专栏/Getting Over It 中的名言(中英)

Getting Over It 中的名言(中英)

2023年03月25日 11:27--浏览 · --点赞 · --评论

1.       噢哦,你退步了很多哦。这真是一次深刻的挫折,一次重拳啊。

2.       对不起。

3.       哦,不,又来了。保持努力,不要让它接近你。


2.(音乐)“走在路上感觉不好”--Cliff Carlisle

3.如果眼睛没有眼泪,灵魂就不会有彩虹。--John Vance Cheney




7.(音乐)“可怜的蓝调”--Edna Hicks



10.生命是快乐和痛苦的镶嵌--悲伤是两个快乐时刻之间的间隔。和平是两次战争之间的间隔。没有不带刺的玫瑰;勤奋的采摘者将避免刺并且收集到花。--Sathya Sai Baba


12.(音乐)“哎呀,一个涂鸦”--Buddy Weed和他的三重奏

13.在所有伤心的舌头或笔的话语中,最可悲的是,“可能是这样的”。--John Greenleaf Whittier


15.(音乐)“天生输家”--Tedd Deffan’s Texans

16.不要讨厌玩家;讨厌游戏。--Ice T




20.你这里的失败是一个比喻。要学习什么,请继续攀登。--Rob Dubbin

21.笑,世界和你一起欢笑;哭泣,你独自哭泣,因为悲伤的旧地必须借它的欢乐,但它自己的麻烦已经够了。--Ella Weaver Wilcox

22.我宁愿你能将我微笑地忘记,也远远胜似你把我悲伤的记起--Christina Rosetti

23.有什么东西填满了我的心,有人告诉我不要哭。现在我长大了,我的心越来越冷,我可以看到这是一个谎言。--The Arcade Fire

24.(音乐)“走在路上心情不好”--Gussie Ward Stone




28(音乐)“安乐街”-- The Pied Pipers with Axel Stordahl and his Orchestra

29.    我们的怀疑是叛徒,使我们害怕尝试威胁从而失去赢得可能。--William Shakespeare, Measure for Measure

30.    生活中没有遗憾,只是教训。--珍妮弗·安妮斯顿

31.    (音乐)“地下六英尺”--Leroy Carr

32.    (音乐)“待我老得不在作梦”--Dick Haymes

33.    痛苦有一种空白;它无法回忆起它何时开始,或者是否有一天它没有。他没有未来,只有它自己,它的无限王国包含着它的过去,被启发去感知新的痛苦时期。--艾米莉·狄金森

34.    噢,期望失败了,最重要的是它承诺的最多的地方,而且它最终会在希望最冷的地方出现,而绝望的地方大多数都会坐下。--William Shakespeare, All’s Well that Ends Well

35.    即使果实的石头必须破碎,它的心也可能站在太阳底下,所以你必须知道痛苦。你是否能让你的心对你生命的每日奇迹感到惊奇,你的痛苦也不会像你的快乐那么奇妙。--哈利勒纪伯伦

36.    (音乐)“可怜的男孩离家很远”--Barbecue Bob

37.    这一时刻像是被灌了铅,如果扛过来了,只会记得,犹如受冻的人回忆起冰雪,先是寒冷,然后麻木,然后任他去--艾米莉·迪金森

38.    我感到你的痛苦:知道这一切的痛苦已经发生在你身上。知道我们已经获得更多的痛苦,但通过这一切,我感到你的痛苦。--Octavia Hawkins-Richardson


39.    山似乎不再是一个没有灵魂的东西,而是一种古老的恐惧,在黑暗和混沌的风中,生出无边无际的天空,在雷鸣般的天空蜷缩着,巨大而严峻,在强大的水面哀悼之前--George Sterling

40.    (音乐)“走在路上感觉不好”--Ruth Huber and Lois Judd

41.    每当我爬的时候,后面会跟着一只叫做“自我”的狗。--Friedrich Nietzsche


42.(音乐)“走在路上感觉不好”--Forde Ward

1.Oof,you lost a lot of progress.Thata deep frustration, a real punch in the gut.

2.UffSorry about that.

3.Oh,happened again. Keep on trying, dont let get to you.

1. That thing that we called failure is not the falling down, but the staying down.

Mary Pickford

2. (Music) 3. The soul would have no rainbow had the eyes no tears.

John Vance Cheney

4. The pain I feel now is the happiness I had before. Thats the deal.


5. I feel within me a peace above all earthly dignities, a still and quiet conscience.

Williem Shakespeare

6. You cannot now believe that you will ever feel batter. But this is not ture.You are sure to be happy again. Knowing this, truly believing it, will make you less miserable now.

Abraham Lincoln

7. (Music)Poor Me Blues- Edna Hicks

8. Do not stand at my grave and cry. I am not there, I did not die.

Mary Frye

9. To live is suffer, to survive is to find some meaning in the suffering.

Friedrich Nietzsche

10.Life is a mosaic off pleasure and pain-grief is an interval between two moments of joy. Peace is the interlude between two wars. You have no rose without a thorn; the diligent picker will avoid the pricks and gather the flower.

Sathya Sai Baba

11.Sorrow is my own yard/where the new grass/flames as it has flamed often before but not/with the cold fire/that closes round this year.

- William Carlos Williams

12.(Music)Whoops a Doodle- Buddy Weed and His Trio

13.Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, It might have been.

- John Greenleaf Whittier

14.If you try to please audiences, uncritically accepting their tastes, it can only mean that you have no respect for them.

Andrei Tarkovsky

15.(Music)Born To Lose- Tedd Daffan`s Texans

16.Dont hate the player; hate the game.

Ice T

17.When to the sessions of sweet silent thought I summon up remembrance of thing past, I sigh the lack of many a thing I sought, and with old woes new wail my dear times waste:

- William Shakespeare, Sonnet XXX


18.Patience is the foundation of eternal peace. Make anger your enemy. Harm comes to those who know only victory and do not know defeat. Find fault with yourself and not with others. It is in falling short of your own goals that you will surpass those who exceed theirs.

Tokugawa Ieyasu

19.She smiled in defeat. With unconquerable eyes.


20.You failure here is a metaphor. To learn for what, please resume climbing.

- Rob Dubbin

21.Laugh, and the world laughs with you;Weep,and you weep alone; For the sad old earth must borrow its mirth, But has trouble enough of its own.

- Ella Weaver Wilcox

22.Better by far you should forget and smile. Then that you should remember and be sad.

Christina Rosetti

23.Something filled up my heart with nothing, something cold me not to cry. Now that Im older, my heart is colder, I can see that its a lie.

The Arcade Fire

24.(Music) Going Down the Road Feeling Bad- Gussie Ward Stone

25.I stand aimed the roar of a surf-tormented shore, And I hold within my hand grains of golden sand, How few! yet how they creep thorough my fingers to the deep. While I weep-while I weep! O God! can I not grasp them with a tighter clasp? O God! can I not save one from the pitiless wave? Is all that we see or seem but a dream within a dream?

- Edgar Allen Poe

26.Can I see anothers woe, And not be in sorrow too? Can I see anothers grief, And not seek for kind relief?

- William Blake

27.In the end ,we only regret the chances we didnt take.

Lewis Carroll

28.(Music) Easy Street- The Pied Pipers with Axel Stordahl and his Orchestra

29.Our doubts are traitors and make us lose the good we oft might win, by fearing to attempt.

- William Shakespeare, Measure for Measure

30.There are no regrets in life, Just lessons.

- Jennifer Aniston

31.(Music)Six Cold Feet in the Ground- Leroy Carr

32.(Music)When I Grow Too Old To Dream Dick Haymes

33.Pain as an element of blank; It cannot recollect when it begin if there were A day when it was not. It has no future but itself, Its infinite realms contain its past ,enlightened to perceive New periods of pain.

- Emily Dickinson

34.Oft expectation fails, and most oft where most it promises; and oft it hits where hope is coldest; and despair most sits.

William Shakespeare, Alls Well that Ends Well

35.Even as the stone of the fruit must break, that its heart may stand in the sun, so must you know pain. And could you keep your heart in wonder at the daily miracles of your life, your pain would not seem less wondrous than your joy.

- Khalil Gibran

36.(Music)Poor Boy A Long Ways From Home- Barbecue Bob

37.This is the Hour of Lead Remembered, if outlived, As Freezing persons recollect the Snow First-Chill-then Stupor-then the letting go.

Emily Dickinson

38.I feel your pain: the pain in this has Happened to you. The pain in knowing what more tears we have gained. But through all this I feel your pain.

- Octavia Hawkins-Richardson

 I'm smashing your dreams and destroying your hopes. You are climbing a mountain with a hammer and a rope.

39.The mountain seems no more a soulless thing, But rather as a shape of ancient fear, In darkness and the winds of Chaos born Amid the lordless heavens thundering-A Presence crouched, enormous and austere, Before whose feet the mighty waters mourn.

- George Sterling

40.(Music)Going Down the Road Feeling Bad- Ruth Huber and Lois Judd

41.Whenever I climb,Im followed by a dog called ego.

- Friedrich Nietzsche

 I, uh, I'll make you a little bit more.

42.  (Music)Im Going Down The Road Feeling Bad'- Forde Ward


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