
苹果 手机充电没 反应怎么处理






  • 充电器线路损坏
  • 充电器过热导致自动断电
  • 充电接口灰尘杂物堵塞
  • 设备电池过旧,没电了
  • 设备所在环境温度过高或过低


  • 检查充电器线路
  • 插头和充电线路出现问题会导致手机无法充电,所以检查充电器和充电线路是否正常非常重要。如果发现线路损坏,更换一根新的充电线。

  • 保持充电环境适宜
  • 当环境温度过高或过低时,设备充电效果会受到影响。在充电时,保持环境温度适宜,可以有效预防设备充电出现问题。

  • 清理充电接口
  • 充电接口灰尘或杂物会导致插头无法正常接触。使用小棉棒和清洁剂轻轻擦拭充电接口,可以有效解决该问题。

  • 更换电池
  • 设备电池过旧,已经无法正常工作,换一个新的电池可以有效改善充电效果。

  • 使用原厂充电器
  • 使用正规原厂充电器,可以避免购买次品充电器而导致的无法正常充电的现象。


【英文介绍/For English】:

Reasons for no response to charging:

The charging interface at the bottom of the mobile phone is dusty, causing poor contact between the interface and the power cord plug. It is necessary to check whether the interface at the bottom of the mobile phone is blocked by foreign objects. There is a problem with the charger and the charger needs to be replaced. Due to the reason of the mobile phone system, the mobile phone cannot be charged and needs to be shut down and restarted. The battery temperature of the mobile phone is not suitable and cannot be charged. You need to put the mobile phone in the bed or air-conditioned room, let the mobile phone be at a normal temperature, and then charge it. If the internal parts of the mobile phone are damaged and cannot be charged, the mobile phone needs to be sent to an Apple authorized service and repair department for testing.