emotional是什么意思 emotional的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  emotional是什么意思 emotional的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  词义:adj. 表示情感的,感性的,易于感动的



  - emotional intelligence 情商

  - emotional stability 情绪稳定性

  - emotional response 情感反应

  - emotional breakdown 情绪崩溃

  - emotional distress 情感困扰




  1. She is a very emotional person and cries easily.(她是一个非常感性的人,容易哭。)

  2. The movie was so emotional that I cried throughout.(这个电影太感人了,我一直在哭。)

  3. His emotional outburst surprised everyone in the room.(他的情感爆发让房间里的每个人都吃了一惊。)

  4. She struggled to control her emotions during the difficult conversation.(在困难的谈话中,她努力控制自己的情绪。)

  5. His speech was full of emotional appeals to the audience.(他的演讲充满了感性的呼吁,吸引了观众的注意。)

  6. The news of her death was an emotional blow to all who knew her.(她去世的消息是所有认识她的人的情感打击。)

  7. He has a great deal of emotional intelligence, which makes him very good at dealing with people.(他具有非常出色的情商,这使得他在与人打交道方面非常出色。)



  1. She is a very emotional person and cries easily when watching sad movies. (她是一个非常感性的人,在看悲伤的电影时容易哭泣。)

  2. His emotional response to the news was unexpected, he remained calm throughout the whole ordeal. (他对这个消息的情感反应出乎意料,整个过程他都保持着冷静。)

  3. The singer’s emotional performance moved everyone in the audience to tears. (歌手感性的表演感动了观众中的每一个人,都流泪了。)



  例句:We were going to tell you when you were 18 years old… but when your father died, things changed, Mia. (情感上不受干扰 free of emotional complications.)


  例句:You can take them on an emotional — all pitches, all sales presentations, are emotional at some level. (所有的演说,所有的销售演讲,都要带动人们的情绪。情绪可以变浓,也可能会变淡,对不对? )


  例句:There’s no emotional reaction to his mother, because that wire going from the visual areas to the emotional centers is cut. (他对自己的母亲也没有情绪反应, 因为从视觉区通往情绪中心的线路被切断了。)


  例句:developing emotional capabilities, because I think a lot of theories leave out the fact… that we don’t want to have lives that are filled with fear, for example. (翻译:与自然中的其他物种 developing emotional capabilities, 发展情感的能力 because I think a lot of theories leave out the fact…)

  emotional一般作为形容词使用,如在emotional actor(表情好的演员)、emotional adjustment(情绪调适)、emotional affair([网络] 情感事件)等常见短语中出现较多。

  emotional actor表情好的演员emotional adjustment情绪调适emotional affair[网络] 情感事件emotional affairs[网络] 情感事务emotional age[医] 感情成熟年龄emotional aggression情绪性攻击emotional akinesia情感性运动不能emotional amenorrhea[医] 情感性经闭emotional appeal感性诉求, 感性诉求;诉诸情绪1. There’s no emotional reaction to his mother, because that wire going from the visual areas to the emotional centers is cut. (翻译:他对自己的母亲也没有情绪反应, 因为从视觉区通往情绪中心的线路被切断了。)

  2. developing emotional capabilities, because I think a lot of theories leave out the fact… that we don’t want to have lives that are filled with fear, for example. (翻译:与自然中的其他物种 developing emotional capabilities, 发展情感的能力 because I think a lot of theories leave out the fact…)

  3. Will has been so distracted and tense and emotional. (翻译:威尔分心又紧张,情绪不稳 Will has been so distracted and tense and emotional.)

  4. I was out of cash, it was an emotional emergency. (翻译:我没钱啦 这可是紧急情况 I was out of cash, it was an emotional emergency.)

  5. Since you never get emotional about your cases. (翻译:因为你向来不会对自己的案子感情用事 Since you never get emotional about your cases.)

  6. There’s no emotional reaction to his mother, because that wire going from the visual areas to the emotional centers is cut. (翻译:他对自己的母亲也没有情绪反应, 因为从视觉区通往情绪中心的线路被切断了。)

  7. They made an emotional appeal for help. (翻译:他们情绪激动地恳求救助。)

  8. Oh, my God, you must be feeling so emotional. (翻译:天啊 你现在心里一定很难受 Oh, my God, you must be feeling so emotional.)

  9. Normally, it behaves as if it had an emotional breakdown … (翻译:通常她讲话就像是故意要让 人情绪崩溃一样…)

  10. In this case, emotional tears are also directly calming Iris down, as well as signaling her emotional state to others. (翻译:在这种情况下,情感泪水也可以让虹膜冷静下来, 以及向别人传递她的情绪, )

  11. He did not have the emotional capacity to discuss a break-up. (翻译:结果他的情商应付不了分手这种话题 He did not have the emotional capacity to discuss a break -up.)

  12. – Under great emotional stress. (翻译:- ?????? ??????? ?????? ???.)

  13. I like the ones with the deep-seated emotional issues (翻译:我喜欢那种内心深藏不露的家伙 {3cH202020}I like the ones with the deep -seated emotional issues)

  14. I know but… you will get emotional, right? (翻译:我知道 但是 I know but. 你会心里难过,是吧 you will get emotional, right.)

  15. Silence is a form of emotional banishment. (翻译:沉默是一种情感放逐。)

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