
靴子什么 材质好

① 牛皮:分为黄牛皮、水牛皮等,一般黄牛皮的强度优于水牛皮。根据牛的年龄牛皮又可分为胎牛皮、小牛皮、中牛皮、大牛皮,一般牛的年龄越小的皮价格越贵,档次越高,但并不代表价格越高皮强度越好。牛皮一般又可分为头层和二层,头层一般用于制作皮鞋鞋面,二层一般用于制作运动鞋、皮鞋的垫脚。头层牛皮的价格远远高于二层牛皮的价格。






1. 皮革鞋子


2. 布鞋子


3. 合成材料鞋子


【英文介绍/For English】:

① Cowhide: divided into yellow cowhide, buffalo cowhide, etc. Generally, the strength of yellow cowhide is better than that of buffalo cowhide. According to the age of the cow, the cowhide can be divided into fetal cowhide, calf cowhide, medium cowhide, and large cowhide. Generally, the younger the cow's age, the more expensive the hide and the higher the grade, but it does not mean that the higher the price, the better the hide strength. Cowhide can generally be divided into the first layer and the second layer. The first layer is generally used to make the upper of leather shoes, and the second layer is generally used to make the pads of sports shoes and leather shoes. The price of the first layer of cowhide is much higher than that of the second layer of cowhide.

②Sheepskin: divided into two categories: sheepskin and goatskin. Generally, the fastness of goat skin is better than that of sheep skin, and the softness and wearing comfort of sheep skin is better than that of goat skin. Sheepskins are generally not distinguished by the age of the sheep.

③Pigskin: It is generally used less in uppers, relatively more in children's shoes, and the price of pigskin is lower, and it is generally used to make linings in adult shoes. Pigskin is generally divided into the first layer and the second layer. The strength of the first layer is better, and the strength of the second layer is poor, but the price of the first layer is about five times more expensive than that of the second layer.

④Other animal skins: such as crocodile skin, kangaroo skin, deer skin, lizard skin, snake skin, pearl fish skin, ostrich body skin, ostrich foot skin, frog skin, the above animal skins are made of shoes due to the scarcity of skin sources. The price is often higher, but it does not mean that these leathers are good in terms of fastness to wear.