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编辑:周老师 | 时间:2023-01-02 04:01:32


  • 1,秦始皇用英语怎么写
  • 2,用英语描写秦始皇
  • 3,英语简介秦始皇
  • 4,秦始皇兵马俑的英文翻译是什么?


秦始皇的英语:First Emperor of Qin。 重点词汇: 1、first 英 [fɜ:st] 美 [fɜ:rst] n.第一,最初;头等;一号,[乐]高音部。 adv.首次;最早,最初;宁愿;优先。 adj.第一流的;最初的,最早的;基本的,概要的;高音的。 2、emperor 英 [ˈempərə(r)] 美 [ˈɛmpəɚ] n.皇帝,君主。 3、Qin n.秦(姓氏)。 First Emperor of Qin的例句: 1、The First Emperor of Qin then started to drive the mountains into the seas. 秦始皇用神鞭将山往大海里赶。 2、The First Emperor of Qin unified China in 221 B.C. 秦始皇于公元前221年统一中国。 扩展资料: emperor这个单词13世纪初期进入英语,直接源自古法语的empereor,意为君主;最初源自拉丁语的imperator,意为发号施令的人。 若表示“某某皇帝”, emperor前要加定冠词,首字母要大写。 emperor对应的阴性名词是empress。 empress 英 [ˈemprəs] 美 [ˈɛmprɪs] n.皇后;女皇。 I am an ordinary person, I am not the emperor or empress. 我是一个平凡的人,我不是什么皇上或者皇后。 I saw the empress and her young princess on the balcony. 我看见皇后和小公主在阳台上。



Emperor Qin Shi Huang (259 BC - 210 BC) fascinates people when they talk about the Great Wall and the Terracotta Warriors and Horses - his two greatest achievements to China. As the first emperor of China, he indeed has a profound influence on Chinese history and culture.

How did he come to the throne?

Emperor Qin Shi Huang, born as Ying Zheng in 259 BC, was the son of the king of the Qin State. At the age of thirteen, he succeeded his father's regality. Ying Zheng was very aggressive and ambitious at an early age. He assumed full power at 22 by ridding himself of his premier, Lu Buwei, who acted as regent while he was a minor. He wanted to unify and subjugate all the states like Han, Zhao, Wei, Chu, Yan and Qi by the powerful political, economic and military strength of the Qin State. Ying Zheng realized his ambition and built the first feudal and centralized empire in Chinese history in 221 BC. This was what we called - the Qin Dynasty (221 BC - 206 BC). Ying Zheng was the first emperor of a united China, so he proclaimed himself Qin Shi Huang.

"Qin Shi Huang"
When Ying Zheng unified China, he considered his achievement surpassing the legendary "San Huang (three emperors)" and "Wu Di (five sovereigns)". He created a new title for himself: "Huangdi" together with "Shi (means the first)", hence get the name "Qin Shi Huang" or "Qin Shi Huangdi", which means he was the first emperor of China. He hoped his descendants would follow in his steps to rule China for eternity.

Achievements and Defects

In order to consolidate the nascent empire, Qin Shi Huang reformed politics, economy and culture. In politics, he abolished the hereditary vassal enfeoffment system and established prefectures and counties, ruled directly by the emperor. Based on the original rules of the Qin State, the emperor adopted some regulations of other rival states to form a workable law of the Qin Dynasty. In economy, he claimed that both the agriculture and commerce were very important. People should have them developed together. Besides, tax system began to function and coinage and metrology were all standardized. In culture, the emperor unified the Chinese characters in writing, which promoted the development of the Chinese culture. However, he also suppressed scholars who were not to his liking. Consequently, many scholars involved were killed in Xian Yang.

The symbol of the Chinese ancient civilization, the Great Wall bears witness to Qin Shihuang's centralism. He ordered conscript laborers to link together the defensive works against marauding nomads already built by the former states. That was the forerunner of the modern Great Wall. Another world-famous achievement is the Terracotta Warriors and Horses in Xian, which was discovered nearby the mausoleum of Emperor Qin Shi Huang. Both are the wonders of China. But during their construction, countless conscripts lost their lives. It's really wasting manpower and resources.

Decline of the First Emperor
Qin Shi Huang longed for longevity, so he sent his ministers to go on quests seeking for an elixir of immortality. However, death claimed him before he could find success on that matter. The emperor departed from the world of the living in 210 BC while traveling. The Peasant Uprising led by Chen Sheng and Wu Guang broke out soon after Hu Hai, the second generation, got onto the throne. Accordingly, the Qin Dynasty came to an abrupt end in 206 BC. Qin Shi Huang is truly an epoch-making historic emperor in China's history.


The First Emperor of China

Emperor Qin Shi Huang had the greatest and longest-lasting influence of over 300 emperors who ruled dynasties throughout Chinese history. He established China's first feudal empire, with the title "Huang Di" he created for feudal rulers reigning supreme throughout over 2,000 years feudal society.

About 300 years after Sakyamuni, the founder of Buddhism, was born in what is now India, a baby boy was born in Handan, an ancient town in northern China. His first cry was no different from that of any other baby. Several decades later, however, he became a man to create new world and a person to be commemorated in history. The founder of the first unified empire in the history of China, as well as its first emperor, he was Emperor Qin Shi Huang. The name of Qin Shi Huang has been kept alive in the mind of all Chinese, just as the name of Napoleon rings out to the French and tales of the Pyramids still enchant modern Egyptians. Politicians have taken an interest in his political ambitions, gains and losses; ordinary people are more interested in his unusual life. His life and his political career are indeed still obscure.

Qin Shi Huang had a beleaguered and unstable childhood due to frequent wars between the seven states existing during the period. His father, Yi Ren, son of the King of Qin, was held hostage in the State of Zhao. Thereafter, the family led a miserable life until Lu Buwei, a wealthy merchant doing business in Zhao, exhibited great political foresight when recognizing that Yi Ren was an important figure. Lu not only presented his favorite concubine to Yi, but also spent a great deal of money helping him return to his home state. Lu's generosity enabled Yi Ren to finally fulfill his long-held wish of ascending to the Qin throne.

Ying Zheng, the son of Yi Ren, became the King of Qin at a tender age of 13 following the death of his father. Ying Zheng was much too young to administer state affairs and power quite naturally fell into the hands of Lu Buwei, who served as prime minister, and the empress dowager. In 238 B. C., Ying Zheng, 22, assumed control of stateaffairs and immediately erased the power of both the Empress Dowager as represented by Lao Ai, and that of Lu Buwei. He then set about fulfilling his ambition to create a powerful state by appointing Li Si as prime minister and selecting talented and capable men to strengthen his cabinet.

Ying Zheng solicited outside advice and promoted a new elite of both civil and military officials, including the mandarins Li Si and Wang Wan, and the generals Wang Jian, Wei Liao and Meng Tian. Ying then carried out the reforms advocated by his father, developing agriculture and the military. Soon Qin became the strongest of the seven warring states, defeating on the battlefield and through Machiavellian diplomacy the other six states from 230 to 221 B.C. In 221 B. C., China's division of more than several hundred years, lasting since the Spring and Autumn Period, came to an end and, for the first time in history, China became a unified, multi-nationality empire under a central government. After unification, Ying Zheng ordered his ministers to discuss possible titles for a supreme ruler of the country and a suitable name for the empire. Although the ministers suggested many titles and names, Ying Zheng considered his success in unifying the country as a great contribution which far surpassed the accomplishments of "San Huang" and "Wu Di", rulers in remote antiquity. He then used the given names of his two predecessors to coin the title "Huang Di" (Emperor) to signify his supreme sacred status as a feudal ruler. Ying Zheng founded a feudal monarchy and became emperor with the name "Shi Huang. " While Qin Shi Huang boasted that his dynasty would last forever, it quite unexpectedly lasted for only two reigns. The dynasty, intact, collapsed only four years after his death in 2 1 0 B. C. Nonetheless, the title "Emperor" he created lasted for more than 2,000 years throughout feudal society. To consolidate his power, Qin Shi Huang abolished the freedoms of the Shang and Zhou dynasties, and divided the country into 36 prefectures, broken down further into counties, townships, rings and lis. The central government had 12 ministers directly responsible to the emperor and the majority of military and administrative officials were all directly appointed or removed by the emperor himself. Thus Emperor Qin Shi Huang had both the military and administrative powers of China concentrated in his hands. He ordered the establishment of new laws, by which "everything was to be dictated." Law became an important institution in China by which the emperor asserted his authority. Qin Shi Huang was also responsible for the "three unifications:" 1. Unification of weights and measures. 2. Unification of the Chinese written language, through the use of the official script of the Qin State across the country, under the auspices of Prime Minister Li Si and the mandarin Zhao Gao. 3. Unification of currency, involving abolition of the currencies of the former six kingdoms in exchange for Qin coins. His introduction of unified Chinese characters, currency and meteorology not only benefited economic development and cultural exchanges, but have had a strong and lasting influence on China.

Qin Shi Huang ordered the construction of a road system linking the former Yan, Qi, Wu and Chu areas, as well as number of roads especially for imperial use. The system eventually formed played an extremely important role in ancient transportation and economic exchanges. The emperor also confiscated weapons from the citizenry and implemented a system under which five households or I 0 individuals were subject to punishment if one member of said groups committed an offence. The emperor also moved 120,000 wealthy families from across the country to develop the city of Xianyang, and sent merchants, slaves and criminals to develop border and remote areas. The policy he introduced exerted great influence on the history of China.

Qin Shi Huang quite obviously made great contributions which overshadowed those of his predecessors. The emperor firmly believed he possessed deifying powers. He visited Mt. Tai to offers a grand sacrifice to the Heavens, visited famous mountains on several occasions and built China's 10-thousand li Great Wall and hundreds of imperial palaces, including the well-known E'Pang Palace.

The emperor's confidence level declined somewhat at the prospect of death, and he commissioned the construction of his tomb while still a young man. Nonetheless, he sought ways to live a long life. For Example, he once sent several thousands male and female teenagers on sea voyage in search of immortals. Regardless of the efforts, the emperor failed to attain immortality. Qin Shi Huang, 50, died from a sudden illness in 210 B.C. while visiting Shaqiu Pingtai (the northwest part of today's Guangzong, Hebei Province). His death sparked uprisings across the country and the Qin Dynasty came to an end in 206 B.C.

Qin Shi Huang not only created splendid constructions but also devastated the development of productive social forces. Qin Shi Huang attempted to wipe out heresy by burning almost all classic works, excluding books on medicine, divination and agriculture. He also ordered that over 460 Confucianists be buried alive. Those who dared disregard the law or express their opinions on state affairs would be killed along with their entire families. The emperor's actions thus brought untold calamity to the nation.

The astonishing difference between creativity and destruction during the Qin made Qin Shi Huang a controversial leader, with contradictions ranging from a brutal tyrant to a peculiar but great leader, and the eternal emperor. Besides, he left the immense and monumental Qin Mausoleum, a creation mixed with both blood and tears.


Qin Shi Huangdi, First Chinese Emperor

A ruler from the western state of Qin united and subjugated the Warring States and formed China in 221 B.C. He declared himself the first emperor of China and named himself Shi Huangdi (meaning First Emperor).

During the Qin (Ch'in) Dynasty (221 B.C. - 206 B.C.), the emperor connected and extended the old fortification walls along the north of China that originated about 700 B.C. (over 2500 years ago), forming the Great Wall of China to stop invading barbarians from the north.

The Emperor standardized Chinese writing, bureaucracy, scholarship, law, currency, weights and measures. He expanded the Chinese empire, built a capital in Xian, a system of roads, and massive fortifications and palaces.

Shi Huangdi (259-210 B.C.) was a cruel ruler who readily killed or banished those who opposed him or his ideas. He is notorious for burning virtually all the books that remained from previous regimes. He even banned scholarly discussions of the past.

The Qin dynasty ended soon after his death, but a unified China remained for over 2,000 years. China's name is derived from his short but seminal dynasty, Qin (pronounced Chin).



Terracotta[,tɛrə'kɑtə] Army 秦陵兵马俑 例句 The Museum of the Terracotta Army was opened to the public in 1979. 秦陵兵马俑博物馆建成于1979年。 相关短语 1. 兵马俑坑emporer 2. 兵马俑雕像Statue 3. 秦陵兵马俑Hole of the Terracotta Warriors;Qin terracotta warriors tomb 4. 秦兵马俑The Qin Dynasty Figures;Lerra-cotta Warriors;Terracotta Army Museum;Qin Terra cotta Warriors 5. 中国兵马俑BBC China's Terracotta Army;China's Terracotta Army;China's Ghost Army;China\'s Ghost Army 6. 兵马俑风云Aces Go Places 7. 秦始皇兵马俑terracotta army;The Terracota Warriors;Terracotta Warriors;Emperor Qin's Terra Cotta Warriors 8. 西安兵马俑Warriors and horses figurines;Terracotta-CHINA;Xian Terracotta Warriors 9. 冠军兵马俑Terra Cotta Warriors 扩展资料英语例句分析 1、The Terra-cotta Warriors and Horses, a part of QinShi Huang’s mausoleum, is one of the significantfindings in the world archaeological history of thetwentieth century. 兵马俑是秦始皇陵墓的一部分,也是20世纪世界考古史上最伟大的发现之一。 2、It was constructed for Qin ShiHuang to rule the empire in his afterlife anddiscovered in 1974 by local farmers in Xi’an. 兵马俑是秦始皇为了死后能继续统治王国而建造的,在1974年被西安当地的农民发现。 1.第一个句子中主语是“兵马俑”,后面出现两个并列分句“是…”和“也是…”翻译时可将“秦始皇陵墓的一部分”译作apart of Qin Shi Huang’s mausoleum,放在主语之后,作为主语The Terra-cotta Warriors and Horses的同位语,使句子更紧凑。 2.第二句由两个分句构成,主语都是兵马俑。第一个分句中兵马俑是“建造”的对象,所以要用被动语态;而第二个分句的“被…发现”同样提示需用被动语态。因此,用连词and连接两个并列的谓语即可。

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