
济南哪里能办无担保 个人贷款

银行贷款的审批 时间一般为2-3周,如果觉得时间长,可以考虑网上贷款平台,现在线上很多贷款产品都没有地区限制,也不用抵押或担保,门槛都比较低,你可以根据自己的要求选择一家平台进行申请,但需要注意的是,申请贷款时,借款人姓名、所绑银行卡持有人姓名、手机实名认证的姓名必须保持一致,很多口子甚至对手机实名制的时间有一定的要求,比如要求实名制手机号至少使用6个月以上。









【英文介绍/For English】:

The approval time for bank loans is generally 2-3 weeks. If you think it takes a long time, you can consider online loan platforms. Now many online loan products do not have regional restrictions, and do not require mortgages or guarantees. The threshold is relatively low, you can choose according to your own. It is required to choose a platform for application, but it should be noted that when applying for a loan, the borrower's name, the name of the bank card holder, and the name of the mobile phone's real-name authentication must be consistent. Requirements, such as requiring real-name mobile phone numbers to be used for at least 6 months.

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You can apply through the online loan platform, the threshold is low, and basically you can successfully apply for the loan amount without mortgage or guarantee. For example, you can apply for Fenqile, Sina Youdai, Cash Loan, Sumi Finance, etc. The application process is relatively simple, as long as you provide your identity information and Sesame Credit score of more than 600 points can basically be approved. The arrival time is also fast. But you must ensure the authenticity of the information filled in.