据绿润百科网站「青栀如初」消息,近日,tl10a是什么型号的,请问was tl10是什么型号?引发热议,tl10a是什么型号的同样引起许多争议,对此众网友各抒己见。但到底是怎么回事呢?绿润百科为您解答。

was tl10是什么 型号

wastl10是 华为nova青春版的移动定制全网通版的型号,nova青春版前后2.5D玻璃,后置指纹解锁,美观实;Nova青春版的系统是EMUI5.1+Android7.0,运行更加流畅。




【英文介绍/For English】:

wastl10 is the model of Huawei Nova Youth Edition's mobile customized full Netcom version. The front and rear of the Nova Youth Edition have 2.5D glass, and the rear fingerprint unlocking is beautiful and solid; the system of the Nova Youth Edition is EMUI5.1+Android7.0, which runs more smoothly.

Huawei nova is a series of smartphones produced by Huawei, including three versions of Huawei Nova, Huawei NovaPlus and Huawei Nova Youth Edition. It was first released on September 1, 2016 at the Berlin International Broadcasting Exhibition (IFA). This series of mobile phones is positioned as a light flagship, targeted at the young LOHAS family, highlighting the characteristics of design, shooting and performance. Nova series models are equipped with fingerprint recognition modules, large-capacity batteries, and smart battery 4.0 power-saving technology. They have large-aperture lenses and sensor areas, and can have the best photo effects in low-light and low-light environments. Huawei nova was officially released at IFA in Germany on September 1. Huawei's nova product is positioned as a "young mobile phone" and is specially designed for the happy family. The product focuses on "fashionable" design, and simultaneously enhances the fun of taking pictures and the experience of music.