What does Bighead mean?

A slang term of endearment for someone you like. A nickname for a crush, this term teases them, but may reveal how you really feel about them.


Other definitions of Bighead:

  • Someone who is overconfident. Related to "go to someone's head", this person is excessively proud of themselves.
  • A nickname for someone who is intelligent, so much so that their brain matter has led to a larger skull (though in real life, there is only a weak correlation between head size and intelligence).
  • Could be a nickname for someone who actually has a physically large head.
  • In the Veterinary practice, this can mean the inflammatory swelling of tissue around an animals head, usually due to nutritional hyperthyroidism.

All of our slang term and phrase definitions are made possible by our wonderful visitors. If you know of another definition of Bighead that should be included here, please let us know.

How to use the term

  • Oh, hey bighead. Nice of you to join us today. I bet you were too busy getting into such nice clothes.

  • Alright, it's not that big of a deal, big-head. You did good, but not great.

  • Look at big head over here! She's already finished the experiment and is already writing his paper.

  • Well, look here bighead. You stretched out all of our XS t-shirts when you tried them on.

  • We'll get your horse on a regiment of medications for the bighead he's got now.


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