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NAYS Overview 2011
Presentation topics

•   NAYS Overview
•   NYSCA Coach Education Program
•   NAYS Chapter Management
•   Online Demo
Nays overview

 The NYSCA provides training, support, and
    continuing education to coaches who
volunteer to coach out-of-school youth sports

  More than 2 million coaches trained since 1981
Nays overview
Over the past 30, NAYS has expanded…
 Educational Programs:
 •Volunteer administrators
 •Professional administrators

 Youth Development Programs:
 •Start Smart Sports Development Programs
 •Hook a Kid on Golf
 •Ready, Set, RUN!

How does the NYSCA
  program work?
Initial level membership

       Live Onsite Clinic
1)   Coaches participate in an
     interactive video training clinic
2)   Complete an exam
3)   Sign a pledge committing to uphold
     a Code of Ethics Pledge

     $20 Initial Membership Fee
Initial level membership

          Online Clinic

   Availability – Eliminates Scheduling Conflicts
   Convenience – 24/7
   Quality – Video, Graphics, Expert Commentary
   Member Benefits – Same as On-Site Clinics plus
    Printable Materials; Journal and two coaching

          $25 Initial Membership Fee
Initial level membership

Notes about Live and Online Clinics:

- Chapters can choose to offer one clinic type or both

- Live clinics allow more interaction between
administrators and coaches and also between coaches

- Online clinics allow coaches to access the training
videos at anytime during their NYSCA membership
Initial level membership
Part 1: Introduction to Coaching Youth
Sports Video
 Psychology of coaching
 Tips on communication
 Sportsmanship
 Parents as partners
 Child abuse in sports
 Injury prevention
 Conditioning
 Nutrition Hydration
On-Site and Online PLUS Sport Specific
Initial level membership
       Part 2:
       Sport Specific Training

      Baseball                   Football
      T-Ball                     Flag-Football
      Softball                   Cheerleading
      Basketball                 In-Line Hockey
      Soccer                     Volleyball
      Hockey                     Lacrosse (Spring 2011)
Other Sports: Completed via Speaker’s Guide (Onsite Clinics only)

Coaching multiple sports?

TWO Options Available When Coaching
Another Sport:

1. Attend Live Clinic – View sport
   specific video only, no retake of exam,
   no additional membership fee.
2. Complete ONLINE Clinic – View sport
    specific video only, no retake of
   exam, submit $5 per additional sport
   (Includes access to online sport
   specific materials).
Initial level member benefits

• Interactive Clinic
• Youth Sports Journal (at clinic)
• $1,000,000 Excess Liability
• SportingKid Magazine
• Membership Card w/Key Tag
• Corporate Discounts
• Exclusive Online Member Area…

     $20 Annual Membership Fee
Online member area

 Becoming a member of NYSCA is so
 much more than just coach training…
By logging on at, coaches are
 equipped with tools that make them a
     better coach all season long…
Online member area
All members of NYSCA, whether they received their training online or
at a live clinic, have access to a personalized NYSCA member page at
Online member area
Coach Ratings:
 Provides feedback from parent
evaluations all season long

SportingKid Magazine:
Youth sport magazine packed
with news, tips & expert info

Skills & Drills:
Video and printable exercises
for practice preparation

Interactive communication tool
connects coaches to players

Coaching Forum:
Ask questions & share
knowledge with over 150,000
NYSCA members

Educational Resources:
Additional content relevant to
coaching youth sports

Parents can rate
your coaches in
 14 key areas…
        How to establish ratings…
                  Option # 1
                  The league or NAYS chapter initiates the
  Easy-to-use     system by sending out a league wide email or
system makes it   posting a link to the evaluations on your league
                  or chapter website.
 easy on you &
 anonymous for    Option # 2
   parents to     An NYSCA member coach who wants to see
                  how the players’ parents view his/her coaching
ensure accurate   ability, can simply email parents a link located
  evaluations     at that will direct them to fill out
                  an evaluation anonymously.

               How would you rate your child’s coach’s ability in teaching the
Results are    importance of good sportsmanship to all the players?
displayed as
an average
between 1-10   When it comes to disciplining behavior problems, how well does
               your child’s coach handle these situations?

                How concerned is your child’s coach about scheduling breaks
               throughout the practice to help ensure that everyone stays
               properly hydrated?

Sporting kid magazine

                     the official member publication
offers key information on all aspects of youth sports
                   and coaching.

              NYSCA members can view all past SportingKid issues online
              and request to have current issues mailed to their address.
Skills and drills

Members can view detailed animated and printable
   instructions for practice drills and tips on
     how to implement them to their team…

                   Make a selection from the following two choices:
Skills and drills- Animated
1. Select a Sport

2. Choose animated skill     3. View step-by-step animated
                               video of the complete skill

                           …additional sports will be added and
                           content will be updated periodically!
Skills and drills- Printable
1. Select a Sport

 2. Choose from a list of drills and coaching pointers from the
For Dummies Coaching Series written by NAYS

Members can interact with players using a
 personalized web tool designed to focus
            on team needs…
             Manage team rosters, practices, agendas and
             communication simply by clicking on a tab…
Coaching forum
The Coaching Forum allows you to communicate with
          1,000’s of other coaches about
      issues, ideas, questions or comments…
Overview of Benefits
  As a member of NYSCA, coaches receive
  exclusive benefits and discounts on products
  and services from select partners:
Continuing memberships

No Additional Clinics Required

•Renewal notice sent to members
 from NAYS headquarters
•Renewing options include online,
 phone, mail or local chapter

    $20 Annual Membership Fee
      (Onsite and Online Members)
Continuing member benefits

• $2,000,000 Excess Liability Insurance
• $250,000 Excess Accident/Medical
• SportingKid Magazine
• Membership Card w/Key Tag
• Exclusive Corporate Discounts
• Online Member Area
chapter management

NAYS Chapters

•Parks and recreation departments
•Boys and Girls Clubs
•Police Athletic leagues
•Catholic Youth Organizations
•Other independent youth service groups

  3,000 Organizations are NAYS Chapters!
chapter management

In addition to the NYSCA coach training
program you have access to:

• Background Screening & Management
• Online Evaluation Tool
• Accountability Policies and Procedures


     Screening   Training   Evaluation   Accountability
Online chapter management

    Log in at
Online chapter management
View members :
All relevant
information is
available in one

Select a member
for more detailed
Edit information,
check background
information or
initiate an online
evaluation for a
Background screening
If you register for
the NAYS system
you can view
results in the
*stored securely by
screening company

Using your own
Chapters can enter
their own screening
results so that they
can be viewed in
the system as well
“rate your coach” evaluations
View All Results:
Historical results
can be exported to
a spreadsheet for

View Individual
Results can be used
to follow-up with
coach complaints
or to reward
coaches for great

View Categories:
You and coaches
will be able to see
the areas where
they need to
improve their
“rate your coach” Example
“rate your coach” evaluations
Coach accountability
Created with input
from youth sports

Allows NAYS to
keep track of
incidents and
report back to

Revocation :
Coaches not living
up to the Code of
Ethics can have
their memberships
revoked -
Membership & Education

Education programs for all adults
    involved in youth sports!
To learn more please contact us or visit
             our website:

More Related Content

NAYS Overview 2011

  • 2. Presentation topics • NAYS Overview • NYSCA Coach Education Program • NAYS Chapter Management • Online Demo
  • 3. Nays overview The NYSCA provides training, support, and continuing education to coaches who volunteer to coach out-of-school youth sports teams. More than 2 million coaches trained since 1981
  • 4. Nays overview Over the past 30, NAYS has expanded… Educational Programs: •Coaches •Volunteer administrators •Professional administrators •Officials •Parents Youth Development Programs: •Start Smart Sports Development Programs •Hook a Kid on Golf •Ready, Set, RUN!
  • 5. NYSCA How does the NYSCA program work?
  • 6. Initial level membership Live Onsite Clinic 1) Coaches participate in an interactive video training clinic 2) Complete an exam 3) Sign a pledge committing to uphold a Code of Ethics Pledge $20 Initial Membership Fee
  • 7. Initial level membership Online Clinic INTERACTIVE ONLINE VERSION OF THE LIVE ON-SITE TRAINING PROGRAM:  Availability – Eliminates Scheduling Conflicts  Convenience – 24/7  Quality – Video, Graphics, Expert Commentary  Member Benefits – Same as On-Site Clinics plus Printable Materials; Journal and two coaching manuals $25 Initial Membership Fee
  • 8. Initial level membership Notes about Live and Online Clinics: - Chapters can choose to offer one clinic type or both - Live clinics allow more interaction between administrators and coaches and also between coaches - Online clinics allow coaches to access the training videos at anytime during their NYSCA membership
  • 9. Initial level membership Part 1: Introduction to Coaching Youth Sports Video  Psychology of coaching  Tips on communication  Sportsmanship  Parents as partners  Child abuse in sports  Injury prevention  Conditioning  Nutrition Hydration On-Site and Online PLUS Sport Specific
  • 10. Initial level membership Part 2: Sport Specific Training  Baseball  Football  T-Ball  Flag-Football  Softball  Cheerleading  Basketball  In-Line Hockey  Soccer  Volleyball  Hockey  Lacrosse (Spring 2011) Other Sports: Completed via Speaker’s Guide (Onsite Clinics only) ON-SITE AND ONLINE CLINICS
  • 11. Coaching multiple sports? TWO Options Available When Coaching Another Sport: 1. Attend Live Clinic – View sport specific video only, no retake of exam, no additional membership fee. 2. Complete ONLINE Clinic – View sport specific video only, no retake of exam, submit $5 per additional sport (Includes access to online sport specific materials).
  • 12. Initial level member benefits • Interactive Clinic • Youth Sports Journal (at clinic) • $1,000,000 Excess Liability Insurance • SportingKid Magazine • Membership Card w/Key Tag • Corporate Discounts • Exclusive Online Member Area… $20 Annual Membership Fee
  • 13. Online member area Becoming a member of NYSCA is so much more than just coach training… By logging on at, coaches are equipped with tools that make them a better coach all season long…
  • 14. Online member area All members of NYSCA, whether they received their training online or at a live clinic, have access to a personalized NYSCA member page at
  • 15. Online member area Coach Ratings: Provides feedback from parent evaluations all season long SportingKid Magazine: Youth sport magazine packed with news, tips & expert info Skills & Drills: Video and printable exercises for practice preparation ShapeStuff: Interactive communication tool connects coaches to players Coaching Forum: Ask questions & share knowledge with over 150,000 NYSCA members Educational Resources: Additional content relevant to coaching youth sports
  • 16. Coach RATINGS Parents can rate your coaches in 14 key areas…
  • 17. Coach RATINGS How to establish ratings… Option # 1 The league or NAYS chapter initiates the Easy-to-use system by sending out a league wide email or system makes it posting a link to the evaluations on your league or chapter website. easy on you & anonymous for Option # 2 parents to An NYSCA member coach who wants to see how the players’ parents view his/her coaching ensure accurate ability, can simply email parents a link located evaluations at that will direct them to fill out an evaluation anonymously.
  • 18. Coach RATINGS How would you rate your child’s coach’s ability in teaching the Results are importance of good sportsmanship to all the players? displayed as 6.0 an average between 1-10 When it comes to disciplining behavior problems, how well does your child’s coach handle these situations? 7.2 How concerned is your child’s coach about scheduling breaks throughout the practice to help ensure that everyone stays properly hydrated? 8.0
  • 19. Sporting kid magazine the official member publication offers key information on all aspects of youth sports and coaching. NYSCA members can view all past SportingKid issues online and request to have current issues mailed to their address.
  • 20. Skills and drills Members can view detailed animated and printable instructions for practice drills and tips on how to implement them to their team… Make a selection from the following two choices:
  • 21. Skills and drills- Animated 1. Select a Sport 2. Choose animated skill 3. View step-by-step animated video of the complete skill …additional sports will be added and content will be updated periodically!
  • 22. Skills and drills- Printable 1. Select a Sport 2. Choose from a list of drills and coaching pointers from the For Dummies Coaching Series written by NAYS
  • 23. shapestuff™ Members can interact with players using a personalized web tool designed to focus on team needs… Manage team rosters, practices, agendas and communication simply by clicking on a tab…
  • 24. Coaching forum The Coaching Forum allows you to communicate with 1,000’s of other coaches about issues, ideas, questions or comments…
  • 25. Overview of Benefits As a member of NYSCA, coaches receive exclusive benefits and discounts on products and services from select partners:
  • 26. Continuing memberships No Additional Clinics Required •Renewal notice sent to members from NAYS headquarters •Renewing options include online, phone, mail or local chapter $20 Annual Membership Fee (Onsite and Online Members)
  • 27. Continuing member benefits • $2,000,000 Excess Liability Insurance • $250,000 Excess Accident/Medical Insurance • SportingKid Magazine • Membership Card w/Key Tag • Exclusive Corporate Discounts • Online Member Area
  • 28. chapter management Chapter NAYS Chapters •Parks and recreation departments •Boys and Girls Clubs •Police Athletic leagues •YMCA/YWCAs •Catholic Youth Organizations •Other independent youth service groups 3,000 Organizations are NAYS Chapters!
  • 29. chapter management In addition to the NYSCA coach training program you have access to: • Background Screening & Management • Online Evaluation Tool • Accountability Policies and Procedures NAYS 4-STEP APPROACH TO COACH MANAGEMENT Screening Training Evaluation Accountability
  • 30. Online chapter management Log in at
  • 31. Online chapter management View members : All relevant information is available in one database Select a member for more detailed information: Edit information, check background information or initiate an online evaluation for a coach.
  • 32. Background screening Use NAYS program: If you register for the NAYS system you can view results in the Chapter Management system* *stored securely by screening company Using your own screening system: Chapters can enter their own screening results so that they can be viewed in the system as well
  • 33. “rate your coach” evaluations View All Results: Historical results can be exported to a spreadsheet for management. View Individual Results: Results can be used to follow-up with coach complaints or to reward coaches for great service. View Categories: You and coaches will be able to see the areas where they need to improve their coaching.
  • 34. “rate your coach” Example
  • 35. “rate your coach” evaluations
  • 36. Coach accountability National Guidelines: Created with input from youth sports professionals Reporting Feature: Allows NAYS to keep track of incidents and report back to chapters Revocation : Coaches not living up to the Code of Ethics can have their memberships revoked - permanently
  • 37. Membership & Education Education programs for all adults involved in youth sports!
  • 38. To learn more please contact us or visit our website: 1-800-688-KIDS
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