paraded是什么意思 paraded的翻译、中文解释

  paraded是什么意思 paraded的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  1. 词性解释:’paraded’是动词的过去式或过去分词形式,表示展示或炫耀。

  2. 词义辨析:’paraded’与其他相关词汇的区别,比如’displayed’, ‘exhibited’等,其中’displayed’更普遍地指物品或信息的展示,’exhibited’则更强调对观众的展示,如博物馆展览。

  3. 语用特点:’paraded’常与人或动物相关,表示展示某人或某物的外表、才艺或特点。

  4. 例句展示:

  - The beauty pageant contestants paraded in their swimsuits.

  - The animals were paraded in front of the guests at the zoo.

  - The military troops paraded through the city streets in celebration.

  - The athlete paraded his medals and trophies in front of the crowd.

  - The designer paraded her latest collection down the runway during the fashion show.

  1. Part of speech: ‘paraded’ is the past tense or past participle form of the verb, which means to show off or exhibit.

  2. Semantic distinction: ‘paraded’ is distinguished from other related words such as ‘displayed’, ‘exhibited’, etc. where ‘displayed’ commonly refers to the display of items or information, while ‘exhibited’ emphasizes the display to the audience, such as from a museum exhibition.

  3. Pragmatic features: ‘paraded’ is often related to people or animals, indicating the display of someone or something’s appearance, talent, or characteristics.

  4. Example sentences:

  - 美丽的选美选手们穿着泳装走秀。

  The beauty pageant contestants paraded in their swimsuits.

  - 动物们在动物园客人面前展示。

  The animals were paraded in front of the guests at the zoo.

  - 在庆祝活动中穿过城市街道。

  The military troops paraded through the city streets in celebration.

  - 运动员在人群面前展示他的奖章和奖杯。

  The athlete paraded his medals and trophies in front of the crowd.

  - 设计师在时装秀上展示她最新的系列。

  The designer paraded her latest collection down the runway during the fashion show.

  英 [p??re?d?d] 美 [p??re?d?d]



  1. The victorious army paraded through the streets.


  2. The beauty pageant contestants paraded in evening dresses.


  3. The thief was paraded in front of the media before being taken away by the police.




  例句:Taiwan paraded launchers for local and U. S. -supplied missiles at the celebration as F-16 fighter jets streaked across the sky. (在庆典中,展示了自己制造以及美国提供的的发射装置,同时F-16战斗机在庆典上空飞过。)


  例句:Friday was the final day of campaigning. Southern Sudanese paraded through Juba, their possible future capital. (周五是宣传活动的最后一天。南苏丹人在南方未来可能的首都朱巴举行了。)


  例句:Mrs Zana’s turnaround reflects changes in Turkey since the days when she was blindfolded, tortured and paraded naked before male prisoners. (萨纳的归航反映了土耳其的变化,因为有段日子她被蒙着眼睛在男性囚犯面前遭受折磨及示众。)


  例句:To be trained and paraded. (翻译:训练好了,牵着到处杂耍卖艺 To be trained and paraded.)

  1. Mrs Zana’s turnaround reflects changes in Turkey since the days when she was blindfolded, tortured and paraded naked before male prisoners. (翻译:萨纳的归航反映了土耳其的变化,因为有段日子她被蒙着眼睛在男性囚犯面前遭受折磨及示众。)

  2. To be trained and paraded. (翻译:训练好了,牵着到处杂耍卖艺 To be trained and paraded.)

  3. Captured prisoners were paraded before television cameras. (翻译:被捕获的罪犯们被展示在电视摄像机前。)

  4. On 3 June, business personages and senior government officials paraded along the catwalk in causal business attires. (翻译:商界人士及官员于xx月xx日参与演出“节能上班轻装”,示范多款轻便的服饰。)

  5. Eventually, I was taken on a ship… across the great sea… over to England, and I was paraded before them… like a captured animal, an exhibit. (翻译:最后,我被带上小船 漂洋过海… 到了英格兰)

  6. Prisoners at Gwanda are paraded every morning before the station’s officers and, one by one, interrogated and slapped, humiliated. (翻译:看守所中的囚犯每天早上必须在警官面前列队经过,一个接一个,被审问,被掌掴,被羞辱。)

  7. When the saints have been paraded to all the churches, my companion Wilbur and I have the square more or less to ourselves. (翻译:众位圣人游遍所有的教堂后, 广场多多少少属于我和我的同伴威尔伯。一切过后,真有点喘不过气来。)

  8. No, man, we are the ones being paraded around like some sort of circus freaks. (翻译:我们就像是那群被拉出来的家伙 就像是马戏团里的怪物)

  9. The crowds applauded as the guards paraded past. (翻译:卫队列队走过时,人群鼓掌欢迎。)

  10. We haven’t even paraded yet. (翻译:别让事情又一团糟 行吗? 我们还没开始巡街呢 你已经抓到个坏蛋了)

  11. The prisoners were paraded in front of the crowd. (翻译:囚犯被押解示众。)

  12. – Yes, I realize that. – Now here I am, being paraded like a prize heifer. (翻译:就是你要对这事儿保密 on the condition that our situation remain private. 就像一只小母牛一样被你拿来炫耀 being paraded like a prize heifer.)

  13. Ex-cop Fernando Flores, 29, said Britney often paraded naked in front of him and beckoned him into her bedroom. (翻译:xx岁的费尔南多·佛洛瑞斯曾是一名警员,他称布兰妮常常在他面前光着身子走来走去,有时还会要求他到她的卧室里。)

  14. – Misery is just paraded in front of the camera. (翻译:- 那些人只是想出风头,你明白我说的吗?)

  15. (narrator) Two American Ranger battalions were captured and humiliatingly paraded through the streets of Rome. (翻译:两个游骑兵营被俘虏 并被羞辱性地在罗马街头游街示众)


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