    Copied (here), cc’d (here), copied in (here) 已抄送此人

    Episode 191024 / 24 Oct 2019

    Learn a useful way to introduce a new person in an email chain in English

  • To whom it may concern 敬启者

    To whom it may concern 敬启者

    Episode 191022 / 22 Oct 2019

    Learn a useful English phrase to use at the beginning of a formal email, when you do not know the name of the person or persons you need to address it to

  • Dear Sir/Madam 尊敬的先生/女士

    Dear Sir/Madam 尊敬的先生/女士

    Episode 191017 / 17 Oct 2019

    Learn a useful greeting to start a formal email to someone you don’t know the name of in English

  • Regards 祝好,致敬

    Regards 祝好,致敬

    Episode 191015 / 15 Oct 2019

    Learn a useful English expression for closing a semi-formal email in a friendly way. It’s also is suitable for addressing a work colleague.

  • As mentioned above/below 如前所述

    As mentioned above/below 如前所述

    Episode 191010 / 10 Oct 2019

    Learn a useful phrase for referring back or forwards to information in an email

  • As per our conversation 依照我们此前的谈话内容

    As per our conversation 依照我们此前的谈话内容

    Episode 191008 / 08 Oct 2019

    Learn a useful English expression to acknowledge that something was previously agreed verbally

  • Please see/find attached for more details 详情请见附件

    Please see/find attached for more details 详情请见附件

    Episode 191003 / 03 Oct 2019

    Learn a useful English phrase to refer to an attachment to an email

  • Forward an email 转发邮件

    Forward an email 转发邮件

    Episode 191001 / 01 Oct 2019

    Learn a useful English expression to ask someone to send you an email they have already received

  • Down the rabbit hole 掉进无底洞

    Down the rabbit hole 掉进无底洞

    Episode 190926 / 26 Sep 2019

    Learn a useful phrase to talk about a never-ending situation

  • To be fried 精神极度疲惫

    To be fried 精神极度疲惫

    Episode 190924 / 24 Sep 2019

    Learn a useful phrase to describe someone who is mentally exhausted

  • To spoon-feed 填鸭式灌输

    To spoon-feed 填鸭式灌输

    Episode 190919 / 19 Sep 2019

    A phrase which means you provide so much help to someone they don't need to even think

  • To stew 独自烦恼

    To stew 独自烦恼

    Episode 190917 / 17 Sep 2019

    Learn a useful phrase to describe a situation where people feel uncomfortable

  • Half-baked 考虑不周

    Half-baked 考虑不周

    Episode 190912 / 12 Sep 2019

    Learn a useful phrase to talk about a bad idea

  • Sweeten the deal 给点甜头

    Sweeten the deal 给点甜头

    Episode 190910 / 10 Sep 2019

    Learn a useful phrase to describe the process of making something sound more attractive

  • A storm in a teacup 小题大做,大惊小怪

    A storm in a teacup 小题大做,大惊小怪

    Episode 190905 / 05 Sep 2019

    Learn a phrase for when people get angry about things that aren't important

  • Take the world by storm 席卷世界 名扬四海

    Take the world by storm 席卷世界 名扬四海

    Episode 190903 / 03 Sep 2019

    Learn a useful phrase to describe someone or something that is suddenly very successful

  • A disruptive innovation 一项颠覆性创新

    A disruptive innovation 一项颠覆性创新

    Episode 190829 / 29 Aug 2019

    Learn a useful phrase to talk about new innovative products

  • Rest on your laurels 居功自傲 不求进步

    Rest on your laurels 居功自傲 不求进步

    Episode 190827 / 27 Aug 2019

    Are you happy with what you’ve already achieved?

  • Bask in your achievements 收获满满的成就感

    Bask in your achievements 收获满满的成就感

    Episode 190822 / 22 Aug 2019

    A useful phrase to talk about enjoying people's achievement

  • Deserve all the credit 功不可没

    Deserve all the credit 功不可没

    Episode 190820 / 20 Aug 2019

    Learn a useful English expression used to describe when someone is the main person responsible for something

  • Take a well-earned break 好好休息一下

    Take a well-earned break 好好休息一下

    Episode 190815 / 15 Aug 2019

    A rest after a period of hard work

  • Pat yourself on the back 表扬自己

    Pat yourself on the back 表扬自己

    Episode 190813 / 13 Aug 2019

    Learn a useful phrase to congratulate people

  • A man/woman of his/her word 言而有信的人

    A man/woman of his/her word 言而有信的人

    Episode 190808 / 08 Aug 2019

    Learn a useful phrase to describe someone as honest and trustworthy

  • Down to earth 接地气、务实

    Down to earth 接地气、务实

    Episode 190806 / 06 Aug 2019

    A practical phrase to describe a practical person

  • Goal-oriented 目标明确

    Goal-oriented 目标明确

    Episode 190801 / 01 Aug 2019

    Learn a useful phrase to describe people who work towards their objectives

  • One in a million 百里挑一

    One in a million 百里挑一

    Episode 190730 / 30 Jul 2019

    An expression to describe someone special

  • Set your sights high 立志高远

    Set your sights high 立志高远

    Episode 190725 / 25 Jul 2019

    Learn a useful phrase which means ‘to have high expectations of yourself’

  • A go-getter 积极上进、志在必得的人

    A go-getter 积极上进、志在必得的人

    Episode 190723 / 23 Jul 2019

    Learn a useful phrase that means ‘a driven and successful person’?

  • Compare deals 货比三家

    Compare deals 货比三家

    Episode 190718 / 18 Jul 2019

    Learn a useful phrase which has a similar meaning to 'compare prices'

  • Go bargain hunting 去买便宜货

    Go bargain hunting 去买便宜货

    Episode 190716 / 16 Jul 2019

    Learn a useful phrase to say that someone spends a lot of time shopping for the cheapest item

  • A flash sale 限时抢购

    A flash sale 限时抢购

    Episode 190711 / 11 Jul 2019

    Learn a useful phrase to say 'a quick sale'

  • A vampire shopper 半夜网购的人

    A vampire shopper 半夜网购的人

    Episode 190709 / 09 Jul 2019

    Learn a useful phrase for someone who likes to shop online in the middle of the night

  • Push through the pain 挺过痛苦

    Push through the pain 挺过痛苦

    Episode 190704 / 04 Jul 2019

    It's going to hurt!

  • Feel the burn 感受肌肉的灼烧感

    Feel the burn 感受肌肉的灼烧感

    Episode 190702 / 02 Jul 2019

    Learn a useful phrase to encourage someone to exercise harder

  • Bulk up 身体变壮实;事物添分量

    Bulk up 身体变壮实;事物添分量

    Episode 190627 / 27 Jun 2019

    Learn a fitness-related phrase

  • Sweat it out 做高强度的运动锻炼

    Sweat it out 做高强度的运动锻炼

    Episode 190625 / 25 Jun 2019

    Learn a useful phrase to describe what happens when you work hard physically

  • A gym bunny 健身迷

    A gym bunny 健身迷

    Episode 190620 / 20 Jun 2019

    Learn a useful phrase to say that someone spends a lot of time in the gym

  • Pump iron 举重锻炼

    Pump iron 举重锻炼

    Episode 190618 / 18 Jun 2019

    Learn a useful phrase to say that someone lifts weights for exercise

  • Burn off the calories / pounds 运动减脂

    Burn off the calories / pounds 运动减脂

    Episode 190613 / 13 Jun 2019

    Learn a useful phrase which has a similar meaning to ‘lose weight’

  • You’ve got it in the bag 稳操胜券

    You’ve got it in the bag 稳操胜券

    Episode 190611 / 11 Jun 2019

    Learn a winning expression

  • The light at the end of the tunnel 苦尽甘来

    The light at the end of the tunnel 苦尽甘来

    Episode 190606 / 06 Jun 2019

    A positive phrase about the end of a difficult period

  • Keep your chin up 保持干劲

    Keep your chin up 保持干劲

    Episode 190604 / 04 Jun 2019

    Stay strong and motivated

  • Keep your eyes on the prize 盯住目标,心无旁鹜

    Keep your eyes on the prize 盯住目标,心无旁鹜

    Episode 190530 / 30 May 2019

    Don't get distracted by this phrase!

  • Keep your nose to the grindstone 埋头苦干

    Keep your nose to the grindstone 埋头苦干

    Episode 190528 / 28 May 2019

    Time to focus on your studies!

  • Have had enough 受够了

    Have had enough 受够了

    Episode 190523 / 23 May 2019

    I can’t take it any more!

  • Fed up 厌烦,厌倦

    Fed up 厌烦,厌倦

    Episode 190521 / 21 May 2019

    A phrase to use when you’re annoyed

  • Made up 欣喜不已,兴高采烈

    Made up 欣喜不已,兴高采烈

    Episode 190516 / 16 May 2019

    A happy phrase

  • Have mixed feelings about 心情复杂

    Have mixed feelings about 心情复杂

    Episode 190514 / 14 May 2019

    Not just one feeling!

  • Get on and get off 上下公共汽车等交通工具

    Get on and get off 上下公共汽车等交通工具

    Episode 190509 / 09 May 2019

    What types of vehicles do we get on and get off?

  • Set off 出发、启程

    Set off 出发、启程

    Episode 190507 / 07 May 2019

    Are you ready to set off a journey of English learning with us?

  • End up 到头来,最终到达

    End up 到头来,最终到达

    Episode 190502 / 02 May 2019

    A phrase about the end of a journey or a final situation

  • Give up 停止做一件事

    Give up 停止做一件事

    Episode 190430 / 30 Apr 2019

    Which bad habits would you stop doing?

  • Things are looking up 情况开始好转

    Things are looking up 情况开始好转

    Episode 190425 / 25 Apr 2019

    Learn an optimistic expression

  • Prove difficult 做事困难

    Prove difficult 做事困难

    Episode 190423 / 23 Apr 2019

    Is it hard or easy to do?

  • Stop off 中途停留或拜访一处

    Stop off 中途停留或拜访一处

    Episode 190418 / 18 Apr 2019

    Would you like to stop off for an English phrase?

  • Firm up 敲定、落实

    Firm up 敲定、落实

    Episode 190416 / 16 Apr 2019

    A phrase about making arrangements

  • Go out vs hang out 出去走走 vs 一起玩耍

    Go out vs hang out 出去走走 vs 一起玩耍

    Episode 190411 / 11 Apr 2019

    What's the difference between these two phrases?

  • Get in and get out 上下车

    Get in and get out 上下车

    Episode 190409 / 09 Apr 2019

    Get in the ...?

  • Get held up 受阻无法前进

    Get held up 受阻无法前进

    Episode 190404 / 04 Apr 2019

    It can be frustrating to get held up

  • Pencil in 暂定

    Pencil in 暂定

    Episode 190402 / 02 Apr 2019

    A phrase based on a common writing tool

  • Check out 去看看

    Check out 去看看

    Episode 190328 / 28 Mar 2019

    Check out what this useful phrase means

  • Spring into action 立刻行动起来

    Spring into action 立刻行动起来

    Episode 190326 / 26 Mar 2019

    Stand by to learn a new phrase!

  • Besotted with someone 迷得神魂颠倒

    Besotted with someone 迷得神魂颠倒

    Episode 190321 / 21 Mar 2019

    We’re totally besotted with Today’s Phrase

  • Fall for someone 迷恋上一个人

    Fall for someone 迷恋上一个人

    Episode 190319 / 19 Mar 2019

    Have you ever fallen for anyone?

  • Be loved up 恩恩爱爱

    Be loved up 恩恩爱爱

    Episode 190314 / 14 Mar 2019

    An informal phrase about being in love

  • End it with someone 结束一段感情

    End it with someone 结束一段感情

    Episode 190312 / 12 Mar 2019

    An expression about ending a relationship

  • Settle down 安顿下来

    Settle down 安顿下来

    Episode 190307 / 07 Mar 2019

    Are you tired of being on the road?

  • Grow apart 渐渐疏远

    Grow apart 渐渐疏远

    Episode 190305 / 05 Mar 2019

    Don’t grow apart

  • Give the silent treatment 采取不理睬的态度

    Give the silent treatment 采取不理睬的态度

    Episode 190228 / 28 Feb 2019

    An expression about the way to treat someone

  • Get over someone 忘记一个人

    Get over someone 忘记一个人

    Episode 190226 / 26 Feb 2019

    Move on with your life

  • To be seeing someone 和某人约会交往

    To be seeing someone 和某人约会交往

    Episode 190221 / 21 Feb 2019

    Are you seeing anyone?

  • Ask someone out 请人出来约会

    Ask someone out 请人出来约会

    Episode 190219 / 19 Feb 2019

    Are you interested in going on a date with me?

  • Pig out 大吃特吃

    Pig out 大吃特吃

    Episode 190214 / 14 Feb 2019

    What do you like to pig out on?

  • As happy as a pig in muck 乐不可支

    As happy as a pig in muck 乐不可支

    Episode 190212 / 12 Feb 2019

    Are you as happy as a pig in muck?

  • Pigs might fly 太阳打西边出来了

    Pigs might fly 太阳打西边出来了

    Episode 190131 / 31 Jan 2019

    When might pigs fly? Probably never

  • Make a pig’s ear of something 搞得一团糟

    Make a pig’s ear of something 搞得一团糟

    Episode 190129 / 29 Jan 2019

    Let’s hope you don’t make a pig’s ear of the Year of the Pig!

  • Stick to something 坚持下去,信守承诺

    Stick to something 坚持下去,信守承诺

    Episode 190124 / 24 Jan 2019

    Never give up!

  • Give something a go 试一把

    Give something a go 试一把

    Episode 190122 / 22 Jan 2019

    Don’t be afraid to try new things!

  • Take up 开始参与新活动

    Take up 开始参与新活动

    Episode 190117 / 17 Jan 2019

    Are you interested in starting a new hobby?

  • Order a takeaway 订外卖

    Order a takeaway 订外卖

    Episode 190115 / 15 Jan 2019

    What to do if you want to stay at home and not cook

  • Eat in or take away 堂食或外带

    Eat in or take away 堂食或外带

    Episode 190110 / 10 Jan 2019

    Where would you normally eat the food you’ve bought?

  • Go off 食物变质

    Go off 食物变质

    Episode 190108 / 08 Jan 2019

    When food turns bad

  • Have a look around 四处看看

    Have a look around 四处看看

    Episode 190103 / 03 Jan 2019

    Find out what this phrase means!

  • Meet up with 与人见面

    Meet up with 与人见面

    Episode 190101 / 01 Jan 2019

    To get together

  • Out of shape 身材走形

    Out of shape 身材走形

    Episode 181227 / 27 Dec 2018

    An expression related to body and health

  • Wolf down 狼吞虎咽

    Wolf down 狼吞虎咽

    Episode 181225 / 25 Dec 2018

    You eat too fast!

  • Go over 仔细检查

    Go over 仔细检查

    Episode 181220 / 20 Dec 2018

    Could you please look at this document again?

  • Personal best 个人最好成绩

    Personal best 个人最好成绩

    Episode 181218 / 18 Dec 2018

    How fast can you run?

  • Hit the books 做功课、看书

    Hit the books 做功课、看书

    Episode 181213 / 13 Dec 2018

    It’s time to study

  • As mad as a hatter 疯疯癫癫

    As mad as a hatter 疯疯癫癫

    Episode 181211 / 11 Dec 2018

    How do we use this expression?

  • Rub someone up the wrong way 把某人惹怒

    Rub someone up the wrong way 把某人惹怒

    Episode 181206 / 06 Dec 2018

    Don’t stroke a cat the wrong way!

  • Dance to the beat of one's own drum 我行我素

    Dance to the beat of one's own drum 我行我素

    Episode 181204 / 04 Dec 2018

    Describing a unique character!

  • Learn something by heart 牢记于心

    Learn something by heart 牢记于心

    Episode 181129 / 29 Nov 2018

    Are you able to say it without looking?

  • Pull an all-nighter 开夜车

    Pull an all-nighter 开夜车

    Episode 181127 / 27 Nov 2018

    Do you often stay up late?

  • Push yourself 突破自我

    Push yourself 突破自我

    Episode 181122 / 22 Nov 2018

    Try a little harder!

  • Cram for 考前抱佛脚

    Cram for 考前抱佛脚

    Episode 181120 / 20 Nov 2018

    Don’t leave it till the last minute!

  • Work out 锻炼身体

    Work out 锻炼身体

    Episode 181115 / 15 Nov 2018

    Time to hit the gym!

  • Call a spade a spade 实话实说

    Call a spade a spade 实话实说

    Episode 181113 / 13 Nov 2018

    Speak up!

  • Square the circle 做不可能的事情

    Square the circle 做不可能的事情

    Episode 181108 / 08 Nov 2018

    It’s almost impossible to do!

  • A chequered past 好坏参半的过去

    A chequered past 好坏参半的过去

    Episode 181106 / 06 Nov 2018

    What did this person do?

  • Want for nothing 要什么有什么

    Want for nothing 要什么有什么

    Episode 181101 / 01 Nov 2018

    What kind of life is this expression used to describe?

  • Eye-opener 让人大开眼界的事物

    Eye-opener 让人大开眼界的事物

    Episode 181030 / 30 Oct 2018

    Be prepared for a surprise!

  • Fight like cat and dog 争吵不休

    Fight like cat and dog 争吵不休

    Episode 181025 / 25 Oct 2018

    An animal phrase to describe a human situation

  • Crisis averted 危机已解除

    Crisis averted 危机已解除

    Episode 181023 / 23 Oct 2018

    A phrase used to express relief

  • A fair-weather friend 酒肉朋友

    A fair-weather friend 酒肉朋友

    Episode 181018 / 18 Oct 2018

    Does this phrase have anything to do with weather?

  • Live in clover 养尊处优

    Live in clover 养尊处优

    Episode 181016 / 16 Oct 2018

    A life of comfort and luxury

  • The pot calling the kettle black 五十步笑百步

    The pot calling the kettle black 五十步笑百步

    Episode 181011 / 11 Oct 2018

    What a perfect example of the pot calling the kettle black!

  • Train your sights on something 立志做

    Train your sights on something 立志做

    Episode 181009 / 09 Oct 2018

    Aim to learn a new English expression today!

  • Be streets ahead 遥遥领先

    Be streets ahead 遥遥领先

    Episode 181004 / 04 Oct 2018

    Are you better at English than your friend? Learn this phrase

  • Over-egg the pudding 画蛇添足

    Over-egg the pudding 画蛇添足

    Episode 181002 / 02 Oct 2018

    Will this spoil the pudding?

  • The life and soul of the party 灵魂人物

    The life and soul of the party 灵魂人物

    Episode 180927 / 27 Sep 2018

    Are you good at mixing with people?

  • The third degree 严厉盘问

    The third degree 严厉盘问

    Episode 180925 / 25 Sep 2018

    Do you get the third degree?

  • Knuckle down 开始努力工作、学习

    Knuckle down 开始努力工作、学习

    Episode 180920 / 20 Sep 2018

    Put your best foot forward!

  • Be in the hot seat 处境尴尬,身负难任

    Be in the hot seat 处境尴尬,身负难任

    Episode 180918 / 18 Sep 2018

    To be in a difficult position where you have a lot of responsibility

  • Blow hot and cold 忽冷忽热,摇摆不定

    Blow hot and cold 忽冷忽热,摇摆不定

    Episode 180913 / 13 Sep 2018

    Make up your mind!

  • Lock horns 争论不休

    Lock horns 争论不休

    Episode 180911 / 11 Sep 2018

    What a fight!

  • Talk of the devil 说曹操,曹操就到

    Talk of the devil 说曹操,曹操就到

    Episode 180906 / 06 Sep 2018

    Here she comes!

  • Rain on your parade 泼冷水

    Rain on your parade 泼冷水

    Episode 180904 / 04 Sep 2018

    My plans are ruined!

  • When reality bites 当现实给了你一巴掌的时候

    When reality bites 当现实给了你一巴掌的时候

    Episode 180830 / 30 Aug 2018

    When you finally have to face reality

  • The sands of time 时间的流沙

    The sands of time 时间的流沙

    Episode 180828 / 28 Aug 2018

    Time is running out!

  • Away with the fairies 心不在焉、不切实际

    Away with the fairies 心不在焉、不切实际

    Episode 180823 / 23 Aug 2018

    A word which means someone’s distracted or daydreaming

  • Too many cooks spoil the broth 厨子太多烧坏汤,人多误事

    Too many cooks spoil the broth 厨子太多烧坏汤,人多误事

    Episode 180821 / 21 Aug 2018

    The more the merrier?

  • Rose-tinted spectacles 过于乐观的态度

    Rose-tinted spectacles 过于乐观的态度

    Episode 180816 / 16 Aug 2018

    Are you too optimistic?

  • Too hot to handle 过于棘手,难以掌控

    Too hot to handle 过于棘手,难以掌控

    Episode 180814 / 14 Aug 2018

    Too difficult or dangerous to tackle

  • Place in the sun 好境遇

    Place in the sun 好境遇

    Episode 180809 / 09 Aug 2018

    A phrase which describes being in a desirable position

  • To swim upstream 逆流而上

    To swim upstream 逆流而上

    Episode 180807 / 07 Aug 2018

    Which is easier – swimming upstream or downstream?

  • Catch the sun 皮肤被晒黑

    Catch the sun 皮肤被晒黑

    Episode 180802 / 02 Aug 2018

    Did you go to the beach this summer?

  • Walking on sunshine 兴高采烈,喜不自胜

    Walking on sunshine 兴高采烈,喜不自胜

    Episode 180731 / 31 Jul 2018

    An expression that means someone is feeling very happy

  • Indian Summer 秋老虎

    Indian Summer 秋老虎

    Episode 180726 / 26 Jul 2018

    This phrase does not have anything to do India

  • Skin and bones 皮包骨头 骨瘦如柴

    Skin and bones 皮包骨头 骨瘦如柴

    Episode 180724 / 24 Jul 2018

    Learn a phrase to describe someone who is very thin

  • Brain food 健脑食品

    Brain food 健脑食品

    Episode 180719 / 19 Jul 2018

    This phrase could show you how to improve your mental capabilities

  • To have no appetite for something 对事物“不感冒”

    To have no appetite for something 对事物“不感冒”

    Episode 180717 / 17 Jul 2018

    Learn the meaning of this phrase here

  • Fall from grace 失去人心

    Fall from grace 失去人心

    Episode 180712 / 12 Jul 2018

    What happens when you do something bad?

  • A narrow escape 侥幸逃脱

    A narrow escape 侥幸逃脱

    Episode 180710 / 10 Jul 2018

    Learn this phrase to describe just escaping danger

  • To fall on deaf ears 置若罔闻

    To fall on deaf ears 置若罔闻

    Episode 180705 / 05 Jul 2018

    Learn this phrase if you know someone who does not listen to what you say

  • Someone likes the sound of their own voice 以自我为中心,滔滔不绝

    Someone likes the sound of their own voice 以自我为中心,滔滔不绝

    Episode 180703 / 03 Jul 2018

    Is it bad to like the sound of your own voice?

  • Have seen better days 今非昔比 光彩不再

    Have seen better days 今非昔比 光彩不再

    Episode 180628 / 28 Jun 2018

    Use this phrase to describe something that is no longer new

  • To tick all the boxes 满足所有的要求 符合所有的标准

    To tick all the boxes 满足所有的要求 符合所有的标准

    Episode 180626 / 26 Jun 2018

    Use this phrase when you meet all the necessary requirements

  • Keep your wits about you! 保持头脑清醒 随机应变

    Keep your wits about you! 保持头脑清醒 随机应变

    Episode 180621 / 21 Jun 2018

    Are you ready to react to an unexpected situation? Learn a phrase which describes this

  • Fall by the wayside 半途而废

    Fall by the wayside 半途而废

    Episode 180619 / 19 Jun 2018

    This phrase teaches you how to say 'stop doing something' midway through

  • Name and shame 点名批评

    Name and shame 点名批评

    Episode 180614 / 14 Jun 2018

    A useful phrase for when you want to openly criticise a person

  • A chip off the old block 相貌品性酷似父母

    A chip off the old block 相貌品性酷似父母

    Episode 180612 / 12 Jun 2018

    Learn a way to say you are similar to your parents

  • Food for thought “精神食粮”引人深思

    Food for thought “精神食粮”引人深思

    Episode 180607 / 07 Jun 2018

    A phrase that will leave you thinking

  • The upper hand 占据上风

    The upper hand 占据上风

    Episode 180605 / 05 Jun 2018

    A phrase to say you are in control

  • To fight fire with fire 以牙还牙

    To fight fire with fire 以牙还牙

    Episode 180531 / 31 May 2018

    use your opponent's technique against them

  • To steady yourself 把握节奏 稳住自己

    To steady yourself 把握节奏 稳住自己

    Episode 180529 / 29 May 2018

    To enter or remain in a balanced state

  • Business as usual 一切照旧

    Business as usual 一切照旧

    Episode 180524 / 24 May 2018

    Things are the same as always

  • Flesh and blood 血肉之亲

    Flesh and blood 血肉之亲

    Episode 180522 / 22 May 2018

    A phrase referring to a member of your family

  • Mix business with pleasure 寓商于乐

    Mix business with pleasure 寓商于乐

    Episode 180517 / 17 May 2018

    To combine work with social activities

  • As safe as houses 非常安全

    As safe as houses 非常安全

    Episode 180515 / 15 May 2018

    An expression which means to be perfectly safe and secure

  • Get down to business 言归正传

    Get down to business 言归正传

    Episode 180510 / 10 May 2018

    Let’s talk about what matters most

  • To touch a raw nerve 触及痛处

    To touch a raw nerve 触及痛处

    Episode 180508 / 08 May 2018

    A phrase about upsetting someone

  • To get your foot in the door 踏入职场的大门

    To get your foot in the door 踏入职场的大门

    Episode 180503 / 03 May 2018

    It is important to take the first step

  • To be footloose and fancy-free 自由自在 无拘无束

    To be footloose and fancy-free 自由自在 无拘无束

    Episode 180501 / 01 May 2018

    Free of all commitments

  • To jump ship 弃船先逃=跳槽

    To jump ship 弃船先逃=跳槽

    Episode 180426 / 26 Apr 2018

    To abandon a difficult situation

  • Somebody's hands are tied 无能为力

    Somebody's hands are tied 无能为力

    Episode 180424 / 24 Apr 2018

    A phrase that means someone cannot act freely as he or she wants

  • To tickle your taste buds 刺激你的味蕾

    To tickle your taste buds 刺激你的味蕾

    Episode 180419 / 19 Apr 2018

    What food do you enjoy?

  • To pull your finger out 加把劲

    To pull your finger out 加把劲

    Episode 180417 / 17 Apr 2018

    A phrase which means to start to do more work or make more effort

  • To have the Midas touch 拥有“点石成金”的赚钱本领

    To have the Midas touch 拥有“点石成金”的赚钱本领

    Episode 180412 / 12 Apr 2018

    Can you turn stone into gold?

  • A pipe dream 白日梦

    A pipe dream 白日梦

    Episode 180410 / 10 Apr 2018

    In your dreams!

  • A clean bill of health 身体健康证明/公司运营合格证明

    A clean bill of health 身体健康证明/公司运营合格证明

    Episode 180405 / 05 Apr 2018

    A statement that shows someone or something is in a healthy state

  • A change is as good as a rest 调换工作益如休息

    A change is as good as a rest 调换工作益如休息

    Episode 180403 / 03 Apr 2018

    It’s good to change your environment once in a while

  • To catch someone off guard 令人猝不及防

    To catch someone off guard 令人猝不及防

    Episode 180329 / 29 Mar 2018

    A surprising phrase!

  • Yes-man 唯命是从的人;好好先生

    Yes-man 唯命是从的人;好好先生

    Episode 180327 / 27 Mar 2018

    Someone who always says yes to impress their superior

  • To come down to the wire 直到最后一刻才见分晓

    To come down to the wire 直到最后一刻才见分晓

    Episode 180322 / 22 Mar 2018

    A phrase about something that only becomes clear at the last moment

  • Cutthroat 竞争激烈

    Cutthroat 竞争激烈

    Episode 180320 / 20 Mar 2018

    A word which means competition is fierce

  • To cut corners 贪便宜 走捷径

    To cut corners 贪便宜 走捷径

    Episode 180315 / 15 Mar 2018

    It's not always best to take the easiest path

  • Corner the market 垄断市场

    Corner the market 垄断市场

    Episode 180313 / 13 Mar 2018

    Learn an English phrase related to business

玻璃钢生产厂家安徽玻璃钢仿铜雕塑价格芜湖欧式玻璃钢雕塑价位植物玻璃钢雕塑批发郑州铜玻璃钢彩绘雕塑定做价格上海主题商场美陈采购人物玻璃钢雕塑培训公司四川玻璃钢花盆销售吉林抽象玻璃钢雕塑图片陵水黎族自治县玻璃钢花盆白沙小区玻璃钢雕塑定制玻璃钢卡通动漫雕塑视频玻璃钢卡通雕塑图片玻璃钢花盆批发商江西水果玻璃钢雕塑市场安徽玻璃钢雕塑开发艺术玻璃钢雕塑加工厂西山区玻璃钢雕塑价格铜陵商场开业美陈吉林玻璃钢仿真水果雕塑厂家北京大型主题商场美陈市场吕梁玻璃钢卡通雕塑定制商场门口的圣诞元旦美陈台州商场开业美陈仿铜玻璃钢雕塑销售电话锦州公园玻璃钢雕塑公司北流玻璃钢雕塑公司成都商场美陈生产公司石柱玻璃钢花盆大型玻璃钢雕塑龍图片商场美陈的核心价值香港通过《维护国家安全条例》两大学生合买彩票中奖一人不认账让美丽中国“从细节出发”19岁小伙救下5人后溺亡 多方发声单亲妈妈陷入热恋 14岁儿子报警汪小菲曝离婚始末遭遇山火的松茸之乡雅江山火三名扑火人员牺牲系谣言何赛飞追着代拍打萧美琴窜访捷克 外交部回应卫健委通报少年有偿捐血浆16次猝死手机成瘾是影响睡眠质量重要因素高校汽车撞人致3死16伤 司机系学生315晚会后胖东来又人满为患了小米汽车超级工厂正式揭幕中国拥有亿元资产的家庭达13.3万户周杰伦一审败诉网易男孩8年未见母亲被告知被遗忘许家印被限制高消费饲养员用铁锨驱打大熊猫被辞退男子被猫抓伤后确诊“猫抓病”特朗普无法缴纳4.54亿美元罚金倪萍分享减重40斤方法联合利华开始重组张家界的山上“长”满了韩国人?张立群任西安交通大学校长杨倩无缘巴黎奥运“重生之我在北大当嫡校长”黑马情侣提车了专访95后高颜值猪保姆考生莫言也上北大硕士复试名单了网友洛杉矶偶遇贾玲专家建议不必谈骨泥色变沉迷短剧的人就像掉进了杀猪盘奥巴马现身唐宁街 黑色着装引猜测七年后宇文玥被薅头发捞上岸事业单位女子向同事水杯投不明物质凯特王妃现身!外出购物视频曝光河南驻马店通报西平中学跳楼事件王树国卸任西安交大校长 师生送别恒大被罚41.75亿到底怎么缴男子被流浪猫绊倒 投喂者赔24万房客欠租失踪 房东直发愁西双版纳热带植物园回应蜉蝣大爆发钱人豪晒法院裁定实锤抄袭外国人感慨凌晨的中国很安全胖东来员工每周单休无小长假白宫:哈马斯三号人物被杀测试车高速逃费 小米:已补缴老人退休金被冒领16年 金额超20万

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