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9 Tips for Creating Your Best SEO Content This Year

SEO content that goes above and beyond is crucial, now more than ever. Here are 9 proven ways to raise your content quality to the next level.

As public opinions shift, algorithms change, and new information comes along, it’s important to keep your SEO content current.

If you want your business to succeed, ride the wave.

Don’t base your business decisions on statistics that are years old or strategies that have long been outlived. Adapt, acknowledge your audience, and never skimp on quality — especially when it comes to your content.

But what is SEO content in terms of marketing? And why is it so vital?

You Need to Be Using SEO Content

If you’re not making use of SEO content to its best advantage, you’re behind the times. Not just behind the tech-wizards of Generation Z, but just about everyone else as well.

In 2021, a study found that 89% of businesses rely on organic search as their most powerful distribution channel.

The sales techniques you were taught a decade ago just don’t work anymore.

There’s no other way around it: if you want your company to make sales, you need to be using SEO content effectively.

How to Become a Fantastic SEO Content Writer

We know now that not just good but remarkable SEO content writing is critical. But how are you supposed to go about it?

The first step is to take the time to educate yourself.

We’ve talked about this subject a few times before, including some handy SEO tactics.

Here, I’ve gathered even more up-to-date tips. Follow these to keep your head above the water as you first dive into SEO content writing.

1. Research Your Keyword(s)

You’ve likely heard of keywords before. They’re the words and phrases people type into search engines to find content. Keywords are how you can get your content seen by the public.

Before you begin writing, make sure you have at least one or two keywords to work with, if not a few more.

You can use paid SEO tools (this is likely necessary if you have a larger company or network of sites). Semrush and KWFinder are two excellent choices.

Semrush and access to its powerful data will cost you $99/month, while KWFinder starts at just $29/month.

Free tools aren’t a bad idea if you’re just getting started, like Ubersuggest. However, keep in mind you’ll get far better data with a paid tool.

How do you find a good keyword? I made a chart that tells you where the sweet spot is.

You need a relevant keyword, but also one with good data scoring low in competition so you actually have a spot in the rankings.

Graphic of the sweet spot for rankings.Image created by author, August 2021

Once you have your keywords ready, you’re able to begin the real work. Roll those sleeves up.

2. Organize and Draft

This step is skipped by many high school students, as well as less-than-expert writers. But organizing your work beforehand is vital.

Not only will it help align your thoughts and keep you on track when you get distracted, but it will also make the writing phase itself much faster.

Figure out what you want to say, put it down in an order that makes sense, and add any necessary notes or citations you’ll be using.

Being prepared ahead of time will save you a headache in the long run.

3. Now, Forget About Keywords

I’m sure you’re confused. I just told you to find keywords for your content, and now I want you to forget them?

There’s a method to the madness, I promise.

My point here is that you should not focus solely on your keywords.

What should be at the front of your mind? The topic itself.

Don’t misunderstand: you need keywords to generate search results. However, according to Google’s current algorithms, quality has a higher value.

It will take practice, but with time you’ll learn to incorporate SEO keywords naturally into your content. In the meantime, there are more important things to focus on.

4. Go Deep and Focus on the Reader

The more in-depth your writing is, the more Google’s algorithm will like you. Not only that, but your readers as well.

And it all, always, goes back to your readers. Your audience controls your company – they’re necessary for you to thrive and even exist.

So, when you’re writing your SEO content, try to look at things from your reader’s point of view. A couple of things to keep in mind:

  • Who is your audience?
  • What keywords are they using?
  • What information do they need?
  • Why do they need that information?

5. Take Frequent Breaks

Here’s a rule I’ve lived by myself, ever since my fingertips first hit the keyboard and my tired eyes realized I couldn’t keep it up for long. At least, not in one go.

Take a break. In fact, take breaks as often as you can.

Writing takes brainpower, and a tired mind does not write well.

Writing also takes creativity. I don’t know about you, but I tend to get mine in quick bursts.

I’m not saying miss your deadlines. But if you can, try to take a short moment to yourself once every half-hour to two hours.

It could be for five to 10 minutes, or just 60 seconds if you’re massively busy. But take a break.

Make sure you take a longer break every few hours to recharge.

Another tip? Try bouncing between projects you’re working on to refresh your brain and focus on something else for a bit.

6. Optimize Links

This step is essential. There are two kinds of links you need to use in your content:

  • Internal: Links back to your company’s website. These could be a shop, contact page, or a relevant blog post.
  • External: Links to external sources used to back up your claims and give your article depth.

These are indispensable to SEO content creation, but you must be careful. Links to non-reputable sites or using out-of-date information will only hurt instead of help.

Include about one to three internal links for a 1,000-word article, as well as approximately five to seven external links, depending on the content itself.

7. Edit, Then Edit Again

Another required step that many miss, you absolutely must edit your work.

After you’ve edited your piece, take one of those breaks I mentioned. Maybe work on another project that you have due for a bit.

Afterward? Go back and edit again. Maybe even go in for another round after that.

One missing comma can ruin an entire piece, so you never want to miss anything crucial.

If you’re ever not sure that you’ve caught everything, get a second pair of eyes. It couldn’t hurt, could it?

8. Make Good Use of Social Media

Here’s a tip to boost your content after the fact. Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook are all monsters of social media that brands are using to promote their SEO content.

It’s an easy and free way to reach out to your audience, not to mention it’s also becoming necessary.

Create an account or two, whatever you can handle, and make sure to post content at least weekly. Ideally, you’ll post a few times a week, up to 1-2 times per day.

Here’s a way you can connect to your consumer on their level.

9. Do Original Research

Readers are becoming swamped with blogs that are copies of copies of other posts. Don’t take all of your sources from one other site: find your own.

Using original sources is vital for today’s SEO, and it’s not too hard to do.

A quick tip is to search your primary keyword in Google, open all 10 of the results on the first page, and give them an in-depth read to kick off your research.

You can also search specific keywords plus [statistics] or [facts] to find information relevant to your article.

It’s Time to Become an Expert at SEO Content

No more excuses.

If you want your business to rise to the top, it’s time to sharpen your SEO content skills. With some dedication, willingness to learn and go with the flow, and proper attention to detail, you’ll go far.

Once your content stands out, you’ll no longer have to spend all your time reaching out to others for a sale. The people will come to you.

More Resources:

  • Content With Purpose: How to Set Goals for Every Content Piece You Create
  • A Guide to Creating Amazing Content: 5 Tips for Crafting Useful Content
  • Your Guide to Google E-A-T & SEO

Featured image: Thepanyo/Shutterstock

Category Content
Julia McCoy
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VIP CONTRIBUTOR Julia McCoy Founder, Author, Educator at The Content Hacker™

Julia McCoy is an 8x author and a leading strategist around creating exceptional content and presence that lasts online. As ...

9 Tips for Creating Your Best SEO Content This Year

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