总结 介词用法总结 初中英语介词用法总结



定义:介词是一种用来表示词与词, 词与句之间的关系的词。在句中不能单独作句字成分。介词后面一般有名词代词或相当于名词的其他词类,短语或从句作它的宾语。介词和它的宾语构成介词词组,在句中作状语,表语,补语或介词宾语。


1)in , on,at 在??时


如 in the 20th century, in the 1950s, in 1989, in summer, in January, in the morning, in the night, in one’s life , in one’s thirties等。


如on May 1st, on Monday, on New Year’s Day, on a cold night in January, on a fine morning, on Sunday afternoon等。


如at 3:20, at this time of year, at the beginning of, at the end of ?, at the age of ?, at Christmas, at night, at noon, at this moment等。

注意:在last, next, this, that, some, every 等词之前一律不用介词。如:We meet every day.


就是说,有具体的时间点的时候用at,具体那一天用on,说到月份,季节,年份,就用in ;而且说谁穿了什么颜色的衣服的时候,也是用in XX(color)】 at用于某一具体时刻或重大节日之前








in English用英语 in a minute一会儿、立刻 in a short while一会儿、不久

in a hurry匆匆忙忙 in danger在危险中 in full全部地、详细地

in a word一句话 in all总共 in every case不管怎样

in the end最后 in spite of尽管 in person亲自

in fact事实上 in good health身体健康的 in front of在……前面

in some ways在某些方面 in common共同的 in public当众 ☆考题再现:---Who was the first man with A(h1n1) flu in mainland China know for sure?

---________May 11,2009.

A In B On C For D Since


before表示“在某时刻或某件事之前”,after用在时刻或某件事之后。 ①We must leave ______.八点钟之前我们必须离开。(before 8 o’clock)

②________breakfast ,he hurried to school.早餐后,他匆忙上学去了。(After) ☆考题再现:When the school biulding began to shake,the teachers ran downstdirs _____all the students.The teachers are real hero.

A .after B .with C .befor




You must hand in your homework ______nine o’clock.你必须在9点前交上家庭作业。(by)


Eg:①He can not be back _____January.直到一月份他才回来。(till/until)

②We waited _____10 o’clock last night.昨晚我们一直等到10点钟。(till/until)

4.Of, about, on

Of 仅指“关于”人或事物的存在。

He spoke of the film the other day.

He thought of the matter yesterday.

About 指“关于”某人或某事物的较详细的情况。

It’s a book for children about Africa and it’s people.

Can you tell me something about yourself?

On 指“关于”学术性的或严肃性的,供专门研究用的。

It’s a textbook on history of China.

5、in ,after


(1)I will finish the work _____two hours.两个小时后我将完成这项工作。

(2)He returned his hometown _________half an year.半年后他返回了他的故乡。

【考题再现】No hurry.The bus will arrive _______ten minutes.

A .at B. for C.in D. by




In表示“在…内”,on表示“与…相邻”,to表示“在…之外,又不相邻” ①A is in the northeast of B.②A is on the west of B.③B is to the east of A.

【考题再现】Taiwan is a beautiful island and it’s _____east of Fujian.

A.in B.on C.to



above 指在??上方,不强调是否垂直,与 below相对;

over指垂直的上方,与under相对,但over与物体有一定的空间,不直接接触。 on表示某物体上面并与之接触。

The bird is flying above my head.

There is a bridge over the river.

He put his watch on the desk.

3)below, under 在??下面 under表示在?正下方 below表示在??下,不一定在正下方

There is a cat under the table.

Please write your name below the line.

My pencil-case is _____ Li Lei’s desk.我的铅笔盒在李磊的课桌上。

There is a bridge _____ the river.河上有座桥。

The plane is flying _____ the clouds.飞机在云层上飞行。

①Please do not write _____this line.请不要写在这条线的下面。

③The water flows _____the bridge.水在桥下流过。

【考题再现】The weather report said that the temperature would fell _____(在…下面)zero.




at—表示较小的地点,in—表示较大的地方,on—表示在一个平面上。Eg: ①_____ Shanghai.②_____ home.③_____ ground.

【考题再现】Tom told me his parents had arrived _____Beijing.

A. at B. on C. in D. to



⑴in front of ,in the front of,before 表示“在…之前”

in front of = before表示“在某一范围之外的前面”

in the front of表示“在某一范围之内的前部” eg:

①Tom is short and always sits _____ the classroom.汤姆很矮,一直坐在教室的前面。

②There is a tree _____ my house.我的房前有棵大树。

⑵at the back of, behind, after三者均有“在…之后”之意,at the back of是in the front of的反

义词,表示“在某一范围之内的后部”,behind是in front of的反义词,表示“在某一范围之外的后面”,


①The couples are walking _____their son.这对夫妇跟在他们的儿子后面散步。 ②Your cat is _____the tree.你的猫躲在树后面。

③There’s a blackboard _____the classroom.教室后面有块黑板。

【考题再现】There is a bank _____(在…后面)the bus station.




into表示动作的方向,意为“到…内”。 Eg:

①My wallet is _____the closet.我的钱包在衣柜里。

②The boy rushed _____ the house.这个男孩冲进房子。

③He was reading English _____the door.他在家里读英语。

⑵outside是inside的反义词,表示“在…外面”,out of 是into的反义词,表示“到…外”。 Eg:

①Don’t look _____the window when you are in class.上课时不要想窗外看。

②They are having an important meeting ,please wait _____ the office.他们正在召开一个重要的会


6. from, to, for, into, out of

1)from 从…..

The train started from Paris.

She will fly from Beijing to HK.

2)to 到….(目的地)去,向…..

He went to Guangzhou last year.

They got to the town very late.

3)for 向…..,表目的方向

He left for Tianjin on business yesterday.

The train for Shanghai has been away.

Towards, to 和for都可表示方向,其区别如下:

Towards仅指朝向某个方向,不一定是目的地,而to 和for都是“向目的地”。 For作“向(目的地)时,常用于固定搭配中,如:leave for, start for

4) into 进入

Please put the water into the bottle.

The teacher came into the classroom.

5)out of 从…..出来

A girl in red went out of the shop.

They pulled him out of the water.


1、表示材料与手段的介词:with, by, in

⑴with表示用什么工具,所用的东西都是具体的物。 Eg:

We see _____our eyes and hear _____ears.我们用眼看,用耳听。


词或动名词,也可和bus、plane、bike等表示交通手段的名词连用。 Eg: ①He earns his living _____writing.他靠写作谋生。

②I shall contact you _____telephone.我将打电话和你联系。

③I will travel to Hainan ______ air.我将乘飞机去海南。

【考题再现】Lin Lin often practices English _____chatting with her American friend.

A. in B. by C. for D. with


⑶in表示“所用材料以及所用的语言、声音、衣饰等” eg:

①They are talking _____Japanese.他们正用日语交谈。

②The boy always _____a blue heat.男孩常带一顶蓝帽。

③I like to draw picture _____red ink.我喜欢用红墨水画画。

【考题再现】Betly let’s make a cake _____some flour, sugar, butter and milk.

A. at B. of C. in D. with



2、of, from, about


“大约、左右”等。 Eg:

①The old man sit here _____morning.从早晨起老人就坐在这儿。

②Wang Hong is a friend _____mine.王红是我的一位朋友。

③I know nothing _____him.我对他一无所知。

④There are _____fifty people in the room.房间里大约有50人。

⑤Here is a cup _____tea for you.给你一杯茶。

⑥These visitors are all _____American.这些游客都来自美国。

【考题再现】I got an e-mail this morning.It was _____ my foreign friend ,Tony.

【解析】be from意为“来自”,表明主语的出处。

※ 四、几个已混介词的用法辨析


between, among



①My school is _____the post office and the hospital.我的学校在邮局和医院之间。 ②I found him _____the crowd.我从人群中发现了他。

【考题再现】You must ride your bike _____the right side of road.

A. at B. on C. in D .for

There is a football match between Class One and Class Two on the playground.

The teacher is standing among the students.

2)by, with, in 表示方法、手段、工具

by 以??方法、手段或泛指某种交通工具;

with 表示用 ?工具、手段,一般接具体的工具和手段;

in 表示用?方式,用?语言(语调、笔墨、颜色)等;

He makes a living by selling newspapers.

He broke the window with a stone.

The foreigner spoke to us in English.




【考题再现】——What would you do _____the lost libarary book?

——I would by to find it or pay _____ it.

A. for, to B. about, for C. with, for D. with, to

【解析】本题考查的是介词的固定搭配。do with意为“处置”、“对付”,pay for“为…付钱”



A.in,with B.with,in C.in,in D.with,with

【解析】本体考察的是介词和形容词搭配的固定短语。be strict with sb.意为“对某人要求严格”,对


1. Taiwan is ________ the southeast of China.(in, on, to)

2.Go _________ the bridge _________ the river, you’ll find the shop.(across, through; over, above)

3. I go to school __________7:30 every morning.(in, on, at)

4.He would like to meet her __________8:00 and 9:00 tomorrow morning.(between,

among )

5. The Greens have lived in China ________ three years.(in, for, after)

6. We go to school every day ________ Saturday and Sunday.(except, besides)

7. He wrote the letter _________ ink.(by, with ,in)

8. She returned to her country _________five years.(in, after, for)

9. There is a big tree _________ our classroom.(after, behind)

10. I usually go to work _________ bike.(by, on, with)


1 Children get gifts ____ Christmas and ____ their birthdays.

A. on; on B. at; on C. in; in D. in; on

2 -There is nothing tomorrow afternoon, is there?

-No. We can have a game of table tennis.

A. on B. in C. out D. up

3 A lot of students in our school were born ____ March, 1981.

A. in B. at C. on D. since

4 tie suddenly returned____ a rainy night.

A. on B. at C. in D. during

5 My grandfather was born ____ Oct. 10, 1935.

A. on B. in C. at D. of

6 The train is starting ___ five minutes.

A. in B. at C. for D. still

7 Mike does his exercises ____ seven _____ the evening.

A. on; to B. at; in C. by; of D. at; on


1 The population of the world has grown very fast ____ four hundred years.

A. for past the B. in the pass C. in the past D. for past

2 We returned to our hometown___.

A. next week B. in the last week C. last week D. for a week

3 Great changes have taken place___.

A. in the last few year B. in the last few years

C. last year D. on the last year


1 Children wake up very early ____ the morning of Christmas Day.

A. in B. on C. for D. at

2 ____ a cold winter morning, I met her in the street.

A. In B. On C. At D. For

3 It happened to be very cold____ the morning of our sports meet.

A. at B. on C. with D. of

4 Why did you get up so early ___ this morning.

A. on B. / C. at D. in


1 He went to Shanghai___ September 3, 1991 and came back___ a cold morning last year.

A. in; on B. on; in C. on; on D. in; in

2 Lucy was born____ the night of May 12, 1984.

A. on B. in C. at D. to

3 Mrs. Brown came to China ____ 1996.

A. on B. of C. to, D. in

4 ___ the morning of November 20, 1915, the workers came to Chicago to show their mourning ___Joe Hill.

A. On; to B. In; of C. On; for D. At; for

5 Ann moved ___ Hangzhou___ September, 1992.

A. /; in B. to; in C. to; on D. in; in

6 They started off___ an autumn afternoon.

A. during B. at C. in D. on


1 He often goes ____ school ____ six thirty ____ the morning.

A. for; to; in B. to; at in C. to; for; at D, for; at; to

2 He arrived ___ Shanghai ___ 9: 30 ___ March 5. f

A. at; in; at B. to; on; at C. in; on; at D. in; at; on

3 The English teacher told me to get there____ half past ten.

A: in B. at C. on D. of

4 The children get up ___ 6 o'clock.

A. at B. on C. during D. in


1 The doctor worked___ five hours___ a rest.

A. for; with B. on; without C. about; having D. for; without

2 I worked on the problem ____ a long time and I worked it out____ myself____ last.

A. for; by; at B. in; with; on C. on; by; in D. for; for; at the

3 A new factory will be set up___ a years later.

A. for B. in C. after D. on

4 Two years___ he began to write another story-book.

A. after B. later; C. in D. late

5 We will finish the picture a day.

A. in B. on C. after D. on

6 The workers had been____ strike ____ almost a month.

A. on; in B. at; in C. on; for D. on; during

7 Mr. Brown had lain ____ the ground ____ four hours before they finally found him.

A. on; for B. at; in C. on; after D. in; during


1 The teacher is coming back___ an hour.

A. after B. for C. in D. before

2 She lived in the mountain village____ the years 1940-1950.

A. between B. during C. in D. since

3 Miss Wang will come to Beijing____ two days.

A. after B. in C. on D. before

4 The American Civil War lasted four years before the North won ____ the end.

A. by B. at C. in D. on


7 Mary had finished her homework____ the time I got home.

A. until B. by C. at D. when

2 We stayed at the lab___ our teacher returned.

A. till B. by C. during D. while

3 They didn't leave the station___ they get on the train.

A. until B. by C. after y D. at


1 Don't worry. He will return____.

A. before long B. long before C. long long ago D. long ago

2 There lived an old man, fishing at sea____.

A. long before B. before long C. long time ago D. soon

3 It was not _____ they came back.

A. long before B. before long C. long time before D. long after

4 I was told that his uncle had gone to France .

A. long before -B. shortly after C. before long D. long ago


1 ___ Tom gets up at five in the morning.

A. Sometime B. Sometimes C. Some time D. Some times

2 I remember we met each other___ last year.

A. Sometime' B. some times C. some time D. sometimes

3 Mary and I have been to the Great Wall,___.

A. sometime B. some time C. sometimes D. some times

4 He studied English for ____ in London, and then he went to America.

A. sometimes B. sometime new C. some time D. some times










































玻璃钢生产厂家郑州抽象玻璃钢卡通雕塑制作山东玻璃钢雕塑销售厂家盐城高档玻璃钢花盆爆销玻璃钢动物雕塑玻璃钢花盆排水孔桐柏玻璃钢雕塑定制玻璃钢书本雕塑河南超市商场美陈供应商河北承接玻璃钢雕塑深圳景观玻璃钢雕塑联系方式玻璃钢沙皮狗卡通雕塑浙江特色商场美陈市场价武威仿真人物玻璃钢雕塑多少钱玻璃钢雕塑工艺品报价专业的熊猫玻璃钢雕塑太原学校玻璃钢雕塑定做江苏玻璃钢雕塑制作多少钱黑龙江步行街玻璃钢雕塑定制大型商场创意商业美陈怎么样鞍山玻璃钢雕塑电话中山玻璃钢雕塑包括哪些广东主题商场美陈市场报价黄山个性化玻璃钢雕塑温州玻璃钢雕塑便宜玻璃钢花盆批发1000专业玻璃钢雕塑销售价格绍兴家用玻璃钢雕塑摆件上饶人物玻璃钢雕塑定制房地产水景玻璃钢彩绘雕塑厂上海主题商场美陈厂家直销香港通过《维护国家安全条例》两大学生合买彩票中奖一人不认账让美丽中国“从细节出发”19岁小伙救下5人后溺亡 多方发声单亲妈妈陷入热恋 14岁儿子报警汪小菲曝离婚始末遭遇山火的松茸之乡雅江山火三名扑火人员牺牲系谣言何赛飞追着代拍打萧美琴窜访捷克 外交部回应卫健委通报少年有偿捐血浆16次猝死手机成瘾是影响睡眠质量重要因素高校汽车撞人致3死16伤 司机系学生315晚会后胖东来又人满为患了小米汽车超级工厂正式揭幕中国拥有亿元资产的家庭达13.3万户周杰伦一审败诉网易男孩8年未见母亲被告知被遗忘许家印被限制高消费饲养员用铁锨驱打大熊猫被辞退男子被猫抓伤后确诊“猫抓病”特朗普无法缴纳4.54亿美元罚金倪萍分享减重40斤方法联合利华开始重组张家界的山上“长”满了韩国人?张立群任西安交通大学校长杨倩无缘巴黎奥运“重生之我在北大当嫡校长”黑马情侣提车了专访95后高颜值猪保姆考生莫言也上北大硕士复试名单了网友洛杉矶偶遇贾玲专家建议不必谈骨泥色变沉迷短剧的人就像掉进了杀猪盘奥巴马现身唐宁街 黑色着装引猜测七年后宇文玥被薅头发捞上岸事业单位女子向同事水杯投不明物质凯特王妃现身!外出购物视频曝光河南驻马店通报西平中学跳楼事件王树国卸任西安交大校长 师生送别恒大被罚41.75亿到底怎么缴男子被流浪猫绊倒 投喂者赔24万房客欠租失踪 房东直发愁西双版纳热带植物园回应蜉蝣大爆发钱人豪晒法院裁定实锤抄袭外国人感慨凌晨的中国很安全胖东来员工每周单休无小长假白宫:哈马斯三号人物被杀测试车高速逃费 小米:已补缴老人退休金被冒领16年 金额超20万

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