

The Present Continuous Tense - When to use

1. We use the Present Continuous Tense to talk about activities happening now.
The kids are watching TV.
I am sitting down, because I am tired.
I am not learning German, because this is an English class.
Who are you writing to?
2. We can also use the Present Continuous Tense to talk about activities happening around now, and not necessarily this very moment.
Sally is studying really hard for her exams this week.
I am reading a really interesting book now.
How are you brushing up on your English for the trip?
We aren't working hard these days.
3. The Present Continuous Tense is also used to talk about activities happening in the near future, especially for planned future events.
I am seeing my dentist on Wednesday.
Polly is coming for dinner tomorrow.
Are you doing anything tonight?
We aren't going on holiday next week.


现在进行时: 表示正在进行的、发生的动作
通常在句子中有以下的词:now, look, listen.
句子的结构如下: be am
is +动词 ing
肯定句:be + doing
否定句:be not + doing
疑问句:Be + 主语 + doing?

肯定句:1. I am listening to the music now.
2. The students are drawing pictures now.
3. Listen! She is singing .
4. Look! Mr Li is riding a bike.
否定句:1.I am not (I’m not)listening to the music now.
2.The students are not(aren’t) drawing pictures now.
1.Listen! Is Amy singing?
Yes,she is.\No, she isn’t.
2.What are they doing?
They are (They’re) swimming.
1. 在动词后直接加ing,如: go-going , wash-washing,fly—flying
2. 以不发音字母e结尾 , 去掉e再加ing,如 :drive—driving, ride—riding,skate-skating,make-making,have-having,write-writing,take-taking, dive-diving,dance-dancing,come-coming
3.双写双写末尾字母,再加ing,如:swim- swimming,run—running,get—getting,put-putting,set-setting
1.Mr Zheng (read) a book now.
2. The rabbits (jump) now.
3.. Look ! Tom and John (swim).
4. My brother (make) a kite in his room now.
5. Look! The bus (stop).
6. We (have) an English class now.
7. Listen! Someone is (come).
8. What are they doing?
They (catch) butterflies now.
9. What is he doing ?
He (do) an experiment now.
10. Are they collegting leaves ?
No,they’re not. They (collect) stamps now.
11. Look! He (dive) now.
12. Tom ( watch ) TV in the dining room.
13. The doctors (get ) off the bus.
14. Come on. They ( leave ) now.
15. It (eat) fish now.
16. My father (work) in the office now.
17. Where is your mother?
She (answer) the phone.
18. The teachers (run) now.

  现在进行时的构成是:主语+be+v.ing〔现在分词〕形式   第一人称单数I+am+ing.   第一人称复数We+are+ing.   第二人称单(复)数 You+are+ing   第三人称单数 He(She,it)+is+ing   第三人称复数 They+are+ing   肯定句:主语+be(is/am/are)+现在分词   否定句:主语+be(is/am/are)+not+现在分词   一般疑问句:be(is/am/are)+主语+现在分词   特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+相应be动词+主语+现在分词+Sth?   间接引语中改为过去进行时。
  1.直接+ ing(例:sleep+ing sleeping)   2.去掉不发音的e+ing(例:bite-e+ing biting)   3.重读闭音节,中间只有一个元音字母,且末尾只有1个辅音字母,双写辅音字母+ing(例:sit+ t+ing sitting)   4.以ie结尾变ie为y+ing (例:die-dying lie-lying)   5结尾为c且c读作/k/时,在结尾加k再加ing,如picnic-picnicking   现在进行时的基本用法:   A表示现在( 指说话人说话时) 正在发生的事情。   例:We are waiting for you.   B. 习惯进行:表示长期的或重复性的动作,说话时动作未必正在进行。   例:Mr. Green is writing another novel.   (说话时并未在写,只处于写作的状态。)   例:She is learning piano under Mr. Smith.   C.已经确定或安排好的将来活动。   I'm leaving for a trek in Nepal next week.(我下周要支去尼泊尔旅行)   We're flying to Paris tomorrow.(我们明天乘飞机去巴黎)
  现在进行时   助动词be 动词的现在分词(ing形式)。   be的变化   在现在时中,be 要根据人称代词和名词的单复数不同,而分别使用am/is/are,即:I am/he/she/it 包括单数名词和不可数名词用is,you/we/they 包括复数名词用are. 现在进行时
  注意:be 动词在现在时里算作“助动词”,翻译正在进行时的时候,be不能解释为“是”,否则不通顺。它只是和现在分词一起构成“进行时”。   动词加ing的规则   现在分词是在动词后加上ing 构成。如:starting,working, coming, sitting 等都是现在分词。现在分词的变化规则是固定的,大家用心记一下就可以了。   (1)直接在谓语动词后加ing. 例如:going, starting, working,looking.   (2)去掉词尾不发音的e,再加ing. 例如 leaving,making,coming,writing.   注意:如果单词结尾的e发音,则不能去掉,也直接加ing. 例如:see -seeing/agree - agreeing .   另外,有少数动词比较特殊,请用心记住:例如:lie - lying/die - dying/tie - tying/picnic - picnicking.   (3) 对于重读闭音节词,双写末尾字母再加ing. 例如:sitting, beginning,getting,putting.running   这一条规律,必须要弄清什么是“重读闭音节”。下面再举一些双写的例子:   run - running   stop - stopping   cut - cutting   control - controlling   put - putting
  可用来表示现在进行时的时间状语,常用的有:now, this week, at this moment 等;或者告诉你一个准确的现在时间,或者用look, listen提醒听者注意正在发生的事。例如:   They are playing basketball now.现在他们正在打篮球。   Listen! She is singing an English song.听,她正在唱英语歌。   Look at the picture. The children are flying kites in the park.看这幅图。那些孩子正在公园放风筝。   We are making model planes these days.这些天我们在做飞机模型。   It's 6:30 now. I am getting up. 现在是6:30.我正在起床。
  1.一般疑问句是将be移到主语前面,句末加问号,读升调。   Are they putting up the scaffolding? Yes, they are. / No, they aren't.   Is he showing a foreign guest round the city? Yes, he is. / No, he isn't.   2.否定句式是在be动词后加not.   I am not working.   He isn't runnig or the track.   The students aren't playing football.
  1.当句中出现的表示时间的词是now, at the moment (此刻、现在)等时,表示句子要说明的是现在正在发生的事,动词应用现在进行时。   Linda's brother is watching TV in his bedroom now.   琳达的哥哥现在正在他的卧室里看电视。   We're far from home. What are our parents doing at the moment?   我们现在远离家,我们的父母此刻在干什么呢?   2.当句中出现的时间状语是these days, this week, this month等时,如果句子所要表达的意义是在这一阶段正在发生的事,则动词应用现在进行时。   These days we are helping the farmers work on the farm. 这些天我们在农场帮农民们干活。   They're having a test this week. 这一周他们在进行一次考试。   Mr Cheng is visiting our village this month. 这个月程先生在我们村访问。   3.在句中出现了Look, Listen, Can't you see? 等暗示词时,说明后面谓语动词的动作正在发生,该动词应用现在进行时。   Look! Maria and Tom are dancing under the tree.   看!玛丽亚和汤姆正在树下跳舞。   Listen! Our English teacher is singing the popular English song.   听!我们英语老师正在唱那首流行的英文歌曲。   Many children are swimming in the river. Can't you see?   许多小孩在河里游泳,你难道看不见吗?   4.注意根据上下文的暗示,句子的谓语动词可能应用现在进行时。   — Where is Mr Wang? 王先生在哪儿?   — Oh, he is reading a newspaper in the office. 噢,他正在办公室看报。   (问句询问王先生在哪儿,应说明他现在在哪儿,故答句应说明他现在正在做的事,用现在进行时。)   —Is that boy Jack?那个男孩是杰克吗?   — No,Jack is doing his homework in the classroom. 不是,杰克正在教室做作业呢。   (答句中说明的杰克做作业的情况应发生在现在,应用现在进行时。)
  1.在英语中,并不是所有的动词都要使用正在进行时。例如一些表示状态和感觉的动词,一般不用进行时态,而是用现在一般时表示。例如:   I hear someone singing. 我正听见有人唱歌。   Do you see anyone over there? 你看到那里有什么人吗?   What does he think of it? 他觉得这怎么样?   如果这些词使用正在进行时态,句子带有某种感情色彩。例如:   Are you seeing someone off? 你在给谁送行吗?   They are hearing an English talk. 他们在听一个英语报告。   2.现在进行时还有另外一种含义,即它们能表达即将发生的事情,相当于一般将来时。能够用来表示将来状况的动词有:arrive, come, do, get, go, have, leave, meet, play, return, see, spend, start, stay, wear, work等。   We are leaving on Friday。我们星期五出发。   Are you going anywhere tomorrow?你明天准备去哪儿?   A foreign guest is giving a lecture this afternoon。今天下午一个外国客人将给我们作报告。   Are you staying here till next week? 你打算在这里呆到下个星期吗?   在表示将来的情况下,特别是be going to do sth. 这种结构,已经没有多少“去”的意思了,几乎就是用来表达“将要、打算”做什么事情。例如:   It is going to be rather cold tomorrow。明天很可能非常冷。   She is not going to speak at the meeting。她不打算在那个会上发言。   3.当其与always、forever、continually、constantly 等副词连用时表示重复的动作,而这种动作可能使人不满,厌倦或满意。例如:   ①She is perpetually interfering in my affairs.   她老是干预我的事。 (不满)   ②The students are making progress constantly.   学生们在不断进步。 (满意)
  1.有些动词从结构来看是现在进行时,但却是表示将要发生的事,而不表示动作现在正在进行。这些动词往往是一些表示位置移动变化的动词,如:go , come , leave , fly , move, start, begin , arrive, , stay, return等。   Next month my family is moving to Beijing.   下个月,我家就要搬到北京去了。(搬的动作并非现在发生,而将在下个月发生。)   My aunt is leaving for Shanghai at eleven o'clock tomorrow morning.   明天早上十一点我婶婶将离开去上海。   2.并不是所有动词都有进行时,一些动词一般在句中不能用现在进行时态,而应用一般现在时。这些动词往往是等表示情感状态、知觉认识、愿望或短暂性的动词。例如:see(明白),know, want, like, hear, have(有), think, hope, hate等。
  现在进行时   现在进行时由主动语态变被动语态时应注意以下一些问题:   1.也像其它时态由主动语态变被动语态一样,首先弄清楚用现在进行时的句子中哪些可以由主动语态变为被动语态。我们知道,在简单句的五个基本句型中,有三个基本句型(S V O,S V o O,S V O C)可以由主动语态变为被动语态;有两个基本句型(S V,S V P)不能由主动语态变为被动语态。所以,当这三个基本句型(S V O,S V InO DO,S V O OC)的谓语动词用了现在进行时时才有可能由主动语态变为被动语态。例如:   They are studying the milu deer at the research centre.(S V O)→   The milu deer are being studied at the research centre.   She is teaching the boy a lesson.(S V InO DO)→   The boy is being taught a lesson.   Now he is making the girl laugh.(S V O OC)→   Now the girl is being made to laugh.   还应注意到一些动词很少用于被动语态,因此这些动词在句子谓语用了现在进行时时也常没有被动语态。如:We are having supper now.一般不能变为Supper is being had now.。   2.及物动词现在进行时由主动语态变被动语态时有三种句式:①主语(第一人称单数I) am being 过去分词 其他成分;②主语(第二人称单、复数you,第一人称复数we和第三人称复数they等) are being 过去分词 其他成分;③主语(第三人称单数 he,she,it等) is being 过去分词 其他成分。所以,当句子谓语动词用了现在进行时由主动语态变被动语态时谓语动词要由原来作宾语变为主语时的名(代)词的数来决定,从上面三种句式中选择合适的一种句式。例如:   They are collecting money for the broadband project.→   Money is being collected for the broad-band project.   They are not protecting some animals well enough.→   Some animals are not being protected well enough.   3.当变为主语的原来的宾语(名/代词)有较长的动词不定式短语(复合结构)、介词短语、从句修饰或有补足语时,动词不定式短语、介词短语、从句和补足语等,一般都仍然保留在原来的位置上。例如:   They are revising the laws to protect the rights of women and children.→   The laws are being revised to protect the rights of women and children.   They are writing a report about the negative effects of cell phones in school.→   A report is being written about the negative effects of cell phones in school.   Scientists are keeping a sick milu deer alive at the centre.→   A sick milu deer is being kept alive at the centre(by scientists).   4.如果用在现在进行时的句子中的谓语动词是动词短语或习惯用语,那么这个动词短语或习语只把动词变为被动语态,其他部分保持不变。例如:   The parents are taking good care of their test-tube baby.→   Their test-tube baby is being taken good care of(by the parents).   5.当用了现在进行时的句子结构是"S V In O DO"句型时,既可以把间接宾语变为被动句的主语,也可以把直接宾语变为被动句的主语,但如果是后者,可根据动词的习惯用法,把间接宾语改写为to或for引起的介词短语。例如:   George is sending his friend's phone texts and pictures.   His friend's phone is being sent texts and pictures(by George).   Texts and pictures are being sent to his friend's phone(by George).   She is making Toma new coat.   Tom is being made a new coat.   A new coat is being made for Tom.   6.用了现在进行时的句子由主动语态变为被动语态后,原来充当主语的名/代词(特别是人称代词)在一般情况下可以省略掉,如果有必要强调时可用by表示,常放在句子后面。例如:   They are adding new functions to the phones.   New functions are being added to the phones(by them).   Scientists are studying the life of the milu deer at present.   The life of the milu deer is being studied at present by scientists.   7.当用了现在进行时的句子由主动语态变为被动语态后,其否定式的构成主要把not放在谓语动词中第一个助动词(am ,are或is)后面构成,而疑问式的构成则是把句子谓语动词的第一个助动词(am,are或is)移到句子前(第一个字母要大写),然后在句子后面加上问号而成。例如:   New nature parks are being started in China.   New nature parks are not being started in China.(否定式)   Milu deer are being sent to China from Britain.   Are milu deer being sent to China from Britain?(疑问式)   如果是特殊疑问句还要在这个助词前面加上适当疑问词。例如:   Why is money being collected?

  一般现在时表示经常性动作,现在进行时表示现在或现阶段正在发生的动作。例如:   He studies hard. 他(经常)努力学习。   He is studying hard. 他(此刻或现阶段)正在努力学习。   一般现在时表示现在发生的动作,现在进行时表示眼前看得见的动作。例如:   Boats pass under the bridge. 船从桥下穿过。   The boat is passing under the bridge.   船正从桥下穿过。
  (1)表示(说话瞬间)正在进行或发生的动作。   (2)也可表示当前一段时间内的活动或现阶段正在进行的动作。 (二)谓语构成:be (am/ is/ are)+v-ing (动词的现在分词)   I’m watching TV now.   They’re playing football.   (三)现在分词的构成。   (1)一般情况下在动词词尾加ing。   go→going ask →asking look→looking   (2)以不发音的e结尾的动词,去掉e加ing。   have →having take→taking make→making write→writing   (3)以一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节,双写最后一个字母,再加-ing。   get→getting sit→sitting put→putting run→running   swim→swimming begin→beginning shop→shopping   (四)现在进行时态的肯定式、否定式、疑问式及简略回答。   (1)肯定式:be+v-ing She is singing in the next room.   (2)否定式:be+not+v-ing The students aren’t cleaning the room.   (3)一般问句:be动词提前。   肯定答语Yes,主语+be,否定答语No,主语+be not。   Are you playing the computer game? Yes, I am. /No, I am not.   (4)特殊问句:对谓语动词进行提问的:What+be +主语+doing+其他?   What is the old man doing under the tree?   对其他成份进行提问的,疑问词+一般疑问句?   Where is the boy swimming?   Who is she waiting for?   三. 现在进行时与一般现在时的区别   (一)现在进行时表示动作的暂时性,而一般现在时表示动作的习惯性和经常性   I am watching TV now. (暂时性)   I watch TV every day. (经常性)   (二)现在进行时可表示短暂性动作,而一般现在时表示长久性动作。   Lucy is living in Beijing.(短时间居住)   Lucy lives in Beijing. (长久性居住)   (三)现在进行时表示的动作可带有感情色彩,而一般现在时所表述的动作通常是事实。   You’re always forgetting the most important things. (责备)   He is always helping others. (赞扬)   He often helps others. (事实)   (四)有些动词不能用进行时,know, understand, love, like, hate, wish, want, think, hope, have, believe, agree, hear, see, notice,等等。这些动词通常用一般现在时表示说话时发生的动作。   I have a lot of friends here.   She wants to buy a new bike.
  (1)当句子中有now时,常表示动作正在进行,这时要用现在进行时。如:   They are playing basketball now.现在他们正在打篮球。   (2)以look, listen开头的句子,提示我们动作正进行,这时要用现在进行时。如:   Listen!She is singing an English song.听,她正在唱英语歌。   (3)表示当前一段时间或现阶段正在进行的动作,且此时有this week, these days等时间状语,这时常用现在进行时。如:   We are making model planes these days.这些天我们在做飞机模型。   (4)描述图片中的人物的动作,也为了表达更生动。此时也常用现在进行时。如:   Look at the picture. The children are flying kites in the park.看这幅图,那些孩子正在公园放风筝。



a. 表示现在(指说话人说话时)正在发生的事情。例如:

We are waiting for you. 我们正在等你。

b. 习惯进行:表示长期的或重复性的动作,说话时动作未必正在进行。例如:

Mr. Green is writing another novel. 他在写另一部小说。(说话时并未在写,只处于写作的状态。)

c. 表示渐变,这样的动词有:get, grow, become, turn, run, go, begin等。例如:

The leaves are turning red. 叶子在变红。

It's getting warmer and warmer. 天越来越热了。

d. 与always, constantly, forever 等词连用,表示反复发生的动作或持续存在的状态,往往带有说话人的主观色彩。例如:

You are always changing your mind. 你老是改变主意。


My dictionary ___, I have looked for it everywhere but still___ it.

A. has lost, don't find B. is missing, don't find C. has lost, haven't found D. is missing, haven't found.

答案D. 前句是一个仍在持续的状态,应用进行时,由于没有找到,其影响仍然存在,应用完成时,瞬间动词用于否定式时可用于完成时。


1)表示事实状态的动词,如have, belong, possess, cost, owe, exist, include, contain, matter, weigh, measure, continue等。例如:I have two brothers. 我有两兄弟。

This house belongs to my sister. 这房子是我姐的。

2)表示心理状态的动词,如know, realize, think see, believe, suppose, imagine, agree, recognize, remember, want, need, forget, prefer, mean, understand, love, hate等。例如:I need your help. 我需要你的帮助。

He loves her very much. 他爱她很深。

3)瞬间动词,如accept, receive, complete, finish, give, allow, decide, refuse等。例如:

I accept your advice. 我接受你的劝告。

4)系动词,如seem, remain, lie, see, hear, smell, feel, taste, get, become, turn等。例如:

You seem a little tired. 你看上去有点累。



a. 表示现在(指说话人说话时)正在发生的事情。例如:

We are waiting for you. 我们正在等你。

b. 习惯进行:表示长期的或重复性的动作,说话时动作未必正在进行。例如:

Mr. Green is writing another novel. 他在写另一部小说。(说话时并未在写,只处于写作的状态。)

c. 表示渐变,这样的动词有:get, grow, become, turn, run, go, begin等。例如:

The leaves are turning red. 叶子在变红。

It's getting warmer and warmer. 天越来越热了。

d. 与always, constantly, forever 等词连用,表示反复发生的动作或持续存在的状态,往往带有说话人的主观色彩。例如:

You are always changing your mind. 你老是改变主意。


My dictionary ___, I have looked for it everywhere but still___ it.

A. has lost, don't find B. is missing, don't find C. has lost, haven't found D. is missing, haven't found.

答案D. 前句是一个仍在持续的状态,应用进行时,由于没有找到,其影响仍然存在,应用完成时,瞬间动词用于否定式时可用于完成时。


1)表示事实状态的动词,如have, belong, possess, cost, owe, exist, include, contain, matter, weigh, measure, continue等。例如:I have two brothers. 我有两兄弟。

This house belongs to my sister. 这房子是我姐的。

2)表示心理状态的动词,如know, realize, think see, believe, suppose, imagine, agree, recognize, remember, want, need, forget, prefer, mean, understand, love, hate等。例如:I need your help. 我需要你的帮助。

He loves her very much. 他爱她很深。

3)瞬间动词,如accept, receive, complete, finish, give, allow, decide, refuse等。例如:

I accept your advice. 我接受你的劝告。

4)系动词,如seem, remain, lie, see, hear, smell, feel, taste, get, become, turn等。例如:

You seem a little tired. 你看上去有点累。

在进行时(present continuous)是一个动词时态。
正确的结构是“to be + 动词的现在分词 (也就是俗称ing形式)”。
例:I am doing my homework - 我正在写作业。

另外,“to be + going + 动词不定式”这个特殊的结构可表示在未来即将要进行的动作。
例:He is going to tell me tomorrow - 他将在明天告诉我







  • 现在进行时
  • 现在进行时的结构
  • 现在进行时表将来的用法
  • 现在进行时动词ing形式变化规则
  • 现在进行时的标志词
  • 现在进行时的知识点归纳
  • 现在进行时的英语句子
  • 现在进行时英语怎么说
  • 现在进行时和一般将来时有什么区别
  • 现在进行时态的结构和用法
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