
gdp 平减 指数和cpi的区别








首先,CPI是指一定时期内一定消费者篮子内的物品和服务的价格变化情况。通过衡量各种日常消费品的价格变化,CPI可以反映出一个国家或地区整体物价水平上涨或下跌的趋势。而GDP平减指数则是指考虑通货膨胀因素后的GDP变化情况。 在计算亿方数时,平减指数将物价膨胀率考虑进去,反映实际的物价和普通GDP的变化,从而更好地反映出经济生产力的增长。



【英文介绍/For English】:

1. The GDP deflator examines the prices of all domestically produced products, while the CPI examines the prices of consumers' daily spending;

2. The GDP deflator only includes GDP, imports are not part of GDP, it is not reflected in the GDP deflator, and CPI is included as long as it involves consumer spending;

3. The CPI assigns fixed weights to different products, while the GDP deflator assigns variable weights.

Prices are a barometer that reflects the state of the national economy and market economy. The rise in prices not only sends false signals to producers, but also reflects unbalanced development of the national economy, unbalanced economic structure, and low resource allocation and utilization. Once the government takes measures to solve inflation, it is not conducive to the healthy development of the economy, it will reduce production and slow down economic growth. The GDP deflator is the ratio of gross domestic product to real gross domestic product. It reflects the economic situation objectively, excluding the influence of inflation and the growth rate of real GDP. The GDP deflator reflects the changing trend of the price level of the whole country, and it is an important manifestation of the fluctuation of the price level of a country.

The role of the GDP deflator