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1、分词练习题分词练习题1.Mrs Holms sat silent for quite some time,_in thought.A.droppedB.lostC.closedD.filled2.Hearing the sad news ,_ .A.tears came into his eyesB.his eyes were filled with tearsC . his face turned pale D.he couldnt help crying out3._ in the left leg ,he couldnt walk forward and fell down.A.Bein

2、g shot atB. ShottingC. ShotD. After having shot4.His teacher felt _at his work.A.disappointedB. disappointingC.disappointD.to disappoint5.The Republic of Ireland is a country with its capital_ Dublin.A.callsB. calledC. callingD. call6.The story book _for children is very popular with Sam.A.intendedB

3、. intendsC. intendingD. to be intended7.The guest _ to come at 8oclock hasnt arrived yet.A.supposeB. supposingC. supposedD. is supposed8._ by the fire,the building looks so ugly.A.Being destroyedB. Having destroyedB.Having been destroyed D. It has been destroyed10. _ by an Indian boy,they traveled t

4、hrough the forest.A. They were guidedB. GuidedC.Being guidedD. Dressing11. If _ by a snake in the leg,you should stay still.A. biteB. bitC.bittenD. to bite12. _ in schools clothes ,he headed for school.A. Having dressedB. Having been dressedC. Being dressedD. Dressing13. Entering the room,I found th

5、ree guns _ to wall with pieces of wire.A. fastenB. fastenedC.fasteningD.are fastened14. They quarreled loudly with the noise _across the building.A. hearingB. was heardC. heardD. to be heard15. The man managed to make himself _with his _French.A. understood ;breakingB. understand;broken(差劲的,蹩脚的)C. u

6、nderstand;breakingD. understood;broken16._from the moon,our earth,with water_seven percent of its surface,appear as a“blue ball.A. Seen, coveredB. Seeing ,coveringC. Seen,coveringD. To see,to cover17. After seeing the movie,_.A. The book was read by himB. the book made him want to read itC. he wante

7、d to read thebookD. the reading of the book interested him18. The next morning she found the man _in bed, dead.A. lyingB. lieC. layD. laying19. Most of the people _ to the party were famous scientists.A. invitedB. to invitedC. being invitedD. inviting20. _ a reply ,he decided to write again.A. Not r

8、eceivingB. Not having receivedC. Having not receivedD. Receiving not21. There was a terrible noise _ the sudden burst of light.A. followedB.followingC. to be followedD.being followed22. _more attention, the trees could have grown better.A. GivenB.To giveC. GivingD. Having given23. _,I went to the ra

9、ilway station to see my friend off.A.After eating quickly my dinnerB.After my quickly eating dinnerC.After eating my dinner quicklyD.After eating my quickly dinner24. The murderer was brought in ,with his hands _behind his back.A. being tiedB. having tiedC. to be tiedD. tied25. _anything about the a

10、ccident,he went to work as usual.A. Not knowB. Know notC.Knowing notD. Not knowing26. Emily is a _ boy.A. well-feedB. well-fedC. well-feedingD.well fed27. I almost forget to have the TV set _up.A. to coverB.coverC. coveringD. covered28. The sick woman needs _.A. looking afterB.to be looking afterC.t

11、o look afterD. being looked after29. Oh,dear,I smell something _.A. burnB.burningC. burnedD. is burning30. The saleman scolded the girl caught _and let her off.A.to have stolenB.to be stealingC. to stealD. stealing31. What do you think made Mary so upset?_her new bike.A. As she lostB. LostC.LosingD.

12、Because of losing32 . European football is played in 80 countries,_it the most popular sport in the world.A.makingB. makesC. madeD. to make33. _ with the past ,our life is much better.http:/ Being comparedD.Having compared34. The important news was heard _ twice on the radio.A. to broadcastB. broadc

13、astC. broadcastingD.having broadcasted35. The tower _in 1930 was destroyed by the earthquake.A. builtB. to be builtC. being builtD. having been built36. The model teacher swept off the _snow on the path today.A. fallingB.fellC. feltD.fallen37.Dont go there .The library is now _.A. closeB. closingC.

14、closed D to close38. The visitors looked _when they found old Japanese buildings there.A. surprisingB. to surpriseC. surprisedD. surprisingly39. Professor Smith set out to do his new experiment,_ courage.A. filled withB. filling withC. fill withD. full with40. Both his legs_,he lay half dead.A. brea

15、kingB. to be brokenC. brokenD.being broken41. My grandmother had her watch _ the day before yesterday.A. stealB. stolenC. stoleD. to steal42.Write two sentences _each of the verbs _above.A. using;givingB. using;givenhttp:/ used;given43.I want this work _quickly.A. to finishB. be finishedC. finishedD

16、. being finisned44. They tried to get us _ in this idea.A. interestB. to interestC. interestedD. interesting45. Im thirsty ,lets drink some _.A.boiling waterB.boiled waterC. water being boiledD. water to be boiled46. The _were taken to hospital after the traffic accident.A. woundedB. woundC. woundin

17、gD. wound people47. The days are _when the mountain villages were short of electricity.A. gone(已过的)B. goingC. comeD. coming48. Theres a lot of work _.A. doneB. didC. doingD.to be done49.Whats the language _ in Germany?A. speakingB. spokenC. speaking toD. spoken to50. The street was _with people this morning.A. crowdedB. crowdingC. to be crowdedD. to crowd1-5 DBDCA ;6-10 BACCB ;11-15 CBBCD ;16-20 CCAAB ;21-25 BACDD;26-30 BDABD;31-35 CABBA;36-40DCCAC;41-45 BBCCB;46-50 AADBA

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