
What is another word for unrecognized?

Pronunciation: [ˌʌnɹˈɛkəɡnˌa͡ɪzd] (IPA)

The adjective "unrecognized" refers to something or someone that has not been acknowledged or given due credit or attention. Some synonyms for "unrecognized" include "unacknowledged," "overlooked," "ignored," "unidentified," "unseen," and "undervalued." These words often describe a situation where someone's contribution or achievement goes unnoticed or underappreciated. Similarly, in a broader sense, "unrecognized" can be used to describe a person or group that is not known or acknowledged by a larger society or community. Synonyms for this type of "unrecognized" include "unknown," "obscure," "anonymous," "forgotten," "unfamous," and "unsung." All these words convey an idea of underappreciation, neglect, or anonymity.
Opposite words
Usage examples
Famous quotes

Table of Contents

What is another word for unrecognized?

Similar words for unrecognized:

  • incognito (adjective)
  • unidentified (adjective)
  • unknown (adjective)
  • unnoticed (adjective)
  • unsung (adjective)
  • all (adjective)
  • thankless (adjective)
  • unrecognized (noun)
  • Other synonyms
  • Other relevant words:
    • other relevant words (adjective)

    What are the paraphrases for unrecognized?

    What are the hypernyms for unrecognized?

    What are the opposite words for unrecognized?

    What are the antonyms for unrecognized?

    • accepted, recognized (adjective)
    • canonical (adjective)
    • incognito (adjective)
    • noun (adjective)
    • thankless (adjective)
    • unheralded (adjective)
    • unidentified (adjective)
    • unknown (adjective)
    • unnoticed (adjective)

    Usage examples for Unrecognized

    Famous quotes with Unrecognized



    Synonyms for Unrecognized:

    • adj.

      • under assumed name
      • ,
      • Incog
      • ,
      • Masquerading
      • ,
      • bearded
      • ,
      • camouflaged
      • ,
      • isolated
      • ,
      • masked
      • .
      • not known
      • ,
      • unclassified
      • ,
      • unrevealed
      • ,
      • pseudonymous
      • .
      • Unapprehended
      • ,
      • Unascertained
      • ,
      • Unrenowned
      • ,
      • far off
      • ,
      • little known
      • ,
      • so and so
      • ,
      • so-and-so
      • ,
      • such and such
      • ,
      • such-and-such
      • ,
      • unbeknownst
      • ,
      • unexplained
      • ,
      • unheard of
      • ,
      • unnoted
      • ,
      • unperceived
      • ,
      • X
      • ,
      • alien
      • ,
      • dark
      • ,
      • desolate
      • ,
      • distant
      • ,
      • exotic
      • ,
      • far
      • ,
      • far-off
      • ,
      • faraway
      • ,
      • foreign
      • ,
      • remote
      • ,
      • uncharted
      • ,
      • undiscovered
      • ,
      • unexplored
      • ,
      • untold
      • .
      • glossed over
      • ,
      • pushed aside
      • ,
      • unobserved
      • ,
      • unremarked
      • ,
      • unremembered
      • ,
      • unrespected
      • ,
      • overlooked
      • ,
      • passed by
      • ,
      • unconsidered
      • ,
      • unheeded
      • ,
      • unobtrusive
      • ,
      • unseen
      • ,
      • winked at
      • .
      • unacclaimed
      • ,
      • unacknowledged
      • ,
      • unfamed
      • ,
      • unhonored
      • ,
      • unhailed
      • .
      • unrecognised
      • ,
      • unrecognized
      • .
      • barren
      • ,
      • disagreeable
      • ,
      • distasteful
      • ,
      • fruitless
      • ,
      • futile
      • ,
      • miserable
      • ,
      • ungrateful
      • ,
      • unpleasant
      • ,
      • unprofitable
      • ,
      • unrequited
      • ,
      • unreturned
      • ,
      • useless
      • ,
      • vain
      • ,
      • wretched
      • .
    • n.

      • in/out of the public eye
      • .
      • unestablished
      • .
    • Other synonyms:

      • anonymous
      • ,
      • hidden
      • ,
      • mysterious
      • ,
      • personal
      • ,
      • private
      • ,
      • secret
      • ,
      • strange
      • ,
      • uncertain
      • .
      • obscurity
      • .
    • Other relevant words:

      • Noteless
      • ,
      • Unglorified
      • ,
      • Unhonoured
      • ,
      • Unpraised
      • ,
      • concealed
      • ,
      • disguised
      • ,
      • disregarded
      • ,
      • forgotten
      • ,
      • humble
      • ,
      • ignored
      • ,
      • incognito
      • ,
      • inconspicuous
      • ,
      • insignificant
      • ,
      • little-known
      • ,
      • nameless
      • ,
      • neglected
      • ,
      • new
      • ,
      • no-name
      • ,
      • obscure
      • ,
      • thankless
      • ,
      • uncelebrated
      • ,
      • undistinguished
      • ,
      • unexalted
      • ,
      • unfamiliar
      • ,
      • unfamous
      • ,
      • unheard-of
      • ,
      • unheralded
      • ,
      • unidentified
      • ,
      • unknown
      • ,
      • unmarked
      • ,
      • unnamed
      • ,
      • unnoticed
      • ,
      • unrecognizable
      • ,
      • unsung
      • .
      Other relevant words (adjective):
      • not worth it
      • ,
      • unrewarding
      • .

    What are the paraphrases for Unrecognized?

    Paraphrases are restatements of text or speech using different words and phrasing to convey the same meaning.
    Paraphrases are highlighted according to their relevancy:
    - highest relevancy
    - medium relevancy
    - lowest relevancy
    • Equivalence

      • Adjective
        unacknowledged, unknown, non-recognized.
      • Proper noun, singular
    • Forward Entailment

      • Adjective
        recognize, recognized.
    • Independent

      • Adjective
        acknowledged, recognised, uncharted, undisclosed, unidentified, unseen, little-known, well-recognized.
    • Other Related

      • Adjective
        undetected, unfamiliar, unnoticed, unrecognised, unsung.

    What are the hypernyms for Unrecognized?

    A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.
    • Other hypernyms:

      anonymous, dismissed, ignored, neglected, obscure, overlooked, undocumented, unfamiliar, unknown, unrecognised.

    What are the opposite words for unrecognized?

    The antonyms for the word "unrecognized" are numerous, and each carries a unique meaning. Some of the most common opposites include "well-known," "acknowledged," "identified," "famous," "popular," and "established." These words denote a positive recognition and acknowledgment of something or someone. Other antonyms include words like "popularized," "promoted," and "publicized," which suggest that something has gained recognition and attention. Conversely, words like "discredited," "ignored," "unnoticed," and "anonymous" imply a lack of recognition or acknowledgement. Choosing the appropriate antonym will depend on the context and tone of the sentence and the desired connotation.

    What are the antonyms for Unrecognized?

    • adj.

      accepted, recognized
      • canonical
      • .
      • received
      • .
      • known
      • ,
      • openly
      • ,
      • seen
      • ,
      • unhidden
      • .
      • acknowledged
      • ,
      • celebrated
      • ,
      • constituted
      • ,
      • distinguished
      • ,
      • eminent
      • ,
      • established
      • ,
      • estimable
      • ,
      • exceptional
      • ,
      • fabled
      • ,
      • fabulous
      • ,
      • famous
      • ,
      • favorite
      • ,
      • great
      • ,
      • honorable
      • ,
      • illustrious
      • ,
      • important
      • ,
      • infamous
      • ,
      • influential
      • ,
      • leading
      • ,
      • legendary
      • ,
      • major
      • ,
      • newsworthy
      • ,
      • notable
      • ,
      • noted
      • ,
      • noteworthy
      • ,
      • notorious
      • ,
      • outstanding
      • ,
      • popular
      • ,
      • preferred
      • ,
      • prestigious
      • ,
      • prominent
      • ,
      • remarkable
      • ,
      • renowned
      • ,
      • reputable
      • ,
      • respectable
      • ,
      • significant
      • ,
      • well-known
      • .
      • Rewarded
      • ,
      • appreciated
      • ,
      • appreciative
      • ,
      • considerate
      • ,
      • contented
      • ,
      • fruitful
      • ,
      • grateful
      • ,
      • productive
      • ,
      • profitable
      • ,
      • satisfied
      • ,
      • thankful
      • .
      • announced
      • ,
      • expected
      • ,
      • glorified
      • ,
      • predicted
      • ,
      • recognized
      • .
      • identified
      • ,
      • named
      • ,
      • public
      • .
      • Familiar
      • ,
      • common
      • ,
      • native
      • ,
      • normal
      • ,
      • regular
      • ,
      • relevant
      • ,
      • usual
      • .
      • noticed
      • .

    Usage examples for Unrecognized

    Now Love has always something in it of the sea; and the murmur of the tide against the pier, the hoarse voices of the sailor men, the scent of the salt water, and all the occult unrecognized, but keenly felt life of the ocean, were ministers to their love, and forever and ever blended in the heart and memory of the youth and maid who had set their early dream of each other to its potent witchery.
    "The Maid of Maiden Lane"
    Amelia E. Barr
    It all depends on the ecstatic presentation, but I think that an idea that is advanced and unrecognized is by virtue of its novelty and truth more capable of swaying the emotion that we call poetic than the repetition of a hackneyed ethical maxim which every child knows and hears usually without emotion.
    "The Literature of Ecstasy"
    Albert Mordell
    He thought to himself that an unrecognized universe had existed right there in his shoes.
    "Corpus of a Siam Mosquito"
    Steven Sills

    Famous quotes with Unrecognized

    • Sometimes I go out disguised, but people still recognize me, so I find there is no point in even trying. It would be nice to get away from it, from time to time, but the fact is, there is no place on earth where I can go unrecognized.
      Jonathan Davis
    • Kafka is still unrecognized. He thought he was a comic writer.
      Leslie Fiedler
    • We suffer because we feel we are giving more than we receive. We suffer because our love is going unrecognized. We suffer because we are unable to impose our own rules.
      Paulo Coelho
    • In the absence of an effective general mythology, each of us has his private, unrecognized, rudimentary, yet secretly potent pantheon of dreams.
      Joseph Campbell
    • Survivors of the plague, finding themselves neither destroyed nor improved, could discover no Divine purpose in the pain they had suffered. God’s purposes were usually mysterious, but this scourge had been too terrible to be accepted without questioning. If a disaster of such magnitude, the most lethal ever known, was a mere wanton act of God or perhaps not God’s work at all, then the absolutes of a fixed order were loosed from their moorings. Minds that opened to admit these questions could never again be shut. Once people envisioned the possibility of change in a fixed order, the end of an age of submission came in sight; the turn to individual conscience lay ahead. To that extent the Black Death may have been the unrecognized beginning of modern man.
      Barbara Tuchman

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