PMAC Supplemental Manuals

PMAC Supplemental Manuals

PMAC Supplemental Manuals

  • TAGS
  • pmac
  • alarms
  • logger
  • settings
  • returns
  • poll
  • cello
  • installer
  • wizard
  • registered
  • supplemental
  • manuals
  • meter-master.com

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<strong>PMAC</strong><br />

<strong>Supplemental</strong><br />

<strong>Manuals</strong><br />


<strong>PMAC</strong> SMS User's Guide ............................................................2<br />

SMS Alarm Manager User's Guide...........................................21<br />

<strong>PMAC</strong> Alarm Wizard Manual ..................................................26

<strong>PMAC</strong>-SMS<br />


(under development)<br />

Last Updated: 26 th March 2001<br />

By Stuart Combellack<br />


<strong>PMAC</strong> Text SMS Interface<br />

User’s Guide<br />

<strong>PMAC</strong> now incorporates a Text SMS Interface to help users in the field get <strong>PMAC</strong> information<br />

using just their mobile phone. <strong>PMAC</strong> needs to be properly configured with a GSM Modem or<br />

X.25 Radio PAD (See setup instructions below). The appropriate GSM Modem or PAD can be<br />

bought from Technolog or your local supplier.<br />

Setting-Up <strong>PMAC</strong> for Text SMS Interface<br />

You will need an installed copy of <strong>PMAC</strong> (installation date of November 2000 or later), GSM<br />

Modem or X.25 Radio PAD, Serial connector cable, Antenna, Power supply and a spare<br />

communication port on your PC.<br />

First connect the modem/PAD to the spare communications port on your PC with the serial<br />

connector cable. Then connect the antenna and power-supply to the modem/PAD. If you are<br />

using a Radio-PAD, then you will need to register the device by holding-in the test button for 5<br />

seconds as you power the PAD for the first time.<br />

You will need to contact Technolog to get your system enabled for <strong>PMAC</strong>-SMS and instructions<br />

on how to setup your system to respond to text messages.<br />

How to send a Text Message<br />

The procedure for sending an SMS message depends greatly on the type of mobile phone that<br />

you have. Please refer to your phone users manual for detailed instructions on sending Text<br />

SMS Messages.<br />

More generally, the method is simple. Go to the “Messages - Write Message” screen on your<br />

phone. Type the required <strong>PMAC</strong> instruction message into your phone (as detailed later) using<br />

the alphanumeric keypad. Now “Send” the message. Your phone will then ask you for the<br />

telephone number of the message recipient. Type the <strong>PMAC</strong> GSM Modem or Radio PAD<br />

number and press “Send” again. The phone should then report that the message has been sent.<br />

After a short delay <strong>PMAC</strong> will respond to the message (if the message attracts a response). The<br />

delay will vary, but for most messages should be less than a minute. If the user request involves<br />

contacting the logger then the response time will be much longer because <strong>PMAC</strong> has to contact<br />

the logger before responding.<br />


Text Instructions that <strong>PMAC</strong> Understands<br />

Here is the current list of Text instructions that <strong>PMAC</strong> understands. Full details of these<br />

messages with typical responses are in the next section.<br />

A or a – “Advertising” message. This message gets sent to all <strong>PMAC</strong>-SMS users.<br />

C or c –<br />

Commission New Site Message. This sets-up a new site in the <strong>PMAC</strong> database.<br />

D or d – Data Dump. This returns the last 10 readings from each of the specified site’s channels.<br />

E or e – Search for site. This has not been implemented.<br />

F or f – Nightline Flow. This returns the nightline flows for the last week (flow sites).<br />

I or i – Logger Information Message. This returns the site information from the database.<br />

L or l – Logger Information. This has not been implemented.<br />

N or n –<br />

O or o –<br />

P or p –<br />

R or r –<br />

reading.<br />

S or s –<br />

Note Message. This sends a message to the <strong>PMAC</strong> alarm log.<br />

Last Poll Time Message. This returns the time the last poll completed.<br />

Pressures (Min or Max) for the last week (pressure sites).<br />

Reading request Message. This returns the last file reading or the last logged<br />

Status Message. This returns a message if <strong>PMAC</strong> is running.<br />

V or v – Volumes Message. Returns the daily and a total volume for the last week (flow sites).<br />

W or w – Installer Set Message. This sets and clears the installer number.<br />

? – Help message. This message returns a list of all of the commands that <strong>PMAC</strong>-SMS<br />

understands.<br />


<strong>PMAC</strong> Text Message Details<br />

A or a – “Advertising” message.<br />

This message allows one of the <strong>PMAC</strong>-SMS users to send a message to every other <strong>PMAC</strong>-SMS<br />

user. The format is simply “A” followed by the message you wish to send (no space). The<br />

individual users are able to remove themselves from the advertising list by sending the message<br />

“AREM”.<br />

Example Message:<br />

Athis message is to all users<br />

<strong>PMAC</strong> will send the following message to all users:<br />

<strong>PMAC</strong> – “This message is to all users” To remove your number from this list, reply with<br />

“AREM”<br />


C or c – Commission New Site Message<br />

This message tells <strong>PMAC</strong> to add a new site to its database and then call the site to download the<br />

logger settings.<br />

The user should give the full details of the site including communications protocol type (T or W<br />

for Technolog GPS protocol, G or E for E5565 Protocol), <strong>PMAC</strong> ID for the site, telephone<br />

number and site name. The telephone number and site name fields should be separated by<br />

commas or spaces but not both.<br />

<strong>PMAC</strong> will read the information that the user provides in the commission SMS and immediately<br />

add the site to the database. <strong>PMAC</strong> then calls the site requesting the complete settings from the<br />

logger. <strong>PMAC</strong> then sends a success or failure message back to the users phone.<br />

Example Message:<br />

CT1500,07760171882,Test Site<br />

(This tells <strong>PMAC</strong> to Commission a new Technolog GPS logger with <strong>PMAC</strong> ID 1500, telephone<br />

number 07760171882 and site name: Test Site)<br />

Example Response:<br />

<strong>PMAC</strong> – Site 1500 Settings Downloaded OK<br />

Or<br />

<strong>PMAC</strong> – Failed to download settings for site 1500<br />


D or d – Data Dump Message<br />

This message instructs <strong>PMAC</strong> to return the last ten readings from the specified site. <strong>PMAC</strong> will<br />

return one message per channel. Simply send a message with the character “D” followed by a<br />

valid <strong>PMAC</strong> ID.<br />

Example Message:<br />

D123<br />

D0123<br />

D 123<br />

Example response:<br />

Data dump:0123<br />

Flow1<br />

13/11/2000<br />

(Time-cum/hr)<br />

14:30-32.23<br />

14:35-31.22<br />

14:40-30.76<br />

14:45-29.76<br />

14:50-28.65<br />

14:55-27.89<br />

15:00-30.66<br />

15:05-31.04<br />

15:10-32.12<br />

15:15-32.03<br />


E or e – Site Search Message<br />

This message instructs <strong>PMAC</strong> to search for site details based on a search criteria. This message<br />

is useful if a user is on-site and knows part of a site name or number but needs the <strong>PMAC</strong> ID to<br />

get further information from <strong>PMAC</strong>.<br />

This message has not been implemented yet.<br />


F or f – Nightline Flow Message<br />

This message instructs <strong>PMAC</strong> to return the last week’s nightline flow information. <strong>PMAC</strong> will<br />

return one message per flow channel. The method of minimum flow calculation is the WRC<br />

recommended method – that of the minimum sliding hourly average between midnight and 6:00<br />

AM. Simply send a message with the character “F” followed by a <strong>PMAC</strong> ID.<br />

Example Message:<br />

F123<br />

F0123<br />

F 123<br />

Example response:<br />

Nightline:0123<br />

Flow1<br />

(Date-cum/hr)<br />

13/11-32.23<br />

12/11-31.22<br />

11/11-30.76<br />

10/11-29.76<br />

09/11-28.65<br />

08/11-27.89<br />

07/11-30.66<br />


I or i – Logger Information Message.<br />

This message retrieves the site information from the <strong>PMAC</strong> database for a given <strong>PMAC</strong> ID.<br />

<strong>PMAC</strong> will return the site name, telephone number, protocol and type (temporary or permanent).<br />

Example Message:<br />

I1500<br />

Example Response:<br />

<strong>PMAC</strong> ID 1500, Name: Test Site, Tel: 07760 171882, GPS, Permanent<br />


L or l – LGR Information Message<br />

This message returns a summary of the LGR information from the specified site.<br />

This message has not been implemented yet.<br />


N or n – Note Message.<br />

This message puts a user message into the alarm log. The alarm banner will then display the<br />

message. This can be used for sending messages to the <strong>PMAC</strong> operator, or adding messages to<br />

the <strong>PMAC</strong> log describing an installation process, for example. <strong>PMAC</strong> returns nothing to the<br />

sender.<br />

Example Message:<br />

NThis is a Test message<br />

Example Response:<br />

(None)<br />

<strong>PMAC</strong> will display “This is a Test message” in the alarm log and the alarm banner.<br />


O or o – Poll Time Message<br />

This message retrieves the time of the last poll from <strong>PMAC</strong>. This message is useful to quickly<br />

see if the <strong>PMAC</strong> poll worked for the previous night and if it went well. <strong>PMAC</strong> will respond in<br />

one of three ways. If the poll has completed it will return the date and time of the last poll. If<br />

<strong>PMAC</strong> has never completed a poll that it is aware of it will tell you that the last poll time was<br />

unknown. If the poll is still running it will tell you about that as-well.<br />

Example Message:<br />

O<br />

Example Response:<br />

<strong>PMAC</strong> – Poll currently running – The <strong>PMAC</strong> poll program is currently running.<br />

<strong>PMAC</strong> – Last poll time unknown – <strong>PMAC</strong> is unaware of a poll ever being run.<br />

<strong>PMAC</strong> – Last Poll: 04:45 (02/11/2000) – this is the completion time of the last poll.<br />


P or p – Pressure Message<br />

This message instructs <strong>PMAC</strong> to calculate and return a list of the minimum or maximum<br />

instantaneous daily reading for the specified site. <strong>PMAC</strong> will return one message per qualifying<br />

pressure channel. If a channel is a statistical channel, then the minimum MEAN reading is<br />

returned. <strong>PMAC</strong> returns the last week’s minimum or maximum not including the current day<br />

(because the day is not yet complete).<br />

Example Message:<br />

P123<br />

P0123<br />

P 123<br />

Example Response:<br />

MIN Pres:0123<br />

Pressure1<br />

(Date-m)<br />

13/11-38.0m<br />

12/11-37.0m<br />

11/11-38.0m<br />

10/11-36.0m<br />

09/11-35.0m<br />

08/11-34.0m<br />

07/11-35.0m<br />


R or r – Reading request Message<br />

This message returns the latest readings for each channel of the specified logger. Depending on<br />

the message sent, <strong>PMAC</strong> will either just return the last reading from the site data files or it will<br />

call up the logger and download the latest data before returning the information to the user.<br />

Example Message:<br />

R1500<br />

RF1500<br />

RL1500<br />

- Returns the last reading from the site data files.<br />

- (same) Returns the last reading from the data files.<br />

- Calls the logger to get the latest data before returning the latest readings.<br />

Example Response:<br />

<strong>PMAC</strong> data for site 1500: Pressure: 54.25m Flow: 18.00cum/hr<br />

Or<br />

<strong>PMAC</strong> – Downloaded OK but no data to return for site 1500<br />

Or<br />

<strong>PMAC</strong> – Comms error when downloading data from site 1500<br />


S or s – Status Message.<br />

This message asks <strong>PMAC</strong> to report on its status. Currently <strong>PMAC</strong> will only report if it is<br />

working correctly. Future versions are expected to report more fully if there are any known<br />

problems.<br />

Example Message:<br />

S<br />

Example Response:<br />

<strong>PMAC</strong> is working OK<br />


V or v – Volumes Message<br />

This message instructs <strong>PMAC</strong> to return a list of the daily volumes for the last week and a weekly<br />

total volume. <strong>PMAC</strong> does not include the current day in the list because the current day will not<br />

have complete data for it. The weekly volume will only be included if there is complete data for<br />

the whole week.<br />

Example Message:<br />

V123<br />

V0123<br />

V 123<br />

Example Response:<br />

Daily Vol:0123<br />

Flow 1<br />

(Date-cum)<br />

13/11-1342.0<br />

12/11-1400.0<br />

11/11-1652.0<br />

10/11-1672.0<br />

09/11-1598.0<br />

08/11-1408.0<br />

07/11-1203.0<br />

Week Total:<br />

10275.0<br />


W or w – Installer Set Message<br />

This message instructs <strong>PMAC</strong> to tell the calling phone every time a new site is added to <strong>PMAC</strong>.<br />

This can be used by a logger installer to easily find-out if the remote communication between the<br />

logger and <strong>PMAC</strong> is working without having to go to the <strong>PMAC</strong> PC or use a settings or data<br />

request SMS Message. This is also especially useful for Cello installers to test the<br />

communications of their loggers because as soon as a Cello is stared logging the Cello settings<br />

are sent to <strong>PMAC</strong>. <strong>PMAC</strong> will then notify the installer that <strong>PMAC</strong> has received the settings.<br />

There can only be one registered installer per copy of <strong>PMAC</strong>. You will be told if you were the<br />

registered installer but somebody else has taken it from you.<br />

Example Message:<br />

W<br />

WR<br />

- Set the users phone as the installer phone<br />

- Remove this phone as the installer phone<br />

Example Response:<br />

You are now the registered installer. Your Number: 07760171882. You will be notified when<br />

new sites are added to <strong>PMAC</strong>.<br />

You are no longer the registered installer. (when you remove yourself with the PR command)<br />

You are NOT the registered installer. (when you try and remove yourself as the registered<br />

installer when you are not)<br />

You are no longer the registered installer. Installer information now registered to<br />

07760171882 (when another user has registered themselves as the installer and you were<br />

previously the installer)<br />


? – Help Message<br />

This message instructs <strong>PMAC</strong>-SMS to return a full list of commands supported by <strong>PMAC</strong>-SMS. The response<br />

currently runs to four messages that list the letters and meanings for: A, C, E, F, I, L, N, O, P, R, S, V and W.<br />

Example Message:<br />

?<br />

Example Response:<br />

<strong>PMAC</strong>SMS Help(1) – “A”/”AREM”= Send message to / remove number from user list,<br />

“C”= Commission new site, “E”= Search for site<br />

<strong>PMAC</strong>SMS Help(2) – “F”=Nightline Flow, “I”= Site database information, “L”= LGR<br />

Information, “N”= Note message<br />

<strong>PMAC</strong>SMS Help(3) – “O”= Last poll time, “P”,”PI”/”PA”= pressure min/max,<br />

“R”,”RF”/”RL”= Last file/logged reading<br />

<strong>PMAC</strong>SMS Help(4) – “S”= <strong>PMAC</strong> Status, “V”= Daily+Weekly Volumes, “W”/”WR”=<br />

Installer phone set/clear<br />




© Technolog Limited, November 2001<br />

Written by Stuart Combellack<br />

Note on Single Host registry configuration<br />

added December 2003<br />


Introduction<br />

The SMS Alarm Manager tool is used to configure <strong>PMAC</strong> to send alarm SMS messages to<br />

different mobile numbers. You can add numbers to <strong>PMAC</strong> and set-up lists of sites that those<br />

users want alarms for. You can also give each user a time-period within which they want to<br />

receive alarms (e.g. 9AM-5PM, Monday-Friday).<br />

After changing the configuration here there is no need to re-start <strong>PMAC</strong>. Changes immediately<br />

take effect.<br />

For this facility to work either a GSM Modem or X.28 Radio-PAD needs to be attached to the<br />

<strong>PMAC</strong> Machine and it needs to be configured as a Cello Modem. This is done with the<br />

Communications Set-up dialog within <strong>PMAC</strong>.<br />

Please note that if time-windowing is used only alarms that occur within the time window will be<br />

forwarded to the user's mobile phone. Alarms, for example, from the previous night will not be<br />

forwarded when a time-windowed day-worker starts in the morning.<br />


SMS Alarm Manager Configuration<br />

This is the SMS Alarm Manager dialog. Here the user can add and remove users and specify<br />

their names, numbers, active time-periods and site lists. The configured users are listed on the<br />

left-hand side and the configuration details are edited on the right-hand side. The right-hand side<br />

controls are only activated when adding a new user or editing an existing user's details (done by<br />

clicking on the user's name in the list on the left)<br />

The New Group button adds a new user to <strong>PMAC</strong> and enables the controls on the right-hand<br />

side to enter the user's configuration details. The Delete Group button deletes the selected group<br />

from the left-hand list. There is no un-do for this operation so care should be taken when using<br />

this.<br />

IF SINGLE HOST: Normally you'll need one Host PC GSM Modem to collect data and alarms<br />

and a second to forward alarms to mobile phones. Should you want to use one Host PC GSM<br />

Modem to fulfil both functions, you need to set a variable in the registry. Warning: make sure<br />

you have either a backup of the registry or a recent set point for System Restore so the registry<br />

can be easily restored.<br />

To set the registry variable, go to Run (Start/Run), type "regedit" (no quotes) and press ok. In the<br />

registry, go to:<br />

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\TechnologLtd\<strong>PMAC</strong>Plus\CommsHandler<br />

Create a new DWORD (Edit/New/DWORD value) named "AllowUserSMSMessages" (no<br />

quotes). Right click on the name and modify value = 1 (hexadecimal).<br />


Alarm Group Name - This field sets the name of the group used to uniquely identify the group<br />

being edited. Care should be taken to ensure that the group name is unique. The Alarm Manager<br />

does not check this.<br />

Send Alarm SMS, Number - This is the mobile phone number that the SMS alarms will be sent<br />

to.<br />

Send Alarm Email, Address - This is the email address that the SMS alarms will be sent to.<br />

Send Alarm Pager Message, Number - This is the pager phone number that the SMS alarms<br />

will be sent to.<br />


Alarm Group Site List File - This is the site-list description file that is used to check if the user<br />

wants to receive site alarms. If there is no file entered here then the user is assumed to want to<br />

see ALL alarms generated on the system (including internal <strong>PMAC</strong> alarms with <strong>PMAC</strong> ID of<br />

0000). The restriction file is saved in the form of a “.txt” file that contains a description of the<br />

range(s) of Site ID’s that the user wants alarms for. The file may contain any of the following<br />

commands, with one command on each line:<br />

(e.g. “1234”)<br />

This means that the client can have access to the information for this site (1234).<br />

- (e.g. “1234-2345”)<br />

This means that the client may access any site with a <strong>PMAC</strong> ID within the range including the two given ID’s,<br />

inclusive (e.g. 1234, 1235, 1236…. 2344, 2345).<br />

- (e.g. “-1234”)<br />

This means that the client may access any site with a <strong>PMAC</strong> ID that is less than or including the given <strong>PMAC</strong><br />

ID (e.g. 0001, 0002, 0003… 1233, 1234).<br />

- (e.g. “1234-“)<br />

This means that the client may access any site with a <strong>PMAC</strong> ID that is equal to or greater than the given<br />

<strong>PMAC</strong> ID (e.g. 1234, 1235, 1236, 1237… 9998, 9999).<br />

These commands may be added to a single restriction file, separated by a carriage return as in the following<br />

example:<br />

Example1.txt:<br />

“<br />

-0005<br />

0009<br />

0012<br />

1236<br />

1267<br />

1280-1290<br />

7000-8000<br />

9970-<br />

“<br />

Edit File - This button runs notepad on the site list file allowing it to be edited.<br />

Use Time Restrictions - This switches-on the time restrictions enabling the time-windowing of<br />

the alarm notifications. Alarm messages will be sent to the user if they happen within the time<br />

window.<br />

Between Times - This switches-on the time-windowing. Hours of the day can then be selected<br />

from the two drop-down boxes providing a start and end time for the time window. If the end<br />

time is before the start time, e.g. 20:00 TO 06:00 then it is assumed that the time window<br />

stretches over midnight between the times. If both times are the same then only alarms that occur<br />

in the selected hour will be forwarded to the mobile.<br />


Between Days - This switches-on the day windowing. The two drop-down boxes contain days of<br />

the week. Again, if the end day is before the start day the window is assumed to stretch over the<br />

week-end.<br />

Use Alarm Restrictions – This switches-on restrictions as to what alarms will be sent.<br />

Edit Restrictions – Opens a dialog allowing selection of what alarms will be sent. If box is<br />

checked, alarm will be sent.<br />

Reset - This re-reads the settings from disk over-writing any changes made.<br />

Save - This saves the changes made to disk and updates the list on the left-hand side.<br />


<strong>PMAC</strong><br />



Table of Contents<br />

1 Introduction<br />

2 Getting Started<br />

3 Menu Options<br />

3.1 File Menu<br />

3.2 View Menu<br />

3.3 Logger Menu<br />

3.4 Alarms Menu<br />

3.5 Channel Menu<br />

3.6 Data Menu<br />

3.7 Help Menu<br />

4 Setting Alarms<br />

5 Limitations<br />


1 Introduction.<br />

Alarm Wizard is a new feature of <strong>PMAC</strong> designed for setting alarms on all Technolog<br />

data loggers capable of remote communication. This includes Cello, Newlink and Utilog.<br />

Various alarm combinations can be set including high, low and windowed alarms along<br />

with data update on alarm and data send after alarm. The Cello also supports the more<br />

complex profile alarms.<br />

In order to amend, send or save alarm settings, log onto <strong>PMAC</strong> with System Manager<br />

privileges.<br />

2 Getting Started.<br />

Alarm Wizard is loaded by clicking on the Alarm Wizard (Bell) icon on your chosen site in the<br />

Site Database. Upon loading, you will be presented with the screen below. This window is<br />

displayed whenever Alarm Wizard is running. It has a menu bar and tool bar which provide<br />

access to Alarm Wizard functions.<br />

In order to set or edit alarms reliably, you should load the data file (.dat found in the pmac/data<br />

directory) for your chosen logger and data channel.<br />

(i) Click on File-> Open and load the .dat file for the particular channel of the logger you<br />

wish to create alarms for.<br />


(ii) You should now see one day of data for the chosen logger. Use the arrow keys to<br />

move around the data or the scroll bars on the data axis.<br />

• In the case of Cello, a red mark will be visible at the bottom of your screen of data.<br />

This is the current dial-in time of the Cello.<br />


3 Menu Options.<br />

3.1 File Menu:<br />

Open<br />

Save<br />

Send to Local Logger<br />

Send to Remote Logger<br />

Exit<br />

Displays the Select Data File window to enable the user to<br />

choose which channel to set/view alarms on.<br />

Allows the user to save the current alarm settings to the<br />

logger settings file.<br />

Downloads the current alarm settings to the logger<br />

attached to the communications port.<br />

Sends the current alarm settings to the remote logger via<br />

the appropriate modem. If the modem is currently in use,<br />

the details are placed on the queue.<br />

Exit the Alarm Wizard program.<br />

3.2 View Menu:<br />

Toolbar<br />

Status Bar<br />

Data<br />

Zoom In<br />

Zoom Out<br />

Auto Scale<br />

Ticked when enabled (Tool Bar displayed).<br />

Ticked when enabled (Status Bar displayed).<br />

Ticked when enabled (Data displayed).<br />

Zooms in on the Y-axis of the current data.<br />

Zooms out on the Y-axis of the current data.<br />

Automatically scales the Y-axis to provide the best<br />

possible fit for the data currently being displayed.<br />

3.3 Logger Menu:<br />

View Settings<br />

Displays the current global and channel settings for the<br />

chosen logger.<br />

3.4 Alarms Menu:<br />

Set Alarms<br />

Raise Profile<br />

Opens the Alarm Settings window. Enables the setting of<br />

high, low, windowed and profile alarms (if applicable).<br />

Enables the changing of dial in times, contact numbers<br />

and data on alarm.<br />

Raises the current alarm profile by 1/256 of the full scale.<br />


Decrease Profile<br />

Increase Deadband<br />

Lower Deadband<br />

Decreases the current alarm profile by 1/256 of the full<br />

scale.<br />

Increases the current profile alarm deadband by 1/256 of<br />

the full scale.<br />

Decreases the current profile alarm deadband by 1/256 of<br />

the full scale.<br />

3.5 Channel Menu:<br />

Next<br />

Previous<br />

Displays the data on the next logged channel.<br />

Displays the data on the previous logged channel.<br />

3.6 Data Menu:<br />

Back one day<br />

Forward one day<br />

Catch this Day<br />

Merge Data<br />

Catch High Alarm<br />

Catch Low Alarm<br />

Moves the data back by one 24hr period.<br />

Moves the data forward by one 24hr period.<br />

Uses the data shown on screen to create a Cello alarm<br />

profile. This option is only suitable for very repeatable data.<br />

Averages the current drawn profile with the data shown on<br />

the screen. Repeatedly using this option will eventually<br />

give the same result as Catch this Day.<br />

Identifies the highest data point shown on screen and sets<br />

the high alarm at that value.<br />

Identifies the lowest data point shown on screen and sets<br />

the low alarm at that value.<br />

3.7 Help Menu:<br />

Keyboard Map<br />

Shows the shortcut keys for the Alarm Wizard (below).<br />


About Alarm Wizard<br />

Displays the version number for both the Alarm Wizard and<br />

<strong>PMAC</strong> Plus.<br />


4 Setting Alarms.<br />

All Alarms are set using the Set Alarms option on the Alarms menu. This will display the<br />

Alarm Settings window that contains four or five tabs depending upon the type of data<br />

logger you are setting alarms for.<br />

The Alarm time window enables the user to set a windowed period during which alarms<br />

are valid. This period is set using the 24hr clock and is applicable to High and/or Low<br />

alarms.<br />

The Contact numbers window enables the user to set the phone or data centre numbers<br />

that the Datalogger should contact.<br />

The Modulo controller number is for use with Modulo electronic pressure controller.<br />


The Alarm levels window enables the user to set High and/or Low alarms. The alarm<br />

levels can also be adjusted on screen. Regular Dial-out can be enabled at a chosen time<br />

and where appropriate the logger can be set to send index readings to the host PC<br />

along with the regular data.<br />

The Profile alarms window is only visible for Cello alarms. Form here, the user can set<br />

the value of the deadband outside which an alarm will be triggered. The ‘Alarm to<br />

Normal’ status alarm can also be enabled if required. Current alarms are used in<br />

conjunction with Modulo.<br />


Data on Alarm enables data send when the alarm state occurs along with follow up data at<br />

predetermined intervals as appropriate.<br />

Once alarms are set, press OK. The selected alarms will appear on screen. Alarms are<br />

shown in red around the data in blue. Windowed alarms are shown in red dashed lines.<br />

Cello profile alarms are shown in orange dashes with the corresponding deadband limits<br />

above and below in red solid lines. The profile can be adjusted from the default flat line<br />

at zero, by drawing on top of the data.<br />

Adjustments can be made either by returning to the Alarm Settings window or by altering<br />

the alarms (drag and drop) on screen. Following on from any adjustments a message<br />

will be displayed at the top of the screen stating ‘This profile has not been sent to the<br />

Logger’.<br />


Once you are satisfied with the alarms, send the setting information to the Logger. This<br />

can be done locally or remotely.<br />

Locally, click on File -> Send to Local Logger.<br />

Remotely, click on File -> Send to Remote Logger.<br />

At this point you may also be requested to save the alarms details to the .lgr file. <strong>PMAC</strong><br />

will contact Newlink, Utilog and other PSTN loggers immediately. An SMS message<br />

containing alarm details is sent to the Cello and will be received at the next wake-up<br />

time. When alarms are received by the data logger, an acknowledgement is sent to<br />

<strong>PMAC</strong>. This confirmation is visible at the top of the Alarm Wizard screen.<br />

It is important that Cello alarms are set with great care as many messages may be wasted if the<br />

alarm limits are set inappropriately.<br />


5 Limitations.<br />

Cello profile alarms are not supported for Cellos before Version 3.33.<br />

When using Profile alarms, Cello has a single byte to store the deadband range. This is<br />

independent of the recording type. For example:<br />

Typical settings would be<br />

Pulse significance = 0.01 CUM<br />

Logging rate = 15 minutes<br />

1 pulse in 15 minutes = 0.04 cum/hr<br />

255 pulses (1 byte) in 15 minutes = 10.2 cum/hr<br />

Please note, 10.2cum/hr is the range of the deadband, this actually gives +/- 5.1 cum/hr above and<br />

below the profile.<br />


Hooray! Your file is uploaded and ready to be published.

Saved successfully!

Ooh no, something went wrong!

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