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Agree vs. Concur: What's the Difference?

By Aimie Carlson & Janet White || Updated on March 4, 2024
Agree and concur both signify assent, but "agree" is broader, used for opinions and proposals, while "concur" often implies formal or professional agreement.

Key Differences

When someone agrees with an opinion, proposal, or suggestion, they are expressing their personal assent or harmony with the idea presented. Agreement can occur in casual, informal contexts, such as agreeing to a friend's suggestion to meet for coffee, or in more formal settings, like agreeing to the terms of a contract. It encompasses a wide range of situations, from personal beliefs to official arrangements. Concur, on the other hand, carries a nuance of formality and is often used in professional, legal, or official discussions.
While "agree" can be applied to both the act of agreeing with someone and the state of being in agreement (such as agreeing to a plan or being in agreement on a policy), "concur" is typically used to explicitly state one's agreement with another's opinion or decision. This distinction makes "concur" less common in everyday language and more reserved for situations that require an explicit expression of assent.
"Agree" is versatile, encompassing agreement with things, ideas, people, and actions, making it suitable for a broad array of contexts. This versatility allows it to be used in almost any situation where there is harmony or accord, including agreements on actions, principles, or shared beliefs. In contrast, "concur" is more likely to be used in contexts where the agreement is between professionals or within a formal discourse. Its use implies a level of solidarity or endorsement, often in a specific area of knowledge or expertise, reinforcing the sense of professional or formal consensus.

Comparison Chart


To have the same opinion or accept a proposal.
To express agreement, especially formally or in a professional context.

Usage Context

Broad, including both formal and informal settings.
More formal or professional contexts.


Can indicate personal belief, acceptance of proposals, or harmony in decisions.
Often implies authority, expertise, or formal endorsement.


Applicable to opinions, actions, ideas, and arrangements.
Mainly used for opinions, decisions, or judgments.


Widely used in everyday language.
Less common, typically reserved for specific, often formal, situations.

Agree and Concur Definitions


To accept a suggestion or offer.
We agreed to meet at noon.


To align with someone's judgment.
We concur that this is the best course of action.


To share the same viewpoint.
I agree with your assessment of the situation.


To agree formally or professionally.
The committee concurred on the proposed changes.


To harmonize in opinion or feeling.
The team agreed that the project was a success.


To endorse another's viewpoint.
The experts concurred with the findings.


To be in accord in action or opinion.
We all agree that safety is our priority.


To agree, especially in a public or official capacity.
The board concurred with the CEO's strategy.


To share an opinion or feeling; be in accord
I agree with you on that. We agree in our taste in music.


To be of the same opinion; agree
Concurred on the issue of preventing crime.


To express consent; concur
We agreed to her suggestion.


To combine in bringing something about; act together
Factors that concurred to prevent a meeting of the leaders.


To accept or support a policy or program
I agree with the flat tax.


To occur at the same time; coincide
Icy sleet that concurred with a forceful wind.


To come to an understanding or agreement, as by negotiating
We agreed on the price.


(Obsolete) To converge; meet.


To be compatible or consistent
The copy agrees with the original. Your story agrees with mine.


To grant or concede
"French surgeons ... could only concur that it was a mortal wound" (Susan Dunn).


To be suitable, appropriate, pleasing, or healthful
Spicy food does not agree with me.


To agree (in action or opinion); to have a common opinion; to coincide; to correspond.


(Grammar) To correspond in gender, number, case, or person.


To meet in the same point; to combine or conjoin; to contribute or help towards a common object or effect.
Concurring plans
Concurring lines of thought


To share an opinion about (something)
My doctor and I agree that I should quit smoking.


(obsolete) To run together; to meet.


To grant or concede
My parents agreed that we should be allowed to go. I agreed to help my parents clean the house.


(rare) To converge.


(intransitive) To be in harmony about an opinion, statement, or action; to have a consistent idea between two or more people.
All parties agree in the expediency of the law.
I mostly agree with what you said, but I consider your last point to be unfair.
I couldn't agree more with what you say.


To run together; to meet.
Anon they fierce encountering both concurredWith grisly looks and faces like their fates.


To give assent; to accede
To agree to an offer, or to opinion.
The workers didn not agree to the new terms offered by the trade union.


To meet in the same point; to combine or conjoin; to contribute or help toward a common object or effect.
When outward causes concur.


To yield assent to; to approve.


To unite or agree (in action or opinion); to join; to act jointly; to agree; to coincide; to correspond.
Mr. Burke concurred with Lord Chatham in opinion.
Tories and Whigs had concurred in paying honor to Walker.
This concurs directly with the letter.


(intransitive) To make a stipulation by way of settling differences or determining a price; to exchange promises; to come to terms or to a common resolve; to promise.


To assent; to consent.


(intransitive) To resemble; to coincide; to correspond.
The picture does not agree with the original; the two scales agree exactly.


Be in accord; be in agreement;
We agreed on the terms of the settlement
I can't agree with you!
I hold with those who say life is sacred
Both philosophers concord on this point


To suit or be adapted in its effects; to do well.
The same food does not agree with every constitution.


Happen simultaneously;
The two events coincided


To correspond to (another word) in a grammatical category, such as gender, number, case, or person.
In Romanian, all articles, adjectives, and pronouns agree in gender, number and case with the noun they refer to.


To express agreement with an opinion or decision.
I concur with the judge's ruling.


To consent to a contract or to an element of a contract.


To harmonize in opinion, statement, or action; to be in unison or concord; to be or become united or consistent; to concur; as, all parties agree in the expediency of the law.
If music and sweet poetry agree.
Their witness agreed not together.
The more you agree together, the less hurt can your enemies do you.


To yield assent; to accede; - followed by to; as, to agree to an offer, or to opinion.


To make a stipulation by way of settling differences or determining a price; to exchange promises; to come to terms or to a common resolve; to promise.
Agree with thine adversary quickly.
Didst not thou agree with me for a penny ?


To be conformable; to resemble; to coincide; to correspond; as, the picture does not agree with the original; the two scales agree exactly.


To suit or be adapted in its effects; to do well; as, the same food does not agree with every constitution.


To correspond in gender, number, case, or person.


To make harmonious; to reconcile or make friends.


To admit, or come to one mind concerning; to settle; to arrange; as, to agree the fact; to agree differences.


Be in accord; be in agreement;
We agreed on the terms of the settlement
I can't agree with you!
I hold with those who say life is sacred
Both philosophers concord on this point


Consent or assent to a condition, or agree to do something;
She agreed to all my conditions
He agreed to leave her alone


Be compatible, similar or consistent; coincide in their characteristics;
The two stories don't agree in many details
The handwriting checks with the signature on the check
The suspect's fingerprints don't match those on the gun


Go together;
The colors don't harmonize
Their ideas concorded


Show grammatical agreement;
Subjects and verbs must always agree in English


Be agreeable or suitable;
White wine doesn't agree with me


Achieve harmony of opinion, feeling, or purpose;
No two of my colleagues would agree on whom to elect chairman


To show consent or approval.
They agreed on the terms of the contract.


Why might someone choose "concur" over "agree"?

To emphasize formality, professionalism, or to align with specific terminology in legal or official discussions.

Is concurring stronger than agreeing?

Concurring is not necessarily stronger but often implies a more formal or authoritative agreement.

Is it possible to agree without concurrence?

In practice, one can agree in a general sense without formally concurring, especially in informal contexts.

Can disagreement be expressed as "not concurring"?

Yes, saying you do not concur is a formal way of expressing disagreement.

Are there situations where "agree" is inappropriate but "concur" is?

In highly formal or specialized contexts, such as legal opinions, "concur" might be preferred for precision.

What happens if someone concurs with a decision but later changes their opinion?

Changing one's opinion after concurring typically requires formal retraction or clarification, especially in professional settings.

Do "agree" and "concur" always mean the same thing?

They share the core concept of agreement but differ in formality and context.

Can "agree" imply action while "concur" does not?

"Agree" can imply readiness to act on an agreement, whereas "concur" typically refers only to the agreement on opinions or decisions.

Is it common to use "concur" in written agreements?

"Concur" may be used in the narrative of written agreements to express formal agreement, though "agree" is more commonly found in the contractual clauses themselves.

How do "agree" and "concur" relate to consensus?

Both contribute to consensus, but "concur" often indicates a reached consensus in formal or professional contexts.

Can I use "concur" in casual conversation?

While you can, it's less common; "agree" is more typical for casual settings.

Is it possible to "agree to disagree" with "concur"?

The phrase "agree to disagree" is common, but "concur to disagree" is not used, as "concur" implies agreement, not the acknowledgement of a persistent difference.

Can "concur" only be used in response to others' opinions?

Primarily, yes. "Concur" is used to express agreement with someone else's opinion or decision rather than initiating agreement.

Can "agree" be used interchangeably with "concur" in legal documents?

While they can sometimes be used interchangeably, "concur" is often preferred in legal documents for its formality and precision.

How does the choice between "agree" and "concur" impact communication clarity?

Choosing "concur" in formal settings can clarify the level of formality and authority behind the agreement, while "agree" is clearer in casual or broad contexts.

Are there synonyms that can replace "agree" or "concur" without changing the meaning?

Synonyms like "assent" or "accede" can replace "agree," and "endorse" or "approve" might substitute for "concur," but subtle connotations and formality levels may vary.

In what situations might "agree" be seen as too informal?

In formal debates, legal discussions, or academic papers, "agree" might be considered too informal, with "concur" being the preferred term.

How do cultural differences affect the use of "agree" vs. "concur"?

Cultural nuances might influence the preference for one term over the other, with "agree" being more universally understood and "concur" possibly seen as more formal or academic.

Does "concur" imply unanimity more than "agree"?

"Concur" does not inherently imply unanimity more than "agree," but its formal context often involves collective or unanimous decisions.

Does using "concur" over "agree" change the strength of an argument?

Using "concur" can lend a formal or authoritative tone to an argument, potentially affecting its perceived strength or credibility.
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About Author
Written by
Aimie Carlson
Aimie Carlson, holding a master's degree in English literature, is a fervent English language enthusiast. She lends her writing talents to Difference Wiki, a prominent website that specializes in comparisons, offering readers insightful analyses that both captivate and inform.
Co-written by
Janet White
Janet White has been an esteemed writer and blogger for Difference Wiki. Holding a Master's degree in Science and Medical Journalism from the prestigious Boston University, she has consistently demonstrated her expertise and passion for her field. When she's not immersed in her work, Janet relishes her time exercising, delving into a good book, and cherishing moments with friends and family.

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