actualization是什么意思 actualization的翻译、中文解释

  actualization是什么意思 actualization的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  As an English teacher, I would like to explain the term ‘actualization’ from at least three different aspects, and provide five examples in both English and Chinese.

  Aspect 1: Definition

  Actualization refers to the process of something real or achieving its full potential. It can refer to personal growth, personal development, or even the realization of a vision or goal.

  Example 1: “Through hard work and dedication, he was able to actualize his dream of becoming an astronaut.” (通过努力和奉献,他实现了成为宇航员的梦想。)

  Example 2: “Her journey towards personal actualization involves practicing mindfulness and living a more intentional life.” (她成长之路包括实践正念和过更有意义的生活。)

  Aspect 2: Related concepts

  Actualization is closely related to other concepts in psychology, such as self-actualization and Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Self-actualization refers to the process of realizing one’s full potential and achieving personal growth. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is a theory that suggests that human needs are arranged in a hierarchical order, with self-actualization being the highest goal.

  Example 3: “According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, actualization is the highest level of human needs.” (根据马斯洛需求层次理论,实现自我完善是人类需求的最高层次。)

  Example 4: “Personal development is often seen as a key component of self-actualization.” (个人发展经常被看作实现自我完善的重要组成部分。)

  Aspect 3: Applications

  Actualization has a wide range of applications in various fields, such as education, business, and personal growth. In education, it can refer to the process of helping students realize their full potential. In business, it can refer to the process of achieving organizational goals and objectives.

  Example 5: “The school’s mission is to provide an environment that supports students in their journey towards actualization.” (学校的使命是提供一个支持学生实现自我完善之路的环境。)

  Example 6: “The company’s actualization plan involves expanding into new markets and increasing revenue.” (公司的实现计划包括扩展到新市场和增加收入。)



  actualization 的中文翻译是实现化,读音为 [??kt?u?la??ze???n]。


  1. The actualization of this project will greatly benefit the local community. (这个项目的实现化将极大地惠及当地社区。)

  2. Self-actualization is an important goal for many people. (自我实现化是许多人的重要目标。)

  3. The company is currently in the process of actualizing its expansion plans. (公司目前正在实现化其扩张计划。)



  例句:Thirdly, encouraging kind-hearted religious activities to enhance moral heteronomy and self-actualization. (鼓励善良活动,增强道德他律性与鼓励自我实现的追求;)

  actualization一般作为名词使用,如在self actualization(自我实现;自我现实化)、self actualization need(自我实现需求)等常见短语中出现较多。

  self actualization自我实现;自我现实化self actualization need自我实现需求1. Money-seekers also score lower on tests of vitality and self-actualization. (翻译:追求金钱的人活力和自我实现力相对更低。)

  2. They will expect a career growth and a magnificent actualization of a number of projects. (翻译:他们会预期到职业的成长,一些项目会漂亮的完成。)

  3. Actualization is not just about the external changes – I might go as far as to say that the external changes are secondary. (翻译:实现目标不单单是改变外在——我可以说:改变外在居第二位。)

  4. We view last season as a prologue. This season focuses on the actualization of our characters and delves into their lives. (翻译:上一季只是开场,本季的重点在于挖掘各主角的生活。)

  5. On the cost of environmental devaluation, China used to have a low price. But with the actualization of the cost, some industral business will feel the rising cost of social ecomomy. (翻译:在环境成本方面,中国过去定价比较低,而随着环境成本的真实化,某些制造行业将会感受到社会经济综合成本的上升。)

  6. It describes actualization of a sensory reflex, which consists of a body posture control, an ZMP control and a landing time control. (翻译:传感反射以加速度计、振动陀螺仪、力传感器获得的信息为依据,通过上体姿态控制、ZMP控制和落地时间控制实现传感反射控制。)

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