
SSO Solutions: Top 10 SSO Providers You Must Consider in 2024

How Do Single Sign-On Solutions Work?

Single Sign On (SSO) providers allow companies to use trusted third-parties to authenticate users to multiple systems using one set of credentials. SSO solutions handle all authentication activities and save valuable development time, because there is no need for a proprietary authentication system for each application.

Let’s look at things from the perspective of the end-user. Once the user has logged into an application successfully, they can access all applications registered with the single sign-on (SSO) tool. Furthermore, SSO tools can be used with multiple protocols – Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML), OpenID Connect, and more.

As shown in the illustration above, the initial action is checking for SSO cookies. When it’s a first time login, there is no SSO cookie. The user then utilizes one of the predefined login methods, following which an SSO cookie (with an expiry date) is created for future use. The user can then proceed to using the application with minimal fuss.

Main benefits of using SSO platforms include:

  • Ease of use for end-users, which enhances customer satisfaction
  • Less stress on developers to create new authentication solutions
  • Improved security and compliance capabilities
  • A seamless experience that is easy to integrate
  • Better and easier to manage, especially while scaling up fast

Top 10 Single Sign-On Solutions

Please note that this list primarily includes Service Provider Initiated (SP-initiated) tools. It’s also not exhaustive. We invite you to add your own recommendations in the comments section below or share your personal experience with the ones we are featuring here.

#1 – Frontegg

Scaling up fast and need SSO? Frontegg provides an SSO solution for B2B companies in a customer-facing approach. The platform is fully enterprise-ready – integration with enterprise IDPs, SAML and OIDC protocols, and includes a customer-facing including Social SSO – all available with a fully embeddable login box. As evident in the screenshot below, it’s as easy as 1, 2, 3.

Every integration made by developers is directly reflected to the end-users, who don’t need to engage with support to adopt them. This is one of the biggest advantages of using this solution. Besides that, Frontegg also provides granular security controls such as multi-factor authentication (MFA) with granular roles and permissions.

Pros: Easy SSO integration, Self Served, Intuitive UI, Strong support, Multi tenant, Customizable customer-facing UI, Granular security, Ideal for B2B
Cons: Relatively new entrant to the market
Pricing: Free for up to 10 tenants, Growth package up to 50 tenants for $499/month

#2 – Okta

This popular identity management vendor has been providing a solid cloud-based SSO solution for years now.  Why is Okta so popular? Firstly, it has the ability to integrate all end-user web and mobile apps via their own IdP. The password reset option on offer is fully self-served. However, end-users have to perform a wide range of personalization and setup actions while getting started.

Pros: Good integration capabilities, Strong security
Cons: Costs add up quickly while scaling up fast, Learning curve
Pricing: $2/month/user (Basic), $8/month/user (Ent.) $1500 minimum

#3 – Auth0

Founded in 2013, Auth0 is now a trusted and dependable authentication solution. The company is boasting over 100 million successful logins on a daily basis, a feat that is hard to argue with. The company has a strong B2C client portfolio (Siemens, Gymshark, Toast, WeTransfer) thanks to its strong B2C auth solution with strong social SSO functionality.

Source: Auth0

Pros: Multiple social login options, Intuitive dashboard, Good documentation 
Cons: Escalating pricing options, Iffy customer support, Better for B2C
Pricing: $130/month/3 SSO connections, up to 7000 MAU, up to 50 organizations only, M2M tokens adds to the pricing.

#4 – OneLogin

OneLogin Secure is another SSO solution, whose unique feature is the OneLogin integration across the users’ endpoint devices . They can also access multiple application logins, which is becoming the norm across most use-cases today. There is also a useful shared login feature for teams.

Pros: Shared logins, Strong user experience, Easy to use, Good support
Cons: Integration issues, Average API support, Iffy customization
Pricing: $2/month/user (Basic), $4/month/user (Advanced Directory)

#5 – PingIdentity

Ping Identity offers comprehensive SSO capabilities to banks, hospitals, and other operations. This solution can be deployed in the cloud or on-prem if needed. The platform is suitable for enterprise, as it supports integrations with dozens of apps, protocols, and platforms with pre-build provisioners and adapters.

Pros: Enterprise ready, Requires minimal training, Good customer support
Cons: Can be buggy at times for end-users, Complicated troubleshooting 
Pricing: $3/month/user (SSO and MFA, 30-day free trial) – We must mention that the pricing details not published on the company website 

#6 – WorkOS

WorkOS was founded in 2018 and is already being recommended by many developers and companies. While online reviews and updates are scarce at this point, the solution is already used by clients like WebFlow, Eden, and AirBase. Users can now access automatically created audit trails (SIEM) with SCIM provisioning and HRIS integration with Workday, Gusto, and more.

Source: WorkOS

Pros: Strong integration capabilities, Attractive pricing, Fast onboarding
Cons: A very new company with all the risks that come with it
Pricing: $49/month/tenant

#7 – SecureAuth

Although SecureAuth is primarily an authentication provider, it provides a solid SSO offering for enterprise and SMB use. This cloud-based SSO solution offers a range of analytics and administration features. It also offers integrated adaptive authentication for improved security. 

Pros: Support for legacy systems, Emphasis on security
Cons: Small community, Support can be slow at times, Requires technical knowhow
Pricing: $1/month/user (5 apps/resources only), $3/month/user (unlimited)

Related: Top 10 PLG Tools for Your App

#8 – LoginRadius

LoginRadius was named as a Leader in the  Consumer Identity and Access Management (CIAM) Forrester Wave. Besides identity management and account protection features, it provides a versatile Single Sign-On (SSO) solution that is user-friendly and includes end-to-end user management via a centralized dashboard.  

Pros: Quick Implementation, Easy-to-Use, Wide range of open source SDKs
Cons: Lack of biometric authentication, Limited support
Pricing: $7/month (Developer), $39/month (Developer Pro), No SSO in Free version

#9 – FusionAuth

FusionAuth is another popular authentication and user management provider for the enterprise. Besides Single Sign-On and Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) capabilities, it provides features like audit logs, brute force detection, and  entity management. Multi-tenancy requirements are also addressed with diversified hosting options.

Source: FusionAuth

Pros: Flexible pricing options, Customizable,  Good customer support
Cons: Complicated user interface, CI/CD issues, Average documentation
Pricing: Prices vary based on self-hosted services and Business Cloud options

#10 – Keycloak

Keycloak is an open source identity and access management solution that is helping organizations jump start their user management operations. Besides Single Sign-On (SSO) capabilities, adopters also get to enjoy features like Social Logins, Identity Brokering, and clustering. There is also support for all leading protocols like ​​OpenID Connect, OAuth 2.0, and SAML 2.0.

Source: Keycloak

Pros: Good documentation, Multiple themes and customization options
Cons: Gear towards advanced users, Some migration issues have been reported
Pricing: Contact Keycloak to get a personalized offer for your specific use case

How to Choose an SSO Solution: Key Considerations

Here are the main things to consider when selecting an SSO solution:

Compatibility with Existing Infrastructure

An SSO solution must work seamlessly with your current systems, applications, and platforms. It should also support the various authentication protocols used by your systems, such as SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language), OIDC (OpenID Connect), or OAuth (Open Authorization).

Consider the technical requirements of the solution. Does it require specific hardware or software? Does it need any changes to your network configuration? Can it integrate with your current identity providers, such as Active Directory or LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)? An SSO solution that aligns with your existing infrastructure will ensure a smooth and efficient implementation process.

Security Standards and Compliance

Security is a critical aspect of any SSO solution. The solution must adhere to the highest security standards to protect your systems and data from breaches. It should use strong encryption algorithms to secure the exchange of tokens and should offer robust mechanisms for authenticating users, such as multi-factor authentication.

In addition to security standards, the SSO solution must also comply with the various regulatory requirements applicable to your industry. For instance, if you operate in the healthcare sector, the solution must comply with HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) regulations. Similarly, if you deal with credit card information, the solution must adhere to PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) requirements.

End-User Experience

A good SSO solution should enhance the user experience, not complicate it. Users should be able to log in to their applications quickly and easily, without having to remember multiple passwords or go through complex authentication processes. The solution should also offer a seamless transition between different applications, ideally without requiring the user to log in again.

In addition to ease of use, the solution should also provide users with control over their accounts and data. They should be able to manage their credentials, update their information, and monitor their account activities. A solution that prioritizes user experience will not only improve productivity but also increase user satisfaction and acceptance.

Scalability and Performance

Scalability and performance are key considerations for any SSO solution. The solution must be able to handle the growing number of users and applications supported by your product or organization. It should also deliver high performance to ensure that the authentication process does not slow down the user’s access to their applications.

Consider the solution’s capacity to handle peak loads, such as during the start of a workday when many users are logging in simultaneously. Also, evaluate the solution’s ability to scale horizontally (by adding more servers) or vertically (by increasing the capacity of existing servers). A scalable and high-performing SSO solution will ensure that your organization’s productivity is not hampered by system slowdowns or downtime.

Customization and Flexibility

Lastly, consider the customization and flexibility offered by the SSO solution. Can it be tailored to meet the specific needs of your organization? Can it adapt to changes in your business processes or IT environment? Can it accommodate new applications or platforms as your organization grows and evolves?

A good SSO solution should offer a high degree of customization and flexibility. It should allow you to define your own authentication policies, customize the user interface, and integrate with a wide range of applications and platforms. It should also be flexible enough to adapt to changes, whether they are due to business growth, technological advancements, or regulatory updates.

Frontegg: Enabling The Customer-Facing Approach for B2B Setups

If you are developing a B2B product, you are probably already focused on Product-Led Growth (PLG) To support PLG strategies, your Single Sign-On solution should ideally be self-served without overwhelming support teams with feature requests. This bottom-up shift will allow your devs to focus more on innovation and additional R&D efforts.

Also, you need a SSO solution that can be implemented fast. With most Single Sign-On solutions today, end-users will face roadblocks in one way or another, creating a need for support intervention. Frontegg solves this problem with its robust, versatile, and self-served solution, which can be implemented and pushed out with zero friction.

Frontegg stands out from the competition with its powerful login box that can be customized for literally any use-case, with MFA implementation if needed. But it doesn’t end there. You also get a comprehensive admin layer portal, where you can manage all parameters and roles with just a few clicks. It’s a developer-first, proactive solution.

Looking for a strong and future-proof SSO flow? Self-service and Product-Led Growth should be your top priority today. Pick wisely.


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