
房贷40万15年 月供多少

房贷40万15 年月供多少,要确定具体的贷款利率,以及借款人选择的还款方式是什么,在贷款利率相同的情况下,选择的还款方式不同,每月月供也有所不同。

如果按照5年期的基准利率4.9%来计算,选择等额 本金还款方式,支付总利息为147816.67元,首月月供为3855.56(元);2月3846.48(元);3月3837.41(元),逐月递减,选择等额本息还款方式,支付总利息为165627.84元,每月月供为3142.38(元)。












【英文介绍/For English】:

How much is the monthly payment of a mortgage of 400,000 for 15 years? It is necessary to determine the specific loan interest rate and the repayment method chosen by the borrower. In the case of the same loan interest rate, the choice of repayment method is different, and the monthly payment is also different.

If the calculation is based on the 5-year benchmark interest rate of 4.9%, and the equal principal repayment method is selected, the total interest paid is 147,816.67 yuan, and the monthly payment for the first month is 3855.56 (yuan); February 3846.48 (yuan); March 3837.41 (yuan) ), decreasing month by month, choose the repayment method of equal principal and interest, the total interest paid is 165627.84 yuan, and the monthly payment is 3142.38 (yuan).

Equivalent principal means that the monthly repayment amount is different, showing a state of decreasing month by month; it is to divide the loan principal evenly according to the total number of months of repayment, plus the interest on the remaining principal of the previous period, so that the monthly repayment Therefore, the monthly repayment amount of the equal principal method is large, and then decreases month by month, and the less the repayment is.

Equivalent principal and interest means that the monthly repayment amount is the same. Essentially, the proportion of principal increases month by month, the proportion of interest decreases month by month, and the monthly repayment amount remains unchanged. Among the distribution ratios, the proportion of interest repaid in the first half period is large and the proportion of principal is small, and after half of the repayment period, it will gradually become a large proportion of principal and small proportion of interest.