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URBAN DEVELOPMENT. GROUP MEMBERS: NOORHAJI BIN MAHDI MOHD HAROSANI BIN SAWAHID MOHD AMRLI BIN NORASU MOHD AJIB BIN PANI ARIF BIN KHAIRIRI. URBANIZATION. the physical growth of rural or natural land into urban area as a result of population immigration to an existing urban area

marcel marcel
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  3. URBANIZATION • the physical growth of rural or natural land into urban area as a result of population immigration to an existing urban area • The UN projects half the world population will live in urban areas at the end of 2008. • Rapid urbanization of the world’s population over the twentieth century is described in the 2005 Revision of the UN World Urbanization Prospects report .The figure is likely to rise to 60% (4.9 billion) by 2030

  4. Around two thousand years ago, the world had less 250,000 people, and cities exceeding over twenty thousand citizens were rare. Cities ranged from two thousand to twenty thousand up until the sixteenth century, when cities with populations climbing to and exceeding one hundred thousand began to spring up. From 1800 to 2000, the population climbed to six times its size, greatly increasing the numbers of urban inhabitants.

  5. At the beginning of the twenty-first century, roughly half of the world's population lived in urban areas, with the number of cities of over one million inhabitants increased many times over compared to 1900

  6. URBAN DEVELOPMENT • Urban Development is the expansion into natural areas such as deserts, forests, and swamps. • As populations grow a need for more houses for people to live in develops. • This is what causes Urban development. As the demand of housing increases, cities begin to expand into new areas. • They might even  begin to build  in unlikely areas like forests, swamps, and deserts.

  7. Urban development deals with present and future changes in physical structures, including the geographical distribution of people and economic activities within a particular area. Urban development occurs by expansion into unpopulated areas and or the renovation of decaying regions.

  8. TWO LARGEST CITY IN THE WORLD TOKYO , JAPANPopulation: 33,800,000Country: Japan Tokyo is the capital of Japan. This huge, wealthy and fascinating metropolis brings high-tech visions of the future Over 400 years old, the city of Tokyo grew from the modest fishing village of Edo. Now it is the destination for business, education, modern culture, and government

  9. SEOUL ,SOUTH KOREA Population: 23,800,000 Country: South Korea Seoul is the largest city in South Korea, its capital and the unquestioned economic, political and cultural hub of the country. Seoul suffers from a partly unwarranted reputation for pollution and traffic jams.

  10. Causes of the urban development

  11. People move into cities to seek economic opportunities Urbanization occurs naturally from individual and corporate efforts to reduce time and expense in commuting Living in cities permits individuals and families to take advantage of the opportunities of proximity, diversity, and marketplace competition.

  12. Cities, in contrast, are known to be places where money, services and wealth are centralized There are more job opportunities and a greater variety of jobs Other factors include a greater variety of entertainment (restaurants, movie theaters, theme parks, etc) and a better quality of education, namely universities.

  13. These conditions are heightened during times of change from a pre-industrial society to an industrial one It is at this time that many new commercial enterprises are made possible, thus creating new jobs in cities But, urbanization give bad effect to - economic - environmental

  14. Economic effects Research in urban ecology finds that larger cities provide more specialized goods and services to the local market and surrounding areas As cities develop, effects can include a dramatic increase in costs, often pricing the local working class out of the market, including such functionaries as employees of the local municipalities

  15. Urbanization is often viewed as a negative trend, but in fact, it occurs naturally from individual Corporate efforts to reduce expense in commuting and transportation while improving opportunities for jobs, education, housing, and transportation Living in cities permits individuals and families to take advantage of the opportunities of proximity, diversity, and marketplace competition.

  16. Environmental effects The urban heat island has become a growing concern Urban sprawl creates a number of negative environmental and public health outcomes. For more than 100 years, it has been known that two adjacent cities are generally warmer than the surrounding areas.

  17. This region of city warmth, known as an urban heat island, can influence the concentration of air pollution The urban heat island is formed when industrial and urban areas are developed and heat becomes more abundant In rural areas, a large part of the incoming solar energy is used to evaporate water from vegetation and soil.

  18. In cities, where less vegetation and exposed soil exists, the majority of the sun’s energy is absorbed by urban structures and asphalt less evaporative cooling in cities allows surface temperatures to rise higher than in rural areas This effect causes the city to become 2 to 10o F (1 to 6o C) warmer than surrounding landscapes Impacts also include reducing soil moisture and intensification of carbon dioxide emissions.

  19. Policy

  20. Malaysia policy New economic policy Dasar halacara baru Agriculture policy

  21. Objective new economic odder To reduce poverty- increase income and more job opportunities. Restructure the community to reduce and eliminate any bias in race.

  22. Agriculture policy • Opening new land for agriculture • Pembangunan in-situ • Government support in agriculture • institution and social development • Involve from private sector • Development in commodity product

  23. Objective of “dasarhalacarabaru” To increase the quality and productivity in agriculture To increase farmer's income in urban area and any workers who work in urban area To give any servis or infrastructure . The core objective is to reduce poverty in urban area.

  24. Strategy Implement “pertanian berkelompok” & combine villagers to form a small town. The town will become public humanities. Small industries that are fit with local nature resources will be developed. -small town will become a service centre

  25. America Do they face the poverty problem?

  26. Poverty Establish 'Promise Neighborhoods' for Areas of Concentrated Poverty: Increase the Minimum Wage Expand the Earned Income Tax Credit Help Low-Income Workers Enter the Job Market

  27. Establish 'Promise Neighborhoods' for Areas of Concentrated Poverty: • Successful strategies to address concentrated, intergenerational poverty are comprehensive in nature and address the full range of obstacles that stand in the way of poor children. One highly-acclaimed model is the Harlem Children's Zone in New York City, which provides a full network of services to an entire neighborhood from birth to college.

  28. Increase the Minimum Wage will raise the minimum wage to $9.50 an hour by 2011 and index it to inflation so full-time workers can earn a living wage that allows them to raise their families and pay for basic needs such as food, transportation, and housing

  29. Expand the Earned Income Tax Credit • will reward work by increasing the number of working parents eligible for EITC benefits, increasing the benefit available to noncustodial parents who support their children through child support payments, increasing the benefit for families with three or more children, and reducing the EITC marriage penalty which hurts low-income families.

  30. Urban Poverty

  31. Poverty definition - Poverty as the deprivation of the basic capabilities that provides the person with the fredom to choice their life he or she has reason to value. • This capabilities include good health,education ,social network,command over economic resource and influence the on decision making that affect on life • Income is important because money allow a person to develop his or her capabilities,but it is only a mean to live a valuable life.

  32. Income poverty • Around 641 million people in the asian are living on less than one dollar per day.it this difficult to determine exactly how many of them live in the rural area.But estimates range 65 to 80 percent. • If that is the case,the urban poor number around 130 to 210 million on the basis indicator alone • Revelion estimates that rural poverty in asian is declines significienty,while urban poverty has been increase from 136 million people in 1993 to 142 million in 2002

  33. The magnitudes of poverty cannot be compare in term of income only and even less in term of a $1 per day poverty line. There are significant different between rural poverty and urban poverty.Urban poverty is not so much a lack of employment because almost all of urban poor are working poor.their income is higher than that of the rural poor. The problem is not an absance of basic service,because such service are highly concentrated in urban area.

  34. The urban poor cannot live a decent live because the higher income is a taken away by a number addition cost-: a)a high cost is living because of the highly monetized acces to good and service. b)the exclusion from the public service because of the extra legal status of the house or its occupants. C)the higher cost of the service provided by the private sector for lack of public sector provision d)the high health cost of living in an unhealthy enviroment with indaequete water supply,sanitation,drainage and solid waste collection.

  35. The urban poor have less money to spend to basic neccesity ,their source of income is insecure and their health is affected poor living and working condition. They are as much deprived of many capabilities to live the live they have reason to value as the rural poor.

  36. Cause of the urban poverty High influx of rural rural population to cities Lack of education to get better job High living cost Lack of wage control on over unorganized informal sector

  37. solve To overcomes urban poverty control rural poverty Education system need to be job oriented in rural and urban Control over influx to cities by way of better survival opportunities in village . Make good education construction and cheaper so even poor have acces

  38. EFFECT OF THE MIGRATION IN THE URBAN AREA • POSITIVE IMPACT - can accommodate labor shortage for example, in construction sector, agriculture and plantation. • increase competition in improving quality person quality especially competition in grab limited job opportunity. • increase revenue national economy when they make expenditure in countries directed.

  39. NEGATIVE IMPACT - increase criminal activity such as murder case, theft and social problems which involves foreign migrant. - health aspects- which illness guided from origin such as HIV / AIDS, bird flu etc.

  40. NEGATIVE IMPACT • detrimental country through foreign monetary exchange namely when migrant doing sending money to their origin. • increase unemployment in country.

  41. CONCLUSION The urban development is importance to generate the economic growth of the country The effective urban development planning can bring the positive impact to the country economic and to the society welfare The urban development must be balance with the social and economic welfare

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