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外贸英语函电. Fulfillment of Contract. Task Four Insurance. Task of this section: Write a letter to talk about the insurance requirement. 背景资料. 你给客户报 CFR 价,信函如下: Dear Mary, For Vitamin B12, our price is USD21.74/kg CFR Asuncion and it is packed 1 kg to one

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  1. 外贸英语函电 Fulfillment of Contract

  2. Task Four Insurance Task of this section: Write a letter to talk about the insurance requirement

  3. 背景资料 你给客户报CFR价,信函如下: Dear Mary, For Vitamin B12, our price is USD21.74/kg CFR Asuncion and it is packed 1 kg to one carton. As this is our best price, we hope you can accept it as soon as possible. Best regards. Jill

  4. 客户回复如下: Dear Jill, Thank you for your CFR offer. But I’d like to have the goods insured at your end. Could you arrange it? If it’s OK, please give me a price on CIF basis as soon as possible. Best regards. Mary

  5. 经与公司储运部联系,得知你公司货物一般按发票金额110%投保一切险,保险公司给你们的费率是1.5‰。经与公司储运部联系,得知你公司货物一般按发票金额110%投保一切险,保险公司给你们的费率是1.5‰。 要求:请给客户回邮件。

  6. I.Introduction 1. The purpose of insurance ——to provide compensation for those who suffer from loss or damage. It is a contract of indemnity, a contract to restore to someone, either the full amount of the loss that may be incurred, or a specified percentage of the amount of the loss.

  7. 2. Parties involved in insurance • the insurer the party who agrees to accept the risk • the insured the party seeking protection from the risk • the beneficiary the party who will get the compensation when any losses occur can be same

  8. 3. Main risks The principal perils which the basic Marine policy of PICC insures against under its Ocean Marine Cargo Clause are: • Free from Particular Average(F.P.A) • With Particular Average or With Average(W.P.A or W.A) • All Risks

  9. Introduction 表示险别的表达有以下几种:基本险和附加险(additional risks) 1)基本险包括:平安险(Free from particular Average, FPA),水渍险(With Particular Average, WPA)和一切险(All Risks, AR)三种。 2)平安险不承担单独海损的赔偿,是一种范围较窄的险别,不承担部分海损。只提供类似船只搁浅等实际海损所引起的全损及共同海损的赔偿。 Free from particular Average(F.P.A.)Insurance: 平安险

  10. The insurance company will be responsible to pay claims for total or constructive total losses suffered by the whole lot of cargoes during the transportation due to such natural calamities as vile weather, thunder and lightning, tidal wave, earthquakes, and floods, or for total or partial losses due to the ship or carrier being fire, stranded, sinking, colliding or meeting other fortuitous accidents.

  11. The insurance company will also be responsible, when losses are incurred in the course of loading or unloading, for instance, when one or several whole parcels of the goods are dropped into the sea and are considered lost, or when general average is incurred, i.e. when losses or expenses are incurred in the common interest.

  12. 3)水渍险对整个保险期间内由海难引起的全部损失或损坏提供广泛保险。3)水渍险对整个保险期间内由海难引起的全部损失或损坏提供广泛保险。 With Particular Average(W.P.A.)Insurance:水渍险 The cover under this insurance is more extensive. The insurer is liable also for the partial losses of the insured goods due to the risks caused by natural calamities mentioned under F.P. A insurance.

  13. 4)一切险承担不管是海难还是一般外来险原因所造成的被保之物的全损或部分损失的赔偿责任。一切险除包括共同海损和单独海损责任外,保险公司对被保险货物在运输途中由于外来原因造成的短少,短量,渗漏,碰碎,钩损,雨淋,生锈,受潮,受热,发霉,窜味,玷污等全部或部分损失也负责赔偿。“一切险”是保险上的一个特定名词,不应该认为所有可能发生的危险都已包括在内,比如它就不包括战争险,不合格包装,内在缺点等。

  14. All Risks,(A.R.) Insurance: 一切险 Among the three kinds of basic insurance, under an "all risks" policy the goods are insured against all risks, e.g. from natural calamities, fortuitous accidents at sea, or general extraneous risks, irrespective of percentage of loss, total or partial. A natural deterioration of perishable goods, delay, loss or damage caused by inherent vice or nature of the subject matter are not covered.

  15. 5)附加险包括: 一般附加险(general additional risks)和特殊附加险(special additional risk) 一般附加险主要有: 偷窃提货不着险(Theft, Pilferage and Non-delivery缩写为 T.P.N.D) 淡水雨淋 (Fresh Water&/or Rain Damage) 短量(Risk of Shortage) 混杂玷污险(Risk of Intermixture and Contamination) 渗漏险(Risk of Leakage) 碰损破碎险(Risk of Clash and Breakage) 串味险(Risk of Odor) 钩损险(Hook Damage) 受潮受热险(Damage Caused by Sweating and & Heating) 包装破裂(Breakage of Packing) 锈损险(Risk of Rust)

  16. 特殊附加险主要: 战争险(War Risk) 罢工险(Strikes Risk) 交货不到险(Failure to Delivery) 进口关税险(Import Duty Risk) 舱面险(On Deck Risk) 拒收险(Rejection Risk) 黄曲霉素险 (Aflatoxin)

  17. 4. Averages General average: It is a loss resulting from a voluntary sacrifice or expenditure in time of peril, for the safety of hull, cargo and freight.

  18. Particular average: It means partial loss or damage accidentally caused to the ship or to a particular lot of goods. Particular average is not a total loss. It must be borne by the owner of the property suffering the loss, it is distinct from general average, which is shared by all who have a financial interest in the voyage and its risks in proportion to the value of their interests.

  19. 5. The caculation of insurance value Cost of goods + amount of freight +insurance premium +a percentage of the total sum to represent a reasonable profit on sale of goods

  20. II. Useful phrases 1. cover insurance on… against… eg. We cover insurance on the goods for 110% of the invoice value against All Risks and War Risk. Similar phrase: arrange insurance, effect insurace, provide/take out insurance eg.For this contract, we would like you to arrange insurance at your end.

  21. 2. at a premium of eg. This kind of additional risk is coverable at a premium of 2%. 3. for buyer’s account eg. Under different trade terms, the insurance charge can go for buyer’s account or the seller’s account. Similar phrase:to be borne by the buyer, to be charged to the buyer’s account

  22. insurance n.: 保险 insurance agent 保险代理人 insurance broker 保险经纪人 insurance certificate 保险凭证 insurance market 保险市场 insurance policy 保险单 insurance company 保险公司

  23. 表示“投保”,“办理保险”可用: to arrange /cover /effect/provide/ take out insurance 1)We shall provide such insurance at your cost. 2)Have you taken out insurance?

  24. underwriters 保险商(指专保水险的保险商)保险承运人 insurance company 保险公司 insurer 保险人 insurance broker 保险经纪人 insurance underwriter 保险承保人 insurance applicant 投保人 insurant, the insured 被保险人,受保人 to cover (effect,,take out) insurance 投保 insurance coverage; risks covered 保险范围

  25. insurance slip 投保单 insured amount 保险金额 insurance premium 保险费 insurance against risk 保险 insurance clause 保险条款 insurance instruction 投保通知 insurance business 保险企业 insurance conditions 保险条件

  26. v. insure 表示保险 insure the goods 后可跟: For the buyer's account On behalf of the buyers With an insurance company For 10% above the invoice value For 110% of the invoice value With Particular Average Against All Risks

  27. It is the usual practice to cover for 110% of the invoice value, 请按惯例为我方以发票金额的110%投保,即50,000美元.

  28. to cover for 110% of the invoice value : to cover for 10% above/over insurance value 或者是: to cover at invoice value plus 10% 这里指按发票价的110%投保。 You are required to cover the goods against All Risks at invoice value plus 10% . We shall insure the goods for 10% above the invoice value.

  29. insure sb. against…为某人投保……险 Most of our buyers do not want to insure against the Risk of Breakage for this article. 对这种商品,大多数买主都不投保破碎险。 Please insure against All Risks for (at) 10% over (above) the total invoice value. 请按发票总金额的110%投保一切险。 We have insured W.P.A. and against War Risk at 110% of the invoice cost (value, amount). 我方已按发票金额的110%投保水渍险及战争险。

  30. 我们将在本地办理预约保险。 We’ll arrange an open cover at our end. • 我们通常按照1981年1月1日修订的中国人民保险公司公司的海洋运输货物保险条款(Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses )投保。 We usually cover insurance as per OMCC of PICC dated Jan.1, 1981.

  31. 按客户要求,对于这批货物,我方将投保水渍险与战争险。按客户要求,对于这批货物,我方将投保水渍险与战争险。 As requested by our clients, we’ll insure against WPA and War Risk on this shipment. • 对于像瓷器、精密仪器等的易碎品,破碎险是必须的。 For fragile goods like porcelain, sophisticated instruments, Breakage Risk is a must.

  32. 保险责任 • 免赔率为5%。如果破碎没有达到整批货物的5%的话,保险公司就可以不赔。 The franchise rate is 5%, which means the insurance company won’t compensate for any breakage if less than 5% of the entire shipment is found broken.

  33. 我们只保水渍险,仓至仓,有效期15天。 We can only cover WPA, from warehouse to warehouse valid for 15 days.

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