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1、How to write a good conclusionChapter 6 Compositing Essayessay writinga romantic flingBoth activities are frequently easier to begin than they are to end.一段漫不经心开始的感情Its hard to end with grace!anticlimax虎头蛇尾The main purpose ofthe concluding paragraph is to sum up the arguments (观点、论点观点、论点) of essay.s

2、ummarizesThe conclusionrestatesthe evidence in support of the thesis statementthis thesisIts vital to remember:This is the last part of the essay and it makes the final impression on the reader.The conclusion should never repeat the assertions presented in the essay word for word.3. Dont introduce n

3、ew points or irrelevant material.4. Dont change your stance.5. Avoid trite (陈腔滥调的陈腔滥调的) expressions. 6. A good conclusion should be short but clear.7. A good conclusion is always creative and logically sound.Trite expressions such as : “in conclusion,” “in summary,” or “as you can see, this essay pr

4、oves my thesis that.”Dont merely announce or declare that youre finished. End your essay so that the reader clearly sense completion.Tips for a good conclusionTips for a good conclusion A summary of the thesis and the essays major points (most useful in long essays.)1. The destruction of the rain fo

5、rests must be stopped. Although developers protest that they are bringing much-needed financial aid into these traditionally poverty-stricken areas, no amount of money can compensate for what is being lost. Without the rainforests, we are not only contributing to the global warming of the entire pla

6、net, we are losing indigenous (本土本土) tress and plants that might someday provide new medicines or vaccines for diseases. Moreover, the replacement of indigenous (土土著著)peoples with corporation-run ranches robs the world of cultural diversity. For the sake of the planets well-being, Project Rainforest

7、 should be implemented.A summary of the thesis and the essays major points (most useful in long essays.)Tips for a good conclusion A summary of the thesis and the essays major points (most useful in long essays.)An evaluation of the importance of the essays subject.2. These amazing, controversial ph

8、otographs of the comet will continue to be the subject of debate because, according to some scientists, they yield the most important clues yet revealed about the origins of our universe.2. An evaluation of the importance of the essays subject.Tips for a good conclusion A summary of the thesis and t

9、he essays major points (most useful in long essays.)An evaluation of the importance of the essays subject.A statement of the essays broader implications.3. Because these studies of feline (猫科) leukemia (白血病) may someday play a crucial role in the discovery of a cure for AIDS in human beings, the exp

10、eriments, as expensive as they are, must continue. 3. A statement of the essays broader implications.Tips for a good conclusionA summary of the thesis and the essays major points (most useful in long essays.)An evaluation of the importance of the essays subject.A statement of the essays broader impl

11、ications.A recommendation or call to action.4. The specific details surrounding the death of World War hero Raoul Wallenberg are still unknown. Although Russia has recently admitted after fifty years of denial that Wallenberg was murdered by the KGB in 1947, such a confession is not enough. We must

12、write our congressional representatives today urging their support for the new Swedish commission investigating the circumstances of his death. No hero deserves less. 4. A recommendation or call to action.Tips for a good conclusionA summary of the thesis and the essays major points (most useful in l

13、ong essays.)An evaluation of the importance of the essays subject.A statement of the essays broader implications.A recommendation or call to action.A warning based on the essays thesis.5. Understanding the politics that led to Hiroshima is essential for all Americans indeed, for all the worlds peopl

14、es. Without such knowledge, the frightful possibility exists that somewhere, sometime, someone might drop the bomb again.5. A warning based on the essays thesis.Tips for a good conclusionA summary of the thesis and the essays major points (most useful in long essays.)An evaluation of the importance

15、of the essays subject.A statement of the essays broader implications.A recommendation or call to action.A warning based on the essays thesis.A quotation from an authority or someone whose insight emphasizes the main point.6. Even though I didnt win the fiction contest, I learned so much about my own

16、er powers of creativity. Im proud that I pushed myself in new directions. I know now I will always agree with Herman Melville, whose writing was unappreciated in his own time, that “it is better to struggle with originality than to succeed in imitation.”6. A quotation from an authority or someone wh

17、ose insight emphasizes the main point.Tips for a good conclusionA summary of the thesis and the essays major points (most useful in long essays.)An evaluation of the importance of the essays subject.A statement of the essays broader implications.A recommendation or call to action.A warning based on

18、the essays thesis.A quotation from an authority or someone whose insight emphasizes the main point.A rhetorical question that makes the readers think about the essays main points.7. No one wants to see hostages put in danger. But what nation can afford to let terrorists know they can get away with b

19、lackmail?7. A rhetorical question that makes the readers think about the essays main points.Tips for a good conclusionA summary of the thesis and the essays major points (most useful in long essays.)An evaluation of the importance of the essays subject.A statement of the essays broader implications.

20、A recommendation or call to action.A warning based on the essays thesis.A quotation from an authority or someone whose insight emphasizes the main point.A rhetorical question that makes the readers think about the essays main points.A forecast based on the essays thesis.8. Soap operas will continue

21、to be popular not only because they distract us from our daily chores but also because they present life as want it to be: fast-paced, glamorous, and full of exciting characters.8. A forecast based on the essays thesis.Tips for a good conclusionA summary of the thesis and the essays major points (mo

22、st useful in long essays.)An evaluation of the importance of the essays subject.A statement of the essays broader implications.A recommendation or call to action.A warning based on the essays thesis.A quotation from an authority or someone whose insight emphasizes the main point.A rhetorical questio

23、n that makes the readers think about the essays main points.A forecast based on the essays thesis.Practice On the basis of the passage “Why a Dog”, write a concluding paragraph that1. refers back to the introduction,2. Sums up the argument or the central message,3. Does not introduce any new informa

24、tion, and4. Leaves a lasting final impression with sound logic and creativityCompanionship, security and friendship are three main reasons for people to own a dog. Be sure to think carefully, however, before you make the big step of owning one because dogs may live as long as 16 years.One sample conclusionOn Ambition Around 200 words


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