
描写 冬天的七言 绝句




译文:雪花飘舞着飞入了窗户,我坐在窗前,看着青青的竹子变成白玉般洁白。 此时正好登上高楼去远望,那人世间一切险恶的岔路都被大雪覆盖了。

3、《绝句》(唐)杜甫:两个黄鹂鸣翠柳, 一行白鹭上青天。 窗含 西岭千秋雪, 门泊东吴万里船。







【英文介绍/For English】:

1. "Snow in the Mountains" (Qing) Zheng Xie: Open the door in the morning and the mountains are covered with snow, the snow is clear and the clouds are light and the sun is cold. The eaves have not dripped plum blossom jelly, a kind of loneliness is not waiting for leisure.

Translation: When I got up early in the morning and just opened the door, I saw that the top of the mountain was covered by a heavy snow. At this time, the sky had cleared, and the light of the rising sun, through the faint white clouds, became cold. The snow on the eaves has not yet melted, and the plum blossom branches in the courtyard are still frozen by ice and snow. How unusual is such a cold, lonely atmosphere.

2. "To the Snow" (Tang Dynasty) Gao Pian: When six out of flying flowers enter the house, sit and watch the green bamboos transform into qiongzhi. Now it's easy to go up to the tall building to look at it, covering all the evil roads in the world.

Translation: Snowflakes flew into the window, I sat in front of the window and watched the green bamboo turn into white jade. At this time, I just went up to a tall building to look from a distance, and all the sinister forks in the world were covered by heavy snow.

3. "Quatrains" (Tang Dynasty) Du Fu: Two orioles sing green willows, and a group of egrets go up to the blue sky. The window contains the snow of thousands of years in Xiling, and the gate is anchored by the boats of Dongwu thousands of miles away.

Translation: Two orioles sang softly among the green willows, and a neat group of egrets rushed straight to the blue sky. Sitting in front of the window, I can see the perennial snow piled up on the West Ridge, and ships moored in front of the door from Soochow, thousands of miles away.