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Beacons are pocket-sized devices that deliver Bluetooth low energy. (BECAME) signal in the nearby surroundings. You will use this signal strength to indicate the estimated distance between the beacon and the additional Bluetooth-enabled cheat. It allows the power to trigger actions based on proximity to that cheat. It could be sending a warning signal or straining when the app finds the beacon within a defined distance or it could be used to track the positions of people or products in indoor environments. Because satellite positioning systems cannot work indoors, beacon technology is rapidly emerging as the leading indoor location technology.

How Does The Beacon Work In Museums?

Beacons offer museums the opportunity to provide context to visitors like never before. For example, an app can work to detect the presence of a person in the museum with beacon technology. Museums will have rapid acceptance by visitors and patrons of the beacons as they replace the familiar instruments guests are used to.

Why is Beacon Technology Better Suited to the Museum Industry?

In that place, there are hundreds of museums & art galleries from all over the universe that apply beacons today. The potential for beacons to augment the dedicated mobile app in museums is endless. Here are eight advance uses of real-time location-based museum marketing benefits:

  • Push notification or on-demand interactive media based on a non-text theme within museums.
  • The sound tour becomes more dependent on the visitor’s waiver of direction, and the interactive map can help design your individualized time.
  • They were chasing a visitor’s favourite artwork based on residence time or adding it to their ‘Favorites’ in person nearby, promoting related souvenirs while the lover is out shopping.
  • Gamify the feeling of learning with scavenger hunts, quizzes, or additional edutainment鈥攑ay back participants with other knowledge and discounts from token stores or advertising for their next visit.
  • On-site experts can answer questions via mobile device right away.
  • Management can collect valuable analytics, streamline deal management, and determine where the pain points are through heat maps.
  • Beacons can elevate Google Glass, Augmented Reality, and additional tech add-ons by enabling proximity.
  • Related audio-activated commentary within proximity can create statues and images that emerge as you discuss their history and creator.

How Can We Use Beacons in Museums and Exhibitions?


Beacon technology in museums helps save money, produces a more pleasant experience, and enables necessary information about your visitors.

Museums have always been looking for original ways to interact with visitors. Beacon technology and also physical Web technology help museums prepare, guide and tell great stories through the interactive experience. With beacons, tech museums can eventually collect helpful information about their visitors, help them navigate, and present them with the right content at the right time and place.

Contextual Data

Beacons can trigger proximity-based and hyper-targeted updates as visitors walk through the museum. For example, visitors can receive notifications of upcoming conferences they travel through with a beacon-enabled app. Content broadcast via beacons can offer details about any exhibitor, even about the museum’s history. Of course, it depends on particular artefacts and shows that visitors can submit testimonials about the aspect of their interests.


With beacon technology positioned at entry points, museums can rest free from the labour of manual ticket entry. Entering the museum gate, visitors can recognize through apps set to their gimmicks. Without using a wallet or mobile, visitors can pay their entrance fee through the POS system. It is still a simple process as it eliminates the hassle of standing in long lines to buy tickets.


With beacon technology, you can collect information to gain insights that affect visitor behaviour. As a result, it successively helps improve exhibit positions and the museum setup. For example, using beacon technology for museums, you can describe which exhibits are their favourites and how much time visitors spend in various places.

Educational Excursions

The importance of beacon technology in museums can enable students to experience the latest technology in the museum. In addition, study tours initiate by schools and universities can also enriched with extensive interaction using the benefits of beacons. For example, students’ guidance cues can also adopted on the screen, outsider features with the whiteboard can be remove, or notes can be view as better performance.

Museum Interior Navigation

Beacon technology in a museum is mapping its surroundings and presenting all the demos in one handy interface. Visitors can use mapping on the smartphone to discover particular rooms and also demonstrations to visit and enforce the exhibition step by step in a real-time navigation beacon. Additionally, museums can make mini-tours for visitors according to their visibility and interests after integrating location-based technology.


Beacon is a technology based on the Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) transmission principle. It enables automated, low-power communication between transmitters (so-called beacons) and receivers (for example, smartphones, tablets, or smartwatches) so that relevant content can be queried and made available by the receiver based on their needs鈥攍ocal geological data. The application scenarios are mobile shopping, location-based marketing and Bluetooth marketing, and various applications in the fields of mixed reality and augmented reality.