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Department of Geology and Mineral Science
University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria
Prepared by : Atolagbe Joshua Mayowa
 Introduction
 Characteristic features of foliation
 Foliation genesis
 Tectonites
 Foliation types
 Cleavage and foliation
 Geological significance of foliation
FOLIATION is a planar structure in a rock that is homogeneously
distributed throughout the volume.
Examples of foliations include the planar structure defined by the
parallel alignment of platy minerals in rocks such as schist in slate,
the parallel alignment of flattened mineral grains in gneisses
NOTE: FOLIATION is not LINEATION. They are distinct.
LINEATION is a homogeneously distributed linear structure. Lineations
are surficial if they are present along discrete surfaces, and they are
penetrative if they occur throughout the volume of a rock. Examples
of surficial lineation is parallel alignment of mineral fibers that
develop along some fault surfaces.
 Foliation in geology refers to
repetitive layering in metamorphic
rocks. Each layer may be as thin as
a sheet of paper, or over a meter in
 It is caused by shearing forces
(pressures pushing different
sections of the rock in different
directions), or differential pressure
(higher pressure from one direction
than in others)
 Foliation is any penetrative planar
fabric present in metamorphic
rocks. Penetrative structures are
such which do not occur as
individual features (like fractures
or bedding planes) but rather
affect the whole of the intact rock,
usually as a preferred shape and/or
crystallographic orientation of
mineral grains and/or aggregates
of mineral grains. OR if the spacing
or the scale of the structure in a
rock is very small compared to the
size of the rock volume, it’s
considered penetrative.
 They are formed by the prograde
metamorphism (increase in
temperature and pressure) of
mudrocks; slate, phyllite, schist
and gneiss.
1. Grain shape orientation: grains of
minerals which are normally
equidimensional, such as quartz,
feldspar, calcite, etc., show flattened
ellipsoidal shapes with the short axes
perpendicular to the foliation plane,
independent of crystallographic
orientation (Figure 2-1, upper left).
2. Paleosome/neosome: in migmatites,
alternating layers of mafic and felsic
material occur, where the mafic
paleosome represents the remains of
the protolith, and newly crystallised
neosome layers the felsic components
which formed by partial melting (Figure
2-1, upper right).
3. Crystallographic preferred
orientation: tabular and prismatic
minerals, such as mica and amphibole,
are arranged such that crystallographic
axes and planes, and
crystallographically determined grain
boundaries, tend to be parallel (Figure
2-1, lower left).
4. Aggregate shape orientation:
aggregates of grains of the same
mineral, often derived from original
equidimensional grains or aggregates in
the protolith which have been
transformed in the course of
deformation to mono-mineralic lenses
and bands
Characteristic Features of Foliation
Figure 2-1. Schematic representation of the fabric
elements which, alone or in combination, form the
most common types of foliation in metamorphic
tectonites (from Passchier & Trouw 1996, Figure
4.1). Upper left: grain shape orientation; upper
right: paleosome/neosome; lower left:
crystallographic preferred orientation; lower right:
aggregate shape orientation. These fabric elements,
together with the effects of isoclinal folding,
combine to form the “composite foliation” which is
a characteristic feature of the Olkiluoto bedrock.
1. Primary – Foliations are
primary if they originate by
primary sedimentary or
magmatic processes. Primary
sedimentary processes such as
sediment transport and
deposition produce, for
example, linear tool marks, a
preferred orientation of
sedimentary clasts, and
bedding. Primary igneous
processes, such as flow and
crystallization, result in the
preferred orientation of
bubbles and pumice fragments
or compositional streaks and
2. Secondary — Foliations are
secondary if they originate by
secondary processes such as
tectonic deformation or
metamorphism. Forms after
lithification and/or
crystallization of rocks.
Secondary foliation is the
product of stress and strain
(tectonic foliation). Examples
are cleavage, schistosity.
NB: We use terms sedimentary
foliation, igneous lineation, or
tectonite foliation to specify the
inferred origin of a foliation
Foliation Genesis
 They are rocks whose structure is a product of deformation
and which are commonly, but not necessarily,
 They rocks that are pervaded by foliation and or lineation-
flowed in solid state.
 Most tectonite foliations and lineations are secondary in
origin and develop as a result of the deformation, although
some may be inherited primary features.
 Although most tectonites have both foliations and
lineations, if the tectonite structure is dominated by a
foliation, we call it an S-tectonite, and if is dominated by
a lineation, we call it an L-tectonite.
Tectonites are defined by the
fabric they form in rocks.
Fabric is a configuration of
objects penetrating the rock.
Linear (stack of straws)
objects form L-fabrics while
Planar (platy or leafy) objects
constitute S-fabrics.
The rocks are known as L and
S-tectonites respectively.
1. L –tectonites -Rocks that
show a marked linear fabric
(indicate constrictional
2. S tectonites – Rocks showing
pronounced planar fabric
(flattening strain).
3. LS tectonites – Deformed
rocks that contain both
linear and planar fabric
(plane strain)
Types of Foliation
1.Slaty cleavage
2.Phyllitic cleavage
4.Gneissic foliation
1. Gneissic Foliation
 Gneissic foliation refers to foliations that
develop in gneisses, which are coarse-grained,
high-grade metamorphic rocks in which platy
minerals are sparse or absent.
 The foliation generally provides at best a weak
 Gneissic textures occur when the silicate
minerals in the rock separate and
recrystallized into alternating bands of light
(quartz and feldspar) and dark (biotite,
amphibole, or hornblende) grains of silicate
2. Slaty cleavage
 Slaty cleavage refers to fine continuous foliations
characteristic of slates. Slates are very fine-grained, low-
grade metamorphic rocks that contain abundant sheet
silicates (generally clays, chlorites, and micas).
 develops due to tectonic shortening, reorientation of clay
grains, and solution of quartz. QF- and M-domains.
 Slaty cleavage is used to describe rocks that split into thin,
planar slabs when hit with a hammer.
 They may also contain subordinate amounts of silty and
carbonaceous material. The foliation provides a very strong
cleavage to the rock, along which the rock breaks easily and
tends to weather preferentially.
 Rocks with slaty cleavage traditionally have been a valuable
source of materials for such uses as roofing slates and
3. Phyllitic cleavage (thin wave foliation)
 Phyllitic cleavage resembles slaty cleavage except
that the QF- and M-domains become more pronounced
because grain size of the rock is slightly coarser as
temperature increase with depth.
 It characterizes phyllites, which are low-grade
(greenschist), fine-grained, metamorphic rocks
containing abundant micas, chlorite, or both. In hand
samples, the surface of the foliation has a sheen to it,
and individual sheet silicate flakes may just be
resolvable with a good hand lens.
 The foliation strongly affects the rock's weathering
4. Schistocity
 Schistosity refers to the irregular planar foliation
found in coarse-grained, mica-rich, high-grade
metamorphic rocks.
 Chlorite, biotite or muscovite defines the foliation,
and the mineral grains are coarse enough to be visible
with the unaided eye (without the use of microscope.
 It provides a strong cleavage to the rock.
 Rocks with schistosity are generally referred to as
Rock cleavage, or simply cleavage, is the tendency of a rock to
break or cleave along surfaces of a specific orientation.
All cleavages are foliations, but not all foliations are cleavage
because rocks includes planar geometric features that do not
necessarily result in a cleavage.
 The planar alignment of slightly flattened grains, like quartz in a
quartzite or olivine in a peridotite, or the compositional banding
in a gneiss, would define a foliation but would not result in a
Cleavage and Foliation
 In geotechnical engineering, a foliation plane may form a discontinuity
that may have a large influence on the mechanical behavior (strength,
deformation, etc.) of rock masses in, for example, tunnel, foundation, or
slope construction.
 The effect of foliation on rock stiffness
 Effect of foliation on the rock strength
 Influence on The Excavation Disturbed Zone (Edz) and Permeability
 Influence on Thermal Properties
 Influence on In-Situ Stress Estimation
 Influence on Repository Layout and Construction Activities (Blasting,
Geological Significance of Foliation
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  • 1. Department of Geology and Mineral Science University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria FOLIATION Prepared by : Atolagbe Joshua Mayowa
  • 2. Focus  Introduction  Characteristic features of foliation  Foliation genesis  Tectonites  Foliation types  Cleavage and foliation  Geological significance of foliation
  • 3. Introduction FOLIATION is a planar structure in a rock that is homogeneously distributed throughout the volume. Examples of foliations include the planar structure defined by the parallel alignment of platy minerals in rocks such as schist in slate, the parallel alignment of flattened mineral grains in gneisses NOTE: FOLIATION is not LINEATION. They are distinct. LINEATION is a homogeneously distributed linear structure. Lineations are surficial if they are present along discrete surfaces, and they are penetrative if they occur throughout the volume of a rock. Examples of surficial lineation is parallel alignment of mineral fibers that develop along some fault surfaces.
  • 4.  Foliation in geology refers to repetitive layering in metamorphic rocks. Each layer may be as thin as a sheet of paper, or over a meter in thickness.  It is caused by shearing forces (pressures pushing different sections of the rock in different directions), or differential pressure (higher pressure from one direction than in others)  Foliation is any penetrative planar fabric present in metamorphic rocks. Penetrative structures are such which do not occur as individual features (like fractures or bedding planes) but rather affect the whole of the intact rock, usually as a preferred shape and/or crystallographic orientation of mineral grains and/or aggregates of mineral grains. OR if the spacing or the scale of the structure in a rock is very small compared to the size of the rock volume, it’s considered penetrative.  They are formed by the prograde metamorphism (increase in temperature and pressure) of mudrocks; slate, phyllite, schist and gneiss.
  • 5. 1. Grain shape orientation: grains of minerals which are normally equidimensional, such as quartz, feldspar, calcite, etc., show flattened ellipsoidal shapes with the short axes perpendicular to the foliation plane, independent of crystallographic orientation (Figure 2-1, upper left). 2. Paleosome/neosome: in migmatites, alternating layers of mafic and felsic material occur, where the mafic paleosome represents the remains of the protolith, and newly crystallised neosome layers the felsic components which formed by partial melting (Figure 2-1, upper right). 3. Crystallographic preferred orientation: tabular and prismatic minerals, such as mica and amphibole, are arranged such that crystallographic axes and planes, and crystallographically determined grain boundaries, tend to be parallel (Figure 2-1, lower left). 4. Aggregate shape orientation: aggregates of grains of the same mineral, often derived from original equidimensional grains or aggregates in the protolith which have been transformed in the course of deformation to mono-mineralic lenses and bands Characteristic Features of Foliation
  • 6. Figure 2-1. Schematic representation of the fabric elements which, alone or in combination, form the most common types of foliation in metamorphic tectonites (from Passchier & Trouw 1996, Figure 4.1). Upper left: grain shape orientation; upper right: paleosome/neosome; lower left: crystallographic preferred orientation; lower right: aggregate shape orientation. These fabric elements, together with the effects of isoclinal folding, combine to form the “composite foliation” which is a characteristic feature of the Olkiluoto bedrock.
  • 7. 1. Primary – Foliations are primary if they originate by primary sedimentary or magmatic processes. Primary sedimentary processes such as sediment transport and deposition produce, for example, linear tool marks, a preferred orientation of sedimentary clasts, and bedding. Primary igneous processes, such as flow and crystallization, result in the preferred orientation of bubbles and pumice fragments or compositional streaks and bands. 2. Secondary — Foliations are secondary if they originate by secondary processes such as tectonic deformation or metamorphism. Forms after lithification and/or crystallization of rocks. Secondary foliation is the product of stress and strain (tectonic foliation). Examples are cleavage, schistosity. NB: We use terms sedimentary foliation, igneous lineation, or tectonite foliation to specify the inferred origin of a foliation Foliation Genesis
  • 9. Tectonites  They are rocks whose structure is a product of deformation and which are commonly, but not necessarily, metamorphosed.  They rocks that are pervaded by foliation and or lineation- flowed in solid state.  Most tectonite foliations and lineations are secondary in origin and develop as a result of the deformation, although some may be inherited primary features.  Although most tectonites have both foliations and lineations, if the tectonite structure is dominated by a foliation, we call it an S-tectonite, and if is dominated by a lineation, we call it an L-tectonite.
  • 10. Tectonites are defined by the fabric they form in rocks. Fabric is a configuration of objects penetrating the rock. Linear (stack of straws) objects form L-fabrics while Planar (platy or leafy) objects constitute S-fabrics. The rocks are known as L and S-tectonites respectively.
  • 11. 1. L –tectonites -Rocks that show a marked linear fabric (indicate constrictional strain). 2. S tectonites – Rocks showing pronounced planar fabric (flattening strain). 3. LS tectonites – Deformed rocks that contain both linear and planar fabric (plane strain)
  • 12. Types of Foliation 1.Slaty cleavage 2.Phyllitic cleavage 3.Schistosity 4.Gneissic foliation
  • 13. 1. Gneissic Foliation  Gneissic foliation refers to foliations that develop in gneisses, which are coarse-grained, high-grade metamorphic rocks in which platy minerals are sparse or absent.  The foliation generally provides at best a weak cleavage.  Gneissic textures occur when the silicate minerals in the rock separate and recrystallized into alternating bands of light (quartz and feldspar) and dark (biotite, amphibole, or hornblende) grains of silicate minerals.
  • 14. 2. Slaty cleavage  Slaty cleavage refers to fine continuous foliations characteristic of slates. Slates are very fine-grained, low- grade metamorphic rocks that contain abundant sheet silicates (generally clays, chlorites, and micas).  develops due to tectonic shortening, reorientation of clay grains, and solution of quartz. QF- and M-domains.  Slaty cleavage is used to describe rocks that split into thin, planar slabs when hit with a hammer.  They may also contain subordinate amounts of silty and carbonaceous material. The foliation provides a very strong cleavage to the rock, along which the rock breaks easily and tends to weather preferentially.  Rocks with slaty cleavage traditionally have been a valuable source of materials for such uses as roofing slates and blackboards.
  • 15. 3. Phyllitic cleavage (thin wave foliation)  Phyllitic cleavage resembles slaty cleavage except that the QF- and M-domains become more pronounced because grain size of the rock is slightly coarser as temperature increase with depth.  It characterizes phyllites, which are low-grade (greenschist), fine-grained, metamorphic rocks containing abundant micas, chlorite, or both. In hand samples, the surface of the foliation has a sheen to it, and individual sheet silicate flakes may just be resolvable with a good hand lens.  The foliation strongly affects the rock's weathering pattern
  • 16. 4. Schistocity  Schistosity refers to the irregular planar foliation found in coarse-grained, mica-rich, high-grade metamorphic rocks.  Chlorite, biotite or muscovite defines the foliation, and the mineral grains are coarse enough to be visible with the unaided eye (without the use of microscope.  It provides a strong cleavage to the rock.  Rocks with schistosity are generally referred to as schist.
  • 17. Rock cleavage, or simply cleavage, is the tendency of a rock to break or cleave along surfaces of a specific orientation. All cleavages are foliations, but not all foliations are cleavage because rocks includes planar geometric features that do not necessarily result in a cleavage.  The planar alignment of slightly flattened grains, like quartz in a quartzite or olivine in a peridotite, or the compositional banding in a gneiss, would define a foliation but would not result in a cleavage. Cleavage and Foliation
  • 18.  In geotechnical engineering, a foliation plane may form a discontinuity that may have a large influence on the mechanical behavior (strength, deformation, etc.) of rock masses in, for example, tunnel, foundation, or slope construction.  The effect of foliation on rock stiffness  Effect of foliation on the rock strength  Influence on The Excavation Disturbed Zone (Edz) and Permeability  Influence on Thermal Properties  Influence on In-Situ Stress Estimation  Influence on Repository Layout and Construction Activities (Blasting, Grouting) Geological Significance of Foliation
  • 19. Read more on:
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