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19. 有关 make 的短语

第八讲 动 词 ( 词组)( 4 ). 19. 有关 make 的短语. make paper out of waste wood. -- make…out of 用 … 制造出. make money out of (靠 … 挣钱) one’s research. -- be made of (from) / make… into… / be made in. -- make sense 有意义,讲得通. What he said makes no sense.

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19. 有关 make 的短语

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  1. 第八讲 动 词 (词组)(4) 19.有关make的短语 make paper out of waste wood -- make…out of 用…制造出 make money out of(靠…挣钱)one’s research -- be made of (from) / make… into… / be made in -- make sense 有意义,讲得通 What he said makes no sense. No matter how you read it, this sentence doesn’t make (any) sense. 这个句子怎磨看都让人莫名其妙。 What you say does not make sense to me. (我弄不明白) – make sense of 弄懂,sense 意为“意思意义”。 Can you make sense of what this American is saying? -- make a note = make notes, take notes / make (take) a note (notes) of 把…记下来 She takes good notes of everything that’s said in class. 她将课堂上所讲的一切做了详细的笔记。 I must make a note of your telephone number and address.

  2. -- take note of = take notice of注意到… A detective is trained to take note of people and things. (仔细观察) Two boys were talking together in the back of the classroom but the teacher took no notice of them. strike the right note说(或做)得恰当 -- make a (some, any, no) change / make some necessary changes The design is excellent. We needn’t make any changes. ▲ make up( form, consist of) 组成,占… This made up 12% of their total income. Are all animal bodiesmade up of cells? (组成) The museum is made up of three parts. ▲ make up虚构,编造 The story which Tom told was not true, he made it all up.The naughty child is good at making up excuses. ▲ make up和解 It’s time you made up your quarrel with him.Why don’t you make it up with her?

  3. make up for the lost time (完成,补充) They need ten more men tomake uptheir full complement. Have you made up Mr Smith’s order yet? (整理,收拾) -- make an effort to do sth. = try one’s best to do sth. make efforts做出努力,尽力make great efforts to do / make every effort尽一切努力 20. mean to do / mean sb to do sth. The teacher didn’t mean you to come so early. I meanyou to work as our spokesman. Do you mean to go without money? She says I ignored her, but I didn’t mean to. You don’t mean to say so! – mean (sb) for 预定,指定Who is the gift meant for? -- be meant for为…而有,注定要属于…;注定要成为…;预定被给与某人 The magazine was meant for young girls.

  4. He was meant for a painter. 他注定要当画家。 – mean to do : want to do / mean doing (意味着…) I mean doing it again. -- I mean就是说,我是说…的意思 She is smart—I mean, she knows exactly what I think. -- mean +名词+ to (介词) His girlfriend means the world to him.Fame does not mean too much to me. 21. persuade sb. to do sth. / persuade sb. into doing sth. persuade只有在劝服了的情况下才可以直接使用,没有劝服则用: try to persuade sb. to do 或advise sb to do She finally persuaded her son to go to college. – persuade sb. out of + n. / persuade sb. out of doing说服某人停止,劝阻 His parents persuaded him out of his foolish action.

  5. He persuaded me into lending him all my savings. 他说服我把我全部的存款都借给了他。 Can you persuade your brother into lending us the car? 22. pick up 1) pick up = to collect or to gather together 拾起,收集,拿起 She rushed in and picked up the telephone and began to dial. 2)The little girl picked herself up and went on playing. (爬起) 3) The bus stopped to pick uppassengers. (去取物或接人) 4) Wepicked upsignals for help from the burning plane. (收听) 5) I picked up a very interesting book the other day. (无意中获得) 6) She was ill for some time, but she is now picking up. (身体康复,好转) She is picking up wonderfully since she came out of hospital. After a slack season, business began to pick up.

  6. 7) He never studied French, he picked upwhat he knows while living in France. (偶然、无意地学会…、获得…) My grandfather picked up reading in the evening school in the 1950’s. Young children soon pick up words they hear their elders use. (非正规地学会,指不是通过正规的学校教学,而是通过其他途径学得。) 8)The train moved slowly from the station, but picked up speedas it reached the open country. (增加,加速) 9) pick up = to start again重新开始 After the interruption, we picked up where we had left off. pick up the conversation after an interruption They met after five years, and picked up their friendship as if there had been no interruption. 偶然结识 ﹡You may be able to pick up a girl at the dance.

  7. 23. prepare for ( get ready for) be prepared for (be prepared to do),prepare for 前者指为某事做心理上的准备(为某事做好了准备),后者指作好行动上的准备(已准备好了做某事)。 I have broken my father’s favorite glasses, now I’m prepared for it. We are preparing for the final examination. prepare sb. for (使某人对… 进行准备)the type of movementsI prepared him for the bad news. I’ll prepared her to face the difficulty -- prepare sb. to do 为…做…而准备 Mother is preparing Father to enter the hospital make preparations for sth. 为某事做准备 24. (1) put out扑灭(大火、火灾等) When the firemen arrived, the fire had been put out. A downpour of rain put out the children’s bonfire(营火). (2)put out: produce生产/ publish出版 The factory put out more cars in March than in Feb. How often is this magazine put out? (3)put out: drive out驱逐,赶出

  8. You’d better not get drunk, or you’ll be put out of the restaurant. (4) put out 用于被动语态中,激怒,使不安。如: The traveler was much put out by the loss of his bag.She was very much put out because we hadn’t invited her to the party. (5) put out 将…收好(放好);准备好 Please put out my best suit for the governor’s meeting. The strike at the car factoryput back production badly. 汽车厂的罢工大大阻碍了生产。 --put down :(使)着陆;放下;按下,压下;镇压,平定;记下,写下 --put off = postpone 延期,推迟;消除 You must put off your doubts and fear. –put up:提供食宿;举起,抬起;张贴 The foreigners for 2008 Beijing Olympics will be put up in three-star class hotels.Put up the notice on the wall so that everyone can see it.

  9. out的有关短语: set out, find out, give out, look out, point out, go out, work out, wear out = be worn out 穿破,用坏,用旧, 耗损 My patience wore out (was worn out). 25. refer to 指得是,指…而言,适用 Both “can” and “could” in this sentence refer to a future possibility. / This obviously refers to the Nile. ﹡refer to 查阅,参考 In the course of his speech, he referred several times to his notes. She referred to John’s former employer for his character.(询问John的为人) ﹡refer to提到 The author referred to his teacher twice in his article. ﹡refer to提交…处理 The members referred the question to the committee as they were unable to reach a decision. ﹡refer to 起因于,归功于

  10. He referred his success to the good education he had had.He referred his wealth to his own hard work. 26. remind sb of sth. 使某人想起/ remind sb. to do sth. / remind sb + that 从句… In case I forgot, please remind me of it. I was reminded of my promise. ﹡remind …of… 使想到…与…相似 You remind me so much of your brother, especially when you smile. ﹡remind sb to do Be sure to remind her to come back early.Please remind me to answer that letter.May I remind you thattime will soon be up? 27. result in / result from – result in = cause引起,导致或造成(某种结果) The traffic accident resulted in three deaths.The quarrel resulted in his mother leaving the house. – result from 由于,起因于

  11. The accident resulted from careless driving.There is no doubt that your success has resulted from your hard work. 28. set off (= make sth explode)a nuclear bomb set off作不及物动词讲=set out “出发”,用作及物动词是“引爆”的意思。 They set off early in the morning so that they could return early. An explosion was set off by the burning gas. set up home 安家,成家/ set off (for) = set out (for) a place / set up竖立、升高、搭起、开办、建立、创立 -- set out 开始,着手 He set out to write a book about English study in 1996.He set out to improve his English. -- set out to do / set about doing开始做某事 -- set out列举,详述 He set out his reasons for what he had done.She set out her ideas in simple English.

  12. -- set out动身,出发 She said she would set out (= set off) for Shanghai one of these days. 29. stop sb.(from) doing sth./ prevent sb. (from) doing sthkeep sb from doing Someone tried to stop us from parking in the square. Urgent business kept me from attending the meeting. 注意:在主动语态中,stop和prevent两种结构中的from可以省略,但keep后的from不能省。stop和prevent的被动语态中的from也不能省略。 The disease must be stopped (prevented) from spreading. I was stopped by illness from taking the exam. 30. succeed in sth. (doing sth) be successful in / manage to do / was (were) able to do China has succeeded in applying for the Olympics of 2008.

  13. 31. take … by surprise对…突然袭击,出乎…意料 The Japanese planes took the Pearl Harbor by surprise on a Sunday morning. He took all of us by surprise when he suddenly appeared at the door. -- take up 占用(时间),占据(空间);专注于…,(继续)接着做…,开始(着手)… The desk takes up too much room. I will take up the story where I finished yesterday.John took up art while at school. (对…感兴趣) – take on 1) 呈现 Our school has taken on a new look. 2) 雇佣,开始从事,接纳,装载 His father was then taken on as a bus driver in the city transport company. The driver refuses to take any more passengers on. 3) take sth. on从事,担任,承担

  14. He is taking on a new job. take sb. on 接受挑战。如: He took Jack on at golf. 接受Jack高尔夫球挑战。 --take one’s place就座,就位/ take their places The meeting will begin in a minute. Please take your places. Who will take her place since she’s ill? (代替) -- take the place of 代替 Plastics has taken the place of steel in many fields. --take place(可用于进行时):happen (不能用进行时) Where did the accident take place? 32. -- turn to 转向,朝向,转到;求助于,翻到…页 Please turn to page 21. the boy’s eager face turn to (= change to) disappointment --turn to 求助于… One can always turn to music for comfort.She didn’t know whom to turn to for advice.

  15. When you have any difficulty,please turn to Mr Wang for help. The conversation turned to the changes that had taken place in the village. After he left the university he became a teacher, but later he turned to journalism. -- turn to使变成 Is it the low temperature that turns the water to ice? -- turn up I’m sure she’ll just turn up. (出现,露面) When my aunt buried, Clare turned up at the service. (= appear, be present) His noseturned up slightly. (向上翻,向上翘) The collar of his overcoat was turned up against the bitter wind. (使…面朝上) He turned the coat collar up because of the wind. (= undfold) Turn you trouser legs up and they won’t get wet. (roll up)

  16. Heturned up the ends of his trousers. (卷起) I forget the address, but it can quite easily be turned up in a directory. (找到,发现) Not being sure of the word, he turned it up in the dictionary. (look up) The book you have lost will turn up one of these days. (被找到,被证明) Turn up the radio so that I can hear it better. Something always turned up to prevent their meeting. (发生) I don’t know what may turn up tomorrow. (= happen, become of sb) (上升,增加) Investment is turning upsharply. -- turn away拒绝,不准进入,不让参加,相当于refuse. Crowds of people wanted to see the pop singer, but were turned away for the theater was packed. As a doctor, you should never turn away any patient.

  17. turn away转过脸去,避开不管 She turned away in horror at the sight of so much blood. How can you turn away from a child who is being cruelly treated? -- turn…into… I’m thinking of turning the flower garden into a vegetable garden.Jane is turning into quite a skilled musician. --turn over 翻动,翻阅 I wasn’t really reading, just turning over the pages.I turned the problem over and over in my mind. --turn down调低,拒绝,翻下 He was turned down by the Navy because of poor eyesight. The collar turns down. 涉及turn的短语:

  18. in turn轮流,交换/ turn… into…/ turn into = becometurn about = turn around转身,变方向/ turn on / turn off/ turnout / turn downturn out to be证明是,结果是/ turn in 拐入,上缴,归还 33. tell from: know or recognize (sth) judging by (sth) In France, it is easy to tell what part of the country someone was born in, from his speech. -- (be able to) see the difference between (two things or two people) The twin sisters are so much alike that it is almost impossible to tell one from the other. 此义和tell apart 同。 The twins are so much alike that their own mother can hardly tell them apart.

  19. -- tell (the difference) between : ( be able to) distinguish between two similar persons or things How can I tell the difference between Scotch and Bourbon? 我怎磨能分辨出苏格兰威士忌和波旁威士忌呢? 34. think over 仔细考虑;认真思考;研究 I’ll think over your suggestions, and let you know my decision in a day or two. The matter has been thought over by the members of the committee, but they cannot grant your request. John has thought the plan over and decided not to join it after all. -- think up: invent; discover by thinking发明;想出,设计出 I tried to think up a funny game for the children to play. I would have to think up some more catchy names for these designs.

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