swallowing是什么意思 swallowing的翻译、中文解释

  swallowing是什么意思 swallowing的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释


  1. 词释:’swallowing’是动词’swallow’的现在分词形式,意为“吞咽”。

  2. 语法用法:’swallowing’可以用作形容词或名词,形容词用来形容与吞咽有关的事物或情况,名词用来指代吞咽动作或其效果。

  3. 同义词:’ingestion’、’devouring’、’gulping’、’ingurgitation’等。

  4. 反义词:’spitting’、’regurgitation’等。

  5. 常见搭配:’swallowing difficulty’、’swallowing reflex’、’swallowing mechanism’等。


  1. The woman’s difficulty swallowing led to a diagnosis of dysphagia. (这位女士的吞咽困难导致了疾病诊断。)

  2. The bird was swallowing large fish whole. (这只鸟儿整只吞下了大鱼。)

  3. Swallowing your pride and apologizing can often diffuse a tense situation. (放下自尊并道歉有时可以缓解紧张的局面。)

  4. The medication should be taken with water to aid in swallowing. (应该用水服药以便吞咽。)

  5. The doctors were concerned about the patient’s swallowing reflex after the stroke. (医生们对这位中风病人的吞咽反射很担心。)




  1. I have difficulty swallowing this big pill.


  2. Swallowing watermelon seeds won’t actually make a watermelon grow in your stomach.




  例句:This is the layer which actually touches the food you are swallowing and you digest, which is actually the lumen. (这层真正接触到你吞咽下去 以及要消化的食物, 这就是内腔。)


  例句:Anacondas are fierce predators with small brains not above strangling and swallowing dogs, cats, and even small children. (水蟒是凶猛的低智商的食肉动物,它们会勒死和吃掉狗和猫,甚至是小孩子。)


  例句:You will go on swallowing this land up until there is nothing left of it. (你继续吞并这些土地 You will go on swallowing this land up 直到他们一无所有 我想建立一个新的国家 until there is nothing left of it.)


  例句:This is the layer which actually touches the food you are swallowing and you digest, which is actually the lumen. (翻译:这层真正接触到你吞咽下去 以及要消化的食物, 这就是内腔。)

  swallowing一般作为名词、动词使用,如在swallowing capacity(涡轮机的)临界流量)、swallowing center([医] 吞咽中枢)、swallowing reflex([医] 腭反射)等常见短语中出现较多。

  swallowing capacity涡轮机的)临界流量swallowing center[医] 吞咽中枢swallowing reflex[医] 腭反射swallowing shock桥形激波swallowing upna. 吞下去;卷进去;耗尽sword swallowing[网络] 吞剑;吞剑特技tongue swallowing[医] 舌退缩swallowing my pride放下自尊(俚语)

  忍气吞声(歌名,Swallow My Pride)swallowing your pride收敛骄气(表示谦逊)1. You will go on swallowing this land up until there is nothing left of it. (翻译:你继续吞并这些土地 You will go on swallowing this land up 直到他们一无所有 我想建立一个新的国家 until there is nothing left of it.)

  2. This is the layer which actually touches the food you are swallowing and you digest, which is actually the lumen. (翻译:这层真正接触到你吞咽下去 以及要消化的食物, 这就是内腔。)

  3. Crazy isn’t being broken… or swallowing a dark secret. (翻译:发疯并不代表着崩溃… 或是背负着不为人知的秘密)

  4. Exhausted and hungry as Scarlett is, she goes out to theopen field, digging out the leftover radishes in the ground,swallowing. (翻译:思嘉已精疲力尽,饥肠漉漉她来到空旷的田野,挖出剩下的红萝卜,狼吞虎咽。)

  5. Well, a lad that size swallowing all that detergent…. (翻译:这样体型的孩子 喝了这么多洗衣精后…)

  6. I was swallowing the bitterness, sitting here alone and watching them. (翻译:我吞食着苦果,孤独一人坐在那里看着他们。)

  7. I can betray my soul and my body, but I can’t help swallowing it! (翻译:我可以出卖灵魂… 可以出卖 真的不能不吞,因为真的很好吃呀!)

  8. They could program the printer to print softer kinds of their favorite foods so that they would not have difficulty swallowing them. (翻译:他们可以给打印机编写程序,打印出他们最喜欢的较软的食物,这样他们就不会有吞咽困难。)

  9. You think about religion. People are just swallowing these concepts. (翻译:你会开始考虑信仰 人们总是轻易接受这些思想)

  10. Think about closing your eyes when swallowing, ok? (翻译:含下去的时候别闭眼 *好吗 ? _BAR_)

  11. Autonomic, like swallowing. (翻译:彼得波崔利 纽约 自动的,就像不断吞咽 如同狗的本能)

  12. The snake swallowing its tail is a representation of infinity. (翻译:蛇含其尾表示无穷无尽。)

  13. Conclusion Cerea spore bacilli can cause swallowing infection. (翻译:蜡样芽胞杆菌可导致咽部感染。)

  14. It was a picture of a boa constrictor in the act of swallowing an animal. (翻译:那是一张关于大蟒蛇正在吞食另一个动物的图画。)

  15. Will swallowing Wyeth cure Pfizer? (翻译:吞并惠氏就能“治愈”辉瑞吗? )


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