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关于”鼓励学生“的英语句子21个,句子主体:Encourage students。以下是关于鼓励学生的初三英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Encourage students


1、In school, I teach students to play jazz drums, kettledrums, xylophone and so on.


2、The result has been to encourage domestic production and depress domestic consumption, especially in Europe.


3、There's a special student membership so I encourage you to check out the international positive psychology association and join to stay abreast of the latest development in the field of positive psychology.


4、One of her major tasks will be to encourage family-friendly policies to boost Japan's low birth rate.


5、While training the students in the method of observing facts and their orderly arrangement, Professor Agassiz urged them not to be content with just facts.


6、College Entrance Examination proposition should pay attention to the role played by the language teaching materials, while encouraging students to engage in a wide range of extra-curricular reading.


7、Use financial incentives to encourage health-care providers to make services accessible and provide comprehensive assessments, treatment, and follow-ups.


8、And we clapped—the other students, the teachers, me, even C. clapped.


9、The global Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity and Health encourages the food industry and sporting-goods manufacturers to


10、The Committee shall encourage and facilitate ad hoc consultations or negotiations among Members on specific sanitary or phytosanitary issues.


11、I can because i think i can.


12、We're not encouraged to think about what happens next, so we don't.


13、To stimulate students' keen interest in investment education, the Division will adopt an innovative and proactive approach to be in line with the prevailing information era.


14、Each school can apply for them for less-privileged students. Additionally, the department will also encourages each school to collect textbooks of artistic skills by itself for the students in need.


15、The Griffith University project will develop and pilot a model of clinical education for health students that improves their learning experience and better reflects the realities of clinical practice.


16、The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.

鼓励私人办学等。 这些主张对清末教育改革产生了积极影响,其中有些对今天仍具有借鉴意义。

17、These reformative ideas exerted a positive influence upon education in the late years of the Qing Dynasty and some of these ideas are still noteworthy even in present days.


18、Elimination of what amounted to confiscatory taxation on agriculture has restored incentives for farmers to increase investment and production.


19、I encourage all to contact Mr. Ma or Mr. Zhu, who runs the art studio, to view Mr. Ma's work.

勇往直前, 决不放弃!

20、Keep on going never give up.

21、The university encourages its PhD students to use its resources to develop commercial products. Its Office of Technology Licensing paid for Google’s patent.这所大学鼓励博士生利用它的资源开发商用产品,它的技术特许办公室向谷歌支付了专利费。

22、don't worry, you will be fine let's kick his/her ass good job 好报我是混分的

23、Tray removal has been hailed as a means to reduce food and water waste by encouraging students to only carry what they will eat.通过鼓励学生们只带走他们要吃的东西,不使用餐盘被视为一种减少食物和水的浪费的好办法。

24、Even though she still worries about what might happen, she has always encouraged and applauded my sense of adventure.虽然她仍然担心意外的发生,但却总是鼓励、支持我的冒险精神。

25、One of her major tasks will be to encourage family-friendly policies to boost Japan's low birth rate.福岛的主要任务之一将是鼓励“家庭友好”政策,提高日本的出生率。

英文句子26:,26、Guangzhou fully complies with the electrical reasoning and technological use of "peak load shaving, " and is encouraging and promoting it.广州至做法完全符合”削峰填谷“之电力合理、科学利用,当鼓励并推广之。特此。

27、Knowlegde can change your fate and English can accomplish your future. 知识改变命运,英语成就未来。

28、A teacher who never had a bright idea in his life will probably reprimand a student who has one instead of encouraging him.如果 一个教师一生从来未有过奇思妙想,那么,他很可能不会鼓励他的学生们这样做,反而可能会责备他。

29、The benefits you see in the first few days just may be enough to inspire a lifestyle makeover.最初几天你能看到的好处已足以鼓励你来个生活模式大转变。

30、A 24 bit drum performance by primary school student of Wen Kai, Penang.由槟城文开小学学生呈献的二十四节令鼓。

31、I encourage you to use these frameworks, given their power to produce results for unit testing.我鼓励您使用这些框架,利用它们的力量来生成单元测试的结果。

32、At her boss' request, Mary is knocking at Mr. Chandler's door to see him.赞扬和鼓励 应老板的要求,玛丽正敲钱德勒先生的门去见他。

33、To question only why fox is rejected from the diet encourages a single cause-and-effect chain of reasoning that leads incorrectly to biological explanations.单独质问为什么狐狸肉被排除在食物之外只能鼓励简单的因果链式的推理,从而错误地导致生物学解释。

34、A large scale community-based mentorship project that aims at encouraging high school student leaders to devote themselves to the society's welfare by the life examples of young professionals.YES为大型社区青年培训计划,透过不同领域的青年专业人士领袖的身教,积极鼓励中学生贡献社会。

35、The study recommends more attention to be paid to education in rural and under-developed areas, and to encourage and support higher education students to work in those areas.建议重视农村和欠发达地区教育发展,鼓励和扶持大学生到农村和欠发达地区创业。

36、In 2012, the university started the International Student Scholarship awarded to students registered for Bachelor's and Master's programs.自xx年始,学校专设了留学生奖学金,奖励对象为在校本科、硕士留学生。

37、The unconventional offer was made by women and gender studies professor Breanne Fahs as a way to get her students to challenge social norms.这项反传统的政策是由该校致力于女性与性别研究的布里安娜·芳斯教授提出的,旨在鼓励学生挑战社会陈规。

38、It was very encouraging when they told me they like the student life at CUHK.当这些中学生们对我说他们多喜欢中大的学生生活时,我深受鼓舞。

39、It said that the current subsidy programs encourage overproduction, with the surplus "dumped on the international market."它说,现行补贴计划鼓励过度生产,把多余的东西"向国际市场倾销"。

40、Teachers, like students, live in a nonintellectual culture, one that, for the most part, neither values fair-minded critical thinking nor encourages it.与学生们一样,教师们也生活在一个缺乏智慧的文化之中,而一般来说,这种文化非但不会对理性思考予以公正的评价,更不会去鼓励它。

41、World Health Assembly Resolution 50.29 encourages Member States to eliminate lymphatic filariasis as a public-health problem.世界卫生大会第50.29号决议鼓励各会员国把消除淋巴丝虫病作为公共卫生问题看待。

42、We're also reaching out to undergraduate students in fields like liberal arts and engineering, holding on-campus events called "Career Labs" that encourage them to consider business careers.我们也会为人文科学、工程等专业的在校本科生举行名为“职业生涯实验室”的校园活动,来鼓励他们考虑从事商界的职业。

43、We chose Kenji to recognize his work, as well as to encourage the exchange of ideas with Japan.我们推选平锅先生以表扬他的工作,同时鼓励在日本的意见交流。

44、More importantly,there can be no substitute for a good teacher,who must not only be able to impart facts and theories,but also to appraise and encourage his students.更重要的是,没有什么可以替代一个好老师,他不仅能够传道授业,而且能够评估并鼓励学生。

45、Punitive? damages are often imposed in order to encourage doctors, drivers, and producers to be more careful and responsible.而惩罚性赔偿金的主要作用是鼓励医生、司机和生产商能更加谨慎和负责。

46、Although the Declaration is addressed primarily to physicians, the WMA encourages other participants in medical research involving human subjects to adopt these principles.尽管《宣言》主要针对医生,世界医学会鼓励参与涉及人体受试者的研究的其他相关人员采纳这些原则。

47、To encourage architects, city planners, architectural students, developers and other related professional talents to take the challenge of designing new Beijing with care of its cultural identities.鼓励建筑师, 城市规划师, 建筑学学生, 开发商以及其他相关专业人才, 把中国的新城市建设成一个有文化底韵和特色的城市。

48、To speak too glibly about unconditional acceptance appears to encourage careless and disobedient living.过分轻易地说无条件接纳可能会鼓励轻率和不顺服的生活方式。

49、help to keep the newborn warm (promoting skin-to-skin contact between mother and infant);帮助为新生儿保暖(鼓励母亲与婴儿之间的肌肤接触);

50、The encouragement from my manager to get that perspective, from the ground floor, has stuck with me over time in my career.在我踏入社会之初,有幸在那位经理的鼓励下学会从顾客的角度看问题,并在以后的职业生涯中一直铭记在心。

经典英文句子51:鼓励学生,51、It was my father’s early encouragement that led me to Kernwood Country Club, where I began to caddy.正是爸爸的鼓励下我才开始了在乡村俱乐部的球童生涯。

52、Fashion focuses on contemporary fashion design (womenswear and menswear) and encourages students to be innovative and creative while developing an understanding of the needs of the fashion industry.时尚侧重于当代时尚设计(女装和男装),鼓励学生创新和培养创意,同时能够开拓理解时尚产业的需求。

53、Other tactics exist to "do the right thing" for individual students by moving them from one class to another, but none does anything to address the fundamental unfairness of the process.其他一些措施则是通过调整学生的分级去鼓励个别学生“从事正确的事情”,但是却从来没有人站出来发表声明,指出该过程在本质上有失公允。

54、To provide shelter and encourage breeding, 200 dormouse nest boxes have been placed in the woodland.为了提供庇护所,也出于鼓励这些小生命繁衍生息的考虑,林地里已经放置了200个榛睡鼠巢箱。

55、Work Atmosphere Foster teamwork, personal responsibility, integrity, innovation, trust and communication within the context of a physician-led institution.鼓励团队精神、责任感、正直、创新、信任和沟通在医生引导的体制下。

56、"I see the law as a great encouragement for people to seek wealth legally, and be protected, " Mr. Jiang said.“在我看来,法律能够鼓励人们获取合法财产,并给予保护,”江先生称。

57、With frank advice offered in a supportive, encouraging tone, Rawlins and Metzger lead students step by step through the writing process, from pre-writing to polishing the final draft.在一个支持,鼓励坦率语气提出意见,罗林斯和梅茨格引导学生透过写作过程一步一步,从学前教育书面抛光的最后草案。

58、Diversity is the core of a university’s spirit for it encourages and embraces all sorts of lifestyles and it allows different thoughts to coexist and merge.多元化是大学精神的核心,因为它鼓励和包容各种生活方式,使得各种思想并存和融合。

59、This semi-open space is configured to encourage non air-con living as much as possible.这个半开放的空间配置,鼓励非空调生活尽可能。

60、As part of the project assignment for this course, students are encouraged to explore an area where random matrix theory has been applied in greater detail.作为这门课程设计作业的一部分,我们鼓励学生探索随机矩阵论更深更细的应用领域。

61、In a speech outlining the theory of science communication, Liu Bing of Tsinghua University argued that the dominant model encourages public participation in science development.清华大学刘兵在他概括的科学传播理论的演讲中指出,主流的传播模式鼓励公众参与到科学发展之中。

62、We should encourage her filial piety . Meanwhile, we should not allow that kind of things.我们应该鼓励她这份孝心,同时也不应允许那一类的事情发生。

63、To keep the aristocracy entertained and out of trouble, the Shogunate encouraged the nobles to pursue lives of cultivated leisure.为了让贵族娱乐和麻烦,幕府鼓励贵族追求休闲生活的培养。

64、Help by encouraging them to appreciate everything that comes along in life.帮助他们就是要鼓励他们去欣赏生活中即将来临的每一件事。

65、Its aim was to enhance interests in Chinese literary writing among CityU staff and students.当年创办的目的是鼓励校内师生投稿,培养校内爱好文艺的风气。

66、This will encourage more organic production and less pesticide-laden foods.此举动将会鼓励更多有机食物的生产,减少携带农药的食物。

67、Companies producing cartoon films and TV series and universities running courses for majoring in animation have been using China's policy to support the domestic animation industry to make money.公司生产卡通电影及电视剧,大学开设动画专业课程,已经由中国政策鼓励支持国产动画,以其获利。

68、The scales need to shift to embrace alternative means of production and cease the over-consumption and production of plastic products.我们需要改变现状。鼓励替代生产方式,停止过度消费,停止生产塑料制品。

69、Lefton added, "We value critical thinking at this university, and encourage students to engage with ideas that they find difficult or make them uncomfortable.利夫顿还补充说,“我们很重视这所大学的批判性思维,也鼓励学生参与讨论那些他们觉得困难或使他们困扰的思想。

70、I appreciate all of your encouraging comments and insightful questions, and hopefully the strange, fascinating world of deep-ocean biology has sparked a Google search or two.我感谢所有那些支持鼓励和深刻的提问,还希望你们多多关注陌生而又迷人的深海生物学。

71、Parents of OPS students assigned to a multigrade class for this fall will receive a letter of explanation and are encouraged to contact the child's teacher if they have questions.今年秋天入学时期,那些被分到混合班的奥马哈公立学校的学生家长将收到一封解释信,同时也鼓励家长如有任何问题,可以和任课教师联系咨询。

72、We encourage R&D and promotion technology and equipment that can reasonably use non ferrous scrap metal in original metallic production process.鼓励研发推广在原生金属生产工艺过程中合理利用废旧有色金属的技术装备。


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