
996什么 意思007 又是什么

996是指早上9点上班,晚上9点下班,中午傍晚休息不足1小时的工作制度。007指0点到0点24小时,一周7天上班。007又是风靡全球的一个谍战系列电影,它不仅是影片的名称,更是主人公 邦德特工的代号。在故事里,邦德是英国情报机构军情六处的间谍,代号007,被授予可以除去任何妨碍行动的人的权力。他冷酷但多情,机智且勇敢,总能在最危难时化险为夷,也总能邂逅一段浪漫的爱情,詹姆斯 邦德总是有美女相伴,那些女士被称为邦女郎。






996、007是近年来流传广泛的两个词汇,其中996是指“早 9 点到公司,晚上 9 点离开,每周工作 6 天”的工作制度,007则是指员工可以任意时间进出公司,但工作没有保障。

1. 996是什么?

996是指一种工作时间制度,即上午 9 点到公司,晚上 9 点离开,每周工作 6 天,这样的工作时间常常出现在新创公司和互联网公司,是一种强制性的工作方式。

2. 007是什么?


3. 996和007的背景是什么?



4. 是否存在法律规定限制996、007工作制?

目前国家并没有明文规定工作时间的上限,但是《劳动法》规定,用人单位应当合理安排工作时间,不得违反法律法规、国家规定的工作时间标准和劳动合同的约定。只要能够保证员工的劳动权益,无论是 996 还是 007,都可以被当作选择参照的种类。

5. 如何看待996、007工作制?


6. 如何规避 996、007 工作制的劳动合同纠纷?


【英文介绍/For English】:

996 refers to the work system in which workers go to work at 9 am and leave work at 9 pm, with less than one hour of rest at noon and evening. 007 refers to 24 hours from 0:00 to 00:00, 7 days a week. 007 is another spy war series film that is popular all over the world. It is not only the name of the film, but also the code name of the protagonist Bond agent. In the story, Bond is a spy for the British intelligence agency MI6, code-named 007, who is given the power to remove anyone who gets in the way. He is cold but affectionate, witty and brave. He can always save himself from danger in the most dangerous time, and he can always meet a romantic love. James Bond is always accompanied by beautiful women, and those ladies are called Bond girls.

996 meaning:

The 996 work system refers to the work system that goes to work at 9 am, leaves work at 9 pm, rests for one hour (or less) at noon and evening, and works more than 10 hours in total, and works 6 days a week. It represents the prevalence of overtime work in Chinese Internet companies. Culture is a work system that violates the Labor Law of the People's Republic of China.

In October 2016, Internet company 58 Tongcheng was exposed to implement a 996 work system for all employees, and the company CEO was condemned by employees for this. At that time, the 996 working system proposed by 58 Tongcheng refers to working hours from 9 am to 9 pm, working 6 days a week, and there is no subsidy or overtime pay, and no leave is allowed. Afterwards, the 58 side responded that the so-called 996 was just a routine mobilization, not a mandatory requirement, and its purpose was to meet the work needs with a large business volume in September and October.

On March 27, 2019, a project named 996ICU was uploaded on GitHub. The programmers exposed the 996ICU Internet company and resisted the 996 work system of the Internet company.