专栏/官方NVIDIA RTX 2080 Ti,2080和2070规格,价格,发布日期——GamersNexus

官方NVIDIA RTX 2080 Ti,2080和2070规格,价格,发布日期——GamersNexus

2018年08月21日 05:20--浏览 · --点赞 · --评论

官方NVIDIA RTX 2080 Ti,2080和2070规格,价格,发布日期

作者: Steve Burke 于2018年8月20日下午3:00 发布

以下来自于谷歌翻译 转载自GamersNexus



NVIDIA今天宣布推出用于游戏的全新图灵卡,包括RTX 2080 Ti,RTX 2080和RTX 2070.这些卡采用升级但熟悉的Volta架构,并对SM和内存进行了一些更改。新的RTX 2080和2080 Ti首先带有参考卡,合作伙伴卡大部分同时出现(一些更高级的型号将在1个月后出现),具体取决于它的合作伙伴。董事会合作伙伴直到与媒体大致同时才收到定价甚至卡片命名,因此预计定制解决方案会出现延迟。请注意,我们最初在合作伙伴卡上听到了1-3个月的延迟,但这似乎只适用于刚刚投入生产的高级型号。大多数三扇机型号应该在同一天上市。

另一个主要考虑因素是NVIDIA决定使用双轴参考卡,从而消除了低端合作伙伴卡的大部分价值。远离鼓风机参考卡和双风扇卡将最大程度地影响电路板合作伙伴,这可能导致NVIDIA缓慢爬行,从而扩大其直接面向消费者的销售并绕过合作伙伴。RTX 2080 Ti的售价为1200美元,将于9月20日推出,2080定价为800美元(和9月20日),2070定价为600美元(TBD发布日期)。

NVIDIA RTX 2080 Ti和2080规格



NVIDIA RTX 2080 Ti,2080和2070创始人版规格

NVidia的新RTX 2080 Ti拥有4352个浮点单元,RTX 2080非Ti托管2944 FPU。假设nVidia坚持每个流多处理器128个FPU,那就是将2080 Ti放在34个SM上,2080个放在23个SM上。NVidia已经为这款GPU重新设计了SM架构,因此我们对所有精细细节并不感到满意。

新的GPU也转移到GDDR6,这是预期的转变。目前,GDDR6的BOM成本比GDDR5高出约20%,但成本会随着时间的推移而下降。GDDR6在RTX 2080和2080 Ti上的每引脚吞吐量最低可达14Gbps,这是前几代8Gbps和10Gbps吞吐量的显着提升。GDDR6每个引脚也可以高达16Gbps,但新GPU并没有立即承诺。我们还不确定GDDR6的内存时序影响。2080 Ti将在352位内存总线上承载11GB GDDR6,内存带宽约为620GB / s。RTX 2080将在256位接口上托管8GB GDDR6,因此可以提供448GB / s的内存带宽。

 RTX 2080 TiRTX 2080RTX 2070FP32 FPU(“CUDA核心”)435229442304流式多处理器342318核心时钟/升压时钟1350/1545 
FE:1710MHz内存接口352位256位256位内存容量11GB8GB8GBGDDR6速度14Gbps14Gbps14Gbps内存带宽616GB / s的448GB / s的448GB / s的SLINVLink双向NVLink双向TBDTDP250-260W〜265〜285W175-185W价钱1,200 

*价格来源:NVIDIA的网站。 注意: 我们也听说价格(可能是非FE卡?或者NVIDIA内部只是误传?)1070可能是500美元,2080可以是700美元,2080 Ti可以是1000美元。我们认为这可能是FE与参考,但它也可能是NVIDIA团队的误传。目前尚不清楚。

技嘉RTX 2080 Ti和2080定价




GeForce RTX 2080 Ti Gaming OC 11G


$ 1,199.99

GeForce RTX 2080 Ti Windforce OC 11G


$ 1,169.99

GeForce RTX 2080 Gaming OC 8G


$ 829.99

GeForce RTX 2080 Windforce OC 8G


$ 789.99


NVIDIA在此次发布会上以显着的方式推动了价格的上涨。2070不是1070的价格线性线 - 它更接近1080,而2080 Ti已经取代了Titan X级卡的价格。由于市场占据主导地位,并且最大的高端竞争对手是Pascal,如果不是我们想要看到的话,这是明智的。我们希望看到2080 Ti更接近900美元。


  • 合作伙伴直到我们这么做的时候才得到定价或命名。根据合作伙伴的不同,这意味着非参考卡将不再发货1-3个月。

  • 合作伙伴将直接与低端的NVIDIA竞争,这意味着大多数人将转向三扇设计。

  • 讨论单个Tensor核心等同于10x 1080 Tis的性能需要对家庭观众进行一些澄清:在这种情况下,请注意单个Tensor核心不等于10x 1080 Tis,除非专门处理机器学习,AI和其他DL任务。如果Tensor核心在图形的各个方面都很出色,那么整张卡就是Tensor核心。

  • NVIDIA正在为2016年Pascal发布会让很多人感到困惑:现在有一个单独的参考和FE规范,之前的情况并非如此(FE取代了名称中的“参考”)。现在,有两个单独的SKU,毫无疑问会更加混乱。FE的时钟频率更高。正如我们现在所理解的那样,这是主要变化。

  • NVLink售价为80美元,适用于SLI

  • NVIDIA已经在图灵工作了10年

  • 开发人员通常需要一些时间来采用RTX SDK和光线跟踪






史蒂夫开始玩GamersNexus,这只是一个很酷的名字,现在它已经发展成为一个拥有大量功能的广阔网站。他回忆起他在GN的指导下做出的第一个艰难的决定:“我不知道我是否希望'游戏玩家'拥有占有性撇号 - 我的意思是,它应该是语法上的,但我不喜欢它的名字。它很难看。我也有人在地址栏里打字撇号 - 叹息。让它成为'游戏玩家'是有道理的。“



Official NVIDIA RTX 2080 Ti, 2080, & 2070 Specs, Price, Release Date

By Steve Burke Published August 20, 2018 at 3:00 pm


NVIDIA announced its new Turing video cards for gaming today, including the RTX 2080 Ti, RTX 2080, and RTX 2070. The cards move forward with an upgraded-but-familiar Volta architecture, with some changes to the SMs and memory. The new RTX 2080 and 2080 Ti ship with reference cards first, and partner cards largely at the same time (with some more advanced models coming 1+ month later), depending on which partner it is. The board partners did not receive pricing or even card naming until around the same time as media, so expect delays in custom solutions. Note that we were originally hearing a 1-3 month latency on partner cards, but that looks to be only for advanced models that are just now entering production. Most tri-fan models should come available on the same date.

Another major point of consideration is NVIDIA's decision to use a dual-axial reference card, eliminating much of the value of partner cards at the low-end. Moving away from blower reference cards and toward dual-fan cards will most immediately impact board partners, something that could lead to a slow crawl of NVIDIA expanding its direct-to-co**********es and bypassing partners. The RTX 2080 Ti will be priced at $1200 and will launch on September 20, with the 2080 at $800 (and September 20), and the 2070 at $600 (TBD release date).

NVIDIA RTX 2080 Ti & 2080 Specs

One of the biggest mistakes people make when comparing new GPUs is to talk about “core count.” This is erroneous for a few reasons, one of which is that core-for-core performance is not identical cross-architecture. From Kepler to Pascal, there were gains upwards of 30% for overall performance-per-watt efficiency, and just drawing a linear comparison between core counts doesn’t accommodate this. Also, CUDA cores aren’t really cores, anyway: They are floating-point units. An SM would be more similar to a core by standard definitions, which call for a core to be capable of fetching and decoding instructions, executing them, reading and writing data to and from registers and cache, and computing results. NVIDIA’s floating-point units can compute results, but can’t do much of the other stuff.

The point of saying all of this is that a strict Pascal vs. Turing core comparison needs to account for architectural differences that could change how well a “core” performs to begin with. People fell into the same trap last time.

NVIDIA RTX 2080 Ti, 2080, & 2070 Founders Edition Specs

NVidia’s new RTX 2080 Ti hosts 4352 floating point units, with the RTX 2080 non-Ti hosting 2944 FPUs. Assuming nVidia is sticking to 128 FPUs per streaming multiprocessor, that’d put the 2080 Ti at 34 SMs, with the 2080 at 23 SMs. NVidia has reworked the SM architecture for this GPU, so we’re not positive on all of the finer details just yet.

The new GPUs also move to GDDR6, an expected shift. At present, GDDR6 runs approximately a 20% higher BOM cost than GDDR5, but that cost will drop over time. GDDR6 allows for minimally 14Gbps per pin throughput on the RTX 2080 and 2080 Ti, a noteworthy boost over the 8Gbps and 10Gbps throughput on previous generations. GDDR6 can also push up to 16Gbps per pin, but there is no immediate promise of that for the new GPUs. We are not yet sure on the memory timing impact of GDDR6. The 2080 Ti will host 11GB of GDDR6 on a 352-bit memory bus, with memory bandwidth in the neighborhood of 620GB/s. The RTX 2080 will host 8GB of GDDR6 on a 256-bit interface and therefore allow 448GB/s memory bandwidth.

 RTX 2080 TiRTX 2080RTX 2070FP32 FPUs ("CUDA Cores")435229442304Streaming Multiprocessors342318Core Clock / Boost Clock1350/1545
FE: 1635MHz1515/1710
FE: 1800MHz1410/1620
FE: 1710MHzMemory Interface352-bit256-bit256-bitMemory Capacity11GB8GB8GBGDDR6 Speed14Gbps14Gbps14GbpsMemory Bandwidth616GB/s448GB/s448GB/sSLINVLink 2-WayNVLink 2-WayTBDTDP250-260W~265~285W175-185WPrice$1,200
OR $1000*$800
OR $700*$600
OR $500*Release DateSept. 20, 2018Sept. 20, 2018TBD

*Source for prices: NVIDIA's website. NOTE: We have also heard that the prices (perhaps for non-FE cards? Or is there just a miscommunication within NVIDIA?) could also be $500 for the 1070, $700 for the 2080, and $1000 for the 2080 Ti. We think this might be FE vs. Reference, but it could also be miscommunication by NVIDIA's teams. Not clear at the moment.

Gigabyte RTX 2080 Ti & 2080 Pricing

Scroll right for more ->

Model Name



Amazon Link

GeForce RTX 2080 Ti Gaming OC 11G



2080 Ti Gaming OC

GeForce RTX 2080 Ti Windforce OC 11G



2080 Ti Windforce OC

GeForce RTX 2080 Gaming OC 8G



2080 Gaming OC

GeForce RTX 2080 Windforce OC 8G



2080 Windforce OC


NVIDIA has moved the price forward in significant ways with this launch. The 2070 is not a linear line from the 1070 in price -- it's closer to a 1080, and the 2080 Ti has replaced a Titan X-class card in pricing. With market dominance, and with the biggest high-end competition being Pascal, this is sensible, if not what we wanted to see. We were hoping to see the 2080 Ti closer to $900.

As for the rest, a few notes:

  • Partners did not get pricing or naming until around the same time we did. Depending on partner, this means that non-reference cards won't ship for another 1-3 months.

  • Partners are going to be contending directly with NVIDIA at the low-end, which means that most will move to tri-fan designs.

  • Discussion of a single Tensor core equating 10x 1080 Tis in performance requires some clarification for viewers at home: In this scenario, note that a single Tensor core does not equate 10x 1080 Tis except when working specifically with machine learning, AI, and other DL tasks. If Tensor cores were good at every aspect of graphics, the entire card would be Tensor cores.

  • NVIDIA is doing what confused so many people at the Pascal launch in 2016: There is now a separate reference and FE spec, which wasn't the case before (FE replaced "reference" in name). Now, with two separate SKUs, there will undoubtedly be more confusion. FE is higher clocked. That is the primary change, as we understand it now.

  • NVLink is available for $80 for SLI

  • NVIDIA has been working on Turing for 10 years

  • It will take some time for developer adoption of the RTX SDK and of ray-tracing in general

We'll post another story later. That's it for now.

Editorial, Host: Steve Burke
Video: Keegan Gallick


  • GPUs 


  • Video Cards

Last modified on August 20, 2018 at 3:00 pm

Steve Burke

Steve started GamersNexus back when it was just a cool name, and now it's grown into an expansive website with an overwhelming amount of features. He recalls his first difficult decision with GN's direction: "I didn't know whether or not I wanted 'Gamers' to have a possessive apostrophe -- I mean, grammatically it should, but I didn't like it in the name. It was ugly. I also had people who were typing apostrophes into the address bar - sigh. It made sense to just leave it as 'Gamers.'"

First world problems, Steve. First world problems.


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