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By Bharath Bhushan

Brief history
• The first cereal grains were domesticated about 12,000 years ago by
  ancient farming communities in the Fertile Crescent region. Emmer
  wheat, einkorn wheat, and barley were three of the so-called
  Neolithic founder crops in the development of agriculture.
•   Agricultural grasses grown for their
    edible seeds are called cereals. Three
    cereals – rice, wheat, and maize (corn) –
    provide more than half of all calories
    eaten by humans.Of all crops, 70% are
    grasses.Cereals constitute the major
    source of carbohydrates for humans and
    perhaps the major source of protein, and
    include rice in southern and eastern Asia,
    maize in Central and South America, and
    wheat and barley in Europe, northern
    Asia and the Americas.
• Grasses are, in human terms,
  perhaps the most economically
  important plant family. Grasses'
  economic importance stems from
  several areas, including food
  production, industry, and lawns.
   Pseudocereals are broadleaf plants (non-grasses) that are used in
    much the same way as cereals (true cereals are grasses). Their seed
    can be ground into flour and otherwise used as cereals.
   Examples of pseudocereals are amaranth, Love-lies-bleeding, red
    amaranth, Prince-of-Wales-feather, quinoa, and buckwheat.
   Quinoa–the spectacular super food
    that originated in the Andean
    region of Peru–is NOT a grain.
    Despite looking like a baby version
    of rice or barley and taking the
    place of various grain in recipes,
    quinoa, the protein-fiber
    powerhouse combo, is actually a

   It is closely related to chard or spinach
    in a bizarre category called
    pseudocereals… The tiny grain-like
    pieces which we cook are actually
    SEEDS from the plant. In fact, the leafy
    part of the quinoa plant is edible, too.
    WOW! Don’t know when the foodie
    world has been so confused and
    misleading since we dubbed the
    tomato as a fruit?
   Cereals, grains, or cereal grains are grasses (members of
    the monocot families Poaceae or
    Gramineae)cultivated for the edible components of
    their grain composed of the endosperm, germ, and
    bran. (botanically, a type of fruit called a caryopsis)
   However, when refined by the removal of the bran and
    germ, the remaining endosperm is mostly carbohydrate
    and lacks the majority of the other nutrients.
Grains of cereal

Maize    Rice   Wheat      Barley        Sorghum (Milo)

Millet   Oats    Rye     Triticale           Fonio
                         [high protein
                        cross between
                        wheat and rye]
• The leafy stalk produces ears which contain seeds
          called kernels.
        • Maize kernels are used in cooking as a vegetable or
MAIZE   • Maize constitutes an important source of
          carbohydrates, protein, vitamin B, and minerals. As
          an energy source, it compares favourably with root
          and tuber crops, and it is similar in energy value to
          dried legumes. Furthermore, it is an excellent source
          of carbohydrate and is complete in nutrients
          compared to other cereals.
        • Maize is a good source of vitamin B and B12. Yellow
          maize can provide substantial amounts of vitamin A,
          and the maize germ is rich in vitamin E.
          Furthermore, maize oil contains a high level of
          polyunsaturated fatty acids and natural antioxidants
          (Okoruwa, 1996). However, of the three major cereal
          grains (wheat, maize, and rice), maize has the lowest
          concentration of protein, calcium, and niacin.

 • In India, there is a saying that grains of rice should be like two brothers, close but
   not stuck together.
 • The primary cereal of tropical and some temperate regions it is the most important
   grain with regard to human nutrition and caloric intake, providing more than one
   fifth of the calories consumed worldwide by the human species.
 • Comparative nutrition studies on red, black and white varieties of rice suggest that
   pigments in red and black rice varieties may offer nutrition benefits. Red or black
   rice consumption were found to reduce or retard the progression of
   atherosclerotic plaque development, induced by dietary cholesterol, in mammals.
 • White rice consumption offered no similar benefits, and the study claims this to be
   due to absent antioxidants of red and black varieties of rice
•   Wheat grain is a staple food used to make flour for leavened, flat and steamed
    breads, biscuits, cookies, cakes, breakfast cereal, pasta, noodles, couscousand for
    fermentation to make beer,other alcoholic beverages, or biofuel.
•   Wheat is grown on more land area than any other commercial crop and is the
    most important staple food for humans. World trade in wheat is greater than for
    all other crops combined.
•   The many forms of wheat are white , red wheat,purple wheat, a tetraploid species
    of wheat that is rich in anti-oxidants. Other commercially minor but nutritionally-
    promising species of naturally evolved wheat species include black, yellow and
    blue wheat.
 Grown for malting and livestock on land too poor or
  too cold for wheat
 It serves as a major animal fodder, a source of
  fermentable material for beer and certain distilled
  beverages, and as a component of various health
  foods. It is used in soups and stews, and in barley
  bread of various cultures.
 Barley contains eight essential amino acids.
 According to a recent study, eating whole grain
  barley can regulate blood sugar (i.e. reduce blood
  glucose response to a meal) for up to 10 hours
  after consumption compared to white or even
  whole-grain wheat
 sorghum is an important food
  crop, especially for
  subsistence farmers. It is used
  to make such foods as
  couscous, sorghum
  flour, porridge and molasses.
 sorghum is the most
  important ingredient for the
  production of distilled
  beverages, such as maotai
  and kaoliang.
 It is drought tolerant and
  heat tolerant, and is
  especially important in arid
 It is an important food crop in
  Africa, Central America, and
  South Asia, and is the "fifth
  most important cereal crop
  grown in the world"
     A group of similar but distinct
      c e r e a l s t h a t fo r m a n i m p o r t a n t
      s t a p l e fo o d i n A s i a a n d A f r i c a .
     T h ey g r ow i n h a r s h e nv i r o n m e n t s
      w h e r e ot h e r c r o p s d o n o t g r o w we l l .
      I m p r ov e m e n t s i n p r o d u c t i o n ,
      av a i l a b i l i t y, n u t r i t i o n a l c o n t e n t ,
      s to r a g e a n d u t i l i z a t i o n te c h n o l o g y
      fo r m i l l e t s m ay s i g n i f i c a n t l y
      c o n t r i b u t e to t h e h o u s e h o l d f o o d
      security and nutrition of the
      inhabitants of these areas.
     Is cereal grain popularly used in
      r u r a l a n d p o o r p e o p l e to c o n s u m e
      as staple in the form of roti or
      ot h e r fo r m s i s c a l l e d R a g i i n
      Ka r n a t a k a o r N a a c h a n i e i n
      Maharashtra, with the popularly
      m a d e R a g i Ro t t i i n Ka n n a d a . R a g i
      Mudde is a popular meal in
      Southern India.
• Formerly the staple food of Scotland
  and popular worldwide as a winter
  breakfast food and livestock feed
• which is known by the same name
  (usually in the plural, unlike other
  grains). While oats are suitable for
  human consumption as oatmeal and
  rolled oats, one of the most common
  uses is as livestock feed. Oats make up
  a part of the daily diet of horses, about
  20% of daily intake or smaller, and are
  regularly fed to cattle as well. Oats are
  also used in some brands of dog food
  and chicken feed.
Important in cold climates.

      {    Rye grain is used for flour, rye bread, rye beer, some
          whiskeys, some vodkas, and animal fodder. It can
          also be eaten whole, either as boiled rye berries, or by
          being rolled, similar to rolled oats.

 Hybrid of wheat and
  rye, grown similarly to rye.
 The primary producers of
  triticale are
  Poland, Germany, France, Belar
  us and Australia.
 Triticale has potential in the
  production of bread and other
  food products, such as
  cookies, pasta, pizza dough and
  breakfast cereals.
 The protein content is higher
  than that of wheat, although the
  glutenin fraction is less.
• Fonio is the term for cultivated grains in the
          Digitaria genus. These are notable in parts of West
          Africa and one species in India. The grains are
          very small.
        • Black fonio (D. iburua) is a similar crop grown in
          Nigeria, Togo, and Benin.
        • In the Akposso area of Togo fonio (called ɔva) is
          primarily a women's crop; it and cowpeas are used
          to make a traditional dish.

Thank you

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  • 1. By Bharath Bhushan Cereals
  • 2. Brief history • The first cereal grains were domesticated about 12,000 years ago by ancient farming communities in the Fertile Crescent region. Emmer wheat, einkorn wheat, and barley were three of the so-called Neolithic founder crops in the development of agriculture.
  • 3. Introduction • Agricultural grasses grown for their edible seeds are called cereals. Three cereals – rice, wheat, and maize (corn) – provide more than half of all calories eaten by humans.Of all crops, 70% are grasses.Cereals constitute the major source of carbohydrates for humans and perhaps the major source of protein, and include rice in southern and eastern Asia, maize in Central and South America, and wheat and barley in Europe, northern Asia and the Americas. • Grasses are, in human terms, perhaps the most economically important plant family. Grasses' economic importance stems from several areas, including food production, industry, and lawns.
  • 4.  Pseudocereals are broadleaf plants (non-grasses) that are used in much the same way as cereals (true cereals are grasses). Their seed can be ground into flour and otherwise used as cereals.  Examples of pseudocereals are amaranth, Love-lies-bleeding, red amaranth, Prince-of-Wales-feather, quinoa, and buckwheat.
  • 5.  Quinoa–the spectacular super food that originated in the Andean region of Peru–is NOT a grain. Despite looking like a baby version of rice or barley and taking the place of various grain in recipes, quinoa, the protein-fiber powerhouse combo, is actually a LEAFY PLANT.  It is closely related to chard or spinach in a bizarre category called pseudocereals… The tiny grain-like pieces which we cook are actually SEEDS from the plant. In fact, the leafy part of the quinoa plant is edible, too. WOW! Don’t know when the foodie world has been so confused and misleading since we dubbed the tomato as a fruit?
  • 6. cereals  Cereals, grains, or cereal grains are grasses (members of the monocot families Poaceae or Gramineae)cultivated for the edible components of their grain composed of the endosperm, germ, and bran. (botanically, a type of fruit called a caryopsis)  However, when refined by the removal of the bran and germ, the remaining endosperm is mostly carbohydrate and lacks the majority of the other nutrients.
  • 7. Grains of cereal Maize Rice Wheat Barley Sorghum (Milo) Millet Oats Rye Triticale Fonio [high protein cross between wheat and rye]
  • 8. • The leafy stalk produces ears which contain seeds called kernels. • Maize kernels are used in cooking as a vegetable or starch. MAIZE • Maize constitutes an important source of carbohydrates, protein, vitamin B, and minerals. As an energy source, it compares favourably with root and tuber crops, and it is similar in energy value to dried legumes. Furthermore, it is an excellent source of carbohydrate and is complete in nutrients compared to other cereals. • Maize is a good source of vitamin B and B12. Yellow maize can provide substantial amounts of vitamin A, and the maize germ is rich in vitamin E. Furthermore, maize oil contains a high level of polyunsaturated fatty acids and natural antioxidants (Okoruwa, 1996). However, of the three major cereal grains (wheat, maize, and rice), maize has the lowest concentration of protein, calcium, and niacin.
  • 9. RICE • In India, there is a saying that grains of rice should be like two brothers, close but not stuck together. • The primary cereal of tropical and some temperate regions it is the most important grain with regard to human nutrition and caloric intake, providing more than one fifth of the calories consumed worldwide by the human species. • Comparative nutrition studies on red, black and white varieties of rice suggest that pigments in red and black rice varieties may offer nutrition benefits. Red or black rice consumption were found to reduce or retard the progression of atherosclerotic plaque development, induced by dietary cholesterol, in mammals. • White rice consumption offered no similar benefits, and the study claims this to be due to absent antioxidants of red and black varieties of rice
  • 10. wheat • Wheat grain is a staple food used to make flour for leavened, flat and steamed breads, biscuits, cookies, cakes, breakfast cereal, pasta, noodles, couscousand for fermentation to make beer,other alcoholic beverages, or biofuel. • Wheat is grown on more land area than any other commercial crop and is the most important staple food for humans. World trade in wheat is greater than for all other crops combined. • The many forms of wheat are white , red wheat,purple wheat, a tetraploid species of wheat that is rich in anti-oxidants. Other commercially minor but nutritionally- promising species of naturally evolved wheat species include black, yellow and blue wheat.
  • 11. BARLEY  Grown for malting and livestock on land too poor or too cold for wheat  It serves as a major animal fodder, a source of fermentable material for beer and certain distilled beverages, and as a component of various health foods. It is used in soups and stews, and in barley bread of various cultures.  Barley contains eight essential amino acids.  According to a recent study, eating whole grain barley can regulate blood sugar (i.e. reduce blood glucose response to a meal) for up to 10 hours after consumption compared to white or even whole-grain wheat
  • 12. Sorghum(milo/jow ar/jola/高粱)  sorghum is an important food crop, especially for subsistence farmers. It is used to make such foods as couscous, sorghum flour, porridge and molasses.  sorghum is the most important ingredient for the production of distilled beverages, such as maotai and kaoliang.  It is drought tolerant and heat tolerant, and is especially important in arid regions.  It is an important food crop in Africa, Central America, and South Asia, and is the "fifth most important cereal crop grown in the world"
  • 13. MILLET  A group of similar but distinct c e r e a l s t h a t fo r m a n i m p o r t a n t s t a p l e fo o d i n A s i a a n d A f r i c a .  T h ey g r ow i n h a r s h e nv i r o n m e n t s w h e r e ot h e r c r o p s d o n o t g r o w we l l . I m p r ov e m e n t s i n p r o d u c t i o n , av a i l a b i l i t y, n u t r i t i o n a l c o n t e n t , s to r a g e a n d u t i l i z a t i o n te c h n o l o g y fo r m i l l e t s m ay s i g n i f i c a n t l y c o n t r i b u t e to t h e h o u s e h o l d f o o d security and nutrition of the inhabitants of these areas.  Is cereal grain popularly used in r u r a l a n d p o o r p e o p l e to c o n s u m e as staple in the form of roti or ot h e r fo r m s i s c a l l e d R a g i i n Ka r n a t a k a o r N a a c h a n i e i n Maharashtra, with the popularly m a d e R a g i Ro t t i i n Ka n n a d a . R a g i Mudde is a popular meal in Southern India.
  • 14. Oats • Formerly the staple food of Scotland and popular worldwide as a winter breakfast food and livestock feed • which is known by the same name (usually in the plural, unlike other grains). While oats are suitable for human consumption as oatmeal and rolled oats, one of the most common uses is as livestock feed. Oats make up a part of the daily diet of horses, about 20% of daily intake or smaller, and are regularly fed to cattle as well. Oats are also used in some brands of dog food and chicken feed.
  • 15. Important in cold climates. { Rye grain is used for flour, rye bread, rye beer, some whiskeys, some vodkas, and animal fodder. It can also be eaten whole, either as boiled rye berries, or by being rolled, similar to rolled oats. Rye
  • 16. Triticale   Hybrid of wheat and rye, grown similarly to rye.  The primary producers of triticale are Poland, Germany, France, Belar us and Australia.  Triticale has potential in the production of bread and other food products, such as cookies, pasta, pizza dough and breakfast cereals.  The protein content is higher than that of wheat, although the glutenin fraction is less.
  • 17. • Fonio is the term for cultivated grains in the Digitaria genus. These are notable in parts of West Africa and one species in India. The grains are very small. • Black fonio (D. iburua) is a similar crop grown in Nigeria, Togo, and Benin. • In the Akposso area of Togo fonio (called ɔva) is primarily a women's crop; it and cowpeas are used to make a traditional dish. Fonio
  • 18. Thank you
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