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EMULSIONS. EMULSIONS. Definition Classification Applications Theory of emulsification Additives for formulation of emulsion Formulation of emulsions Emulsification techniques Stability of emulsions Evaluation of emulsions. What is an emulsion ??.

Gabriel Gabriel
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  2. EMULSIONS • Definition • Classification • Applications • Theory of emulsification • Additives for formulation of emulsion • Formulation of emulsions • Emulsification techniques • Stability of emulsions • Evaluation of emulsions

  3. What is an emulsion ?? An emulsion is a thermodynamicallyunstable system consisting of at least twoimmiscible liquidphases one of which is dispersed as globules in the other liquid phase stabilized by a third substance called emulsifying agent.

  4. Emulsions A PhaseA B C D Phase B A.: Two immiscible liquids not emulsified B. An emulsion of phase B dispersed in Phase A C. Unstable emulsion slowly separates. D. The emulsifying agent ( black film) places it self on the interface between phase A and phase B and stabilizes the emulsion.

  5. Types of emulsions • Simple emulsions (Macro emulsions) • Oil-in-water (O/W) • Water-in-oil (W/O) • Multiple emulsions • Oil-in-water-in-oil (O/W/O) • Water-in-oil-in-water (W/O/W) • Micro emulsions

  6. Factors affecting type of emulsion • Type of emulsifying agent used • Phase volume ratio • Viscosity of each phase

  7. Determination of type of simple emulsion • Dilution test • Dye solubility test • Conductivity test • CoCl2 filter test • Fluorescence test

  8. Types of emulsions Multiple emulsions w/o/w o/w/o

  9. Microemulsions • Microemulsions are thermodynamically stable optically transparent , mixtures of a biphasic oil –water system stabilized with surfactants.

  10. Tail which prefers oil Head which prefers water

  11. Pharmaceutical applications of microemulsions • Increase bioavailability of drugs poorly soluble in water. • Topical drug delivery systems

  12. Pharmaceutical Applications of emulsions • Oral products • It covers the unpleasant taste • Increases absorption rate • O/W Parenteral use emulsion • i/v lipid nutrients • i/m – depot effect fr water soluble antigenic material • Topical use : • Washable • Acceptable viscosity • Less greasy

  13. Theory of emulsification Droplets can be stabilized by three methods • By reducing interfacial tension • By preventing the coalescence of droplets. a. By formation of rigid interfacial film b. By forming electrical double layer.

  14. Theory of emulsification –reduction of interfacial tension Change from A to B increases surface area of phase A, hence the Due to increased surface energy, the system is thermodynamically unstable. Phase A Phase B B A Emulsifying agents are needed to decrease the interfacial tension and to stabilize the emulsion.

  15. Theory of emulsification – interfacial films • Mono molecular • Multimolecular • Solid particle films

  16. Interfacial films • Monomolecular

  17. Interfacial films • Multimolecular films

  18. Interfacial films • Solid particle film

  19. Theory of emulsification -Formation of electrical double layer - + - - Emulsion made with sodium soap. - + + + - - + - Oil - Water - + + + - - + - - Electrical double layer at oil-water interface

  20. ADDITIVES FOR FORMULATION OF EMULSIONS • 1. Emulsifying agents • 2. Auxiliary emulsifiers. • 3. Antimicrobial preservatives • 4. Antioxidants

  21. Emulsifying agents • Added to an emulsion to prevent the coalescence of the globules of the dispersed phase. • Help in emulsion formation by • Reduction in interfacial tension – thermodynamic stabilization • Formation of a rigid interfacial film – mechanical barrier to coalescence • Formation of an electrical double layer – electrical barrier to approach of particles

  22. Classification of emulsifying agents • Synthetic • Surface active agents ( Monomolecular films) • Semi synthetic and natural • Hydrophilic colloids ( Multimolecular films) • Finely divided solid particles ( Particulate film)

  23. Synthetic surface active agents Description : • Reduce interfacial tension and make the emulsion thermodynamically more stable. • Form protective monomolecular film

  24. Synthetic surface active agents Monomolecular adsorption Oil Rule of Bancroft : Type of emulsion is a function of relative solubility of surfactant . The phase in which it is soluble becomes the continuous phase

  25. Combination of emulsifying agents Oil Sodium cetyl sulphate Cholesterol Combination of emulsifying agents at the interface of oil and water.

  26. Classification of Surfactant emulsifying agents • Synthetic (Surfactants) ( Monomolecular films) • Anionic • Soaps -Mono valent -Polyvalent -Organic • Sulphates • Sulphonates (CH3(CH2)n CH2SO3 – Na+)

  27. Classification of Surfactant emulsifying agents • Synthetic (Surfactants) ( Monomolecular films) • Cationic • Quaternary ammonium compounds • Nonionic • Polyoxy ethylene fatty alcohol ethers C12H25 (OCH2CH2)nOH • Sorbitan fatty acid esters • Polyoxyethylene sorbitan fatty acid esters • Polyoxyethylene polyoxypopylene block copolymers • Lanolin alcohols and ethoxylated lanolin alcohols

  28. Hydrocolloid Emulsifying agents Description • Provide a protective sheath (Multimolecular films )around the droplets - Impart a charge to the dispersed droplets ( so that they repel each other - Swell to increase the viscosity of the system ( so that droplets are less likely to change.)

  29. Classification of Hydrocolloid emulsifying agents • Semisynthetic • Natural • Plant origin • Animal origin

  30. Classification of Hydrocolloid emulsifying agents • Semi synthetic ( Multi molecular films) • Methyl cellulose • Carboxy methyl cellulose

  31. Classification of Hydrocolloid emulsifying agents • Natural (Multimolecular films) • From plant origin • Polysaccharides ( Acacia, tragacanth, agar, pectin, lecithin) • From animal origin • Proteins ( Gelatin) • Lecithin • Cholesterol • Wool fat • Egg yolk

  32. Finely divided solids • Description : Finely divided solid particles that are wetted to some degree by both oil and water act as emulsifying agents. This results from their being concentrated at interface, where they produce a particulate film around the dispersed droplets to prevent coalescence.

  33. Classification of Finely divided solid emulsifying agents • Finely divided solids ( Particulate film) • Colloidal Clays • Bentonite,( Al2O3.4SiO2.H2O), • Veegum ( Magnesium Aluminium silicate) , • Magnesium trisilicate. • Metallic hydroxides • Magnesium hydroxide, • Aluminium hydroxide,

  34. Auxiliary emulsifying agents • Auxiliary (Secondary) emulsifying agents include those compounds that are normally incapable themselves of forming stable emulsion. Their main value lies in their ability to function as thickening agents and thereby help stabilize the emulsion.

  35. Auxiliary emulsifying agents

  36. Preservation of emulsions • Microbial contamination may occur due to: • contamination during development or production of emulsion or during its use. • Usage of impure raw materials • Poor sanitation conditions • Invasion by an opportunistic microorganisms. • Contamination by the consumer during use of the product.. • Precautions to prevent microbial growth ; • Use of uncontaminated raw materials • Careful cleaning of equipment with live straem .

  37. Antimicrobial agents • The preservative must be : • Less toxic • Stable to heat and storage • Chemically compatible • Reasonable cost • Acceptable taste, odor and color. • Effective against fungus, yeast, bacteria. • Available in oil and aqueous phase at effective level concentration. • Preservative should be in unionized state to penetrate the bacteria. • Preservative must no bind to other components of the emulsion

  38. Antimicrobial agents • Acids and acid derivatives - Benzoic acid - Antifungal agent • Aldehydes – Formaldehyde - Broad spectrum • Phenolics - Phenol - Broad spectrum Cresol Propyl p-hydroxy benzoate • Quaternaries -Chlorhexidine and salts - Broad spectrum Benzalkonium chloride Cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide • Mercurials -Phenyl mercuric acetate - Broad spectrum

  39. Antioxidants • Autoxidation occurs by free radical reaction • Can be prevented by • absence of oxygen, • a free radical chain breaker • by reducing agent

  40. Antioxidants • Gallic acid, Propyl gallate - pharmaceuticals and • cosmetics - Bitter taste • Ascorbic acid – Suitable for oral use products • Sulphites - Suitable for oral use products • L-tocopherol - pharmaceuticals and cosmetics -Suitable for oral preparations e.g. those containing vit A • Butylated hydroxyl toluene - pharmaceuticals and cosmetics - Pronounced odor, to be used at low conc. • Butylated hydroxylanisol - pharmaceuticals and cosmetics

  41. Formulation of emulsions – Chemical factors Factors affecting the choice of materials • Purpose for which emulsion is to be used. • Chemical stability • Inertness • Safety

  42. Formulation of emulsions – Chemical factors • Selection of liquid phase • Phase ratio • Selection of emulsifying agent • Selection of preservative • Selection of antioxidant

  43. Selection of liquid phase: • Choose from Lipids of natural or synthetic origindepends upon the release rate needed • For topical pre[arations – feel of the product Phase ratio • Depends upon the solubility of the active ingredient • Desired consistency

  44. Selection of emulsifying agent Properties of an ideal emulsifying agent • reduce the interfacial tension between the two immiscible liquids. • physically and chemically stable, inert and compatible with the other ingredients of the formulation. • completely non irritant and non toxic in the concentrations used. • organoleptically inert i.e. should not impart any colour, odour or taste to the preparation. • form a coherent film around the globules of the dispersed phase and should prevent the coalescence of the droplets of the dispersed phase. • produce and maintain the required viscosity of the preparation.

  45. Selection of emulsifying agent • Factors affecting choice of emulsifying agent : • Shelf life of the product • Type of emulsion desired • Cost of emulsifier. • Compatibility • Non toxicity • Taste • Chemical stability.

  46. Method for Selection of emulsifying agent • HLB method for selection of emulsifying agent HLB blend = f x HLB (A) + (1-f) x HLB ( B) f = fraction of surfactant (A) in the blend

  47. Specific considerations for formulation of emulsions Consistency ( viscosity) • a consistency that provided the desired stability and yet has the appropriate flow characteristics must be attained. • Can be changed by addition of auxiliary emulsifying agents.

  48. Emulsification techniques Two steps for emulsification : i. Breaking of internal phase into droplets By putting energy into the system ii. Stabilization of droplets

  49. Emulsification techniques • Laboratory scale preparation techniques • Large scale preparation techniques

  50. Extemporaneous (Laboratory scale ) method of preparation • Continental or dry gum method • Wet gum method • Bottle or Forbes bottle method • Auxiliary method • In situ soap method

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