How to Fix Asymmetrical Face: Causes and Treatments for Uneven Face & Smile

A symmetrical face is often considered a hallmark of beauty, and the human brain is wired to find balance and proportion pleasing to the eye.
Medically reviewed by
Natalya Zhuravskaya, MD
Certified specialist with 5 years of extensive dental and orthodontic experience
How to Fix Asymmetrical Face: Causes and Treatments for Uneven Face & Smile
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Have you ever caught yourself staring in the mirror and noticing that your face is asymmetrical, lopsided or uneven? Maybe your eyes are slightly different sizes, or your jawline is more prominent on one side.

While it's common for some people to have a slightly asymmetrical face, significant facial imbalances can negatively impact your confidence and self-image. A symmetrical face is often considered a hallmark of beauty, and the human brain is wired to find balance and proportion pleasing to the eye.

The good news is – you don't have to live with a lopsided face forever. With the right techniques, you can improve the symmetry of your face and achieve a more balanced and aesthetic look.

After reading this article, you’ll find out the following:

  • How symmetrical your face is
  • How to fix an asymmetrical face
  • How to get a symmetrical face naturally 
  • Non-surgical, cosmetic, and surgical solutions to fix an asymmetrical face 

Before we discuss how to fix an asymmetrical face, let's first explore what causes facial asymmetry.

Common Causes of Facial Asymmetry

Here are the possible causes of why a person develops an asymmetrical face: 

Sun Damage

Did you know that spending time in the sun can cause more than just a tan? As you age, exposure to UV rays can lead you to develop unsightly spots, patches, and moles on your skin. 

One study found that chronic sun exposure can cause structural changes in the skin, including the thickening of the outermost layer of the skin and the reduction of the thickness and elasticity of the deeper layers of the skin.

What's more, sun damage can be unevenly distributed across your face, particularly if you're used to wearing a baseball hat or spending long hours working or driving outside. This means that one area of your face could end up with more damage than the rest, leading to asymmetry and a less-than-ideal appearance.

Dental Work and Bite Issues

Dental work and bite issues can also contribute to asymmetrical facial features. Crooked teeth, a misshapen jawbone, or an overbite can cause one side of the face to appear larger or smaller than the other. 

Dental issues can affect the way you chew and speak, leading to muscular imbalances and asymmetry in the face. According to a study, patients with the temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ), a common jaw disorder, often present with facial asymmetry. 

Lifestyle Habits and Sleeping Patterns

Poor sleep habits – sleeping on one side of the face or stomach can cause compression of the skin and muscles on one side of the face, leading to wrinkles, fine lines, and asymmetry.

Check out our guide on how to fix facial asymmetry from sleeping on the side.

One research study found that lifestyle factors such as smoking, alcohol consumption, and a high-sugar diet can cause inflammation and damage to the skin, leading to premature aging and asymmetry.

More lifestyle habits that may develop an asymmetrical face include:

  • Improper posture while sitting or standing
  • Holding the phone on one side of the face during calls
  • Carrying a heavy bag or backpack on one shoulder
  • Leaning the head on one hand while sitting or studying
  • Playing wind instruments that require more pressure on one side of the mouth
  • Engaging in sports or physical activities that require one-sided movements, such as tennis or golf
  • Consistently wearing headphones or earbuds on one side of the head
  • Developing a habitual facial expression that favors one side of the face

Open mouth posture can potentially lead to facial asymmetry. When a person habitually breathes through their mouth instead of their nose, it can cause changes in the positioning and development of the facial bones and muscles.

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Chewing and Uneven Facial Development

Chewing stimulates bone growth and development, particularly in the jaw and cheekbones. Therefore, a lack of chewing, or chewing on one side of the mouth more than the other, can lead to uneven development and facial asymmetry.

A misaligned bite or jaw can cause muscular imbalances and asymmetry in the face. One study found that patients with a crossbite, where the upper and lower teeth do not properly align, had more significant facial asymmetry than those without a crossbite.

If you have an asymmetrical face due to chewing and uneven facial development, you can practice tongue chewing or mewing. This involves placing the tongue on the roof of the mouth and engaging the jaw and face muscles while chewing. 

Bell's Palsy

Bell's palsy refers to the paralysis of the facial nerves, which commonly results in the drooping of one side of the face. The asymmetry occurs due to the reduced or complete inability of one side of the face to move.

The precise cause of Bell's palsy is still unknown, but it may be associated with nerve damage, trauma, or complications resulting from a viral infection.

Can facial asymmetry appear after wisdom tooth removal?

Wisdom tooth removal is a common dental procedure, but it can sometimes lead to an asymmetrical face. Understanding the causes, potential concerns, and ways to fix this issue can help alleviate any anxiety you may be feeling.

Causes of Asymmetrical Face After Wisdom Tooth Removal

  • Swelling: After a wisdom tooth extraction, it's common for the affected side of the face to swell up. This temporary swelling can make the face appear asymmetrical.
  • Muscle Weakness: The procedure may cause temporary weakness in the muscles surrounding the extraction site, leading to a lopsided appearance.
  • Dental Changes: In some cases, the removal of a wisdom tooth can cause adjacent teeth to shift, which may lead to a change in the facial structure.

Typically, an asymmetrical face after wisdom tooth removal is not a cause for concern. Most of the changes are temporary, and your face should gradually return to its normal appearance as you heal. However, if you notice persistent or worsening asymmetry even after the healing period, consult your dentist or oral surgeon for further evaluation.

In some cases, asymmetry may persist or appear over time after wisdom tooth removal, even after the initial swelling has subsided. It's essential to understand the potential causes and seek appropriate solutions to address this issue.

Causes of Long-Term Asymmetry After Wisdom Tooth Removal

  • Tooth Shifting: When a wisdom tooth is removed, the adjacent teeth may gradually shift into the empty space, leading to a change in the overall bite and facial structure. This shifting can result in asymmetry over time.
  • Bone Resorption: Following tooth extraction, the jawbone surrounding the extraction site may undergo a process called resorption. This can cause the bone to recede, which may alter the facial structure and lead to asymmetry.
  • Muscle Imbalance: In rare cases, persistent muscle weakness or imbalance can occur around the extraction site, resulting in long-term asymmetry.

How to Fix Facial Asymmetry After Wisdom Tooth Removal

  • Cold Compress: Applying a cold compress to the affected side of your face can help reduce swelling and alleviate any discomfort.
  • Anti-Inflammatory Medication: Over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications, such as ibuprofen, can help minimize inflammation and swelling.
  • Rest and Hydration: Ensure that you're getting enough rest and staying hydrated during the healing process to promote faster recovery.
  • Warm Saltwater Rinses: Gently rinsing your mouth with warm saltwater can help keep the extraction site clean and reduce the risk of infection.

If you notice persistent or worsening asymmetry long after your wisdom tooth extraction, it's essential to consult your dentist or oral surgeon for a thorough evaluation. They may recommend one or more of the following solutions, depending on the cause of the asymmetry:

  • Orthodontic Treatment: If tooth shifting is the primary cause of asymmetry, your dentist may recommend orthodontic treatment, such as braces or clear aligners, to correct your bite and restore facial symmetry.
  • Dental Implants or Bridges: In cases where bone resorption has led to asymmetry, dental implants or bridges can help restore the lost bone volume and improve facial balance.
  • Physical Therapy or Exercises: If muscle imbalance is the cause of long-term asymmetry, your dentist or oral surgeon may refer you to a physical therapist who specializes in facial muscle rehabilitation. Specific exercises or treatments may help strengthen the muscles and restore facial symmetry.

Consulting with a dental professional will ensure you receive a personalized treatment plan to address the issue and restore your facial balance.

Is My Face Asymmetrical? 

If you're curious about how asymmetrical your face is, a printed selfie can be extremely helpful in assessing it.

Below are some steps that will guide you in evaluating your facial asymmetry. 

How to know if your face is asymmetrical 

How to Determine Your Facial Symmetry Easily At Home

  • Print out a photo of your face and use a ruler and level to evaluate your features.
  • Mark key points on your photo or use a marker on a mirror that can be wiped off later.
  • Key points to mark include the peak of your forehead, the bottom of your chin, the creases on either side of your eyes, the creases where your lips begin, the widest point of your face, and the widest point of your nose on both nostrils.
  • Use a ruler to draw level, horizontal lines between each set of two points to determine if your facial features are even on both sides.

You may also use free apps available online that can rate your facial symmetry, but be cautious of the results. Remember never to take the app's readings to heart, as a computer can never fully capture your unique and beautiful qualities.

Facial symmetry is just one factor in attractiveness, and what truly sets you apart are the unique qualities of your face. Whether it's your glowing eyes, electric smile, or any other distinct features, embrace what makes you beautiful.

How to Fix an Asymmetrical Face Naturally

Although having a symmetrical face is commonly viewed as desirable, numerous individuals have facial features that are naturally unbalanced.

While there are various corrective procedures and invasive treatments available to correct facial asymmetry, most of them are expensive and often involve painful surgeries. Fortunately, facial exercises offer a natural and non-invasive solution to fix asymmetrical features. 

Let’s have a quick look at the phenomenon of how facial exercises naturally balance your facial features over time: 

  • Facial exercises involve making repeated movements and exaggerated expressions that stimulate and enhance the underlying facial muscles, much like resistance training for the body. By strengthening the foundation that supports the skin, these exercises may help reduce the likelihood of sagging around the eyes and jaw with time. 

  • With growing age, the loss of elasticity and gradual shifting of fat pads between muscles and skin can cause our face to appear older. By engaging in facial exercises, we can fortify the muscles beneath these fat pads, allowing them to stay in place and contribute to a fuller, more youthful-looking face. 

Facial Exercises to Promote Symmetry

You can get a more proportionate facial structure without having to resort to invasive procedures or treatments by investing a mere 20 to 30 minutes per day in performing facial exercises. 

Below are some facial exercises that you can practice easily at home. 

Partial Wink:

This exercise helps aligning the upper cheek and tissues of the lower eyes. This involves partial winking of an eye for around 50 times. 

Here’s you do it: 

  1. Wink for a second and hold this position for a while
  2. Push the fingers into the skin of the temple
  3. Now slightly pull the skin back
  4. Close your eyes tightly while your fingers are still pushing 
  5. Repeat 20 times for each workout

Facial Stretching:

  1. Stretch your face while looking up
  2. Now pull the tissues under the upper lip to cover your bottom lip
  3. Smile widely while your face stays in the elongated or stretched position
  4. Repeat this exercise 20 times

Cheek Toning:

Here’s how you perform cheek toning: 

  1. To begin, take three fingers from each of your hands and press the upper cheek
  2. Smile widely while using your fingers to push the muscles towards the jaw
  3. Use the smile to manipulate the cheek tissues and resist the pressure applied by the fingers
  4. Make sure your head is in the still position during the workout
  5. Repeat this exercise to correct the cheek alignment

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Facial Yoga Exercises for an Asymmetrical Face 

Facial yoga exercises to fix asymmetrical features naturally 

If you want to maintain a youthful complexion and prevent the effects of gravity from taking a toll on your face, try facial yoga exercises. 

These moves work the muscles in your face, which can help tighten and lift your skin. 

Here are a few examples of facial yoga exercises you can try:

  • Take a deep breath and puff out your cheeks. Then, push the air from one side of your mouth to the other four times. Repeat this exercise up to 5 times a day to help raise and tone your cheeks.
  • Open your eyes wide, raise your eyebrows, and stick out your tongue. Hold this position for up to 60 seconds and repeat up to ten times. This exercise helps to work out the muscles in your neck and cheeks.
  • Purse your lips into a tight O shape, then smile and squint your eyes without moving your mouth. Repeat this exercise 10 times to help tighten and firm the skin overall.
  • Clasp your hands to your face and smile widely, but use your hands to prevent your mouth from actually smiling. The goal is for your facial muscles to work against the resistance of your hands. Repeat this exercise 10 times to help tone and strengthen your facial muscles.

How to Fix an Uneven Smile

An uneven smile can be a source of self-consciousness for some people, but there are natural ways to fix it. 

One approach is to address any underlying chewing habits or bite issues that may be contributing to the asymmetry. By practicing proper tongue placement and tongue chewing technique, you can encourage more balanced muscle development on both sides of your face, leading to a more even smile.

Not sure about how to mew properly? Get instant help from our Mewing App that will fasten your approach with regular mewing reminders. 

Non-Surgical Treatments for Asymmetrical Faces

Facial asymmetry can be a real confidence killer, but it doesn't have to be that way.

Natural ways to fix facial asymmetry can take time with regular practice. If you want to achieve quicker results, here are some non-surgical methods for an asymmetrical face. 

Dermal Fillers and Botox Injections

Dermal fillers are made of hyaluronic acid, a natural substance found in the body that helps to plump and smooth out the skin. They can be used to add volume to one side of the face to match the other, or to correct a drooping smile or other asymmetrical feature. Botox injections can also be used to relax muscles on one side of the face to achieve a more symmetrical appearance.

PDO Thread Lifts

Another option is PDO thread lifts, which involve the insertion of tiny threads under the skin to lift and tighten sagging areas. This procedure can be used to correct asymmetry in the cheeks, jawline, or neck.

Home Remedies and Eyelid Tape

For those who prefer home remedies, there are some options to consider. Eyelid tape can create the illusion of more symmetrical eyes, and facial exercises can help strengthen and tone the muscles on both sides of the face.

Dental Solutions for Facial Asymmetry

Your smile is a major factor in overall facial symmetry, and dental solutions can play a significant role in correcting asymmetry. Dental solutions like braces or aligners can improve teeth and jaw alignment, while tooth replacements can help restore facial symmetry.

Tooth Replacements and Orthodontic Treatments

Facial asymmetry can also result from a dental condition known as an occlusal cant, where the teeth appear slanted in comparison to the alignment of the nose and lips. 

This uneven bite plane can tilt the facial muscles and jaw, disrupting their normal alignment and leading to asymmetry. 

To correct this, orthodontic treatments such as braces or Invisalign can help restore balance to your facial features, resulting in a more symmetrical and harmonious appearance.

TMJ Therapy and Bite Adjustments

Sometimes, the key to achieving facial symmetry is addressing underlying issues like TMJ or bite problems. TMJ therapy and bite adjustments can help to correct these issues, resulting in a more balanced facial look. 

When considering non-surgical treatments for asymmetrical faces, it's important to consult with a qualified healthcare professional to determine the best course of action for your individual needs. You can achieve a more balanced and confident appearance with the right treatment plan.

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Surgical Options to Get a Symmetrical Face 

When it comes to achieving facial symmetry, non-surgical treatments may only sometimes be enough for those looking for instant results. If you’re one of them, surgical options can provide a more permanent solution. 

Here are five surgical options that can help you achieve a more symmetrical face:

Facelift Surgery Techniques

Facelift surgery is a popular choice for those looking to achieve a more youthful and symmetrical appearance. This procedure tightens sagging skin and muscles, removing excess fat and restoring volume to areas that have lost it. Facelift surgery techniques can be tailored to suit individual needs depending on the extent of the asymmetry.

Rhinoplasty (Nose Surgery)

Nose surgery, also known as rhinoplasty, can help to correct asymmetry in the nose and surrounding areas. This procedure involves reshaping the nose by removing or adding tissue, correcting any bumps or curves, and improving overall facial balance.

Chin and Jaw Reshaping Procedures

Chin and jaw reshaping procedures can address asymmetry caused by a weak chin or jawline. Depending on your needs, your surgeon may use implants, fillers, or bone surgery to enhance or reduce the size and shape of these areas.

Facial Implants 

Facial implants can be used to add volume to specific areas of the face, such as the cheeks or chin, to achieve a more balanced appearance. These implants are made of silicone or other biocompatible materials and can be customized to suit your individual facial structure.

Buccal Fat Removal

Buccal fat removal is a surgical procedure that involves removing fat from the cheeks to create a more sculpted and symmetrical facial appearance. This procedure can help to reduce the appearance of chubby cheeks and create a more defined facial contour.

Make sure to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon if you’re opting for of any these surgical solutions for an asymmetrical face. 

At the end of the day, it all boils down to boosting your confidence and feeling comfortable under your skin. 


Does Sleeping on One Side of Your Face Cause Asymmetry?

Sleeping on one side consistently may cause asymmetry in your face over time, as it can cause the skin and muscles to be compressed on one side. You can take care of this asymmetrical issue with correct tongue posture, facial exercises, or adjustments to your sleep position.

Does Chewing on One Side Make Your Face Bigger?

Chewing on one side consistently can result in muscle development and may make one side of your face appear bigger than the other. However, this is a natural process and does not necessarily require correction unless it is causing significant facial asymmetry.

How to Fix a Lopsided Face?

Facial exercises such as cheek toning, partial winking, and facial stretching can help improve the symmetry of your face. Orthodontic treatments or cosmetic procedures such as fillers or facial implants may also be effective in fixing facial asymmetry. 

Does Face Yoga Fix a Lopsided Face?

While face yoga exercises can help tone and strengthen facial muscles, they may not be enough to fix a lopsided face fully. Other treatments, such as orthodontics or cosmetic procedures, may be necessary for more significant improvements in facial symmetry.

The practice of "mewing," or placing your tongue against the roof of your mouth, can also aid in achieving a symmetrical face. To maintain proper tongue posture, get a Mewing App which provides regular mewing reminders.

Final Take: Facial Asymmetry 

The truth is that many people have asymmetrical features to some degree, and it's not always a cause for worry. In fact, it's common for one side of the face to be slightly larger or more defined than the other, which may only be noticeable if closely examined. 

But if you feel facial asymmetry is impacting your self-esteem and need to know how to fix an asymmetrical face, you can always opt for natural, surgical, or cosmetic treatments. 

You can boost your confidence and feel your best by appreciating your natural facial features and working towards a balanced appearance. 

And if you're ever feeling unsure or want professional guidance, don't hesitate to seek a consultation with a qualified expert.

The information provided in this article is intended for educational and informational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice or a substitute for professional guidance. Mewing and other techniques mentioned on this website may not be suitable for everyone, and individual results may vary. We strongly recommend that you consult with a qualified healthcare professional, such as an orthodontist, dentist, or myofunctional therapist, before starting any new oral or facial exercises, particularly if you have existing dental, orthodontic, or health concerns.
Written by
Yury Nebyshynets
April 19, 2023
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