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乃夫英文读报(三十七)今天教你跳,抖音开车门舞《In My Feelings》

Omarosa says Trump isa racist who uses

N-word – and claims there is tape to prove it



Donald Trumpis a "racist" who has used the "N-word" repeatedly, Omarosa Manigault Newman, once the most prominentAfrican American in the White House, claims in a searing memoir.

Donald Trumpis a "racist" who has used the "N-word" repeatedly, Omarosa Manigault Newman, once the most prominentAfrican American in the White House, claims in a searing memoir.


The future US president was caught on mic uttering the tabooracial slur"multiple times" during the making of his reality TV show The Apprenticeand there is a tape to prove it, according to Manigault Newman, citing three unnamed sources.

The future US president was caught on mic uttering the tabooracial slur"multiple times" during the making of his reality TV show The Apprenticeand there is a tape to prove it, according to Manigault Newman, citing three unnamed sources.


At the time, she writes, she felt a "growing realization that Donald Trump was indeed a racist, a bigotand a misogynist. My certainty about the N-word tape and his frequent uses of that word were the top of a high mountain of truly appallingthings I'd experienced with him, during the last two years in particular."

At the time, she writes, she felt a "growing realization that Donald Trump was indeed a racist, a bigotand a misogynist. My certainty about the N-word tape and his frequent uses of that word were the top of a high mountain of truly appallingthings I'd experienced with him, during the last two years in particular."



1.prominentadj. 突出的,显著的;杰出的

2.memoir n. 回忆录;研究报告;自传

3.tabooadj. 禁忌的;忌讳的

4.slurn. 污点;诽谤

5.apprenticen. 学徒;生手

6.bigotn. 偏执的人;顽固者;盲信者

7.misogynistn. 厌恶女人的人

8.appallingadj. 可怕的;令人震惊的


1.prominentadj. 突出的,显著的;杰出的

2.memoir n. 回忆录;研究报告;自传

3.tabooadj. 禁忌的;忌讳的

4.slurn. 污点;诽谤

5.apprenticen. 学徒;生手

6.bigotn. 偏执的人;顽固者;盲信者

7.misogynistn. 厌恶女人的人

8.appallingadj. 可怕的;令人震惊的

Everybody get up!

The dance crazes changing the world


Drake's In My Feelings is the latest viral sensationto get people moving. And from black culture to queeridentity tofeminism, the global reach of pop choreographymakes it the perfect way to change cultural perceptions.

Drake's In My Feelings is the latest viral sensationto get people moving. And from black culture to queeridentity tofeminism, the global reach of pop choreographymakes it the perfect way to change cultural perceptions.

Drake新歌《In My Feelings》病毒式的传播,引发了人们热舞的激情。从黑人文化到同性恋身份再到女权主义,歌曲编舞的全球影响力,使它成为改变文化观念的完美途径。

The trend was kicked off by Instagram comedian Shiggy dancing along to the track, his moves perfectly syncedto Drake's lines: hands shaped into a heart when Drake asks if Kiki loves him; turning an imaginary steering wheel for lyricsabout "riding"; wagglinghis finger back and forth when Drake asks Kiki to say she will never leave his side. Instagram users around the world followed suit, mimicking those moves and adding their ownflair, often hopping out of a moving car while doing so, to the horror of the police. The #InMyFeelings challenge was born, making it the latest instance in which pop and dance have proved inseparable.

The trend was kicked off by Instagram comedian Shiggy dancing along to the track, his moves perfectly syncedto Drake's lines: hands shaped into a heart when Drake asks if Kiki loves him; turning an imaginary steering wheel for lyricsabout "riding"; wagglinghis finger back and forth when Drake asks Kiki to say she will never leave his side. Instagram users around the world followed suit, mimicking those moves and adding their ownflair, often hopping out of a moving car while doing so, to the horror of the police. The #InMyFeelings challenge was born, making it the latest instance in which pop and dance have proved inseparable.


in my feelings challenge”的诞生,成为流行音乐与舞蹈密不可分的佐证。


1.sensationn. 感觉;轰动;感动

2.queer n. 同性恋者;怪人

3.feminismn. 女权主义;女权运动

4.choreographyn. 编舞;舞蹈艺术;舞艺

5.syncv. 同时发生

6.lyrics n. 抒情诗;歌词

7.wagglev. 摇摆;不停地来回摇动

8.flairn. 天资;天分


1.sensationn. 感觉;轰动;感动

2.queer n. 同性恋者;怪人

3.feminismn. 女权主义;女权运动

4.choreographyn. 编舞;舞蹈艺术;舞艺

5.syncv. 同时发生

6.lyrics n. 抒情诗;歌词

7.wagglev. 摇摆;不停地来回摇动

8.flairn. 天资;天分

Parker Solar Probe:

last-minute hitch delays flight to the sun



A last-minute technical problem has delayed Nasa's unprecedentedflight to the sun.

A last-minute technical problem has delayed Nasa's unprecedentedflight to the sun.


Saturday's launch countdown was halted with just one-minute, 55 seconds remaining, keeping the Delta IV (four) rocket at Cape Canaveral, Florida, with the Parker Solar Probe. This followed earlier trouble in the countdown.

Saturday's launch countdown was halted with just one-minute, 55 seconds remaining, keeping the Delta IV (four) rocket at Cape Canaveral, Florida, with the Parker Solar Probe. This followed earlier trouble in the countdown.


Nasa says it will try again on Sunday. Once on its way, the Parker probe will venture closer to our star than any other spacecraft. The $1.5bn mission is already a week late because of rocket issues.

Nasa says it will try again on Sunday. Once on its way, the Parker probe will venture closer to our star than any other spacecraft. The $1.5bn mission is already a week late because of rocket issues.



1.proben. 探针;调查(此指探测器)

2.hitchn. 故障;钩;猛拉

3. unprecedentedadj. 空前的;无前例的


1.proben. 探针;调查(此指探测器)

2.hitchn. 故障;钩;猛拉

3. unprecedentedadj. 空前的;无前例的

Fr. The Guardian



This is Jack Wilson, We learn News








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