Cockroach and Beetle | Key Differences


The Blattodea Order includes cockroaches, whereas the Coleoptera Order includes beetles. Except for Antarctica, both insects are found everywhere. However, compared to the approximately 400,000 species of beetles, there are only roughly 4,500 species of cockroaches. Here, we’ll look at the key characteristics that set cockroaches apart from beetles and how to spot them. Next, we’ll discuss the essential traits that every insect shares and how those traits vary. We will then look at a few other bug species frequently mistaken for cockroaches.

Table of Contents

Identifying Cockroaches

a group of roaches on a white surface

Cockroaches and beetles are very different from each other. Recognizing the roach is simple, but there is confusion in identifying cockroaches and other bugs. Though both genders are not the same in color, they range from dark red to dark brown. Cockroaches have six legs and an antenna which is giant than other insects. Moreover, they feature what first seems to be hard exoskeletons on the backs of their bodies. Still, the exoskeleton is more like a papery, leathery texture and isn’t substantial. The shell’s purpose is to shield the wings from damage.

Furthermore, the head, thorax, and abdomen are the three main parts of the body. In huge varieties of cockroaches, the males have two sets of wings, whereas the females have none, while long antennae and big eyes are on the head. An adult’s length can range from one to two inches. Around 10 of the more than 3,500 species of cockroaches found are considered pests in homes.

Beetle Recognition

A beetle is also a typical insect like a cockroach having more than 400,000 species. Usually, beetles contain two wings outside protecting the inner wings that help them to fly. Like roaches, they also have six legs. The physical appearance of ground beetles is the same of cockroaches. It is complicated to differentiate between them, though their heads are small. Despite their smaller sizes—which range from 1/16th of an inch to 6 inches—they resemble cockroaches. The ladybug is the most colorful and attractive of them all, whereas the young bug is black, light brown, or reddish-brown in appearance.

Beetles may be a nuisance in the home and harm horticulture, forestry, and agriculture. Depending on the species, they may eat fungus or dung, but most consume leaves, wood, seeds, or carpet. The most typical beetle species you can discover in your home are:

Key Differences

There are many differences between these insects. A significant difference between them is the size of the antenna. Cockroaches have large antennae, while organ present on the beetle’s back in smaller than it. Likewise, the difference in the size of the legs makes it easy to identify them. Other than these, there are also more differences. It will be easy to recognize the bugs if you have enough knowledge about them. Following are the five significant differences between these insects.

Body Shape

The typical body form of all common cockroach species is oblong, flattened, and slender. On the other hand, beetles often have a bit more thickness, especially in the abdomen. On their bodies, several beetle species also have longitudinal lines that resemble stripes that run from the head to the tail. Cockroaches lack these lines in favor of having distinguishing colors or wings covering their whole bodies. Beetles’ heads are also clearly segmented from the rest of their bodies; a definite gap separates the thorax and head. In cockroaches, there are no gaps between the head, thorax, and body. On top of their heads, cockroaches have a rigid shield called a pronotum.


An easy way to differentiate between a cockroach and a beetle is to look at their antenna. The beetle contains a short antenna on the back, which seems like a mouthpart. On the other hand, cockroaches have large antennae, and their size is almost as large as the rest of the body. This part of the cockroach is usually thin and moves all the time. Despite it, the beetle’s antenna is small, and the bug moves it rarely.


Another significant variation in recognizing this insect is looking at its legs. Cockroaches and beetles both have six legs. Two legs are at the front part of the body, connected with the thorax, while the other four are at the back of the body, attached to the abdomen. Roaches have strong legs with spikes easily visible on them. Beetle legs are thicker and less potent than roach legs. They do not have visible ends and are close to the body. They use their legs to run and save their lives like roaches. However, due to having weak legs, their running speed could be better than the cockroach runs.


Speed is one of the most telling characteristics when trying to distinguish between a cockroach and a beetle. Since cockroaches are nocturnal, when the lights come on, they disperse. As a result, they rely on their ability to escape predators, and after they’ve managed to do so, they typically tuck themselves into small, secure crevices. Beetles, on the other hand, don’t depend on speed.

The beetle is slow, whereas the cockroach is swift. It would be similar to watching paint dry or a race of beetles. They move slowly and deliberately, a trait that cockroaches rarely exhibit. Therefore, consider how quickly the bug moves when determining whether it is a cockroach or a beetle.

Life Cycle

However, what if you’ve discovered a grub or an egg case and are unsure whether it’s a beetle or a cockroach? Fortunately, the solution is straightforward: cockroaches hatch from eggs enclosed in egg cases, while beetles grow from larvae. Beetle grubs resemble any other insect larva, including maggots. In moist soil or decaying vegetation, they typically live outside. Cockroaches begin their lives as eggs, unlike beetles. Some cockroach eggs hatch within the females, giving birth to live offspring. Other cockroach eggs grow inside egg casings. Nymphs, or smaller, paler copies of adults, are what cockroaches look like after hatching.

Other Bugs are Considered Cockroaches

a close up of a bug

There are approximately 4,500 species of cockroaches worldwide. They look almost the same, and it sometimes takes work to differentiate between them. Likewise, the shapes of a few other insects are familiar with roaches, like water bugs, bed bugs, and termites. Their identification procedure is the same as that of beetles.

Damages Caused by Roaches

Any step of the cockroach life cycle can transmit germs and illnesses to you and your family. Your food may become contaminated by their saliva and excrement, which may lead to food poisoning and other diseases. Studies show they might be home to the polio virus, salmonella, and staphylococcus. Depending on the severity of the infestation, they may potentially trigger allergies.

Roaches typically eat starchy foods. However, they can eat everything edible to them. They can consume everything left out, including cereals and similar items, in your home. More giant cockroaches have even been known to consume wallpaper and damage paper goods and glue, such as book bindings.

Damages Caused by Beetles

Beetles destroy their surroundings with their larvae. One can find larvae anywhere in the house, whether inside a shed or anything made of wood or cloth. The life span of a beetle is remarkable—ten years. Therefore, it is challenging to prevent infestation if you find it in any part of your home. In addition, beetles contain two strong teeth in the mouth that can easily damage your clothes, carpets, and even dead organisms.

There are two ways for beetles to get into your house. First, if they are looking for shelter, they can get into the house with the help of any carrier. They like to live near natural areas like plants, trees, and grass. They also carry germs and bacteria that can negatively impact your health if they touch your clothes, hands, or something you have to eat.


The reason for writing this article is to clarify that a cockroach and a beetle are not the same things. Cockroaches and beetles have a few significant differences between them. Though they sometimes look the same in shape, their characteristics and habits do not relate to each other. Both insects are weird and always uninvited guests at home. Cockroaches and beetles damage many parts of your home, making your health unsafe. If you want to recognize them, it is better

How can you prevent them?

Take away the pests’ food and water sources before you call an exterminator to help eliminate them from your home. Store pantry items in airtight containers and keep surfaces free of extra food waste. Keep your trash sealed and locked as well. Fix any cracks in window frames, door frames, or other possible entry points that roaches or insects might use. Areas are cleared of cockroaches using natural repellents like bay leaves, cucumber slices, and garlic. You will leave your home smelling fresh while removing the bothersome insects by placing them on countertops, in pantries, or wherever you have a severe issue.

Are a cockroach and a beetle the same thing?

Let’s examine a few roaches vs. beetle distinctions.  Wooden   cockroaches and beetles are different types of insects, despite their initial similarity. In addition to being different, they are also different orders of insects. Comparing a beetle to a cockroach is similar to comparing a deer to a sheep; both have many traits in common, but they also differ significantly. Because they both inhabit homes and urban areas, beetles and cockroaches are frequently mistaken for one another. It’s crucial to distinguish between the two because, unlike beetles, which are typically harmless, cockroaches may signify a severe infestation.

Mac Jiraiya
Mac Jiraiya
Hello, I am Mac Jiraiya and I'm currently posting articles for you. I have life experience in giving insects what they need and what is good for them.