


8 个回答




发布于 2014-04-25 13:19


发布于 2015-03-30 13:14



发布于 2023-10-17 22:09

国内域名注册商一般会给用户价格陷阱,刚开始价注册价格低,过几年价格很高,服务费也很高,而且转出要交高额手续费,海外正规域名注册商godaddy 和dynadot等等他们服务好一些,价格稳定一些,没有什么服务费和转出的手续费

发布于 2013-12-04 18:05

域名的注册依管理机构之不同而有所差异。一般来说,域名的管理机构仅制定域名政策,而不涉入用户注册事宜,这些机构会将注册事宜授权给通过审核的顶级注册商,再由顶级注册商向下授权给其它二、三级代理商。那么,注册域名到底是使用国内代理商注册,还是美国代理商注册,这是每一个站长都遇到的第一个问题。 从价格上看,两者其实差不多。 对于cn域名来说,通常也只能放在国内,因为国外的域名服务商因为政策性的原因而不再代理cn域名。分析人士认为,注册CN域名的多为外国人,按照工业和信息化部的要求,注册CN域名必须提供相关身份证明,这是域名注册商停止CN域名注册业务的主要原因。域名专家指出,不仅是.CN域名,所有在中国使用、注册或管理的域名都一样要受到中国有关部门的监管。 对于com等国际域名来说,这是站长注册的首选域名,在国内和国外注册有各自的优缺点。 在国内注册域名的主要优点是,用户和客服的交流沟通方便,没有语言上的障碍,通过电话、QQ等途径可以快速而方便地沟通交流,并且工作时间也一样,没有时差。 另一个不知道算不算优点,就是国内域名的解锁迁移通常很麻烦,代理商会设置各种条件(例如:收费、续费一年才给密码、邮寄证明材料等)来提高域名迁移的难度,让域名转移、域名过户变得非常困难,但这同时也让域名被盗的可能性变得很低了。 国内注册域名的最大缺点是政策因素不定,你的域名随时可能会因为种种原因而被停用,比如你网站上如果有一篇“有害信息”的文章,有关部门只要通知国内的域名注册商,就可以立刻让你的域名“clientHold(域名暂停解析)”。clientHold是注册商用来禁用一个域名最简单的手段。 在国外注册域名最大的好处是管理方便,没有国内的政策限制,不会被“clientHold”,国外域名注册商通常会给用户拥有域名的完全控制权与转移权,域名转移、域名过户完全可以在线操作,没有任何限制。不过这就要求用户要有较高的安全设置水平,否则域名很容易被盗。 不过,在国外注册域名也有一些缺点。 最主要的可能是交流和沟通问题,国外注册商的客服都说英文,并且通常只支持邮件,时差正好和中国相反,这导致一个问题的交流往往要来回折腾几天时间。一旦用户网站域名被盗,与其交涉更是一件异常痛苦的事情。 另外的问题是安全性问题,国外注册商提供的域名转移、域名过户实在太方便,对于技术水平不高的用户来说,很容易被黑客攻击,导致域名被盗。 所以个人还是建议选择国内的注册商,国内的话爱名网这样的域名服务商就很不错,值得考虑哦。

编辑于 2017-07-06 16:16



第一站 注册域名



第二站 验证域名


Dear .eu domain name holder,

You registered h27.eu with Porkbun LLC. This registrar is accredited with EURid vzw, the registry manager of the .eu, .ею and .ευ top-level domains.

As part of our registration procedure, we collect personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy to confirm your identity as the holder of your chosen domain name(s), and to provide you with the best possible service. The following data is currently associated with your domain name:

Name: zun jian
Street: china
Postal Code: shijiazhuang
City: hebei
Country: CN
Phone: +86.(电话号码)
Email: (邮箱)
Citizenship: PL

Please be aware that your registration data can only be modified or updated by your registrar. Therefore, if your data is incorrect, you must contact your registrar or the company that has registered your domain name(s) to correct it. Only then can you proceed to confirm it via our secure platform as described below. Confirming your registration data is easy and free of charge:

- Log in to our secure platform (https://my.eurid.eu/en/auth/login/?next=/en/&domain=h27.eu&email=(邮箱)) and double check if your registration data is correctly displayed.
- Follow the steps that will take you through different validation methods and proceed until you find the one that is most appropriate for you.

If you neglect to correct and confirm your registration data within 14 calendar days, we reserve the right to suspend or eventually revoke your domain name(s) in accordance with the Terms and Conditions for .eu, .ею and .ευ Domain Names.  

- A suspended domain name remains registered but is temporarily inactive. Services linked to that domain name, such as a website or email addresses no longer function.
- A revoked domain name is (temporarily) inactive and subject to investigation, the outcome of which may result in the domain name being reinstated or made available for registration on a first-come, first-served basis (subject to our eligibility criteria).

Should you have any questions, please contact us by replying to this email.

Thank you for keeping your registration data complete and up to date. Your support helps us to make the internet a more trustworthy and secure place for everyone.

Yours sincerely,

Business Operations Department
EURid vzw
Telecomlaan 9
1831 Diegem
RPR Brussel - VAT BE 0864.240.405
Tel: +32 (0)2 401 27 60
Fax: +32 (0)2 401 27 51
E-mail: whoisaccuracy@eurid.eu
Website: https://www.eurid.eu





第三站 域名被收回


Dear .eu domain name holder,

In a previous email, we requested that you confirm and if necessary correct your registration data within 14 calendar days. 

Domain name(s): h27.eu

Contact data: 
Name: zun jian
Street: Netherland
Postal Code: 2000-2137
City: Haarlem
Country: NL
Phone: +31.31617306814
Email: (邮箱)
Citizenship: PL

You have not completed the required actions to correct and confirm your registration data. We regret to inform you that your domain name(s) has(have) been suspended. This action is in accordance with sections 2, 3 and 4 of the Terms and Conditions for .eu, .ею and .ευ Domain Names.

Services such as website or an email address linked to the domain name(s) will no longer function due to the suspended domain name. We also reserve the right to suspend any future domain name that you register with the same (unverified) registration data.

Please act now to re-activate your domain name(s):
- If your registration data needs to be modified or updated, please, contact your registrar or the company that has registered your domain name(s) and correct your registration data through them.
- Log in to our secure platform (https://my.eurid.eu/en/auth/login/?next=/en/&domain=h27.eu&email=(邮箱)) and check if your registration data is correctly displayed. 
- Follow the steps that will take you through the different validation methods and proceed until you find the one that is most appropriate for you. 
If you fail to take action, we may revoke your domain name(s) without further notice. Revoked domain names are (temporarily) inactive, subject to an investigation, and the outcome of which may result in the domain name being reinstated or made available for registration on a first-come, first-served basis (subject to our eligibility criteria).

Should you have any questions, please contact us by replying to this email. 

Yours sincerely,

Business Operations Department
EURid vzw
Telecomlaan 9
1831 Diegem
RPR Brussel - VAT BE 0864.240.405
Tel: +32 (0)2 401 27 60
Fax: +32 (0)2 401 27 51
E-mail: whoisaccuracy@eurid.eu
Website: https://www.eurid.eu


后来也查了查,英国脱欧后,那些在 2021 年 3 月 31 日之后 仍未证明其在欧盟使用资格的人,.eu 域名会被强制收回,并且只能在 2022 年 1 月重新注册。 Eurid 表示,目前英国 50000 名所有者的 81000 个. eu 域名将受到影响

发布于 2023-09-23 19:04





蓝队云是CNNIC认证的顶级域名注册服务机构,提供各类域名注册服务。.cn域名注册仅需30元/年。注册地址: 域名注册_域名购买_域名申请_域名查询_蓝队云 (landui.com)

发布于 2022-07-07 13:48