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ENFP and ESFP Compatibility: Relationships, Friendships, and Partnerships

How compatible are ENFP and ESFP patterns of communicating, thinking, and working?

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In this article, you’ll find a comparison of ENFPs and ESFPs across five important personality domains: Interpersonal/Communication Style, Emotional Style, Intellectual Style, and Organizational Style.

One important note: the following comparisons cannot be made simply by comparing the cognitive functions (letters) of each personality type.

For this analysis, TraitLab gathered data about personality traits from thousands of participants who identified themselves as a particular type in the 16 Personality or Myers-Briggs framework.

The comparisons here show the average similarities and differences between ENFPs and ESFPs. However, remember that all personality types are oversimplifications. For an assessment of your unique position in these areas, you’ll need a personalized assessment that doesn’t rely on personality types.

Jump to any section with the links below.

  • ENFP and ESFP Interpersonal and Communication Styles
  • ENFP and ESFP Emotional Styles
  • ENFP and ESFP Intellectual Styles
  • ENFP and ESFP Organizational Styles
  • ENFP Compatibility with Other Types
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ENFP and ESFP Interpersonal and Communication Styles

Your particular style of communicating and interacting with others can be described fairly well by two dimensions: assertiveness and warmth.

Assertiveness describes your tendency to assert yourself, lead, and influence others in social situations, while warmth describes your tendencies to empathize and put others’ needs ahead of your own.

People with the same personality type often share some similarities in assertiveness and warmth. In the graph below, you can see where most ENFPs and most ESFPs fall along both of these dimensions.

First, take a look at where people in each type, on average, fall in this interpersonal space.

ENFP and ESFP comparison across interpersonal dimensions
A comparison of ENFPs and ESFPs along interpersonal dimensions. The blue dot shows the average position of ENFPs, and the blue circle shows where roughly 50% of ENFPs fall in interpersonal space. The orange dot and circle show similar positions for ESFPs.

Most ENFPs and ESFPs overlap heavily in their interpersonal and communication style.

ENFPs and ESFPs often support, openly sympathize, and actively offer help to others At their best, they are gentle sympathizers, who are easily trusted and accepted. ENFPs and ESFPs may be overly revealing and have difficulty being alone. At their worst, they can require too much attention and admiration from others and be excessively involved in the affairs of others.

One aspect that you and many ESFPs have in common in their interpersonal warmth. Both ENFPs and ESFPs tend to be on the friendlier side and are attentive to the needs and interests of other people, sometimes at the expense of your own goals.

Likewise, you and most ESFPs both tend to be more assertive and dominant in social situations. You are both managing, directing, and leading others, and feel comfortable taking the lead. This may lead you to butt heads with some ESFPs, because at times, you can both be domineering or overly direct.

ENFP and ESFP Emotional Styles

Another characteristic of your personality is your emotional style — your tendencies towards different kinds of moods. There are two dimensions that influence emotional style: arousal and valence.

Arousal describes your relative energy level across different situations. Those with high baseline levels of arousal tend to be generally more alert, active, and engaged, while those with a lower baseline are more reserved, subdued, and inhibited.

Valence describes whether these moods tend to be positive (pleasant) or negative (unpleasant). People with a more positively valenced style are more likely to experience emotions like joy, enthusiasm, satisfaction, and serenity. People with a more negatively valenced style are more likely to experience sadness, frustration, dissatisfaction, and anxiety.

The graph below shows where each type, on average, usually sits in this emotional space.

ENFP and ESFP comparison across emotional (affective) dimensions
A comparison of ENFPs and ESFPs along emotional (or affective) dimensions. The blue dot shows the average position of ENFPs, and the blue circle shows where roughly 50% of ENFPs fall in interpersonal space. The orange dot and circle show similar positions for ESFPs.

ENFPs tend to be energetic and enthusiastic across most situations. They take on new challenges with excitement, confidence, and a sense of adventure. ENFPs are usually more optimistic than most people, and they generally feel like they can handle what life throws at them.

ESFPs tend to be tense, concerned, and vigilant in many situations. They usually have a pessimistic outlook and are often looking for what could go wrong next. ESFPs are highly active and tend to juggle many tasks. When things go wrong, this energy can turn into frustration and impatience, and they are more likely to express their dissatisfaction to others.

Like most ENFPs, you and many ESFPs share a relatively high energy level. You both prefer to be in motion, actively engaged in something interesting, rather than sitting back and observing. In the best case, the two of you feed off the other’s energy and excitement, and there’s rarely a quiet moment when you’re together.

One difference between ENFPs and ESFP is in their typical emotional valence, which describes tendencies towards positive or negative emotions. You and most ENFPs tend to fall on the more positive side. Compared to most ESFPs, you and most ENFPs experience positive emotions such as joy, satisfaction, and happiness more often than most ESFPs. ESFPs have the opposite pattern, and they tend to gravitate towards more negative emotions.

These subtle emotional differences often surface in your reactions to new information. The same news that sparks enthusiasm in you and most ENFPs can induce worry in ESFPs. Compared to ENFPs, most ESFPs may need additional time and space to recover from stress.

ENFP and ESFP Intellectual Styles

Your intellectual style describes how you receive, process, and pursue different kinds of information. Differences in intellectual style are captured well by two dimensions: ideas and aesthetics.

Ideas describes your appetite for new information and your interest in complex, challenging material. People high on the ideas dimension have an appreciation for complexity and technical details. People lower on ideas are less interested in learning for learning’s sake, and they prefer to simplify complex topics down to the essential details.

Aesthetics captures your relative interest and sensitivity to aesthetic information and its emotional impact. People higher on the aesthetics dimension usually have strong artistic interests and a deep appreciation for beauty in many forms. Those lower on aesthetics tend to value practical application over artistic merit and usually adhere to more conventional standards of beauty.

In the graph below, you’ll see where ENFPs and ESFPs, on average, fall in this intellectual space.

ENFP and ESFP comparison across intellectual dimensions
A comparison of ENFPs and ESFPs along intellectual dimensions. The blue dot shows the average position of ENFPs, and the blue circle shows where roughly 50% of ENFPs fall in intellectual space. The orange dot and circle show similar positions for ESFPs.

ENFPs are idealistic, creative dreamers. They tend to be interested in the nuances of emotional and artistic experiences, looking for patterns and meaningful insights. ENFPs are comfortable with ambiguity and abstract concepts, focusing on the big picture rather than technical details. They often practice some form of creative expression and are likely to hold a few unconventional, eccentric beliefs.

ESFPs are practical realists. They focus on building practical skills and essential knowledge and are less likely to spend time learning for learning’s sake. In addition, they usually value conventional, tangible accomplishments over artistic expression and rarely feel compelled to develop a creative outlet.

As an ENFP, you and most ESFPs are down-to-earth, straightforward thinkers. You’d both prefer to stick to the essentials and focus on practical issues, and you try to avoid overcomplicating matters. When you and your ESFP counterpart are together, your conversations are more likely to revolve around concrete details, facts, and conventional topics rather than theoretical or philosophical ones.

Another difference between ENFPs and ESFPs is their relative interest in aesthetic, artistic, and emotional experiences. As a ENFP, you are more likely to value artistic expression and unconventional ways of thinking, while your ESFP counterpart is more practical and traditional. ENFPs tend to reflect more on emotional experiences, looking for patterns and connections, and they are more receptive to eccentricity and fantasy. In contrast, ESFPs often avoid reading too deeply into their emotions, and they can be dismissive or skeptical about unconventional ways of thinking.

ENFP and ESFP Organizational Styles

Your organizational style describes your habits around organization and planning. Your organizational style influences how you structure your time and physical space. Differences in organizational style fall along two dimensions: industriousness and orderliness.

Industriousness describes your persistence, need for achievement, and intensity of focus. People higher on industriousness usually organize their behavior around a few important long-term goals. People lower on industriousness are usually more focused on the present and will more easily change their focus when new opportunities appear.

Orderliness describes your need for regularity, order, and structure in your environment. People higher on orderliness prefer tidy, organized physical spaces, detailed schedules, and reliable routines. People lower on orderliness can tolerate more disorganization and prefer a more spontaneous, unstructured approach.

The graph below shows the average position of ENFPs and ESFPs along these dimensions of organizational style.

ENFP and ESFP comparison across organizational dimensions
A comparison of ENFPs and ESFPs along organizational dimensions. The blue dot shows the average position of ENFPs, and the blue circle shows where roughly 50% of ENFPs fall in organizational space. The orange dot and circle show similar positions for ESFPs.

Most ENFPs and ESFPs share a similar organizational style.

ENFPs and ESFPs thrive in unstructured environments with fewer constraints and more room for improvisation and serendipity. They generally focus on enjoying the present rather than preparing for the future. ENFPs and ESFPs highly value spontaneity and the flexibility to change their mind, and they resist setting hard deadlines or rigid expectations.

Like most ENFPs, you and many ESFPs often set ambitious goals but struggle to stick to those plans in the long run. As new opportunities arise, you easily change direction, losing interest or motivation to pursue your past goals. As a result, the two of you often postpone important or difficult decisions, which sometimes creates tension between you due to lost opportunities or last-minute rushing. Both of you tend to perform better under external pressure rather than being left to your devices. You can benefit greatly by holding each other accountable and providing gentle motivation when needed.

Similarly, ENFPs and ESFPs share a more intuitive, unstructured approach to most areas of their lives. Both of you take life as it comes, and you avoid overly detailed plans and high levels of organization. Compared to most people, the two of you also have higher tolerances for messiness and disorganization.

How to identify your closest personality type

Most people have complex personalities and don’t fall into a single personality type.

With TraitLab’s comprehensive analyses of your traits, strengths, and interests, you can see how your personality compares to all 16 types. Start building your personality profile by creating a free account today.

ENFP compatibility with other types

For comparisons between ENFPs and other types from the 16 Personality typology, visit any of the type pairings below:


ENFP Compatibility with Other Enneagram Types

For comparisons between ENFPs and other Enneagram types, visit any of the type pairings below:

ENFP and Type 1
ENFP and Type 2
ENFP and Type 3
ENFP and Type 4
ENFP and Type 5
ENFP and Type 6
ENFP and Type 7
ENFP and Type 8
ENFP and Type 9
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