Organic Chemistry

Introduction to Organic Chemistry
Molecular Representations and Bonding in Organic Molecules
14 Topics | 4 Quizzes
Valence Bond Theory and Lewis Structures
Intro to Bonding
Constitutional Isomers
Molecular Representations
Constitutional (Structural) Isomers Workbook
Constitutional (Structural) Isomers Workbook [Answers]
Drawing Bond-Line (Skeletal) Structures
Bond-Line Structures Workbook
Bond-Line Structures Workbook [Answers]
Formal Charges
Formal Charges Practice Questions
Hybridization and VSEPR Theory
Hybridization Practice Questions
VSEPR Theory and 3D Shapes Practice Questions
Resonance Workbook
Resonance Workbook [Answers]
Intermolecular Forces in Organic Chemistry
Nomenclature of Organic Compounds
8 Topics
Nomenclature of Alkanes and Cycloalkanes
Naming Complex Substituents
Bicyclic Compounds
Bicyclic Compounds [Answers]
Nomenclature of Alkenes and Cycloalkenes
Nomenclature of Alkynes
Nomenclature of Alcohols
Nomenclature of Aldehydes and Ketones
Functional Groups in Organic Chemistry
2 Topics
Functional Groups Workbook
Functional Groups Workbook [Answers]
Conformations and Stereochemistry
14 Topics | 3 Quizzes
Fischer Projections
Newman Projections
How to Draw Chair Conformations
Conformational Analysis
Newman Projections Practice Questions
Newman Projections [Answers]
Chair Conformations Practice Questions
Chair Conformations [Answers]
How to Identify Chiral Atoms, Chiral Molecules, and Meso Compounds
Chirality [Answers]
Meso Compounds
Meso Compounds
CIP Rules and R/S Stereodescriptors
R/S Stereodescriptors
Enantiomers and Diastereomers
Stereochemical Relationships
Stereospecific vs Stereoselective Reactions
Reactivity: Kinetics, Thermodynamics, Types of Reactions
7 Topics
Carbocations: Stability and Rearrangements
How to Use Curved Arrows
Curved Arrows [Answers]
What is the Difference Between a Transition State and an Intermediate?
Electrophiles and Nucleophiles
Markovnikov’s Rule
HOMO-LUMO Interactions
Acid-Base Chemistry
8 Topics | 1 Quiz
Bronsted-Lowry Acid-Base Equilibrium
How to Estimate the pKa Values Using the pKa Table
Ranking Acids According to Their Strength without the pKa Table
Ranking Acids According to Their Strength
Typical Acid-Base Exam and Homework Questions
Drawing Curved Arrows in Acid-Base Reactions Workbook
Curved Arrow in ABC Workbook [Answers]
How to Find the Most Acidic Proton in a Molecule
Lewis Acids and Bases
Substitution and Elimination Reactions
6 Topics | 2 Quizzes
SN2 Reactions
SN2 Reactions
SN1 Reactions
SN1 Reactions with Carbocation Rearrangements
E1 Reactions
E2 Reactions
SN1, SN2, E1, E2 Predictive Model: How to Decide Which Mechanism We Have
Intro to Substitution and Elimination Reactions
13 Topics
Hydrohalogenation of Alkenes
Hydration of Alkenes
Stereochemistry of Hydration and Hydrohalogenation
Halogenation of Alkenes
Oxyhalogenation of Alkenes
Oxymercuration-Reduction of Alkenes
Hydroboration-Oxidation of Alkenes
Hydrogenation (Reduction) of Alkenes
The Simmon-Smith Reaction and Cyclopropanation of Alkenes
Epoxidation of Alkenes
Ozonolysis of Alkenes
Cyclopropanation of Alkenes and the Simmons-Smith Reaction
How to Convert a Trans Alkene into a Cis Alkene?
7 Topics
Hydrohalogenation of Alkynes
Reduction of Alkynes
Reactions of Alkynide Ions
Hydration of Alkynes
Hydroboration-Oxidation of Alkynes
Halogenation of Alkynes
Ozonolysis of Alkynes
Conjugated Systems and Pericyclic Reactions
4 Topics | 2 Quizzes
Molecular Orbital Description of the π-Bond
Examples of MO’s in Typical Conjugated Systems
Hydrohalogenation of Dienes
The Diels-Alder Reaction
Finding Conjugated Systems
Counting Electrons in a Conjugated System
Aromatic Compounds and Aromaticity
5 Topics | 1 Quiz
What is Aromatic?
Aromatic or Not?
Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution (Halogenation, Nitration, Sulfonation)
Friedel-Crafts Alkylation and Acylation Reaction
Directing Effects in Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution Reactions
Multiple Directing Effects and Introduction to Multistep Synthesis
9 Topics
Oxidation of Alcohols: Overview
Jones Oxidation
Oxidation of Alcohols with PCC
Swern Oxidation
Dehydration of Alcohols
Pinacol Rearrangement
Pinacol Rearrangement Practice Questions
Conversions of Alcohols into Alkyl Halides
Alcohol Protecting Groups
Ethers and Epoxides
4 Topics
Williamson Ether Synthesis
Cleavage of Ethers with Acids
Synthesis of Epoxides
Epoxide Opening
Aldehydes and Ketones
8 Topics
Synthesis of Aldehydes and Ketones
Formation of Hydrates from Aldehydes and Ketones
Acetals Formation and Hydrolysis
Acetal Mechanism Challenge
Formation of Imines and Enamines
The Wittig Reaction
Benzoin Condensation
Carboxylic Acids and Carboxylic Acid Derivatives
6 Topics
Synthesis of Carboxylic Acids
Protonating A Carboxylic Acid: Which Atom To Choose?
Fischer Esterification
Synthesis and Reactions of Acid Chlorides
Overview of Acyl Substitution Reactions
Hydrolysis of Nitriles
Enols and Enolates
4 Topics
Acidity of Carbonyls
Enolization of Carbonyls
Keto-Enol Tautomerism
Halogenation of Ketones and Haloform Reaction
2 Topics
Basicity of Amines
Staudinger Reaction
Organometallic Compounds
2 Topics
Grignard Reagent and Grignard Reaction
Grignard Reaction of Nitriles
Radical Reactions
2 Topics
Radical Halogenation of Alkanes
Radical Hydrohalogenation of Alkenes (Anti-Markovnikov Addition of HBr to Alkenes)
Mechanism Challenges and Practice Questions
2 Topics
Mechanism Challenge #1 Epoxide Formation
Mechanism Challenge #2 Moving Ester
2 Topics
Nomenclature of Carbohydrates (the Fundamentals)
Converting Between Fischer, Haworth, and Chair Forms of Carbohydrates
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What is Aromatic?

Organic Chemistry Aromatic Compounds and Aromaticity What is Aromatic?

In this tutorial I want to talk about the aromatic compounds and the phenomenon of aromaticity. So, what is aromatic? Hint: it has nothing to do with the smell. As the matter of fact, many aromatic compounds actually do have quite an unpleasant smell.

Criteria of Aromaticity

So, to qualify as an aromatic compound, the molecule needs to fit the following four criteria:

  • First, the molecule must be cyclic. Which means, we’re looking for molecules with rings in them.
  • The molecule must be planar. Or, in other words, the molecule must be flat.
  • The molecule also must be fully conjugated. This means that each atom in the cycle needs to be able to participate in resonance. Thus, each atom must be either sp2 or sp hybridized. These two requirements are intertwined. If the cycle is fully conjugated it will always be planar.
  • Finally, the last rule is all about the number of electrons in the π-system. This rule is also known as the Hückel’s rule named after Erich Hückel, the German theoretical physicist who’s made a large contribution to the molecular orbital theory of the conjugated π-systems.

The number of the electrons in the π-system must fit the 4n+2 equation, where “n” is a whole positive real number. Now, here’s something very important you must remember. Repeat after me: the number “n” does NOT correspond to anything in the molecule. So, don’t try to “find” the “n” for a molecule. The rule derived empirically from the molecular orbital theory, so don’t try to make sense of it (at least for now). We’ll talk about the molecular orbitals of aromatic compounds in a different tutorial, so for now it’s just a rule you have to memorize.

For instance, in a benzene molecule we have 6 π-electrons. If we try to solve the equation 4n+2=6 for the “n” term, we get the n=1. So, since we get a whole positive integer, benzene fits the rule.

These are the aromaticity criteria. Thus, if a molecule fits all four criteria, it is aromatic.

I want to emphasize here though that we only include the electrons in the π-bonds and p-orbitals in this calculation. So, all other electrons are completely irrelevant. We’re not going to include the electrons in the σ-bonds, like the C-H bonds, or electrons that are outside of our ring.

So, let’s look a little closer at which electrons we include, and which electrons are not important.

Which Electrons Do We Include in the Count?

As I’ve mentioned, we want to include the electrons in the π-bonds. So, in a case of something like benzene, it’s easy—just count the electrons of the π-bonds, and you’re done.

But this is a simple example, of course. The reality is a little more interesting than that and we’re going to have other types of molecules. For instance, we can have molecules with heteroatoms.

Let’s say we look at these three: pyridine, pyrrole, and thiophene.

Each of these molecules has π-bonds and the heteroatoms with electron pairs. So, we count the π-bonds, we know that. What are we going to do with the electrons on the heteroatoms though? Do we skip them? Do we include them? And if we do, then do we include all of them or just some? Well, as always, the answer is “it depends” 🤣

Let’s carefully analyze how these molecules look in 3D. And here’s an important observation we can do from these diagrams. If an atom already has a π-bond, like the nitrogen atom in the case of pyridine, we CANNOT use its electrons in the conjugated system and for the purposes of resonance. This is because those electrons are orthogonal (aka perpendicular) to the plane of conjugation. If the element does not have a π-bond, then we can use up to ONE electron pair on that atom. For instance, the nitrogen atom in the pyrrole has one electron pair and since we don’t have a π-bond on that atom, we can put those electrons into the p-orbital and include that in the overall conjugation. However, in the case of the thiophene, the sulfur atom has two electron pairs. Well, since we can only put one electron pair on an orbital, we can only have one of those in the p-orbital which is going to be a part of the conjugated system. Thus, if an element has more than one electron pair, you may ONLY use ONE of those for the purposes of the resonance in the aromatic compounds.

This way, the electrons on the nitrogen atom in pyridine are NOT included. We call those electrons “localized” as they are localized on the nitrogen and are not participating in the resonance.

Electrons on the nitrogen atom in pyrrole ARE included. We call those “delocalized” as they are a part of the resonance conjugation that we have in this molecule.

Finally, in the case of the sulfur in thiophene, we have one localized and one delocalized electron pair. So, we’ll include one of those and we won’t include the other one.

Thus, each of these three molecules has 6 electrons in the π-system. And just like in the case of benzene, they all fit the Hückel’s rule.

Aromatic Ions

We can also see cases in which our atoms in the ring are charged. For instance, here I have the cyclopentadienyl anion, and tropylium cation. We’ll treat the carbanions exactly like the heteroatoms. Thus, in this case we are going to include the electron pair since the carbon with the negative charge does not have a π-bond.

In the case of the carbocations, a charge is the result of the empty p-orbital. And since that empty p-orbital is next to a π-bond, we can also include it in the resonance. However, since the orbital is empty, we’re not going to be adding any electrons to our count for it.

Thus, what we get is 6 and 6 for these two examples as well.

But what happens if we break any of the rules?

If we break any of the first three rules, the molecule is NON-aromatic. Therefore, it’s really important to check the rules in order. Because, if we break one of the first three rules, then it’s completely irrelevant how many electrons you have in the molecule.

This is a very common mistake I see many students make: they jump right the way into the electron counting and completely ignore the rest of the requirements. Be careful with those. Your instructor absolutely will give you examples on the exam that may have all necessary electrons but break one of the first three rules. And if my years of teaching organic chemistry count for anything, I am willing to bet that a lot of students will get caught by that. Many instructors, however, will tell you that you can assume the planarity. Which means that the requirement #2 will be true for all molecules in the set, or at least we’ll count them as such. In that case you still need to check that the molecule is indeed cyclic and fully conjugated before you do any electron counting.

Also, if your electron count gives you an odd number, which only happens in the case of radicals, it’s also going to be a non-aromatic compound. It’s a fairly rare test example as some classes don’t even cover radicals and their reactions till the end of the second semester. But it is still a fair game if you have already learned about the radicals in your course.

Finally, if we fit all the criteria but the electron count fits the 4n formula instead of the 4n+2 it’s an anti-aromatic compound. Notice, anti-aromatic and non-aromatic are NOT the same thing!

Aromatic compounds exhibit an abnormal stability compared to their open-chain (acyclic) versions. So, being aromatic is awesome. Molecules will typically do whatever it takes to become aromatic or maintain aromaticity. Aromatic conjugation also gives several unique chemical properties that we do not see in other types of molecules.

Anti-aromatic compounds are, on contrary, extremely unstable. Thus, being anti-aromatic compound is extremely unfavorable. As the matter of fact, vast majority of anti-aromatic compounds are too unstable to even be isolated and characterized via normal chemical tests. So, molecules will do whatever it takes not to be anti-aromatic.

In the meantime, the non-aromatic compounds… well, those are neither more nor less stable than the open-chain versions of those molecules. In other words, being non-aromatic is nothing special. It’s just a regular molecule. And unlike aromatic compounds, non-aromatic molecules don’t have any special chemical properties either.

Aromatic or Not?
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