

2023年12月21日 08:53--浏览 · --点赞 · --评论


1.Nanovaccine. In article number 2203298, Baorui Liu, Jia Wei, and co-workers prepare a personalized neoantigen nanovaccine (PNVAC) which spatially displays impressively enhanced lymph nodes trafficking capacity, and functionally induces more mature dendritic cells (DCs), neoantigen-specific T cells, and memory effector T cells. The PNVAC demonstrates superior protective efficacy against advanced gastric cancer recurrence and longer survival in preclinical studies and a phase I clinical trial.

纳米疫苗。在文章编号 2203298 中,Baorui Liu、Jia Wei 和同事制备了一种个性化新抗原纳米疫苗 (PNVAC),它在空间上显示出令人印象深刻的增强的淋巴结运输能力,并在功能上诱导更成熟的树突状细胞 (DC)、新抗原特异性 T 细胞、和记忆效应T细胞。在临床前研究和 I 期临床试验中,PNVAC 显示出对晚期胃癌复发的卓越保护功效和更长的生存期。

2.Biodegradable Anti-Fizzing Water-Resistant Straws. In article number 2205554, Jun Mo Koo, Jeyoung Park, Dongyeop X. Oh, and co-workers created a marine-biodegradable paper straw coated with nanocellulose polyester composites. The straws are not only anti-fizzing when used with soft drinks, but also highly water-resistant because the good adhesion of nanocellulose to paper gives homogeneous and seamless surface coatings. The sustainable use of straws is the foundation of a huge environmental preservation.

可生物降解防嘶嘶防水吸管。在文章编号 2205554 中,Jun Mo Koo、Jeyoung Park、Dongyeop X. Oh 及其同事创造了一种涂有纳米纤维素聚酯复合材料的海洋生物可降解纸吸管。这些吸管不仅在与软饮料一起使用时具有防嘶嘶声,而且还具有高度防水性,因为纳米纤维素对纸张的良好粘附力提供了均匀且无缝的表面涂层。秸秆的可持续利用是巨大环境保护的基础。

3.Mechanism of Superenhancer-Driven LncRNA Accelerating Lipid Metabolism. In article number 2204711, Li Peng and co-workers reveal the mechanism of superenhancer-related lncRNA functioning in lipid metabolism. It can be simulated by the accelerating vehicle. LncRNA FASRL is transcriptionally driven by USF1 via its superenhancer. FASRL binding to ACACA, a fatty acid synthesis rate-limiting enzyme, increases lipid accumulation to exacerbate HCC.

超级增强子驱动的 LncRNA 加速脂质代谢的机制。在文章编号 2204711 中,Li Peng 及其同事揭示了超级增强子相关的 lncRNA 在脂质代谢中发挥作用的机制。可以通过加速载体来模拟。 LncRNA FASRL 由 USF1 通过其超级增强子进行转录驱动。 FASRL 与 ACACA(一种脂肪酸合成限速酶)结合,会增加脂质积累,从而加剧 HCC。

4.Multiparametric Imaging. The deep learning-enhanced multiparametric dynamic volumetric photoacoustic computed (DL-PACT) tomography approach improves the slow temporal resolution and at the same time qualitatively and quantitively diminishes the limited-view artifacts that degrade image quality. DL-PACT successfully performed high-quality static structural and dynamic contrast-enhanced whole-body images as well as dynamic functional images of live animals and humans, all in a relatively fast and cost-effective manner. More details can be found in article number 2202089 by Seungchul Lee, Chulhong Kim, and co-workers.

多参数成像。深度学习增强型多参数动态体积光声计算 (DL-PACT) 断层扫描方法提高了慢速时间分辨率,同时定性和定量地减少了导致图像质量下降的有限视图伪影。 DL-PACT 成功地以相对快速且经济高效的方式拍摄了活体动物和人类的高质量静态结构和动态对比度增强全身图像以及动态功能图像。更多详细信息,请参阅 Seungchul Lee、Chulhong Kim 及其同事撰写的文章编号 2202089。

5.Carbon Nanotubes. In article number 2204250, Seung Jae Yang, Chong Rae Park, and co-workers report the superstrong carbon nanotube yarns with multiscale bundle structures inspired by the strengthening mechanism of natural cellulose fibers. This unique micro-texture of yarn enables one step forward to the realization of our ultimate goal, the space elevator.

碳纳米管。在第 2204250 号文章中,Seung Jae Yang、Chong Rae Park 及其同事报道了受天然纤维素纤维增强机制启发的具有多尺度束结构的超强碳纳米管纱线。这种独特的纱线微观纹理使我们向实现太空电梯这一最终目标迈进了一步。

6.Wavy Whiskers in Wakes. It is known that seals can detect prey up to 180 m away using their flow-sensing whiskers, which feature undulating morphologies that reduce vortex-induced vibrations. In article number 2203062 by Xingwen Zheng, Ajay Giri Prakash Kottapalli, and co-workers, through fluid-structure interaction studies and experimental investigations involving seal whisker arrays mounted on 3D-printed microelectromechanical systems sensors, the vibration characteristics of the whisker array and the interaction between neighboring whiskers in steady flows and fish-wake-like vortices are explained.

波浪状的胡须在唤醒。众所周知,海豹可以利用其流量感应胡须探测 180 m 之外的猎物,胡须具有起伏的形态,可以减少涡流引起的振动。在 Xingwen Cheng、Ajay Giri Prakash Kottapalli 及其同事撰写的文章编号 2203062 中,通过涉及安装在 3D 打印微机电系统传感器上的密封晶须阵列的流体-结构相互作用研究和实验研究,研究了晶须阵列的振动特性和相互作用解释了稳定流中相邻晶须之间的相互作用和鱼尾流状涡流。

7.Flexible Organic Electrochemical Transistors. In article number 2204746, Teppei Araki, Tsuyoshi Sekitani, and co-workers develop fully transparent and ultra-thin, and flexible organic electrochemical transistors using additive manufacturing process that reduces damage to nanomaterials. Integrated biosensors using the transistors can provide multimodal assessments such as electrophysiological, optical and ion measures, and are holding promises toward complex point-of-care diagnosis of human stress.

柔性有机电化学晶体管。在文章编号 2204746 中,Teppei Araki、Tsuyoshi Sekitani 及其同事使用增材制造工艺开发了完全透明、超薄且柔性的有机电化学晶体管,可减少对纳米材料的损坏。使用晶体管的集成生物传感器可以提供多模式评估,例如电生理学、光学和离子测量,并有望实现人类压力的复杂现场护理诊断。

8.Ballistic Thermal Transport. In this article number 2204777, Yanan Yue and co-workers develop a tip-enhanced Raman thermometry to study ballistic thermal transport within 10 nm in GaN, simultaneously achieving local laser heating and temperature probing. The phonon mean free path is predicted which can find wide application in the thermal management of GaN-based electronics.

弹道热传输。在这篇编号为 2204777 的文章中,Yanan Yue 及其同事开发了一种尖端增强拉曼测温技术,用于研究 GaN 中 10 nm 内的弹道热传输,同时实现局部激光加热和温度探测。声子平均自由程的预测可以在基于 GaN 的电子器件的热管理中得到广泛的应用。

9.Piezoelectric Energy Harvester. A piezoelectric energy harvester (PEH) that converts unused ambient vibration energy into useful electricity can alleviate issues related to the battery maintenance and power line installation of IoT sensors. To maximize the harvesting power, the resonance frequency of the PEH should match the dominant frequency of the ambient vibrations. In article number 2205179, Kyung-Hoon Cho, Hyun-Cheol Song, and co-workers report a novel autonomous resonance-tuning (ART) PEH that autonomously adjusts its resonance frequency in accordance with ambient vibrations without any external assistance or human intervention. The PEH design methodology to implement the ART function is provided along with its real-world validation under low-frequency (<100 Hz) complex vibrations in which the acceleration and frequency change simultaneously.

压电能量采集器。压电能量收集器 (PEH) 可将未使用的环境振动能量转换为有用的电能,可以缓解与物联网传感器的电池维护和电源线安装相关的问题。为了最大限度地提高收集功率,PEH 的共振频率应与环境振动的主频率相匹配。在第 2205179 号文章中,Kyung-Hoon Cho、Hyun-Cheol Song 及其同事报告了一种新型自主共振调谐 (ART) PEH,它可以根据环境振动自动调整其共振频率,无需任何外部帮助或人工干预。提供了实现 ART 功能的 PEH 设计方法及其在低频(<100 Hz)复杂振动(其中加速度和频率同时变化)下的实际验证。

10.Smart Supramolecular Peptides. In article number 2203351, Lei Wang, Hao Wang, Bo Hu, and co-workers report the formulation of a smart supramolecular peptide (SSP) eye drop for diabetic retinopathy treatment that is effective via specifically identifying and capturing Semaphorin4D (Sema 4D), a strongly pro-angiogenesis and exudates factor. The combination of SSP eye drop and anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) injection showed approximately two times better therapeutic effect over anti-VEGF treatment alone. This work provides an alternative and effective method for noninvasive treatment for diabetic retinopathy.

智能超分子肽。在第 2203351 号文章中,Lei Wang、Hao Wang、Bo Hu 及其同事报告了一种用于糖尿病视网膜病变治疗的智能超分子肽 (SSP) 滴眼剂的配方,该滴眼剂通过特异性识别和捕获 Semaphorin4D (Sema 4D) 来发挥作用,Semaphorin4D 是一种强烈的促血管生成和渗出因子。 SSP滴眼液与抗血管内皮生长因子(VEGF)注射液联合使用的治疗效果比单独使用抗血管内皮生长因子(VEGF)治疗好大约两倍。这项工作为糖尿病视网膜病变的无创治疗提供了一种替代且有效的方法。

11.Acute Kidney Injury. Endothelial cell injury is one of the specific features of acute kidney injury (AKI). In article number 2204626, Zongjin Li and co-workers identify P-selectin as a biomarker of ischemic AKI in endothelial cells and develop P-selectin binding peptide-engineered extracellular vesicles (PBP-EVs) with imaging and therapeutic functions targeting injured endothelial cells for the first time.

急性肾损伤。内皮细胞损伤是急性肾损伤(AKI)的具体特征之一。在文章编号 2204626 中,Zongjin Li 及其同事第一次将 P-选择素确定为内皮细胞中缺血性 AKI 的生物标志物,并开发了 P-选择素结合肽工程化的细胞外囊泡 (PBP-EV),具有针对受损内皮细胞的成像和治疗功能。

12.Meniscus-Guided Printing. Meniscus-guided micro-printing of Prussian Blue is realized by the localized crystallization of FeFe(CN)6 on the substrate confined by the ink meniscus and thermal reduction of the crystallized FeFe(CN)6. This strategy is capable of being used as an electrochromic display to give real-time directions on an augmented reality (AR) smart contact lens device. More details can be found in article number 2205588 by Im Doo Jung, Seung Kwon Seol, and co-workers.

弯月面引导打印。弯液面引导的普鲁士蓝微印刷是通过墨水弯月面限制的FeFe(CN)6在基材上的局部结晶以及结晶的FeFe(CN)6的热还原来实现的。该策略能够用作电致变色显示器,在增强现实 (AR) 智能隐形眼镜设备上提供实时指示。更多详细信息,请参阅 Im Doo Jung、Seung Kwon Seol 及其同事撰写的文章编号 2205588。

13.Viroid-Like RNAs. In article number 2204308, Wenxing Xu, Kaili Dong, and co-workers characterize a novel class of viroid-like RNAs naturally infecting a filamentous fungus Botryosphaeria dothidea isolated from apple and termed as mycoviroids. These mycoviroids replicate autonomously in the nucleus via a rolling-circle mechanism following a symmetric pathway, can apparently modulate specific biological traits of the host fungus, and represent a new class of acellular entities endowed with regulatory functions, and novel epigenomic carriers of biological information. This is the first report of infectious viroid-like RNAs (or exogenous small circular RNAs) in a life kingdom (fungi) other than plants.

类病毒RNA。在第 2204308 号文章中,Wenxing Xu、Kaili Dong 及其同事描述了一类新型类病毒样 RNA,它们自然感染从苹果中分离出来的丝状真菌 Botryosphaeria dothidea,称为真菌类病毒。这些真菌类病毒通过遵循对称途径的滚环机制在细胞核中自主复制,可以明显调节宿主真菌的特定生物学特性,并代表一类具有调节功能的新型非细胞实体和生物信息的新型表观基因组载体。这是在植物以外的生命王国(真菌)中首次报道感染性类病毒 RNA(或外源小环状 RNA)。

14.Stimuli-Responsive Sponges. In article number 2206097, Nahoko Ono, Syuji Fujii, Yuya Oaki, and co-workers show stress-imaging sponge device combining stimuli-responsive conjugated polymer and capsule materials. The sponge device visualizes and quantifies the local compression stress and its distribution applies by irregularly shaped objects. The stress distribution caused by surgical device is visualized to solve a couple of clinical issues.

刺激响应海绵。在第 2206097 号文章中,Nahoko Ono、Syuji Fujii、Yuya Oaki 及其同事展示了结合刺激响应共轭聚合物和胶囊材料的压力成像海绵装置。海绵装置可视化并量化不规则形状物体施加的局部压缩应力及其分布。将手术装置引起的应力分布可视化,以解决一些临床问题。

15.Halide Perovskite: A Promising Candidate for Next-Generation X-Ray Detectors.

卤化物钙钛矿:下一代 X 射线探测器的有前途的候选者。

16.Ultrathin Solid Polymer Electrolyte Design for High-Performance Li Metal Batteries: A Perspective of Synthetic Chemistry.


17.Electro-Synthesis of Organic Compounds with Heterogeneous Catalysis.


18.Stimuli-Responsive Electrospun Fluorescent Fibers Augmented with Aggregation-Induced Emission (AIE) for Smart Applications.

刺激响应静电纺丝荧光纤维增强了聚集诱导发射 (AIE) 功能,适用于智能应用。

19.Functionalization of Mesoporous Semiconductor Metal Oxides for Gas Sensing: Recent Advances and Emerging Challenges.


20.Engineering by Cuts: How Kirigami Principle Enables Unique Mechanical Properties and Functionalities.

切割工程:Kirigami 原理如何实现独特的机械性能和功能。

21.2D Layers of Group VA Semiconductors: Fundamental Properties and Potential Applications.

VA 族半导体的二维层:基本特性和潜在应用。

22.Porous Metal Current Collectors for Alkali Metal Batteries.


23.Benefits of an Immunogenic Personalized Neoantigen Nanovaccine in Patients with High-Risk Gastric/Gastroesophageal Junction Cancer.


24.Biodegradable, Water-Resistant, Anti-Fizzing, Polyester Nanocellulose Composite Paper Straws.


25.Upregulation of Superenhancer-Driven LncRNA FASRL by USF1 Promotes De Novo Fatty Acid Biosynthesis to Exacerbate Hepatocellular Carcinoma.

USF1 上调超级增强子驱动的 LncRNA FASRL 促进脂肪酸从头生物合成,从而加剧肝细胞癌。

26.Deep Learning Enhances Multiparametric Dynamic Volumetric Photoacoustic Computed Tomography In Vivo (DL-PACT).

深度学习增强体内多参数动态体积光声计算机断层扫描 (DL-PACT)。

27.Polyamines Promote Aragonite Nucleation and Generate Biomimetic Structures.


28.Supramolecular Loading of DNA Hydrogels with Dye–Drug Conjugates for Real-Time Photoacoustic Monitoring of Chemotherapy.

DNA 水凝胶的超分子负载与染料-药物缀合物用于化疗的实时光声监测。

29.Genetic and Pharmacological Inhibition of Astrocytic Mysm1 Alleviates Depressive-Like Disorders by Promoting ATP Production.

星形胶质细胞 Mysm1 的遗传和药理学抑制可通过促进 ATP 产生来减轻抑郁样疾病。

30.Molecular Evolutionary Growth of Ultralong Semiconducting Double-Walled Carbon Nanotubes.


31.Synthesis of MAX Phase Nanofibers and Nanoflakes and the Resulting MXenes.

MAX 相纳米纤维和纳米薄片的合成以及所得 MXene。

32.Visualization of Flow-Induced Strain Using Structural Color in Channel-Free Polydimethylsiloxane Devices.


33.Immunogenic Nanovesicle-Tandem-Augmented Chemoimmunotherapy via Efficient Cancer-Homing Delivery and Optimized Ordinal-Interval Regime.


34.Self-Assembly of Immune Signals to Program Innate Immunity through Rational Adjuvant Design.


35.Ultra-Narrowband Blue Multi-Resonance Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence Materials.


36.Direct Formation of Hard-Magnetic Tetrataenite in Bulk Alloy Castings.


37.PbI2-DMSO Assisted In Situ Growth of Perovskite Wafers for Sensitive Direct X-Ray Detection.

PbI2-DMSO 辅助钙钛矿晶圆原位生长,用于灵敏的直接 X 射线检测。

38.HPV Enhances HNSCC Chemosensitization by Inhibiting SERPINB3 Expression to Disrupt the Fanconi Anemia Pathway.

HPV 通过抑制 SERPINB3 表达破坏 Fanconi 贫血途径来增强 HNSCC 化疗敏感性。

39.Dissecting Heterogeneity Reveals a Unique BAMBIhighMFGE8high Subpopulation of Human UC-MSCs.

剖析异质性揭示了人类 UC-MSC 的独特 BAMBIhighMFGE8high 亚群。

40.Cilia-Mediated Insulin/Akt and ST2/JNK Signaling Pathways Regulate the Recovery of Muscle Injury.

纤毛介导的胰岛素/Akt 和 ST2/JNK 信号通路调节肌肉损伤的恢复。

41.NNMT-DNMT1 Axis is Essential for Maintaining Cancer Cell Sensitivity to Oxidative Phosphorylation Inhibition.

NNMT-DNMT1 轴对于维持癌细胞对氧化磷酸化抑制的敏感性至关重要。

42.Impact of Na Concentration on the Phase Transition Behavior and H− Conductivities in the Ba–Li–Na–H–O Oxyhydride System.

Na 浓度对 Ba-Li-Na-H-O 氢氧化物体系中相变行为和 H− 电导率的影响。

43.Generation and Integrated Analysis of Advanced Patient-Derived Orthoxenograft Models (PDOX) for the Rational Assessment of Targeted Therapies in Endometrial Cancer.


44.Low-Power Negative-Differential-Resistance Device for Sensing the Selective Protein via Supporter Molecule Engineering.


45.Photonic Technology for In Vivo Monitoring of Hypoxia–Ischemia.


46.Responsive Accumulation of Nanohybrids to Boost NIR-Phototheranostics for Specific Tumor Imaging and Glutathione Depletion-Enhanced Synergistic Therapy.


47.Podocalyxin-Like Protein 1 Regulates Pluripotency through the Cholesterol Biosynthesis Pathway.

Podocalyxin 样蛋白 1 通过胆固醇生物合成途径调节多能性。

48.Facile Synthesis of Weakly Ferromagnetic Organogadolinium Macrochelates-Based T1-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging Contrast Agents.

基于弱铁磁有机钆大螯合物的 T1 加权磁共振成像造影剂的简便合成。

49.RNA 5-Methylcytosine Modification Regulates Vegetative Development Associated with H3K27 Trimethylation in Arabidopsis.

RNA 5-甲基胞嘧啶修饰调节拟南芥中与 H3K27 三甲基化相关的营养发育。

50.Depth-Resolved Localization Microangiography in the NIR-II Window.

NIR-II 窗口中的深度分辨定位微血管造影。

51.Micro-Topographies Induce Epigenetic Reprogramming and Quiescence in Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells.


52.Crystal Growth of 3D Poly(ε-caprolactone) Based Bone Scaffolds and Its Effects on the Physical Properties and Cellular Interactions.

3D 聚(ε-己内酯)基骨支架的晶体生长及其对物理性质和细胞相互作用的影响。

53.Digital Decoding of Single Extracellular Vesicle Phenotype Differentiates Early Malignant and Benign Lung Lesions.


54.Surface Functionalization of Hydroxyapatite Scaffolds with MgAlEu-LDH Nanosheets for High-Performance Bone Regeneration.

使用 MgAlEu-LDH 纳米片对羟基磷灰石支架进行表面功能化,以实现高性能骨再生。

55.Self-Healing Ability of Perovskites Observed via Photoluminescence Response on Nanoscale Local Forces and Mechanical Damage.


56.Spatially Resolved Dynamics of Cobalt Color Centers in ZnO Nanowires.

ZnO 纳米线中钴色心的空间分辨动力学。

57.Mixed 3D–2D Perovskite Flexible Films for the Direct Detection of 5 MeV Protons.

用于直接检测 5 MeV 质子的混合 3D-2D 钙钛矿柔性薄膜。

58.The Role of Host Cell Glycans on Virus Infectivity: The SARS-CoV-2 Case.

宿主细胞聚糖对病毒感染性的作用:SARS-CoV-2 病例。

59.Deconstruction of Vermal Cerebellum in Ramp Locomotion in Mice.


60.Electroactive Biomaterials for Facilitating Bone Defect Repair under Pathological Conditions.


61.Microenvironment-Based Diabetic Foot Ulcer Nanomedicine.


62.Organism-Generated Biological Vesicles In Situ: An Emerging Drug Delivery Strategy.


63.Emerging Sonodynamic Therapy-Based Nanomedicines for Cancer Immunotherapy.


64.Superstrong Carbon Nanotube Yarns by Developing Multiscale Bundle Structures on the Direct Spin-Line without Post-Treatment.


65.Wavy Whiskers in Wakes: Explaining the Trail-Tracking Capabilities of Whisker Arrays on Seal Muzzles.


66.Fully Transparent, Ultrathin Flexible Organic Electrochemical Transistors with Additive Integration for Bioelectronic Applications.


67.Ballistic Thermal Transport at Sub-10 nm Laser-Induced Hot Spots in GaN Crystal.

GaN 晶体中亚 10 nm 激光诱导热点的弹道热传输。

68.An Efficient Blue-Emission Crystalline Thin-Film OLED Sensitized by “Hot Exciton” Fluorescent Dopant.

由“热激子”荧光掺杂剂敏化的高效蓝光发射晶体薄膜 OLED。

69.High Efficient Solar Cell Based on Heterostructure Constructed by Graphene and GaAs Quantum Wells.


70.PPARγ Acetylation Orchestrates Adipose Plasticity and Metabolic Rhythms.

PPARγ 乙酰化协调脂肪可塑性和代谢节律。

71.Boosted Heterogeneous Catalysis by Surface-Accumulated Excess Electrons of Non-Oxidized Bare Copper Nanoparticles on Electride Support.


72.Reassessing Fano Resonance for Broadband, High-Efficiency, and Ultrafast Terahertz Wave Switching.


73.Engineering Surface Oxophilicity of Copper for Electrochemical CO2 Reduction to Ethanol.


74.An Energy Dissipative Binder for Self-Tuning Silicon Anodes in Lithium-Ion Batteries.


75.Treat the “Untreatable” by a Photothermal Agent: Triggering Heat and Immunological Responses for Rabies Virus Inactivation.


76.Non-Invasive 3D Photoacoustic Tomography of Angiographic Anatomy and Hemodynamics of Fatty Livers in Rats.

大鼠脂肪肝血管造影解剖学和血流动力学的非侵入性 3D 光声断层扫描。

77.Potassium Titanate Supported Atomically Dispersed Palladium for Catalytic Oxidation.


78.Humidity-Responsive RGB-Pixels via Swelling of 3D Nanoimprinted Polyvinyl Alcohol.

通过 3D 纳米压印聚乙烯醇膨胀实现湿度响应 RGB 像素。

79.Plasmids Can Shift Bacterial Morphological Response against Antibiotic Stress.


80.Multifunctional Superparticles for Magnetically Targeted NIR-II Imaging and Photodynamic Therapy.

用于磁靶向 NIR-II 成像和光动力治疗的多功能超粒子。

81.High-Quality Artery Monitoring and Pathology Imaging Achieved by High-Performance Synchronous Electrical and Optical Output of Near-Infrared Organic Photodetector.


82.Targeted xCT-mediated Ferroptosis and Protumoral Polarization of Macrophages Is Effective against HCC and Enhances the Efficacy of the Anti-PD-1/L1 Response.

靶向 xCT 介导的铁死亡和巨噬细胞促肿瘤极化可有效对抗 HCC,并增强抗 PD-1/L1 反应的功效。

83.Ti3C2-MXene Partially Derived Hierarchical 1D/2D TiO2/Ti3C2 Heterostructure Electrode for High-Performance Capacitive Deionization.

Ti3C2-MXene 部分衍生的分层 1D/2D TiO2/Ti3C2 异质结构电极,用于高性能电容去离子。

84.Highly Integrated Multi-Material Fibers for Soft Robotics.


85.Cost-Effective H2O2-Regeneration of Powdered Activated Carbon by Isolated Fe Sites.

具有成本效益的 H2O2-通过孤立的 Fe 位点再生粉末活性炭。

86.Enhanced Electron Correlation and Significantly Suppressed Thermal Conductivity in Dirac Nodal-Line Metal Nanowires by Chemical Doping.


87.Tremendous Acceleration of Plant Growth by Applying a New Sunlight Converter Sr4Al14−xGaxO25:Mn4+ Breaking Parity Forbidden Transition.

通过应用新型阳光转换器 Sr4Al14−xGaxO25:Mn4+ 打破宇称禁止跃迁,极大加速植物生长。

88.Multimodal Electrocorticogram Active Electrode Array Based on Zinc Oxide-Thin Film Transistors.


89.Developing Next-Generation Protein-Based Vaccines Using High-Affinity Glycan Ligand-Decorated Glyconanoparticles.


90.Interfacial Coupling SnSe2/SnSe Heterostructures as Long Cyclic Anodes of Lithium-Ion Battery.

界面耦合 SnSe2/SnSe 异质结构作为锂离子电池的长循环阳极。

91.CRISPR/Cas12a-Enabled Multiplex Biosensing Strategy Via an Affordable and Visual Nylon Membrane Readout.

通过经济实惠且可视的尼龙膜读数器实现 CRISPR/Cas12a 启用的多重生物传感策略。

92.Blood-Coagulation-Inspired Dynamic Bridging Strategy for the Fabrication of Multiscale-Assembled Hierarchical Porous Material.


93.High Performance Polarization-Resolved Photodetectors Based on Intrinsically Stretchable Organic Semiconductors.


94.Structural and Chemical Evolutions of Li/Electrolyte Interfaces in Li-Metal Batteries: Tracing Compositional Changes of Electrolytes under Practical Conditions.


95.PPDPF Promotes the Development of Mutant KRAS-Driven Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma by Regulating the GEF Activity of SOS1.

PPDPF 通过调节 SOS1 的 GEF 活性促进突变 KRAS 驱动的胰腺导管腺癌的发展。

96.An Environmental-Inert and Highly Self-Healable Elastomer Obtained via Double-Terminal Aromatic Disulfide Design and Zwitterionic Crosslinked Network for Use as a Triboelectric Nanogenerator.


97.Tumor Cell-Intrinsic SETD2 Deficiency Reprograms Neutrophils to Foster Immune Escape in Pancreatic Tumorigenesis.

肿瘤细胞固有的 SETD2 缺陷重新编程中性粒细胞以促进胰腺肿瘤发生中的免疫逃逸。

98.Silencing of IRF8 Mediated by m6A Modification Promotes the Progression of T-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia.

m6A 修饰介导的 IRF8 沉默促进 T 细胞急性淋巴细胞白血病的进展。

99.Rational Development of Hypervalent Glycan Shield-Binding Nanoparticles with Broad-Spectrum Inhibition against Fatal Viruses Including SARS-CoV-2 Variants.

合理开发高价聚糖屏蔽结合纳米颗粒,对包括 SARS-CoV-2 变体在内的致命病毒具有广谱抑制作用。




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