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Pragmatics. Austin – How to do things with words Grice – The Cooperative Principle Goffman – Face Brown and Levinson – Politeness Wierzbicka – Culture and Cognition. J. L. Austin How to do things with words. Locutionary Acts Saying something about something Illucutionary acts

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  1. Pragmatics Austin – How to do things with words Grice – The Cooperative Principle Goffman – Face Brown and Levinson – Politeness Wierzbicka – Culture and Cognition

  2. J. L. Austin How to do things with words. • Locutionary Acts • Saying something about something • Illucutionary acts • Doing something by saying something • Performatives. • Perlocutionary Acts

  3. Performatives • The uttering of the words is .. the performance of which is also the object of the utterance. • Circumstances around the performative must be appropriate • good faith v. bad faith • Other things have to go right (happy) (felicities) • Must be an accepted conventional procedure • Particular persons must be appropriate for the invocation of the act • Procedure must be executed correctly and completely • Person must have those thoughts and feelings requisite of the act • Must actually conduct themselves subsequently.

  4. Performatives 3. Sinning against rules will make the performance unhappy 4. Explicit (I bet, I promise, ...) v Implicit performatives (where the performative is only a possibility (might, perhaps, (you might be wrong) 5. Entails (all men blush) v. Implies v Presupposes (all Jacks children are bald presupposes that Jack has children.

  5. Examples of Austin’s Performatives • Verdictives: Delivering a verdict, judgement official or unofficial, acquit, convict, find (as a matter of fact), hold, interpret as, understand, read it as, rule, calculate, reckon, estimate, locate, place, date, measure, put it at, make it, take it, grade, rank, rate, assess, value, describe, characterize, diagnose, analyze. 2. Exercitives: Giving a decision in favor or against a certain course of action from a position of power. appoint, degrade, demote, dismiss, excommunicate, name, order, command, direct, sentence, fine, grant, levy, vote for, nominate, choose, claim, give, bequeath, pardon, resign, warn, advise, plead, pray, entreat, beg, urge, press, recommend, proclaim, announce, quash, counterman, annul, repeal;, enact, reprieve, veto, dedicate, declare closed, declare open

  6. Examples of Austin’s Performatives 3. Comissives: Commits the speaker to a course of action; implies obligation promise, covenant, contract, undertake, bind myself, give my word, … 4. Behabitives: Adopting an attitude in reaction to the behavior of others 1) apologize, 2) thank, 3) sympathy 4) attitudes 5) greetings, 6) wishes, 7) challenges (dare, defy, protest, challenge). 5. Expositives: Expounding one's views, clarifying • 1. affirm, deny, state, describe, class, identify; 2. remark, mention,

  7. Points to remember • Austin demonstrated that while some words were used to describe things (a locutionary act), other words (and sentences) did things. • The variety of words on the previous slide point this out clearly. • Austin’s work introduced a new field of language study now known as pragmatics. • Bourdieu pointed out that conditions of the performative are all associated with the institution.

  8. Institutions (Bourdieu) and Speech Acts • Roles: • Particular persons must be appropriate for the invocation of the act • Practices: • Must be an accepted conventional procedure • Must be executed correctly and completely • Other Considerations • Sincerity: Person must have those thoughts and feelings requisite of the act • Consistency: Must actually conduct themselves subsequently.

  9. H. P. GriceConversational Implicature A: How is C getting on in his job [at the bank]? B: Oh quite well, I think; he likes his colleagues, and he hasn’t been to prison yet. • What is the implicature? • While A hasn’t been to prison, he is the sort of person who could easily end up there. • What is a Conversational Implicature as opposed to Strictly Speaking?

  10. The Cooperative Principle and the Maxims • The Principle CP • Make your conversational contribution such as is required, at the stage at which it occurs, by the accepted purpose or direction of the talk exchange in which you are engaged. • Specific Maxims • Quality: make contribution 1) as informative and 2) not more informative than required. • Quality: don’t say 1) what you believe to be false and 2) that for which you lack adequate evidence. • Relation: Be relevant • Manner: 1) avoid obscurity; 2) avoid ambiguity; 3) be brief; 4) be orderly. • Others? Aesthetic, social, or moral, be polite, ... • Cultural Differences: What is relevant, polite, true will vary from culture to culture.

  11. A man who by saying that p [he’s not in jail] has implicated q [he’s likely to steal money] may be said to have conversationally implicated q provided that: • He is presumed to have followed the maxims or at least the CP. • The supposition that he is aware that (q) is required in order to make his saying (p) consistent with this presumption; • The speaker thinks that it is within the hearer to workout that the supposition is required. • And not what happens if it does not.

  12. Conventional Schema(things that are assumed to be in place) • The conventional meaning of the words used, together with the identity of any references that may be involved. • The CP and its maxims • The context, linguistic or otherwise, of the utterance; • Other items of background knowledge; and • The fact … that all relevant items falling under the previous headings are available to both participants and both participants know or assume this to be the case.

  13. Group A: No maxims violated • Petrol Example • A: I am out of petrol. B: There is a garage around the corner. • B would be infringing the maxim of “be relevant” unless he thinks that A can by petrol at the garage. • Jail example: presumption that connection between implication and prison statement is obvious. • The Smith Example • A: Smith doesn’t seem to have a girlfriend these days. B: He has been paying a lot of visits to New York lately. • In this example too, the speaker implicates that which he must be assumed to believe in order to preserve the assumption that he is observing the maxim of relation.

  14. Group B: Conflict between MaximsAn example in which a maxim is violated, but its violation is to be explained by the supposition of a clash with another maxim. • A: Where does C live? B: Somewhere in the south of France. • B is being vague (violating maximum of quality by saying less) because to be more informative he would have to say something he does not know thus violating the maxim of quality.

  15. Group C: Flouting Examples that involve exploitation, that is a procedure by which a maxim is flouted for the purpose of getting in a conversational implicature by means of something of the nature of a figure of speech. • Letter of recommendation: Dear Si, Mr X’s command of English is excellent, and his attendance at tutorials has been regular. Yours, etc. • President: “I never had sex with that woman.” • Flouting allows one to say things through implicature without actually saying it (without directly lying). • “Since the truth of a conversational implicatum is not required by the truth of what is said (...) The implicature is not carried by what is said, but only by the saying of what is said, or by ‘putting it that way.”

  16. The Universality of the CP and Maxims • Grice assumes the the CP and the maims are universal • We may also add that while universal they may not act in the same way. • Different background knowledge. • Different ways of resolving conflicts (Group B) or flouting (Group C). • Do you really think I look nice in this outfit? • Explain breakdowns in cross-cultural communication. • The utility of these maxims in ordinary conversation.

  17. Basis for the cooperative principle • If it is universal is it genetic? • If it is not genetic, why is it there and how/ • The social contract.

  18. Erving Goffman: On Face-Work: An analysis of Ritual Social Interaction • The concept of face: • The presentation of the self to the other. • Could be in positive or negative terms. • Everyday terms • Maintaining face, Loose Face, Wrong face, Out of face, Poise, Save face, Give face • Line: a specific type of face in a specific situation. • Basic structural feature of social interaction.

  19. Face continued • Rule of self respect: • One is expected to maintain face • Rule of considerateness: • person must go to certain lengths to save the feelings and the face of others present. • The Face-Threatening Act. • Something that does damage to one’s face. • Face Work: • Maintaining face; correcting dammage • Often habitualized, Cultural variation, Individual variation

  20. Basic Kinds of Facework • Total avoidance to avoid possible FTA • Defensive measures: avoidance; Shift topics; suppress feelings; hedging feelings, … • Protective maneuvers: • Show respect and politeness; Show discretion about feelings on topics that might embarrass others; Employs circumlocutions and deceptions; Employs courtesies; joking manner; neutralize offending activities by explaining them in advance. • Denial of FTA or the face threatening nature of the incident. • Loss of control (ironically) others may protectively turn away from him to give him time to assemble himself.

  21. The Corrective Process When participants find themselves in an established state of ritual disequilibrium or disgrace, and an attempt is made to re-establish a satisfactory ritual state for them. • Ritual: one’s face is a sacred thing • The Stages • Acknowledgement: Begins with acknowledge threat to face. (The interchange: seems to be a basic concrete unit of social activity.0 • The challenge: participants call attention to the misconduct • The offering: whereby a participant, typically the offender, is given a chance to correct for the offence and re-establish the expressive order. • explain as a meaningless act, a joke, unintentional, a mistake, unavoidable, not acting himself, under the influence of something or somebody • The acceptance (or not) by the offended of offering • Gratitude by the offender (ritual equilibrium re-established)

  22. Variations • The offender patently refuses to heed the warning and continues with the offending behavior. • Possibly calling offended’s bluff: Untenable position because face for offender cannot be derived from it. • The offender withdraws in a visible huff (showing righteous indignation) • Emotions play an important part in this process. • both ways of salvaging face, but with high costs • Some cultures apologize freely others with reluctance. • The Liberian apology: • I’m sorry your feelings were hurt when I said that.

  23. The Game • Every face-saving practice which is allowed to neutralize a particular threat opens up the possibility that the threat will be willfully introduced for what can be gained by it. • If a person knows that his modesty will be answered by other’s praise for him, he can fish for complements. • He can arrange for favorable events to appear. • Sudden withdrawal leading to need for repair. • Cooperation in face-work

  24. The Ritual Roles of the Self: Two senses: • The self as an image pieced together from the expressive implication of the full flow of events in an undertaking; • The self as a player [agent] in a ritual game who copes honorably or dishonorably, diplomatically or undiplomatically, with the judgmental contingencies of the situation. • Add this perspective to the view of the Self by G.H. Mead. • Human need to be social

  25. Greetings and Leave Taking • How are greetings and leave-takings relevant to Goffman? • Leave-takings are face threatening. • Two ways to say good by • Blessing: Sidong fayn (CP), Adieu, • Will see again. Ma lo sina hoe (Mende) Au Revoir, See ya later. • Greetings (Has our relationship changed since we last met? • What about Aloha and Ciao which mean both hello and good bye?

  26. So what? • Universal human nature is not a very human thing. By acquiring it, the person becomes a kind of construct, built up, not from inner psychic propensities, but from moral rules that are impressed upon him from without. • The general capacity to be bound by moral rules may well belong to the individual, but the particular set of rules which transforms him into a human being derives from requirements established in the ritual organization of social encounters. [the social contract] • Similarly, the human nature of a particular set of persons may be specifically designed for the special kind of undertakings in which they participate [e.g., cultural varition]. • Similarities between Goffman and Grice

  27. Politeness: Brown and Levinson • Assumptions • Based on Goffman’s concept of face • Face: The public self-image that every member wants to claim for himself. • A communication (speech act) may contain an imposition on the “face” of the Hearer. • Language Universals extend beyond the confines of grammar.

  28. Positive Face: Honor The public self. The positive consistent self-image or ‘personality’ (crucially including the desire that this self-image be appreciated and approved of) by interactants. the want of every member that his wants be desirable to at least some others. Similar to the perspective of “me” of Mead, The “honor” of Weber. Negative Face: Privacy Invented by Brown and Levinson The concept of the right to privacy. The basic claim to territories, personal preserves, rights to non-distraction the want of every ‘competent adult member’ that his actions be unimpeded by others. Similar to the perspective of the “I” of Mead Similar to freedom of action and freedom of imposition. Two types of face: Positive and Negative

  29. Intrinsic FTAs • It follows that “certain kinds of acts intrinsically threaten face ... when they “run contrary to the wants of the addressee or speaker.

  30. S threatens H’s Negative Face [imposition] Those that put pressure on H to act: Orders and Requests; Suggestions and Advice; Remindings; Threats and warnings. Those that put H in debt (offers, promises) Those that expression desire or envy of H’s possessions which lead H to think that he has to protect them (complements, envy, expressions of strong emotion (hatred, anger, lust)) S threatens H’s Positive face negative evaluation: disapproval(criticism); disagreement indifference to H’s positive face: violent emotions (reason to fear S); irreverence; bad news about H (good news about S); raising divisive topics (politics); non-cooperation; wrong terms of address First Distinction: Kinds of face threatened

  31. Those that offend S’s negative Face S expressing thanks, S acceptance of H’s thanks; S’s excuses; S acceptance of offers; S’s response to H’s faux pas; unwilling promises and offers Those that damage S’s positive face apologies; acceptance of a complement; breakdown of physical control, self-humiliation, confessions, emotional leakage Second distinctions: Threats to H’s face versus threats to S’s

  32. Sociological variables (331) • Computing the Weightiness of an FTA • Wx = D(S,H) + P (H,S) + Rx • D = Social Distance between S and H for the purposes of that act and as determined by such things as the frequency of interaction and the kinds of material and nonmaterial goods exchanged.... • P = Power differential (Weber’s sense). Degree to which H can impose his own plans and own face at the expense of S’s plans and face. • “I think you will take me to the store.”

  33. Conclusion: Pragmatics • Austin: Speech Acts (Illocutionary Acts) • The linkages of these acts with institutions (Bourdieu). • The range of vocabulary in any language that have to do with speech acts. • Grice:The Cooperative Principle and conversational Maxims • A Universal that is pragmatically grounded • Helps explain implicature and variation • Goffman: Face • Activities involved in the presentation of self • Pragmatically based universal • Brown and Levinson: Politeness (positive and negative face) • Types of strategies for interaction. • Positivistic rules. (structuralist? • Universals versus cultural variation?

  34. Summary

  35. The End

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