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高中英语骨干教师国培计划( 2010 ). 英语教师语音素质与语音教学. 一、英语教师自身的语音素质 二、中国学习者普遍存在的语音问题 三、在英语教学中加强语音意识 发音、单词重音、句子重音、 节奏、语调 四、语音教学理念:创设交际语境 五、英语语音教学资源. 如何提升教师自身语音素养 ?. 一)、对中国学习者存在的问题有清晰的认识 : The features of pronunciation which can cause confusion include (Poedjosoedarmo, G. 2007)

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  1. 高中英语骨干教师国培计划(2010) 英语教师语音素质与语音教学 • 一、英语教师自身的语音素质 • 二、中国学习者普遍存在的语音问题 • 三、在英语教学中加强语音意识 发音、单词重音、句子重音、 节奏、语调 • 四、语音教学理念:创设交际语境 • 五、英语语音教学资源

  2. 如何提升教师自身语音素养 ? 一)、对中国学习者存在的问题有清晰的认识: • The features of pronunciation which can cause confusion include (Poedjosoedarmo, G. 2007) (1) using the wrong sound, (2) leaving sounds out, (3) adding sounds, (4) putting stress on the wrong syllable in a word, (5) putting stress on the wrong word in a sentence, (6) using the wrong intonation pattern, (7) combinations of the above

  3. 二)、对语音问题可能会导致的后果有清晰的认识:二)、对语音问题可能会导致的后果有清晰的认识: 1)使听话人抓不住信息 2)使听话人误解信息 3)或感到受到冒犯 导致交际的失败或不尽如人意

  4. 三)、举例说明: Movie Clip 1 Accent Movie Clip 2 Word stress Movie Clip 3 Intonation

  5. A clear picture of the phenomena

  6. 四)、解决方法: • 1、对英语语音发音特点与规律要敏感; 资料《语音教学入门》Teaching Pronunciation: Why, What, When and How Poedjosoedarmo. G 2007 • 2、勤听、多练,不断提升 resources: http://www.breakingnewsenglish.com/ http://www.englishcentral.com/en/videos http://www.englishonline.org.cn

  7. Demonstration 1: useful resources

  8. Demonstration 2: useful resources

  9. What happen if we do not have internet resources? • Set up imitation tasks for practices 大学外语学院丁言仁教授(2007)的研究再次指出背诵与模仿是英语学习成功的秘诀。) • Resources: 有声名著阶梯阅读(华东师大 出版社引进版) • Check performance regularly

  10. Set goals and self encouragement

  11. 3、有效的教学活动设计 • 以单词重音、句子重音、节奏、语调教学设计为例 • Demonstration 3: • The teaching of word stress 1) The nature of word stress 2) Placement of stress 3) On word structure 4) Stress shift: word class, foreign words and context

  12. Word stress • Nature: Louder, longer, higher, unique (p86: i-iv) • Level: primary: (` ) secondary: () unstressed: (zero) e.g., examination  exami`nation • Placement, according to • word structure: single w. or complex w. • length of vowel: long or short • number of syllables: single, double, 3-syllables • part of speech: verb or noun • source of words: original or borrowed

  13. On vowel length & syllable number for content/lexical words • What is a syllable? (C) +V + (C) e.g. cat bat let but lot • 2-syllable word oo oO, Oo • oO if 2nd has long V: or diphthong or end with _CC • ap’ply, at’tract, cor’rect, bal’loon • Oo if 2nd has short V or /u/ • ’borrow, ’hollow, ’money

  14. 3-syllable word • oOo if 3rd has short V or _(C), or /u/ • en’counter, de’termine, po’tato, di’saster • ooO if 3rd has long V: or diphthong or end with _CC • enter’tain, inter’rupt • Ooo if both 2nd & 3rd have short V or 3rd end with_C • ‘cinema, ‘emperor, ‘intellect

  15. On words structure • Complex words = word stem + affix (prefix & suffix) • 3 types of stress: affix stressed, original word unchanged, stress shift • Prefix : stress on stem , e.g., un`happy, il`legal • Suffix : (p97) • Suffix stressed : -aim, -ee, -eer, -ette, -esque • Unchanged: -able, -age,-al, -en, -ful, -ing, -ish… • Stress shift: -eous,-graphy,-tial, -ic, -ion, -ious, -ty, -ive • Compound words = word + word • as one word meaning (`-- -- ) e.g. `blackbird • or combination of two word meaning( -- `--), • e.g fruit-`cake, • Word structure: `N+N, Adj+`_ed, No.+`N, ADV. (p99)

  16. Stress shift: word class, foreign words & context • Change in part of speech: n. v. adj. adv...e.g. (p101) • combine, permit, digest • Borrowed foreign words: • English origin: love, care • borrowed words: ga’rage • Contextual rhythm • bad-’ tempered  a ‘ bad-tempered ‘ teacher • A game • Think as much as possible the country names with the following stressed patterns • 1) O 2) Oo 3) oO • 4) ooO 5) Ooo 6) oOo • 7) oOoo 8) ooOo

  17. Activity1: Group work to find out the stress of the country names.

  18. O:France, Laos, Spain, Greece, Chad, Chile, • Oo:China, Poland, Oman, Egypt, Ireland, Austria, Israel, Belgium, Iceland, Poland, Gongo, Cuba, Cana, Denmark, German, Togo, Fiji, Finland, Kenya, Libya, Malta, Mali, Burma, Norway, Thailand, Tonga, Turkey, Hungary, Syria, Yemen, India, Britain, Jordan • oO: Brazil, Peru, Bhudam, Korea, Qatar, Kuwait, Japan, Sudan, Iraq, Iran, Vietnam • Ooo:Angola, Panama, Philippines, Netherlands, Canada, Cameroon, Lebanon, Luxembourg, Portugal, Switzerland, Italy • ooO: Pakistan, Palestine, Bangladesh, Singapore,

  19. oOo:Albania, Algeria, Australia, Bulgaria, Bolivia, Botswana, Grenada, Kampuchea, Zimbabwe, Rwanda, Romania, Malawi, Malaysia, Mongolia, Morogo, Monaco, Nigeria, Sri Lanka, Tunisia, Uganda, New Zealand, Jamaica • oOoo:Afghanistan, Dominica, Colombia, America • ooOo:Argentina, Ethiopia, Palestinian, Puerto Rico, Costa Rica, Madagascar, Mauritania, Mozambique, Guatemala, Nicaragua

  20. Summary of word stress • A tendency of polysyllabic words stressing on syll. with long (V:) or diphthong (VV). • About 80% of high frequent N & Adj. stress on first syllable • Word with affixes tend to stress on stem • Compound words tend to stress on first word (from Kennedy: p43-44) Implication for EFL tg. & lg. • NS find NNS a “all-strong-form” pronunciation unnatural and foreign sounding. • NNS have difficulty understanding NS who mostly use sound changes in communication.

  21. Sentence stress/prominence • A sentence consists of one or more rhythm unit. • sentence stress falling on content words rather than function/grammar words with exceptions for: • Information (new/old/share; contrast; repeated ) • `You are a `teacher and `I’m a teacher `too. • Intention of speaker (attitude, special emphasis) • Are you a teacher? • No, but I was a teacher ten years ago. • Rhythm (wave shape) • The big brown bear ate ten white mice.

  22. Prominence –highlight most important info • Definition • A prominent element, i.e., an emphasized & lengthened syllable with pitch up or down in each speech chunk • Where & why to make it ? When you are expressing: • New information • ( I got a postcard from Sue) She’s in MEXico. • In contrast to some other previously mentioned information • (Are you leaving at five thirty?) No, SIX thirty. • Or simply the most meaningful or important items in the phrase • He’s studying econNOMics.

  23. Practice of prominence in context • I am reading. • What are you doing? I am READing. • Who’s reading? I am reading. • Why aren’t you reading?!! I AM reading. • What do you think? a ) I already know what he thinks. 1)What do YOU think? di di Da di b)Should we do it or not? 2) What do you THINK? di di di Da c)I’m sorry, I didn’t hear what you said. 3) WHAT do you think? Da di di di

  24. Practice of prominence in context • Mary’s dress was blue. • Question: Was Mary’s dress blue? • Answer: Mary’s dress WAS blue … (but now she’s dyed it purple.)

  25. Activity2: practice on prominence • Prominence: highlight a syllable by lengthening a vowel, changing volume, and a pitch change Where are you going?  Back to `Fred’s house. Will you be `home this evening? `Only after eight p.m. Shall I ring you this `evening?  Try me after `seven p.m. You were there.  No, I ↑wasn’t. • Four levels of sentence stress 1. unstressed syllable 2. lightly stressed (content words) 3. strongly stressed (prominent element) 4. extra strong (contrastive/ emphatic stress)

  26. English Rhythm (p102-103)prominence tonic syllable stress • Definition: • Regular occurrence of stressed syllables, no matter whether it is separated by unstressed syllables or not. • Stress-timed lang. sentence stress, rhythmic unit  a stressed • He usually reads in the evening. • How to dividing rhythm unit (sense group) • -unstressed syllable + stressed: I’m `going `home • -unstressed is part of the stressed word: • `Go `home `going `home I’m `going `home • -grammatical related: • Give it to John. • He’s older than me

  27. Activity 3: Rhythm practice: • CATS CHASE MICE. • The CATS CHASE MICE. • The CATS have CHASED MICE. • The CATS have CHASED the MICE. • The CATS have been CHASING the MICE. • The CATS might have been CHASING the MICE.

  28. Suggestions for Chinese EFL learners: • Do not stress every word, • quicken/weaken unstressed, • highlight stressed, • linking, pausing • `Great `Progress is `made `daily. • The `boy is `interested in `enlarging his `vocabulary. • She `dressed . and `fed the `baby. • She would’ve `liked to have `gone to the `movie. • She at`tends the Uni`versity of `Maryland.

  29. Activity 4: Reading aloud practice \Last week I went to the theatre. I had a \very good seat. The play was very \interesting. \I did not enjoy it. A \young man and a young woman were sitting be\hind me. They were \talking loudly. I got \very angry. I could not hear the \actors. I turned \round . I \looked at the man and the woman \angrily. They did not pay \any attentions. \In the end, I could not \bear it. I turned round \again. ‘I \can’t hear a \word!’ I said angrily. ‘It’s none of your \business,’ the young man said rudely. ‘This is a \private conver\sation!’

  30. Assignment • Divide a few lines of your data into rhythmic unit and mark the sentence stress in each utterance. Observe: • How many rhythm units in each utterance? • What words are stressed and what are unstressed? • Why so? • Mark all the multi-syllable words stress and comment on them • Mark sentence stress on a few lines of your data and comment on them

  31. Sum up • Word stress, sentence stress, rhythm, intonation 理念:在有意义的情境中关注连贯语音语调、意义情景创设,与交际策略融合 • 活动1-4为例进行说明。 ???与高考“听说考试”的关系 朗读、角色扮演、复述

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