
million的 用法和搭配

1、million的用法:million的基本意思是“百万”,也可作“百万个(人或物)”“百万英镑〔美元〕”解,用于比喻可指“许多”。million用作定语且有a或其他数词修饰时,一般要用单数 形式;用在of短语前或表示不确定数字时常用复数形式。million指“钱”时可用单数形式,也可用复数形式。含有million的词语作主语时,谓语动词一般用复数形式。指“钱”时,如为确定的钱数,谓语动词一般用单数形式,如为不确定钱数,谓语动词一般用复数形式。





1. Million dollar/ pound/ yen/ euro question

这个短语用来形容一个非常重要或者棘手的问题,就像是要问那个值钱的问题。比如:What is the solution to climate change? That’s the million dollar question. (如何解决气候变化问题,这是一个非常重要的问题)

2. One in a million

这个短语用来表示非常少见或者非常特别的事物,就像是在一百万中找到一个一样。比如:Finding a person who truly understands me is one in a million. (能够找到一个真正理解我的人是非常不捡见的)

3. Millionaire

这个短语用来形容一个身价达到百万或以上的人。比如:She married a millionaire and now she lives a life of luxury. (她嫁给了一个百万富翁,现在她过着奢华的生活)

4. Million-to-one chance

这个短语形容的是一件非常不可能发生的事情。比如:It’s a million-to-one chance that he will win the lottery. (他中彩票的概率非常之小)

5. Million-selling album

这个短语形容的是一个售出了超过百万张的专辑。比如:Her latest album became a million-selling album just a week after it was released. (她的最新专辑上市仅一周,就已经卖出了超过百万张的销量)

6. Millionaire’s row

这个短语通常指的是那些极其昂贵的房产。比如:The houses on this street are all very expensive, it’s like a millionaire’s row. (这个街上的房子都非常昂贵,就像是一个富人的聚集地)

【英文介绍/For English】:

1. The usage of million: The basic meaning of million is "million", and it can also be interpreted as "millions (persons or things)" and "million pounds [dollars]". It can refer to "many" when used as a metaphor. When million is used as an attributive and modified by a or other numerals, the singular form is generally used; when it is used before the phrase of of or expresses an uncertain number, the plural form is often used. When a million refers to "money", it can be used in the singular form or in the plural form. When the word containing million is used as the subject, the predicate verb generally uses the plural form. When referring to "money", if it is a definite amount of money, the predicate verb is generally in the singular form, and if it is an indeterminate amount of money, the predicate verb is generally in the plural form.

2. The collocation of million: feel〔look〕like a million dollars feels great and looks very good-looking; ina million is one in a thousand, the best; around one million is about one million;